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Tataru regards you with a grim countenance. Whatever could the matter be?

Quest description

The Things We Do for Tea The Things We Do for Tea is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • F20215F20216 This quest has been adjusted. Please abandon the quest and restart it by speaking to Slafborn in Revenant's Toll.

※The Main Scenario Guide shows the next available quest. You can toggle it on and off in Character Configuration, under UI Settings.

  • Medguistl states that her stores of highland tea leaves were depleted but a few bells prior to your arrival. She advises you to seek out Emanuel the wine seller, who plies his wares in the courtyard of Camp Dragonhead.
  • Recognizing you from your previous escapades in Coerthas, Emanuel regretfully explains that his next shipment of highland tea leaves is unlikely to arrive for some time. This being the case, he proposes that you harvest the leaves yourself from the plants which grow along the riverbanks in Boulder Downs─adding that you may need to mind your surroundings whilst doing so.
  • Braving all manner of unfriendly wildlife, you succeed in harvesting a sufficiency of highland tea leaves. Deliver your fragrant haul to Tataru, who is waiting outside the Waking Sands, and be done with this second errand.
  • Tataru wastes no time preparing her tonic, and you listen with mounting disgust as she recites its ingredients in song. For a mercy, you are spared the full horror of the recipe when she abruptly remembers that a crisis has erupted in your absence.


  • F20215F20216 This quest has been adjusted. Please abandon the quest and restart it by speaking to Slafborn in Revenant's Toll.


The Things We Do for Tea The Things We Do for Tea script
Tataru Preparing for the move is taking a terrible toll on everyone's mental and physical well-being. People have been carrying on for days at a time with barely any food or drink, never mind rest. Some have been too busy to visit the privy, for gods' sakes!
Tataru I try to lift their spirits, but encouraging words simply aren't enough anymore.
Tataru Given that nothing short of hitting them over the head with something heavy will persuade them to rest, my only remaining option is to try improving their diet. I know just how to do it, too: with a special tonic proven to revive flagging spirits.
Tataru But for that, I require highland tea leaves─and the one merchant I know who sells them is completely out of stock. Harvesting them myself isn't an option, either, as the plant only grows in Coerthas, and I'm in no position to leave the Waking Sands at present.
Tataru But you are, [Player Name]─and since you now understand how important this is, you'll surely agree to assist me? Great! I'll take that silence as a yes.
Tataru I learned the recipe from an Ishgardian acquaintance of mine who serves at Camp Dragonhead. Medguistl's her name. She'll know where to obtain highland tea leaves, I'm sure of it. Godsspeed!
Tataru Highland tea leaves don't seem to be a very popular commodity outside of Coerthas, so I doubt you'll find them for sale in these parts. Nevertheless, they are an essential ingredient of this tonic.
Tataru It was my friend Medguistl who gave me the recipe, so she must surely know where the tea leaves can be obtained. Please, hurry to Camp Dragonhead and ask her. You know how important this is!
Medguistl Now there's a face I shan't soon forget, not after all the chaos you left in your wake. 'Twas for the best, of course, but still...
Medguistl Tataru sent you in search of highland tea leaves? Ah. Had you come but a few bells sooner, I'd have given you my remaining supply. Alas, you did not, and now I have none.
Medguistl Where did I acquire my stock? Emanuel, where else? He sells more than wines and spirits, after all.
Emanuel As ever, it is a pleasure to serve such an esteemed personage as yourself. Alas, I cannot furnish you with that which I do not have.
Emanuel I know not when my next shipment will arrive, but I fear it will not be soon. Assuming you cannot afford to wait, might I humbly suggest that you consider harvesting the leaves yourself? If you travel to Boulder Downs and scour the riverbanks, you should have no trouble finding the plants.
Emanuel The real challenge will be keeping the local fauna at bay while you set about picking the tea.
Emanuel But what are mere beasts to the brave adventurer who fought at Lord Haurchefant's side!?
Emanuel As I believe I mentioned, I cannot say with any certainty when my next shipment of highland tea leaves will arrive. Rather than resign yourself to what may prove to be a lengthy wait, you might consider visiting Boulder Downs and harvesting the leaves yourself.
Tataru I'm at my wit's end, [Player Name]! This tonic is the Scions' only hope! Without it, I don't know what will become of us! Please─you have to find those leaves!
Tataru You brought them! You really brought them! Thank you so much!
Tataru There's no time to waste─I shall begin brewing without delay!
Tataru A dollop of honey, a fresh sprig of mint,♪

Aloe extract, just so...♪

Tataru A tincture of tea, but no more than a hint,♪

To buoy my beloved beau...♪

Tataru Nix eyes and flan flesh ground to a paste,♪

Fresh ogre offal for─

Tataru <gasp> ...The NEWS! Uwaaah! I knew there was something I'd forgotten to mention!
Tataru Ill tidings, [Player Name]! As ill as ill can be! Another crisis in the making!
Quest complete.