Wadow is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
Wadow's Trust Master reward is the Mystic Sash.
4★ - No. 0819:A male Natura who lives in Gungan, a nation of beasts. Wadow's appearance greatly resembles that of a wolf. As a bodyguard of King Yashka, the ruler of the Natura tribe, he considers everyone who isn't on his liege's side to be an enemy. Taking his duties extremely seriously, he came to strongly resent the Shibyra "strangers" early on, and Kunshira as well for once having been part of the tribe.
5★ - No. 0820:A bodyguard who serves King Yashka, ruler of the Natura tribe. Wadow is an obstinate character set on fulfilling his duties as the king's protector, but his immaturity is quite obvious during those moments when his impulsiveness takes over. Although his types of vestment and weapons are not usually seen around Gungan, he refuses to share the nature of their origin with others.
6★ - No. 0821:A bodyguard who serves King Yashka, ruler of the Natura tribe. Wadow once resented Kunshira, a former member of the Shibyra tribe and close aide to King Yashka, but eventually came to an understanding with her. However, his attitude towards strangers remains as inconsiderate as ever, causing Kunshira's lectures against his poor attitude to become well-known in the area.
Entries for different versions of Wadow.
Wadow's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Wadow can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Katana, Rod, Bow, Throwing, Mace, Fist
He can equip the following armor: Hat, Clothes, Light Armor
He can equip accessories.