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Final Fantasy Wiki

Time mage command. Warp the fabric of time itself.


Time Magic (時魔法, Toki Mahō?) is the action ability for the Time Mage in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.


Skill Equipment AP MP Range
Haste Firewheel Rod 200 24 3
Meddle with time's flow to increase speed.
Quicken Thor Rod 300 24 3
Slides time, allowing target to take turn early.
Slow Terre Rod 200 12 3
Meddles with time's flow, reducing target's speed.
Reflect Thunder Rod 300 8 3
Reflects white, red, time, and black magic.
Stop Chill Rod 300 24 3
Stops the flow of time. Target is unable to act.
Silence Sleet Rod 200 8 3
Steals voice, silencing target.
Quarter Force Rod 200 10 3
Small gravity field. Saps 1/4 of target's HP.
Demi Stardust Rod 300 24 3
Gravity field. Saps 1/2 of target's HP.

