Final Fantasy Wiki

Trial Mode Stage 99.

Trial Mode is a bonus mode in the Zodiac versions of Final Fantasy XII. Using the save data from the game, the Trial Mode will load the characters and their current stats, which means that, if there are guests in the data, they will be loaded into the Trial Mode as well.

The mode has 100 stages, and after completing each 10th stage, the player can save their progress and receive a reward. In the International Zodiac Job System version, Trial Mode saves and Game Data saves are meant to be separated, because if the Game Data is overwritten by the Trial Mode save, the Game Data will be lost. In The Zodiac Age version, the player can save Trial Mode data to their main game save and receive items, but overwriting that save with a main game save will erase the Trial Mode progress. In this version, it is possible to farm items from the Trial Mode. For example, if the player wants Ribbons from Stage 49, they should steal one, beat the floor, and go to the next one. At Stage 50, the player should exit back to the title screen, load their game save to lose the trial progress (the player keeps the Ribbon). The player can save their game, return to the title screen, and start Trial Mode again from Stage 1.

In The Zodiac Age, the game also performs an auto-save at the beginning of every stage up to Stage 99, which means that the player may only transfer items obtained up to Stage 99, as clearing Stage 100 does not perform an auto-save, which is required for the transfer back to the main game.

There is no shop accessible between stages, so the player should bring as many useful items as possible before starting the Trial Mode. Each stage also has treasure chests, and the enemies yield various items and equipment. Any status effects present on a character, beneficial or negative, are retained from one stage to the next.

Experience points are not gained in Trial Mode, meaning that the player must progress as far as they are able using the levels of the characters as they were when beginning Trial Mode. License points are earned. In The Zodiac Age, the player may spend the license points after loading the game from a Trial Mode save, and even during Trial Mode, however, changes made mid-trial are only saved while in the trial, and need to reapplied after exiting. Alternatively, the player may earn gil by equipping Cat-ear Hood accessories, which again will be transferred. Additionally, the world map and Clan Primer are inaccessible during Trial Mode.

As Trial Mode can be accessed at any time, the player, if able to best the trials, may be able to obtain items and equipment well before they could normally be obtained, as well as view monsters and locations they have not yet reached within the game itself. This is especially true if the player is using New Game+ or boosters.

Completing the 50th stage in The Zodiac Age awards the "Judge Magister" trophy/achievement. Completing the final stage awards the "Imperator" trophy/achievement. Additionally, enemies defeated in Trial Mode are added to the game's bestiary, including both Rare Game and Trophy Rare Game enemies, but the player cannot get the actual trophies in Trial Mode and will still need to find the trophy Rare Game in the main game for the Hunt Club sidequest. In The Zodiac Age, if the player defeats an enemy that unlocks an achievement or trophy during Trial Mode, it will be granted if the player has not already achieved it for defeating the enemy in the main game. The player will also find the respective Sky Pirate's Den sprite waiting if they load the game from that Trial Mode save.



Let the trial commence.

Optional means that it is not mandatory to defeat that specific enemy to pass the trial, and it is not even necessary for it to appear. For example, against the Ba'Gamnan gang, defeating the leader will end the fight. Therefore, his allies are optional.

The player obtains items from the enemies and from the treasures placed on the battlefield. Almost all enemies can be stolen from with the same success chance as in the main game (equipping Thief's Cuffs improves the success rate). The enemies yield different items than in the main game. The main enemies tend to yield equipment, and the regular enemies that accompany them often give useful motes and healing items. Some enemies are optional spawns, and if the player discovers how to spawn them, they can usually be poached. The optional spawns tend to have a very low chance of dropping an Elixir when killed. Enemies do not yield loot, only items that can actually be used during the trials.


Trial Mode cleared.

Enemies that must be defeated to complete the stage do not drop items, apart from the initial Stage 45 enemies that must be defeated before the proper trial enemy appears. Having the applicable Monographs and Canopic Jar yields more drops like in the main game, but the Monographs usually yield Knots of Rust, and the Canopic Jar very rarely yields Dark Matter.

Most stages have two treasures, though some have more. The treasures are usually different depending on whether the looter equips the Diamond Armlet or not. Three late stages have random chance for which treasure the player gets, like most of the treasures in the main game. Treasures must be looted mid-battle. Every ten stages, the player also gets a bonus reward.

Treasures and notable steals/drops/poaches are listed below.

