Tool of the Trade is a side quest in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII where Lightning must find a discarded loupe in the Dead Dunes desert to bring to Elmer back in Ruffian to become able to appraise "unappraised items". Ruffian is found as part of the Dead Dunes main quest, "Bandits of the Desert". There is no time limit for this quest.
Quest log[]
- Entry 1 - Quest Begins
- In Ruffian, Lightning meets a young man who speaks in a strange code. Elmer first came to the Dead Dunes to unlock the secrets of the ruins, and although he has given up on his research, he still knows a great deal about them. Lightning may help rekindle his motivation if she finds his old appraising tool, the loupe. Hint: The bandits discard their garbage in the Atomos's Sands area.
- Entry 2 - Quest Complete
- The loupe that Elmer discarded belonged to his father. When his father died, he fell into despair and abandoned the dream he had of becoming a scholar like his father wanted. That was when he threw away the tools of his trade.
- But dreams are not discarded so easily. Elmer says that if he could be born again, he would become a great scholar and unlock the secrets of the ruins. Now, thanks to the savior's intervention, he may do exactly that—in the new world to come.
- Entry 3 - In the days that follow...
- Elmer learned many things from his father. If Lightning finds any unappraised items, she can bring them to Ruffian to have Elmer appraise them. Who knows, some mystery items might turn out to be valuable treasures?
Unappraised items can be recovered from lizards and the remains of hapless adventurers.
Elmer is found in the second floor of the Ruffian, where he says he has discarded his equipment. The loupe is found in Atomos's Sands, north from Ruffian. Climbing the nearby observation post lets Lightning spot something glimmering on the ground. Handing the loupe to Elmer completes the quest.
Completing the quest earns 400 gil, Retro Scopes adornment, Max HP +50, Strength +2, and Magic +4. Completing the quest again in new game plus earns 600 gil, Max HP +20, Strength +2, and Magic +2.
After completing the quest, Elmer will appraise unappraised items for Lightning:
- 1 unit: Pilgrim's Crux
- 5 units: Gold Dust
- 10 units: Ether
- 20 units: Platinum Ore
- 50 units: Turbo Ether
Lightning also receives a random amount of Bronzed, Silvered, or Crystal Medals.