Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

The unit has been cursed and turned into a toad, limiting available actions and reducing strength. Remove with Maiden's Kiss, Remedy, Toad or Esuna.

Description (The War of the Lions)
FFT - Frog Sprite

Toad, also known as Frog in the PS version, is a status in Final Fantasy Tactics. Toad status limit the unit's action to Attack command (and possibly the Toad spell if a human unit with Black Magick knows the spell and becomes a toad) and no reaction ability will activate. When a unit under Toad status attacks, it deals damage equal to [PA * Br/100]. Attacking a Toad will receive 1.5 times Physical Attack bonus. Weapon attacks that normally have a vertical 3 tolerance when attacking from above will only have a vertical 2 tolerance if the target is a toad. Berserk status has no effect on frogs' attack damage.

KO does not remove this status; the status will sustain until actively healed. Toad spell toggles the status, both inflicting and healing it.


Ability Celestial Void (Sky Mantra), Corporeal Void (Nether Mantra), Forbidden Dance (Dance)
Spell Toad (Black Magick)
Weapon Nagnarok

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Malboro
Biora Cúchulainn, Reaver
Grand Cross Ultima the Arch Seraph, Ultima the High Seraph
Poisonous Frog Elidibus
Toadja Zalera


Accessory Japa Mala, Onion Gloves
Armor Cachusha, Ribbon


Ability Dragon's Gift (Dragon), Purification (Martial Arts)
Item Maiden's Kiss, Remedy
Spell Dispelna (Holy Magick), Esuna (White Magick), Toad (Black Magick)
Weapon Eight-fluted Pole removes Toad on hit