Stage 1–10[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Dire Rat x6
Location: Garamsythe Waterway Overflow Cloaca
Normal - Diamond Armlet
Diamond Armlet - First Aid

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Headguard

Thextera, Alpha Wolf, Alpha Hyena
Location: Dalmasca Westersand Shimmering Horizons
Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Fire

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Headguard

Flowering Cactoid, Cactoids x2, Cactite x4, Ripe Rampager (optional)
Ripe Rampager appears by approaching the cactus on lower ground, farthest from the starting point.
Location: Dalmasca Westersand
Steal Flowering Cactoid common - Longsword
Steal Flowering Cactoid uncommon - Mythril Blade
Steal Flowering Cactoid rare - Karkata

Steal Ripe Rampager common - Bronze Shield
Steal Ripe Rampager uncommon - Gauntlets
Steal Ripe Rampager rare - Round Shield

Normal - Dispel Mote
Diamond Armlet - Cure

Normal - Chronos Tear
Diamond Armlet - Leather Breastplate

Razorfin, Ichthon x4
Location: Garamsythe Waterway Overflow Cloaca
Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Pointy Hat

Normal - Soleil Fang
Diamond Armlet - Onion Arrows

Nekhbet, Werewolf, Cockatrice x4
Location: Giza Plains (Dry) Throne Road
Werewolf steal common - Windbreaker
Werewolf steal uncommon - Chainmail
Werewolf steal rare - Berserker Bracers

Normal - Bubble Mote
Diamond Armlet - Blindna

Normal - Gold Needle
Diamond Armlet - Silken Shirt

Cluckatrice, Chickatrice x4
Location: Giza Plains (Dry) Gizas North Bank
Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Onion Bolts

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Bronze Helm

Judge x2, Imperial Swordsman x2 (optional), Imperial Magus (optional)
Location: Dreadnought Leviathan Central Brig Access
Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Bronze Armor

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Libra

Bagoly x5, Imdugud (optional)
Imdugud appears if the player idles in the circular area where the Bagolys are.
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea Yellow Sands
Bagoly steal rare - Viking Coat

Imdugud steal common - Killer Bow
Imdugud steal uncommon - Sirius
Imdugud steal rare - Paramina Crossbow

Normal - Antidote
Diamond Armlet - Bangle

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Onion Shot

Lich x3, Cultsworn Lich (optional)
Cultsworn Lich appears by going to the right as the character faces the door.
Location: Tomb of Raithwall Cloister of Flame
Steal Lich uncommon - Agate Ring
Steal Lich rare - Magick Gloves

Steal Cultsworn Lich common - Golden Shield
Steal Cultsworn Lich uncommon - Flame Shield
Steal Cultsworn Lich rare - Lamia's Tiara

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Argyle Armlet

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Onion Bombs

Location: Tomb of Raithwall Cloister of Flame (Mist)
Steal common - Sword of Kings
Steal rare - Goddess's Magicite

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Steel Gorget

Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Parallel Arrows

Bonus reward - 1,000 gil, Hi-Potion x10, Handkerchief x15

Stage 11–20[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Location: Garamsythe Waterway No. 10 Channel
Steal common - Fiery Arrows
Steal uncommon - Long Bolts
Steal rare - Aqua Shot

Normal - Serum
Diamond Armlet - Leather Headgear

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Immobilize

Jelly x8, Melt (optional)
For Melt to appear, the player must kill at least five Jellies, but not all of them, then stand in front of the gate switch facing the wall.
Location: Henne Mines Pithead Junction A
Melt steal common - Golden Armor
Melt steal uncommon - Shielded Armor
Melt steal rare - Shell Shield

Normal - Rime Fang
Diamond Armlet - Charge

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Bronze Chestplate

Location: Henne Mines Ore Separation
Steal - Assassin's Dagger

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Dark

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Topkapi Hat

Panther x5
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Kilimweave Shirt

Normal - Aquara Mote
Diamond Armlet - Long Bolts

Elder Wyrm, Treant x2 (optional)
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal - Shell Shield

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Silent Shot

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Sallet

Mateus, Ice Azer x5 (optional)
Location: Stilshrine of Miriam Hall of Worth (Mist)
Steal common - Ice Shield
Steal rare - Icebrand

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Scale Armor

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Poach

Mindflayer x3
The party's MP is continually being sapped
Location: Henne Mines Special Charter Dig
Steal common - Rose Corsage
Steal uncommon - Power Armlet
Steal rare - Maduin Gear

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Bronze Shield

Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Poison Bombs

Ring Wyrm
Location: Dalmasca Westersand Wyrm's Nest
Steal common - Bone Helm
Steal uncommon - Pirate Hat
Steal rare - Black Cowl

