In me are all things great and small extinguished. Die now, Warriors of Light!
The Two-Headed Dragon
The Two-Headed Dragon, also known as 2-Headed Dragon, is a boss from the Dawn of Souls edition and many subsequent ports of the original Final Fantasy, bar the Android version or Pixel Remaster. It is a fierce beast living in the bowels of the Earthgift Shrine. This double-headed creature inhabits the northwest corner of the shrine's final floor.
The Two-Headed Dragon is based on the Two Headed Dragon from the World of Darkness in Final Fantasy III.

Two-Headed Dragon's location.
The Two-Headed Dragon is possibly the easiest boss on the final floor of the Earthgift Shrine, and will only use regular physical attacks that seldom hit for over 200 damage. Like the other bosses on this level, physical attacks are much more effective against the Two-Headed Dragon than magical attacks.
The Black Wizard should cast Haste and Temper on melee units. Slowra is also effective, as it greatly reduces the damage the boss can deal by reducing the number of hits against the player, but it rarely works. The Wyrmkiller sword is especially effective against dragons.
dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.