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The following is a list of Ul'dah's Main Scenario Quests from original Final Fantasy XIV. For the quests from A Realm Reborn see: Final Fantasy XIV quests/Ul'dah 1-15.

Flowers for All[]

  • A mysterious, dreamlike voice rouses you from your slumber aboard a chocobo coach. Coming to your senses, you find that you have arrived in Ul'dah. There you meet a cheerful young girl named Ascilia from the same coach, who is caught up in the excitement of the ongoing festivities. Speak to the people nearby and see if anyone else heard the same strange voice that woke you.
  • A grand procession is passing on Ul'dah's main road, and all are enjoying the festivities. But an enormous goobbue supposedly made docile by the magic of a thaumaturge breaks loose and wreaks havoc on the city and its inhabitants. Together with Niellefresne and Thancred, subdue the beast and save the innocent bystanders.
  • You managed to subdue the raging goobbue. Intriguingly, the city's residents do not seem unduly shaken by their brush with death, having already returned to enjoying the festivities. Speak to others around you to discover how an adventurer might go about getting herher bearings in this town.

Court in the Sands[]

  • You have found the famous Quicksand, the Ul'dahn branch of the Adventurers' Guild, and had the pleasure of meeting its proprietress, Momodi, who caters to the whims of the region's adventurers with the tough love of a mother. Speak to Momodi again to learn of how an adventurer might get herher start here in the south of Eorzea.
  • Momodi of the Quicksand has urged you to venture forth to Camp Black Brush, the closest of Thanalan's camps to the city, and attune yourself to the aetheryte located there. To reach it, leave the Adventurers' Guild by the north exit, and take the west road by way of the Gate of Nald. Any adventurer equipped with a map should have minimal trouble finding it.
  • Upon attuning to the aetheryte found at Camp Black Brush, Momodi of the Quicksand promptly contacted you via the linkpearl she fashioned you with earlier. Return to the Quicksand once you have adventured to your heart's content.
  • Speak again to Momodi, proud proprietress of the Quicksand.
  • Momodi of the Adventurers' Guild has told you of some of the other guilds to which Ul'dah is home. She has also suggested that the Velodyna Cosmos you obtained at the parade may well fetch a hefty sum from the goldsmiths of Eshtaime's Lapidaries. In addition, you have learned that fighting at the Coliseum, home of the sword-wielding gladiators, is another means of earning potentially enormous sums of gil—should you be victorious. Visit these guilds and see what Ul'dah has to offer, using your map should you have need of it.
  • Visiting the Coliseum and Eshtaime's Lapidaries yielded a wealth of new information. Use your linkpearl to contact Momodi and speak to her of what you have learned.
  • Momodi has taught you of the Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern in Ul'dah, home to the Miners' Guild. Visit the Concern to continue in your efforts to learn all there is to know of this majestic city.
  • You have witnessed an altercation of sorts break out at Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern. It seems the thaumaturge Corguevais had stolen away into the shafts illegally with the intention of mining up whatever valuable ores and gems he could. Speak to the Songstress of Ul'dah, F'lhaminn, to discover some method of quelling the donnybrook.
  • F'lhaminn was kind enough to teach you the expressive motions "furious," "beckon," "laugh," "deny," "upset," and "soothe." Use them wisely, and put an end to Corguevais's persecution at the hands of the enraged miners.
  • Your timely expressions spared Corguevais a horrible fate at the hands of the miners. Immediately afterwards, the Lalafell twin brothers Popokkuli and Seserukka appeared and chased off those causing the trouble. Speak to F'lhaminn to learn what you might of events at the Miners' Guild.
  • The miners will not tolerate illegal mining within the shafts. You have been charged to take word of stricter punishments being levied against perpetrators to the poor living beyond the city. F'lhaminn has offered to go along with you. Prepare for the journey and meet her in the desert just north of the city, beyond the Gate of Nald.
  • You rendezvoused with F'lhaminn at the Gate of Nald and have set out from the city with a northerly bearing, bound for Camp Black Brush. Should you come under attack from any beasts or beastmen, you must protect F'lhaminn at all costs!
  • You arrived safely at Camp Black Brush together with F'lhaminn to find the people there in an agitated state. The camp had just come under attack from a beast of some sort, and a small girl named Ascilia was narrowly rescued from its clutches. When the thaumaturge Corguevais attempted to tend to her, she shied away from him and broke into a fit of crying. Try to talk to Ascilia and find out the cause of her tears.
  • The bard Thancred arrived in the camp, looking for young Ascilia. He brought word that her father was gravely injured in the disaster at the parade, and now lies unconscious. Ascilia came to the camp alone searching for the person responsible for the tragedy which has befallen her father. Entrust Ascilia with Thancred for now, and seek out the camp leader together with F'lhaminn.
  • Your conversation with the camp leader revealed that a great disaster once occurred in Ul'dah's mines under the operation of Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern. The Concern is taking whatever measures it must to prevent another such tragedy from happening. Your task complete, return to the Miners' Guild with F'lhaminn.
  • F'lhaminn paid you her thanks for traveling to the camp with her. Contact Momodi of the Adventurers' Guild via linkpearl and tell her your tale.
  • Disaster has struck in the mines, and the dead and injured are many. Go to Frondale's Phrontistery, using your map if need be, and see if there is any work to be had.
  • Nogeloix of Frondale's Phrontistery has told you that Guildmaster Faustigeant is on the premises and will give you orders to aid the alchemists' efforts. Follow the corridor leading into the Phrontistery and pass through the doors at the far end.
  • Within Frondale's Phrontistery, you find Master Faustigeant and Checheroya speaking about the accident in the mines. Upon learning that you have come to help, Master Faustigeant has ordered you to make the rounds of the sickrooms.
  • In one of the Phrontistery's sickrooms, you find young Ascilia, mourning the death of her father, Warburton. As Corguevais attempts to comfort her, she reveals that her father had said Ul'dah was in great danger, but she knows no further details. She has no family left to her, and no coin to pay for a proper funeral for her father. Contact Momodi of the Adventurers' Guild via linkpearl and tell her of this latest development.
  • Momodi has asked that you come and see her. Return to the Quicksand with all haste.