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Tourmaline Ring

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Thunder

Earth Tyrant
Location: Dalmasca Westersand Wyrm's Nest (sandstorm)
Steal common - Broadaxe
Steal uncommon - Hornito
Steal rare - Main Gauche

Normal - Gold Needle
Diamond Armlet - Leather Gorget

Normal - Aeroga Mote
Diamond Armlet - Fiery Arrows

Vulture x6
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste Empyrean Seat
Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Stone Bolts

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Rose Corsage

Bonus reward - 2,000 gil, Phoenix Down x10, Domaine Calvados x5

Stage 21–30[]

Trial Stage Treasures
King Bomb, Bombs x3 (optional)
King Bomb can summon more Bombs
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal common - Onion Bombs
Steal uncommon - Flametongue
Steal rare - Oil Bombs

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Horned Hat

Normal - Vanishga Mote
Diamond Armlet - Vox

Topstalk, Deadly Nightshade x8
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Lambent Darkness
Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Ringmail

Normal - Bacchus's Wine
Diamond Armlet - Horology

Pumpkin Star, Pumpkin Head x8
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Lambent Darkness
Normal - Knot of Rust
Diamond Armlet - Calot Hat

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Blizzard

Mandragora Prince, Mandragora x8
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Lambent Darkness
Normal - Warp Mote
Diamond Armlet - Aqua Shot

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Shepherd's Bolero

Onion Queen, Wild Onion x8
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Lambent Darkness
Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Poisona

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Iron Helm

Alraune King, Alraune x8
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Lambent Darkness
Normal - Gold Needle
Diamond Armlet - Iron Armor

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Protect

Topstalk, Pumpkin Star, Mandragora Prince, Onion Queen, Alraune King
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Lambent Darkness
Steal Mandragora Prince - Sash

Steal Alraune King - Pheasant Netsuke

Steal Onion Queen - Bowline Sash

Steal Pumpkin Star - Nishijin Belt

Steal Topstalk - Black Belt

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Shell

Normal - Antidote
Diamond Armlet - Gauntlets

Wendice, Striker x3, Cubus (optional)

Cubus can appear when the player checks in the corners of the map.
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Destiny's March

Steal Wendice common - Lightning Arrows
Steal Wendice uncommon - Black Bolts
Steal Wendice rare - Stun Bombs

Drop Cubus rare - Chaos Mace
Drop Cubus very rare - Elixir
Steal Cubus common - Six-fluted Pole
Steal Cubus uncommon - Halberd
Steal Cubus rare - Mirror Mail

Normal - Rime Fang
Diamond Armlet - Stun Bombs

Normal - Chronos Tear
Diamond Armlet - Black Belt

Ahriman, Ahriman copy x6 (optional)
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of Shadowlight
Steal common - Thief's Cap
Steal uncommon - Hypnocrown
Steal rare - Black Robes

Normal - Hastega Mote
Diamond Armlet - Bamboo Arrows

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Nishijin Belt

Gil Snapper, Storm Elemental x3 (optional), Bansat (supports the party)
Location: Giza Plains (Rains) Tracks of the Beast
Steal common - Turtleshell Choker
Steal rare - Thief's Cuffs

Normal - Gravity Mote
Diamond Armlet - Lead Bolts

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Blazer Gloves

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Bangle

Bonus reward - 3000 gil, Ether x10, Echo Herbs x15

Stage 31–40[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Bansat, Seeq Fisher x4, Apsara (optional)
Apsara appears when the player passes by some puddles, to the other side of a large rock.
This area has unusually many chests: five.
Location: Giza Plains (Rains) Tracks of the Beast
Drop Apsara uncommon - Diamond Shield
Drop Apsara rare - Platinum Armor
Drop Apsara very rare - Elixir
Steal Apsara uncommon - Power Rod
Steal Apsara rare - Multiscale
Poach Apsara rare - Crown of Laurels

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Steel Gorget

Normal - Cura Mote
Diamond Armlet - Argyle Armlet

Normal - Gravity Mote
Diamond Armlet - Traveler

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Tourmaline Ring

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Balaclava

Zalera, Dead Bones x4 (optional)
Dead Bones keep spawning
Location: Barheim Passage Terminus No. 7
Steal common - Time Bolts
Steal uncommon - Doom Mace
Steal rare - Hunting Crossbow

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Disable

Normal - Scathe Mote
Diamond Armlet - Leather Gorget

Normal - Nu Khai Sand
Diamond Armlet - Windbreaker

Scythe Mantis x4
Location: Zertinan Caverns
Normal - Eye Drops
Diamond Armlet - Wizard's Hat

