Final Fantasy Wiki

Vargid Police is an enemy in Final Fantasy VII. It appears in the Shinra Bldg. after Jenova escapes. They can also be fought during the return to Midgar at the end of the game, but at this point they are harmless. They are also fought in the fourth round of the Battle Square before the player obtains the Tiny Bronco. When fought in the Battle Square its stats are enhanced with double the normal HP and its Attack and Magic Attack are increased by 25%.



# Formation
446 Vargid Police A, Vargid Police B, Vargid Police C
447 Brain Pod, Vargid Police A, Vargid Police B (Back Attack)
449 Row 1: Vargid Police
Row 2: Zenene
453 Vargid Police A, Vargid Police B
455 Vargid Police A, Vargid Police B, Vargid Police C (Attack from both sides)


Shinra Bldg. (after Jenova escapes)
67f. 446, 447 (Back Attack)
68f. 449 (Back Attack)
69f. 449, 453, 455 (Attack from both sides)
Battle Square (before Tiny Bronco)
Group A Battle 4 449


FFVII Needle


Vargid Police, Zenene, and Brain Pod begin to show up in place of the usual enemies after Jenova's escape. The Vargid Police have a weak Needle attack, which inflicts just 1 damage to a target, which may paralyze. It also may use its Suicide attack against the party to damage each character by 3/16 of their max HP, which may KO party members at low health. If the Vargid Police uses Suicide, it is removed and will not drop a Phoenix Down or provide any EXP, AP, or gil.

AI script[]

AI: Main {

If ([2020] == 2) Then
If (1/4 Chance) Then
Choose All Opponents
Use Suicide on Target
Remove Self
} Else {
If ((At Least One Ally with same Formation ID has Death Status)
OR (Vargid Police's HP <= 25% of Vargid Police's Max HP)) Then
Choose All Opponents
Use Suicide on Target
Remove Self
} Else {
Choose Random Opponent
Use Needle on Target
} Else {
If ((At Least One Ally with same Formation ID has Death Status)
OR (Vargid Police's HP <= 25% of Vargid Police's Max HP)) Then
Choose All Opponents
Use Suicide on Target
Remove Self
} Else {
Choose Random Opponent
Use Needle on Target


Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Vargid Police

Vargid Police appears as an enemy.

Related enemies[]
