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The Enterprise


lets just pretend that is the ship your flying, it comes under the name "Enterprise"

Here is a quick run-down on how the Enterprise works. Unei will pretty much explain it to you but i will also type it up. This ship is more like a HouseBoat or a Campavan that flies in the sky. Your team can Fly around the surface world but can also retreat in here to Have a rest, buy weapons, play some cards or have a smoke. You can restore your health and stuff by resting in the beds, you can buy weapons and armour from the coin operated machine that acts as a shop and you can even summon the Fat Chocobo. The downside is that you can't fly as fast as you would on you old ship =(

Unei will somehow hear Doga longing from some loving from his Circle Cave. Unei who has spent her time in the dream world is desperate for some good-old fashioned sex. I wish i hadn't said that now! Please forgive me for adding those pictures into your head. Next stop is the Cave of Shadows according to Unei but we have to stop at Falgabard first. Unei will now leave the party never to return. Your on your own for the rest of the game.

Whoa! when you rise your ship look how far we managed to venture away from the Continent. We are going to stop in Falgabard which is in the middle of the Western Continent over some mountains.



Falgabard is the town of Dark Knights much like a few previous Job Specific towns. Why people with certain jobs settle in their own groups is beyond me. It is highly recommended that you swap at least two of your Characters to Black Mages now. The other two characters can be a White Mage/Bard and one of your choice (Make it a Dragoon).

Each of the shops here sell weapons and Armour suited for Dark Knights. Now is the time to deck out your characters with the gear that they need. Once you have done that you can head to the magic shop. It only sells level 2 spells though so buy them if for some bizarre reason. At least make sure you have “Cura” and “Teleport”

Now we head to the cave in the back of the town. This place is like a warm-up for the later the later Cave of Shadows which we will be doing on this page. The enemies here split so kill them off with a Dark Knight. In the entrance is a Blessed hammer then take the secret passage on the right and when you are back in the light, follow the winding path north. When you hit the Demon Mail in the treasure chest, head through the secret passage on the right that will take you up. The last two chests have an Ashura and Kotetsu. Now we can teleport out and leave this town.

Cave of Shadows

This place is a pain in the neck to walkthrough. Expect to take about half an hour wandering around here aimlessly. We finally get to face another Boss though which is cool. All of the enemies in here split so make sure you watch out for that. Otherwise, take it easy and we hope to see you on the other side =)

First Floor

At the entrance there is a secret passage to the right and you will find Black Musk. Head back and ignore the Dark Knight who has nothing of interest to say. Along the road down south you will find some Dark Claws and near the stairs there is a Dark Knight dying. He will give you a Kotetsu and then die. He may not of had a name but at least he had the decency to help us unlike 99% of NPC's. Move on down the stairs now.

Second Floor

Walk to the North on the path on the way, there is a secret passage going West with a Tranquilizer. Continue back along the main path which should lead West through a Secret Passage into a small room with a Lilith's Kiss. Now head down through a Dark Passage (Like the Spyro level in the original and you will be back in an empty room. Now head through the other Dark Passage and you can head down the stairs.

Third Floor

Walk straight south from the entrance and ignore the passage Secret Passage going left, it doesn't go anywhere. Now just run West and then North before you find some stairs at the otherside of a little Dark Passage.

Fourth Floor

This room is a little tricky. If you go straight South you will go into the Black and just wind up going around in a circle. So instead of wasting time go East all the way and then South at the first Secret Passage you see. If you got the right one then you will end up at some Genji gloves and the stairs. Think of it as a Cameo from the man Gilgamesh himself. He is with us tonight folks.

Fifth Floor

Head down into the Wall then head North-West along a secret path. Now head down into another secret path which should take you diagonally South-East. Head down and another Secret Path West just above the exit. Finally head down to find the Stairs.

Sixth Floor

This is getting very tiring, There isn't too much further to go though. Head East through a secret path. Then when you are back in the light, head South until you reach the end and head West through the Dark. At the end you will find a Kiku-lchimonji (What the fuck kind of a name is that?) and some stairs.

Seventh Floor

Straight away you will find a Genji shield. Now head East through a secret Path/Passage/Trail whatever and South to the bottom and then West through another secret passage. Once you reach the end you will find the stairs. I have a really big suspision that this is exactly the same layout as the last floor. Maybe the programmers got as frustrated as i am with this dungeon.

Eigth Floor

This place never ends does it?

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