Normal - Hastega Mote
Diamond Armlet - Wyrmfire Shot

Marilith, Bogey x3 (optional)
Bogeys spawn when the player explores the map.
Location: Zertinan Caverns
Steal common - Platinum Shield
Steal uncommon - Platinum Helm
Steal rare - Platinum Armor

Drop Bogey very rare - Iga Blade

Normal - Soleil Fang
Diamond Armlet - Aqua

Normal - Domaine Calvados
Diamond Armlet - Wizard's Robes

Adrammelech, Skulwyrm x2 (optional)
Skulwyrms spawn in the dead ends.
Location: Zertinan Caverns Athroza Quicksands
Steal common - Ras Algethi
Steal uncommon - Traitor's Bow
Steal rare - Rubber Suit

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Barbut

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Rose Corsage

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Gauntlets

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Oil Bombs

Dreadguard, Mirrorknight x4
Location: Feywood Antiquity's End
Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Black Belt

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Raise

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Linen Cuirass

Behemoth x5
Location: Giruvegan Gate of Water
Steal rare - Hammerhead

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Amber Armlet

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Round Shield

Mythril Golem x3
Location: Giruvegan Gate of Wind
Steal rare - Gold Hairpin

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Miter

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Steel Poleyns

Shemhazai, Ose x2 (optional)
Location: Giruvegan Gate of Wind
Steal uncommon - Treaty-Blade
Steal rare - Dawn Shard

Normal - Dark Matter
Diamond Armlet - Main Gauche

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Magick Gloves

Gavial, Baritine Croc x2
Location: Garamsythe Waterway Nr. 10 Channel
Steal - Thief's Cuffs

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Agate Ring

Normal - Aeroga Mote
Diamond Armlet - Slasher

Bonus reward - 4000 gil, Phoenix Down x10, Reverse Mote x3

Stage 41–50[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Orthros, White Mousse x3
Location: Garamsythe Waterway West Sluice Control
Steal Orthros uncommon - Wyrmfire Shot
Steal Orthros rare - Defender

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Aero

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Soldier's Cap

Cúchulainn, Foobar x4 (optional)
HP is continually being sapped in this battle.
Location: Garamsythe Waterway No. 1 Cloaca
Steal common - Cameo Belt
Steal uncommon - Indigo Pendant
Steal rare - Hermes Sandals

Normal - Aquara Mote
Diamond Armlet - Souleater

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Heavy Coat

Deathclaw x4, Pallicant (optional)
Pallicant will appear by going to the end of the map (where the treasures are) and returning.
Location: Pharos First Ascent, They Who Thirst Not
Drop Pallicant uncommon - Penetrator Crossbow
Drop Pallicant rare - Kaiser Shield
Drop Pallicant very rare - Elixir

Steal Pallicant common - Minerva Bustier
Steal Pallicant uncommon - Magepower Shishak
Steal Pallicant rare - Dragon Mail

Poach Pallicant - Gastrophetes

Normal - Meteorite (B)
Diamond Armlet - Iron Pole

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Lambent Hat

Antlion, Killer Mantis x4 (optional)
Location: Lhusu Mines Site 7
Steal Antlion rare - Dragon Shield

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Chanter's Djellaba

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Magoroku

Vishno, Brainpan x2, Deidar x2, Crusader x16-32 (optional)
The Brainpans and Deidars must be killed for Vishno to appear. Once it does, Crusaders will continuously spawn.
Location: Pharos
Steal Vishno common - Judicer's Staff
Steal Vishno uncommon - Scathe Mote
Steal Vishno rare - Maximillian

Poach Brainpan rare - Runeblade
Poach Deidar rare - Sweep

Normal - Soleil Fang
Diamond Armlet - Cura

Normal - Knot of Rust
Diamond Armlet - Winged Helm

Purobolos x6
Location: Pharos
Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Recurve Crossbow

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Chainmail

Aeronite x2
Location: Pharos Third Ascent Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight
Steal or poach common - Eksir Berries

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Golden Shield

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Betelgeuse

Tower, Zombie Warlock x16-32 (optional)
Zombie Warlocks spawn continuously.
Location: Pharos Third Ascent Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight
Steal Tower - Assassin's Arrows

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Bowline Sash

Normal - Reverse Mote
Diamond Armlet - Elfin Bow

Hashmal, Reaver x2 (optional)
Location: Pharos Third Ascent - Heaven's Challenge
Steal Hashmal uncommon - Elixir
Steal rare - Ribbon

