Unbreakable Pride is a time-limited event in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Kimahri from Final Fantasy X can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario may include characters not yet recruited by the player.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Doesn't Talk Much:
Depending on your progress in the story, characters you have yet to recruit may appear in these events.
- Kimahri: ......
- Onion Knight: Is someone there?
(The rest of the party arrives)
- Kimahri: ......
- Cid: Can't tell if this guy's on our side or not.
- Cid: Hey, say something!
- Deuce: Maybe he doesn't speak our language?
- Ashe: Wait. We cannot judge by appearances.
- Ashe: There are many races in my world.
- Ashe: And among any of the races, there were those who were hesitant to speak.
- Ashe: Maybe he is lost.
- Ashe: If our words can get through to him, then we should explain the situation.
- Kimahri: ......
- Onion Knight: ...Are you listening?
- Kimahri: ......
- Freya: Wait. Are you looking for something?
- Kimahri: ......!
(Kimahri runs off)
- Cid: What!? Did he just ignore us!? Some nerve!
- Deuce: But I didn't sense any hostility in him.
- Freya: Those were unmistakably the eyes of a knight. I could sense his resolve to protect.
- Freya: He will prove a formidable addition should he be our ally. Perhaps someone will know who he is.
Team Up:
- Kimahri: ......
- Cait Sith: Isn't that over there that silent fellow whom we can't tell if he's friend or foe?
- Cait Sith: What should we do? Tell the others?
- Sazh: Let's try to talk to him first. He might be friendly.
- Cait Sith: He doesn't...look friendly...
(Jecht arrives)
- Jecht: What are you guys gossiping about?
- Cait Sith: Jecht! I feel like this is going to get complicated with you here... Or maybe easier?
- Jecht: It's you!
- Sazh: You know him?
(The party goes to Kimahri)
- Jecht: Hey.
- Kimahri: ......!?
- Cait Sith: He looks surprised. Are you sure you know him?
- Jecht: Looking for Yuna? She's with us.
- Sazh: See? Everything's okay. And it seems like he can talk, too.
- Kimahri: Kimahri is happy if Yuna is safe.
- Sazh: "Happy"? What're you gonna do then?
- Cait Sith: He's standing on two legs...
- Cait Sith: Gee... There are so many different types of folk across the worlds.
- Cait Sith: Now that I think about it, though, I guess Freya and Y'shtola do, too...
- Jecht: Says the fortune-telling machine I ain't never seen the likes of.
- Cait Sith: Ahaha! Good point. But I'm custom-made!
- Kimahri: ......!
(Kimahri runs off)
- Cait Sith: What? Yipes! We've got company!
- Kimahri: Kimahri tracking. Protect Yuna.
(Auron joins Kimahri)
- Auron: Yuna wouldn't let someone fight alone while she escapes.
- Kimahri: ......!
- Auron: As her guardian, you understand that, don't you?
- Kimahri: New world with new enemies. Kimahri not know what will happen.
- Auron: You've done well. But now we're here to help.
(The rest of the party arrives)
- Jecht: Let's not make this complicated. We just need to bring 'em down!
- Sazh: Let's do this!
- Cait Sith: A friend of a friend is still a friend! Let's go!
Unsociable Guardian:
- Kimahri: Separated from Yuna. Kimahri at fault.
- Yuna: Don't worry, Kimahri. I'm happy to see you safe.
- Cid: If you're on our side, why didn't you say something when we met!?
- Cid: We wasted a lot of time trying to get a word out of you!
- Kimahri: Kimahri know not if friend.
- Kimahri: Kimahri is Yuna's guardian.
- Cid: Gah! You're too hard-headed for me!
- Fang: It makes sense to me. I don't see a problem.
- Yuna: Kimahri is just like this...
- Yuna: He often gets hurt or worried because of me.
- Fang: Sounds like a trustworthy ally.
- Firion: Being able to protect what you want until the end isn't an easy thing...
- Warrior of Light: Indeed. It takes courage and a strong will.
- Cid: Yeah, well, would it kill him to be a bit more sociable? Bah, but that's all in the past now.
- Kimahri: Kimahri protect Yuna.
- Kimahri: Kimahri practice sociable if sociable protect Yuna.
- Cid: I didn't say that!
- Yuna: Hehe. No matter where Kimahri goes, he never changes.
- Firion: You seem like good friends.
- Yuna: We've been together since I was little. He's always protected me.
- Fang: Then you're like family. If you're together for so long, I can imagine him getting overprotective.
- Kimahri: Yuna try to do all alone, so Kimahri protect.
- Warrior of Light: He has a will to protect his friends, and he's not the only one.
- Warrior of Light: We also wish to do the same. Shall we fight together?
- Kimahri: ...Kimahri glad Yuna travel with good friends.
- Fang: I sure feel at ease having you around.
- Kimahri: Protect Yuna. World matters not.
Spoilers end here.
Unbreakable Pride Pt. 1[]
Unbreakable Pride Pt. 2[]
Unbreakable Pride Pt. 3[]
Unbreakable Pride Pt. 4[]
Unbreakable Pride Pt. 5[]
Unbreakable Pride Co-op[]
Unbreakable Pride EX[]
Unbreakable Pride COSMOS[]
Unbreakable Pride CHAOS[]
Musical themes[]