Final Fantasy Wiki

The Toadgre (オーガニトード, Ōganitōdo?, lit. Organitoad), also known as the Mad Toad, is a recurring creature in the Final Fantasy series, first appearing in Final Fantasy IV.


Final Fantasy IV[]

Mad Toad from FFIV SNES sprite

The Toadgre, also known as the Mad Toad, appears as an enemy encountered in the Underground Waterway, as well as in the Lunar Ruins in the Advance and Complete Collection releases. It is of no threat, though it can inflict Toad on a party member, which can be dangerous if Rydia does not know the Toad spell to reverse it. A single casting of Blizzard will dispose of it.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

The Toadgre returns as an enemy encountered in the Underground Lake, Sylph Cave, Impact Crater, Dwarven Mine Path, and Challenge Dungeon during Kain, Porom, Rydia, Yang, Palom, and Edge's tales. It is not a very powerful enemy and can easily be dispatched, but is annoying due to turning party members into Toads. Carry lots of Maiden's Kisses to avoid this. Blizzard is more than enough to one-shot this enemy.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

FFMQ Mad Toad

The Mad Toad appears as an enemy encountered in the Giant Tree.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

PFF Toadgre FFIV

The Toadgre from Final Fantasy IV appears as an enemy.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

FFBE Toadgre Sprite

The Toadgre appears as an enemy encountered in the Lanzelt Estuary, Lanzelt Snowfields, Wolfsfang Peak, Kolobos Reef, Shipwreck, Tokkle Coast, Chamber of Creation, Chamber of Awakening, and Colosseum. It also appears during the event "Conspiracy to the Throne."


The second part of Toadgre's Japanese name is from the English word "toad" (トード, tōdo?). The first part appears to be the first part of the English word "organic" (オーガニック, ōganikku?), but could alternatively or additionally be a reference to the English word "ogre" (オーガ, ōga?).

"Toadgre" is a portmanteau of "toad" and "ogre".

An ogre is a mythical creature found in West European folklore. Ogres are typically depicted as large, mean-spirited, humanoid monsters that prefer to feed on human beings.