Poach Reaver rare - Greataxe

Normal - Gravity Mote
Diamond Armlet - Storm Staff

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Storm Spear

Famfrit, Abaddon x3 (optional)
Location: Pharos Third Ascent - Womb of the Sun-Cryst
Steal Famfrit common - Hi-Ether
Steal Famfrit uncommon - Elixir
Steal Famfrit rare - Wyrmhero Blade

Normal - Aquara Mote
Diamond Armlet - Demonsbane

Normal - Domaine Calvados
Diamond Armlet - Gaia Rod

Bonus reward - 5000 gil, X-Potion x10, Chronos Tear x15

Stage 51–60[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Helvinek, Oversoul x2
Location: Stilshrine of Miriam Hall of Worth
Steal Helvinek common - Chaos Bombs
Steal Helvinek uncommon - Dark Shot
Steal Helvinek rare - Grand Bolts

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Stop

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Green Beret

Catoblepas, War-chief Supinelu (supports the party)
Location: Zertinan Caverns
Steal Catoblepas rare - Golden Axe

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Survival Vest

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Lightning Arrows

War-chief Supinelu, Garif Adventurer x2
Location: Zertinan Caverns
Steal War-chief Supinelu rare - Dragon Whisker

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Feathered Cap

Normal - Reflectga Mote
Diamond Armlet - Bleed

Deathscythe, Reaper x2
Location: Great Crystal
Steal Deathscythe uncommon - Black Robes
Steal Reaper uncommon - Crown of Laurels

Normal - Meteorite (B)
Diamond Armlet - Black Bolts

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Traveler's Vestment

Tyrant, Piscodaemon x3
The party's MP is continually sapped.
Location: Great Crystal
Steal Tyrant uncommon - Artemis Bow
Steal Tyrant rare - Gastrophetes

Steal Piscodaemon rare - Black Mask

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Mud Shot

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Golden Helm

Larva Eater, Elvoret x4
Location: Great Crystal
Normal - Hastega Mote
Diamond Armlet - Fira

Normal - Nu Khai Sand
Diamond Armlet - Golden Armor

Helm-Rook x2, Spinner-Rook x2, Sphere-Rook x2
Location: Sky Fortress Bahamut Central Lift
Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Stona

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Ice Shield

Trickster, Black Chocobo, Red Chocobo, Brown Chocobo, Green Chocobo
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal Trickster uncommon - Hermes Sandals
Steal Trickster rare - Bubble Belt

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Chaos Bombs

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Fuzzy Miter

Ba'Gamnan, Rinok (optional), Gijuk (optional), Bwagi (optional), Monid (supports the party)
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea Withering Shores
Steal Ba'Gamnan uncommon - Caldera
Steal Ba'Gamnan rare - Bone of Byblos

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Thief's Cuffs

Normal - Float Mote
Diamond Armlet - Break

Monid, Bangaa Hunter x2, Rabanastre Watch x2
Location: Nam-Yensa Sandsea Withering Shores
Steal Monid uncommon - Magepower Shishak
Steal Monid rare - Brave Suit

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Power Armlet

Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Assassin's Arrows

Bonus reward - 6000 gil, Phoenix Down x10, Scathe Mote x3

Stage 61–70[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Baknamy (sword) x2, Baknamy (gun) x3, Baknamy x3
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis The Crucible
Normal - Float Mote
Diamond Armlet - Time Bolts

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Red Cap

Vorpal Bunny, Biding Mantis (optional), Vampyr (optional)
Biding Mantis usually spawns near the middle. Vampyr continues to spawn.
Location: Golmore Jungle The Rustling Chapel
Steal Biding Mantis uncommon - Orochi
Steal Biding Mantis rare - Zodiac Spear

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Brigandine

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Nishijin Belt

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Blazer Gloves

Normal - Aquara Mote
Diamond Armlet - Thundara

Ozmone Hare, Mu, Wyrdhare, Vorpal Bunny, Fury
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis Cloister of Reason
Steal Fury rare - Cat-ear Hood

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Darkra

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Mage's Hat

Humbaba Mistant x2, Vorres (optional)
Vorres appears at the far side of the map where the treasures are.
Location: Stilshrine of Miriam Hall of Worth
Steal Humbaba Mistant uncommon - Ultima Blade
Steal Humbaba Mistant rare - Excalibur
Steal Vorres rare - Elixir

Normal - Cura Mote
Diamond Armlet - Quasimodo Boots

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Berserker Bracers

Deathgaze, Vyraal x2
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste Empyrean Seat
Steal Deathgaze common - Tourmaline Ring
Steal Deathgaze uncommon - Genji Shield
Steal Deathgaze rare - Aegis Shield

