Ultima is a magic ability for Lightning in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. It is considered the most powerful magic available to Lightning, dealing massive non-elemental magic damage to all targets present on the battlefield. The spell is exclusively available through the Ultimatus garb, which can only be obtained by clearing the Ultimate Lair.
Ultima Lv. ★ is automatically obtained as the locked ability for the Ultimatus garb. In order to obtain the garb, players must first defeat the Ereshkigal within the depths of the Ultimate Lair on Day 13.

The enemy version of Ultima being performed on Lightning.
When used, Lightning stabs the ground, conjuring a large dome of magical energy that explodes on the battlefield, dealing massive non-elemental magic damage to all targets. Its damage potency can be increased with the less HP Lightning has. Ultima ignores all resistances, and can deal damage even if the enemy is immune to magic.
Ultima is also an enemy ability used by Caius Ballad during his Ravager phase, being the strongest of his "ultimate" tier magic, being performed at the end of his fifth Ravager phase. It is also used by the final boss and its upgraded form during their third form, which focuses on physical and non-elemental magic attacks. The enemy version of Ultima functions differently from the player ability, dealing two non-elemental magic attacks - the first being performed during the initial dome expanding animation, while the second hit goes off after the dome's explosion. If Lightning does not guard prior to the dome's explosion, it will deal massive damage to her, often proving fatal.
Ultima Lv. ★ has the following stats and cannot be upgraded.
Command | ATB Cost | Attack Power | Stagger Power | Stagger Time | Passive |
Ultima Lv. ★ (Ultimatus) |
100 | x30.00 | A | - | None |

Behind the scenes[]
Though only available as a locked ability on a garb, Ultima was programmed as a regular spell. If one hacks the game to set Ultima to level 1, it requires stones to be upgraded, whereas all other garb exclusive abilities do not and cannot level up.
Ultima means "the last" in Latin and many Latin-based languages. The word is an inflection of ultimus which is the superlative of ulter, which means "that is beyond". In the Spanish versions of many Final Fantasy games, the spell Ultima's name is written as "Artema", a close transliteration of the Japanese katakana.