Golden Sacrifices[]

  • According to Momodi, a person inquiring into the warding properties of Velodyna Cosmos has been exiled from the city. In the midst of your conversation, Thancred entered and the topic turned to rumors of war with the Empire and Garlean spies in Ul'dah. It seems that Niellefresne and his companions have been convening at the Platinum Mirage to discuss the prospects of fighting against the Empire. Learn what you can by speaking to other adventurers in the area.
  • Momodi has introduced you to an opening at the Platinum Mirage, and marked the location on your map. Speak to the attendant at the front of the establishment and see what they have to offer.
  • Gagaruna of the Platinum Mirage has directed you to enter the gambling halls beyond the lobby. You need do no more than walk through the doors.
  • Walking the halls of the Platinum Mirage, you are stopped by a Lalafell named Qoqoba. Beyond lies a room frequented by Ul'dah's elite seeking high-stakes pleasures. You hear signs of an argument coming from within. It seems Niellefresne and Greinfarr have been gambling, and the latter is accusing their opponent, Thancred, of cheating. Speak to them to learn more of what has transpired.
  • Thancred wagered against Niellefresne and the others in an attempt to have the truth out of them. The incident at the parade was orchestrated by Niellefresne in an attempt to make himself and his companions seem as heroes to the townspeople. However, they are shocked and saddened when they learn that a man died as a result of their scheming. Remaining after the others leave, you are regarded suspiciously by an employee of the Platinum Mirage, and escorted out. Contact Momodi by linkpearl to speak of what you have learned.
  • Momodi informs you that none other than the Songstress of Ul'dah, F'lhaminn herself, has been by the Quicksand looking for you. Find your way to the Weavers' Guild at Sunsilk Tapestries and seek her out.
  • Deaustie of Sunsilk Tapestries tells you that you may find F'lhaminn at a place in northern Thanalan where she regularly goes to rehearse her art, and was kind enough to mark it on your map. Travel there and find F'lhaminn.
  • You find F'lhaminn precisely where Deaustie said you would. With her are the Lalafell twins of the Miners' Guild, Popokkuli and Seserukka, and the nature of their conversation is serious business. While speaking to F'lhaminn after the twins depart, Ascilia appears. Talk to her and listen to what she has to say.
  • The thaumaturge Corguevais comes while you are speaking to Ascilia and reveals that he and her father were here for the same purpose. He attempts to give Ascilia gil enough to pay for her father's funeral, but she refuses and lashes out at him. Dejected, Corguevais leaves, after which F'lhaminn tells you that the thaumaturges are rumored to have the power to commune with the dead. Contact Momodi with your linkpearl to see if she has any sage advice to offer.
  • Momodi informs you that the thaumaturges, or Order of Nald'thal, reside in Arrzaneth Ossuary in Ul'dah. As an adventurer, you can easily be welcomed there as a novice thaumaturge. Use your map and visit the Ossuary grounds.
  • Yayake of the thaumaturges greets you at Arrzaneth Ossuary, and just as you inquire about communion with the deceased, Guildmaster Mumuepo himself enters. By what power you know not, Mumuepo divines that it was F'lhaminn who spoke to you of the dark arts and sent you to the thaumaturges to discover more. You must find someone else among the thaumaturges who may know more.
  • The funeral rites for Ascilia's father, Warburton, are underway at Arrzaneth Ossuary. Based on a conversation between Mumuepo and F'lhaminn, it would seem there is no thaumaturgical means of resurrecting the dead. But as the funeral draws to a close, you notice a familiar man lurking among the shadows. Speak to him to learn what has brought him here. Should you lose sight of him, seek out Yayake's aid in tracking him down.
  • Speaking to Niellefresne at Warburton's funeral gained you nothing but his typical curtness. Seek out and speak to Mumuepo of the thaumaturges to see if he might have any further information.
  • Within the halls of Arrzaneth Ossuary, you come across Mumuepo and Corguevais conversing. After Corguevais retires, Mumuepo insists to you that there is no means known to the Order of resurrecting the dead, bringing you to an impasse of sorts. Contact Momodi, who always proves to be helpful in these situations.
  • Upon contacting Momodi by linkpearl, she requests that you come by the Quicksand to see her. Best do as she says.