Steal Vyraal uncommon - Demon Shield
Poach Vyraal rare - Dragon Shield

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Mage's Habit

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Windslicer Shot

Saloon Steward, Bangaa Pugilist x5
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste Empyrean Seat
Steal Saloon Steward common - Amber Armlet
Steal Saloon Steward uncommon - Phoenix Down
Steal Saloon Steward rare - Whale Whisker

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Burgonet

Normal - Shock Mote
Diamond Armlet - Berserk

Shield Wyrm, Dheed
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste Empyrean Seat
Steal Shield Wyrm rare - Ring of Renewal

Steal Dheed common - Diamond Armlet
Steal Dheed uncommon - Cloud Staff
Steal Dheed rare - Castellanos

Normal - Vanishga Mote
Diamond Armlet - Stink Bombs

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Shielded Armor

Exodus, Golem x2 (optional)
Item command is disabled.
Location: Mosphoran Highwaste Empyrean Seat (Mist)
Steal Exodus common - Elixir
Steal Exodus uncommon - Rod of Faith
Steal Exodus rare - Golden Skullcap

Normal - Elixir
Diamond Armlet - Flame Shield

Normal - Lightning Fang
Diamond Armlet - Judicer's Staff

Wild Malboro, Cassie x4 (optional), Spee (optional)
Spee appears upon approaching the other end of the stage.
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal Wild Malboro rare - Volcano

Drop Spee rare - Cat-ear Hood
Drop Spee very rare - Elixir
Poach Spee - Cat-ear Hood

Normal - Aquara Mote
Diamond Armlet - Blizzara

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Winged Boots

Carrot, Vivian x4 (optional), Crypt Bunny (optional), Krjn (supports the party)
Crypt Bunny appears by going to the end of the map, to the left of the treasure.
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal Carrot - Nihopalaoa

Drop Crypt Bunny rare - Cat-ear Hood
Drop Crypt Bunny very rare - Elixir

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Empyrean Rod

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Sash

Bonus reward - 7000 gil, Hi-Ether x10, Serum x15

Stage 71–80[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Krjn, Viera Huntress x5
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal Krjn common - Artemis Arrows
Steal Krjn uncommon - Sagittarius
Steal Krjn rare - Dhanusha

Normal - Rime Fang
Diamond Armlet - Curaga

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Headband

Diabolos, Avenger, Overlord
Locations: Lhusu Mines Site 7
Steal Diabolos common - Power Armlet
Steal Diabolos uncommon - Dragon Whisker
Steal Diabolos rare - Vrsabha

Steal Avenger common - Argyle Armlet
Steal Avenger uncommon - Muramasa
Steal Avenger rare - Masamune

Steal Overlord common - Blazer Gloves
Steal Overlord uncommon - Zwill Crossblade
Steal Overlord rare - Shikari Nagasa
Poach Overlord rare - Mina

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Jujitsu Gi

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Francisca

Salamand Entite, Fire Elemental x4
Location: Pharos
Steal Salamand Entite rare - Elixir

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Lamia's Tiara

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Bio

Mardu Entite, Storm Elemental x4
Location: Pharos
Steal Mardu Entite rare - Elixir

Normal - Bubble Mote
Diamond Armlet - Aldebaran

Normal - Domaine Calvados
Diamond Armlet - Enchanter's Habit

Leshach Entite, Ice Elemental x4
Location: Pharos
Steal Leshach Entite rare - Elixir

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Close Helmet

Normal - Gravity Mote
Diamond Armlet - Berserker Bracers

Gnoma Entite, Earth Elemental x4
Location: Pharos
Steal Gnoma Entite rare - Elixir

Normal - Remedy
Diamond Armlet - Demon Mail

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Vanishga

Undin Entite, Water Elemental x4
Location: Pharos
Steal Undin Entite rare - Elixir

Normal - Aero Mote
Diamond Armlet - Golden Amulet

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Diamond Shield

Sylphi Entite, Air Elemental x4
Location: Pharos
Steal Sylphi Entite rare - Elixir

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Pheasant Netsuke

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Ruby Ring

Luxollid, Diakon Entite x2
Location: Pharos
Steal Luxollid rare - Dark Matter

Normal - Shock Mote
Diamond Armlet - Battle Harness

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Opal Ring

Vagrant Soul, Leamonde Entite x2
Location: Pharos
Steal Vagrant Soul rare - Dark Matter

