Vesvia is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
Vesvia's Trust Master reward is the Nutkin Hairpin.
4★ - No. 1401:A mage working in secrecy for a mysterious organization in Paladia. Clad in baggy hand-me-downs, she appears to be perpetually sleepy and is constantly rubbing her eyes. She is the newest member in the organization, and while most of the others speak to their beloved leader with the utmost respect, Vesvia seems to view her less favorably.
5★ - No. 1402:A young girl working in secrecy for a mysterious organization in Paladia. Called an "enhanced mage", she remained under the control of Aldore since she was a baby, strengthening her magical powers as part of an experiment. Perhaps as a result of her harsh upbringing, she now could spend the entire day sleeping if allowed to do so, even going so far as taking over other people's beds.
6★ - No. 1403:A listless girl working in secrecy for the mysterious organization "Morze's Soiree" in Paladia. Despite her slothful nature, she's not opposed to going outside, and in fact rather enjoys gazing endlessly at all the little creatures. She is quite emotionally attached to Amber, who saved her life, and as such holds mixed feelings towards Madam. It's likely these feelings which trigger her belligerent attitude.
Entries for different versions of Vesvia.
Vesvia's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Vesvia can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Staff, Rod, Hammer, Harp, Mace
She can equip the following armor: Hat, Clothes, Robe.
She can equip accessories.