Final Fantasy Wiki

A Cogna with godlike power. Functions as something akin to a leader of its Cogna brethren. Unless you want an Ultima Whipping, you'd better not go anywhere near one of these things without a plan. Everyone knows that "ultima" is codespeak for "really honking powerful" in the FF universe.

Ultima Weapon is an enemy Cogna in World of Final Fantasy.


Base stats[]

Mirage Board spaces[]

Active Ability SP Required
Ultima 2
Full Power! 5
Ultima Beam 5
Passive Ability SP Required
Enhanced Criticals 3
Enhanced Attack 3
Stat Boosts
Stat SP Required
HP+ 3
HP+ 3
HP++ 3
HP++ 3
Strength+ 3
Strength++ 3
Defense+ 3
Defense+ 3
Magic+ 3
Magic++ 3
Agility+ 3
Accuracy+ 3
Evasion+ 3
Critical+ 3
Critical++ 3
Miscellaneous Spaces
Blank Space SP Required
Blank Space 2
Blank Space 2
Blank Space 2
Mirajewel SP Required
Ultima Mirajewel 4
Miscellaneous Information
SP Total SP
Mirage Board 73
Level Requirement Level
Mirage Board Mastery 55

Encounter stats[]

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Intervention Quest[]

The Coliseum[]


Location Formation
Intervention Quest - The Sad Spiral Ultima Weapon *(Battle 2)
The Coliseum - The Ultimate Weapon Ultima Weapon

Related enemies[]



Ultima means "the last" in Latin and many Latin-based languages. The word is an inflection of ultimus which is the superlative of ulter, which means "that is beyond". In the Spanish versions of many Final Fantasy games, the spell Ultima's name is written as "Artema", a close transliteration of the Japanese katakana.