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Sage's Ring

Normal - Holy Mote
Diamond Armlet - Aeroga

Bonus Reward - 8000 gil, Elixir x3, Bubble Mote x2

Stage 81–90[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Zeromus, Dark Lord x120–240 (optional)
Dark Lords continue to spawn. Magick is disabled.
Location: Stilshrine of Miriam Throne of Veiled Gods (Mist)
Steal Zeromus uncommon - Elixir
Steal Zeromus rare - Circlet

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Halberd

Normal - Gold Needle
Diamond Armlet - Pirate Hat

High Reaver x2, Reaver x3, Crystal Knight (optional)
Crystal Knight appears when the player stands in the middle.
Location: Pharos
Steal Crystal Knight uncommon - Euclid's Sextant
Steal Crystal Knight rare - Golden Skullcap

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Penetrator Crossbow

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Viking Coat

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Steel Poleyns

Giruveganus x3
Location: Pharos
Normal - Bacchus's Wine
Diamond Armlet - Sorcerer's Hat

Normal - Reverse Mote
Diamond Armlet - Doom Mace

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Magick Gloves

Chaos, Air Chaosjet (optional), Earth Chaosjet (optional), Fire Chaosjet (optional), Water Chaosjet (optional)
Attack command is disabled.
Location: Necrohol of Nabudis The Crucible
Steal Chaos common - Elixir
Steal Chaos uncommon - Glimmering Robes
Steal Chaos rare - Sage's Ring
Steal Chaosjets rare - Elixir

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Agate Ring

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Sorcerer's Habit

Normal - Shock Mote
Diamond Armlet - Esuna

Pylraster, Abelisk, Terror Tyrant
Location: Pharos First Ascent, They Who Thirst Not
Steal Pylraster uncommon - Renewing Morion
Steal Pylraster rare - Brave Suit
Steal Abelisk rare - Maximillian
Steal Terror Tyrant rare - Magepower Shishak
Poach Terror Tyrant rare - Grand Helm

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Bowline Sash

Normal - Hastega Mote
Diamond Armlet - Orichalcum Dirk

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Bone Helm

Rikken, Elza, Pirate x6
Location: Pharos First Ascent, They Who Thirst Not
Steal Rikken uncommon - Durandal
Steal Rikken rare - Simha

Steal Elza uncommon - Fomalhaut
Steal Elza rare - Mithuna

Normal - Domaine Calvados
Diamond Armlet - Bone Mail

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Burning Bow

Normal - Bacchus's Wine
Diamond Armlet - Cat-ear Hood

Hell Wyrm
Location: Sochen Cave Palace Hall of the Wroth God
Steal uncommon - Jade Collar
Steal rare - Excalibur

Normal - Meteorite (A)
Diamond Armlet - Darkga

Normal - Elixir
Diamond Armlet - Platinum Shield

Normal - Domaine Calvados
Diamond Armlet - Power Armlet

Normal - Meteorite (B)
Diamond Armlet - Fuzzy Miter

Disma, Forbidden x32–48 (optional), Evil Spirit (optional)
Forbiddens continue to spawn and each has a 3% chance of being replaced by an Evil Spirit.
Location: Lhusu Mines Site 7
Steal Disma common - Demon Shield
Steal Disma uncommon - Aegis Shield
Steal Disma rare - Ensanguined Shield

Drop Evil Spirit very rare - Elixir
Steal Evil Spirit common - Demon Shield
Steal Evil Spirit uncommon - Sage's Ring
Steal Evil Spirit rare - Mina

Normal - Bio Mote
Diamond Armlet - Zephyr Pole

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Winged Boots

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Turtleshell Choker

Location: Giruvegan Gate of Fire
Rare Steal - Grand Helm

Rare Poach - Grand Armor

Normal - Meteorite (C)
Diamond Armlet - Yakei

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Firefly

Behemoth King
Location: Giruvegan Gate of Fire
Steal uncommon - Grand Helm
Steal rare - Grand Armor

Normal - Bubble Mote
Diamond Armlet - Runeblade

Normal - Bacchus's Wine
Diamond Armlet - Hermes Sandals

Bonus reward - 9000 gil, Megalixir x2, Remedy x15

Stage 91–100[]

Trial Stage Treasures
Magick Pot, Hecteyes x72-144 (optional)
The Technicks command is disabled. Hecteyes spawn when Magick Pot is interacted with (given an Elixir or attacked).
Location: Pharos
Normal - Soleil Fang
Diamond Armlet - Icecloud Arrows

