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Final Fantasy Wiki

Petrifies with Dread. Gradually wears down HP with Slip Hit, and changes the party's row order with R. Polarity. Also uses Magnitude 8, so watch out!

PlayStation bestiary

Visage, also known as Face, is a boss in Final Fantasy VI. It is fought as part of the first tier of the Statue of the Gods, a gauntlet leading up to the final boss, alongside Short Arm and Long Arm.



Visage is the most powerful enemy on the first tier, but it still is not very dangerous. It uses Sapping Strike, which inflicts sap, and Reverse Polarity to shift the party's rows. After its HP falls to 10,240, Visage begins to use Dread Gaze, inflicting Petrify Petrify. If both of Visage's allies are dead when it is killed, it uses Quake, which is somewhat dangerous, though avoidable with Float. It can also be bypassed if Visage is not killed last.


Casting Firaga or throwing Flametongues works well to hit his weakness to Fire Fire attacks. Ultima can be used to attack all parts of the boss at once.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
471 Short Arm, Long Arm, Visage Y N N N Pre-drawn Dancing Mad (1) 0
No victory pose upon winning. Hide start messages. Prevent triple 7 for Joker's Death.

AI script[]

Attack Turns:

1st Turn: Reverse Polarity (33%) or Nothing (66%)
2nd Turn: Sapping Strike (33%) or Nothing (66%)
3rd Turn: Reverse Polarity (33%) or Nothing (66%)
4th Turn: Sapping Strike (33%) or Nothing (66%)
5th Turn: Target: Random ally
Protect (66%) or Haste (33%)
6th Turn: Sapping Strike (33%) or Nothing (66%)

If HP <= 10240:

1st Turn: Sapping Strike (66%) or Dread Gaze (33%)
2nd Turn: Sapping Strike (66%) or Dread Gaze (33%)
3rd Turn: Sapping Strike (66%) or Dread Gaze (33%)
Sapping Strike (66%) or Dread Gaze (33%)
4th Turn: Dread Gaze (33%) or Magnitude 8 (33%) or Reverse Polarity (33%)

If monster is by itself:

If killed: Quake (100%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Behind the scenes[]

According to the Final Fantasy III Nintendo Player's Guide, the first tier which includes Visage, Long Arm, and Short Arm is supposed to be a rematch of Demon from the Warring Triad.[1] No official material support this; the idea was created by Nintendo of America.


Etymology and allusion[]

Visage is French for "face".

Visage's weakness to Fire attacks may further reinforce the possibility that he, like the other tiers of the final boss battle, was inspired by Dante Aligheri's Divine Comedy. Specifically, Visage resembles Satan in appearance; in the ninth circle of hell, Satan was depicted as a demon entrapped up to the waist in ice, which may explain Visage's weakness.

Related enemies[]


  1. Final Fantasy III Nintendo Player's Guide, p.129