This mountainous region is the highest area above sea level on the Quon continent.
An Orc-created pass over the range exists, but the steep climb, combined with the snowstorms that blow in from every angle of the convoluted landscape, provides a daunting challenge to intruders.
In a time when the Orcs had little skill in navigating the seas, their army reached the northern cliffs by skirting a succession of islands, then marched over the Ulegeurand Range to stage their incursions into Xarcabard.
In an attempt to stem the tide of beastmen, the outnumbered knights of San d'Oria often clashed with the Orcish forces upon the mountain range itself.
"Thousandfall Ridge," mentioned in the histories of the Warking Acheufagais R D'Oraguille was famous as a site for the fiercest battles. These days, daredevil explorers test their luck by sliding down its sheer slopes.

Uleguerand Range.
Uleguerand Range (ウルガラン山脈, Urugaran Sanmyaku?) is a location in Final Fantasy XI.
Bearclaw Pinnacle[]

A view of the Bearclaw Pinnacle.
Thousandfall Ridge[]

Thousandfall Ridge.
Chamneat Spring[]

The Chamneat Spring.
- Position: (F-8)
Eternal Ice[]

One of many eternal ice found in the area.
- Position: (H-6), (K-6), (L-9)
Planar Rift[]

A planar rift in Uleguerand Range.
- Position: (G-10), (G-11), (J-10)
These mysterious rifts are disturbances in the fabric of time and space. It is from here that extradimensional invaders of unknown origin, collectively known as "Voidwalkers", breach into Vana'diel. To stem the tide of invasion, adventurers may volunteer themselves in Voidwatch operations to dispatch these intruders at the source. The fiend Isarukitsck can be found at the Planar Rifts here.
Connected Areas[]

(G-8), (H-6), (I-7), (J-7) added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.
Notorious Monsters[]
Musical themes[]