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Ruby Ring

Normal - Elixir
Diamond Armlet - Sash

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Goggle Mask

Shadowseer, Fenrir, Slyt, Pandaemonium, Phoenix
Location: Subterra Hell's Challenge
Steal Shadowseer rare - Elixir

Normal - Dark Mote
Diamond Armlet - Sapping Bolts

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Metal Jerkin

Normal - Potion
Diamond Armlet - Opal Ring

Lv.99 Red Chocobo x3
Location: Golmore Jungle Dell of the Dreamer
Steal common - Elixir
Steal uncommon - Megalixir
Steal rare - Ribbon

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Dark Shot

Normal - Elixir
Diamond Armlet - Black Cowl

Gilgamesh, Enkidu (optional)
Location: Lhusu Mines Site 7
Steal Gilgamesh common - Masamune
Steal Gilgamesh uncommon - Kumbha
Steal Gilgamesh rare - Wyrmhero Blade

Steal Enkidu common - Genji Helm
Steal Enkidu uncommon - Genji Shield
Steal Enkidu rare - Genji Armor

Normal - Scathe Mote
Diamond Armlet - Water Bombs

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Black Garb

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Sage's Ring

The stage has cycling handicaps from HP Sap, MP Sap, Magick/Attack/Technick commands disabled as soon as Ultima uses Holyja. The stage has 16 treasures that all have the same loot, although there is a small chance to get a different item with Diamond Armlet.
Location: Great Crystal Crystal Peak (Mist)
Steal common - White Mask
Steal uncommon - White Robes
Steal rare - Lordly Robes

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Ether (95%) / Meteorite (D) (5%)

Abysteel x36-72, Glaring Eye (optional)
Glaring Eye has a 1% chance to spawn after each killed Abysteel.
Location: Henne Mines Pithead Junction C
Drop Glaring Eye very rare - Elixir

Normal - X-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Diamond Helm

Normal - Reverse Mote
Diamond Armlet - Diamond Armor

Location: Henne Mines Special Charter Dig (Mist)
Steal common - Black Mask
Steal uncommon - Black Robes
Steal rare - Lordly Robes

Normal - Hi-Ether
Diamond Armlet - Hermes Sandals

Normal - Hi-Potion
Diamond Armlet - Turtleshell Choker

Normal - Ether
Diamond Armlet - Firefly

Normal - Balance Mote
Diamond Armlet - Dragon Shield

Location: Ridorana Cataract Colosseum
Steal uncommon - Yagyu Darkblade
Steal rare - Mesa

The third treasure is on a trap.

Normal - ~55555 gil
Diamond Armlet - ~55 gil

Normal - ~55555 gil
Diamond Armlet - ~55 gil

Normal - ~55 gil
Diamond Armlet - ~55555 gil

Omega Mark XII
The stage has twelve treasures with the same loot, but chance to yield different items with Diamond Armlet.
Location: Great Crystal
Steal common - Bonebreaker
Steal uncommon - Ribbon
Steal rare - Excalipur

Normal - Potion (50%) / Elixir (50%)
Diamond Armlet - Potion (95%) / Megalixir (5%)

Judge Gabranth, Judge Ghis, Judge Bergan, Judge Drace, Judge Zargabaath
Location: Sky Fortress Bahamut Central Shaft
Steal Gabranth uncommon - Tournesol
Steal Judge Ghis uncommon - Circlet
Steal Judge Bergan uncommon - Genji Gloves
Steal Judge Drace uncommon - Megalixir
Steal Judge Zargabaath uncommon - Grand Armor

Normal - Phoenix Down
Diamond Armlet - Cameo Belt

Normal - Bubble Mote
Diamond Armlet - Jade Collar

Normal - Elixir
Diamond Armlet - Ribbon

Bonus reward - "New Game-" Mode

Behind the scenes[]

The Trial Mode was added due to a flaw in the original version of Final Fantasy XII where the player who bothers to unlock the game's best weapons will find that they do not have any strong enough monsters left to try them on. The Trial Mode was envisioned as a challenge for this very purpose. Hiroyuki Ito, the director of Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System, had heard that the bonus fight mode added to the Game Boy Advance version of Final Fantasy VI was popular, so he wanted to try something similar.[1] Trial Mode is designed for the player to use trial-and-error and find new gambit configurations and explore the Gambit system in a new way.[2] Thus, the player cannot run though the whole gauntlet with just one gambit configuration.


  1. Hiroyuki Ito interview from the Final Fantasy XII International Ultimania (Translation)
  2. The trials, tribulations, and Trial Mode of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (Accessed: January 30, 2019) at Retronauts