Calamity Cometh[]

  • Momodi, matron of the Quicksand, has informed you that a group from the city guard has hastily left the city by chocobo. Travel to the chocobo stables to learn what you can of their destination.
  • Rururaji of the chocobo stables has told you that the city guard was indeed dispatched after receiving word of some kind of trouble. Departing close behind them was the Songstress of Ul'dah, F'lhaminn, who looked to be visibly panicked. All seem to have set out after the exiled thaumaturge Corguevais, who made off with the young Ascilia. Does he mean to take her and return to Ala Mhigo? Set out by chocobo coach and give pursuit.
  • In the northwest of central Thanalan, you find Niellefresne and his companions, who have come upon the fleeing Corguevais. Ascilia has discovered that it was the scheming of Niellefresne and the others that caused her father's death. Raging, she reveals that the threat which they suspect to be the Garlean Empire is actually something far worse. But what could this be? Niellefresne attempts to learn more from Corguevais, but the thaumaturge reveals only that he has no intentions of letting the companions live. He draws forth a mysterious horn, and uses it to summon a swarm of minemites which attack the others. Join forces with them to defeat the beasts and escape alive.
  • You and the others manage to defeat the minemites, but F'lhaminn sustained wounds and has been taken to Frondale's Phrontistery. What will become of her? And of the child, Ascilia? Visit the Phrontistery to learn more.
  • In the Phrontistery, you are greeted by a young alchemist named Damielliot. Before he can inform you as to F'lhaminn's whereabouts, he claims he has taken ill and quickly excuses himself. Seek out F'lhaminn's sickroom on your own and visit her.
  • You find Niellefresne and his companions gathered in a sickroom, attempting to make sense of what they have heard and all that has come to pass. Could Corguevais be a Garlean spy? What threat could be greater than that of the Empire? F'lhaminn proposes that they speak to Thancred to learn more, though he too has been exiled from Ul'dah. Where could he be?
  • You come upon Damielliot, fallen in a corridor. The Phrontistery immediately becomes enveloped in chaos as all move to help the young alchemist. There is nothing left to be done. Leave the Phrontistery and contact Momodi at the Adventurers' Guild.
  • As always, Momodi has provided you with valuable information. An exile has recently been sighted in the vicinity of Camp Black Brush, and members of the city guard have been dispatched to deal with the situation. Head for Camp Black Brush with all haste.
  • Arriving at Camp Black Brush, you meet Qoqoba of the Platinum Mirage. While speaking with her, Greinfarr arrives with the captured Thancred. You learn that Niellefresne has set about investigating the matter of the danger which threatens Ul'dah, and means to make use of the dark arts of the thaumaturges to resurrect Ascilia's dead father and question him—news which greatly distresses Thancred. Follow the three of them back to Ul'dah and visit Arrzaneth Ossuary.
  • You find Thancred and F'lhaminn at Arrzaneth Ossuary searching for Niellefresne. He is found lying on the cold floor of an underground cemetery, barely breathing, with Ascilia crouched by his side, shaking in terror.
  • Finding yourself again in the underground cemetery, you come upon Mumuepo and Niellefresne talking. They are discussing the thaumaturgy of resurrecting the dead, but upon opening Warburton's coffin, Niellefresne is stabbed through from behind, murdered in cold blood.
  • You are returned suddenly to the present, Thancred having witnessed the power of the Echo that resides within you. At the same time, as some sort of ill-fated omen, dark storm clouds blacken the sky, and a rain of meteors begins to fall in all directions. Amidst the chaos and terror, Thancred gazes upward, realizing that the danger spoken of by all threatens not only Ul'dah, but all of Eorzea. With the muttering of his words, you suddenly feel light-headed...
  • You are wakened as if from a dream by the calling of your name. Upon opening your eyes, you find yourself in the Hourglass in Ul'dah. Momodi of the Quicksand tells you that you were found unconscious and brought safely to the Adventurers' Guild by a woman known as Minfilia. She has asked that you come and see her at the Waking Sands in the Merchants Ward when you are able.