The Strength of Courage is a time-limited event in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Cater from Final Fantasy Type-0 can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario is located after Chapter 7.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Reckless Behavior:
It is recommended that you clear Ch. 7: Imber Manor before playing.
- ???: Take this you little...!
- Mog: Kupo!? Did you hear that!?
- Rem: Hey, doesn't that sound like...?
- King: Yeah, let's go check it out.
- ???: Whew. That should do it. That was a close one though.
- Rem: Cater! Is that you?
- Cater: Rem!? And is that King!?
- Steiner: Did you vanquish the monsters here all by yourself!?
- Yang: Your courage is commendable.
- Cater: Huh? Oh, thanks. ...So, uh, what's up with the get-up? You guys circus performers or something?
- Steiner: ...! Hmph. Well, the others seem to know her, so I'll let it pass.
- Steiner: I am Adelbert Steiner.
- Yang: And I am Yang, monk and leader of Fabul.
- Cater: Hold up. A man wearing armor and a warrior monk? What in the world is going on here?
- King: We need to talk.
- Rem: So, Cater, this world we're in...
- Cater: Ohhh! No wonder they're dressed so funny.
- Yang: Well, we are from different worlds, after all.
- Steiner: Exactly. Our attire is simply a characteristic of our home.
- Rem: She's just never seen anybody dressed like you two before. That's all.
- Cater: But seriously, I have the worst luck. I was just taking a nap on the terrace, and the next thing you know, I'm in a different world.
- Cater: Anyway, we need to close those Torsions or whatever if we ever wanna go home, right?
- Mog: Right, kupo! So you should come—
- Cater: All right, I'm gonna go see what's up ahead! You guys check that way! We'll meet up later!
(Cater runs off)
- Mog: Waaait! I wasn't finished talking yet, kupo!
- Yang: Are you sure she'll be okay?
- King: No, this place is crawling with monsters.
- Rem: Leave it to Cater to go running off without thinking first.
- Steiner: Come, let us hurry after your comrade!
The Pure of Heart:
- Mog: Finally! I didn't think we'd ever catch up, kupo!
- Cater: Sorry about that. I still haven't found the Torsion yet.
- Firion: No, I'm just glad we found you before anything happened. It's dangerous here.
- Cater: Oh, you were worried about me? Rem sure is lucky to have nice friends like you.
- Cater: But I'm fine. I know how to take care of myself.
- Layle: Pretty confident, aren't we? But it's people like you who end up getting themselves into trouble.
- Wakka: Yeah, and I believe it coming from you.
- Penelo: The monsters up ahead are even stronger. You could get really hurt if you go alone.
- Cater: Hm... You really think so? I mean, we could cover more ground if we split up.
- Cater: Plus, the monsters here don't seem to like being shot in the face, so I think I can handle things myself.
- Wakka: Man, I love this confidence of hers!
- Firion: You possess abilities we are in need of. Would you consider fighting along our side?
- Penelo: Please, come with us. Think of it as you're doing us a favor.
- Cater: Come on, you're embarrassing me. I mean, it's tough being popular sometimes.
- Cater: But sure, you've got it! I'll come with you.
- Mog: Yay! Welcome to the family, kupo! Now we'll be able to seal the Torsion here in no time.
- Mog: Speaking of which, my senses tell me it's this way. Come on, everybody!
- Cater: Aye aye, captain! I won't let you down!
(Everyone leaves, except Layle)
- Layle: Well, that was easy. I think they've got a knack for this.
A Spitfire and Thief:
- Cater: Yes! I closed the Torsion! Pretty impressive, huh?
- Galuf: Impressive, indeed. Looks like you've got the skills to back up that mouth of yours.
- Cater: Hey, you gotta practice what you preach, you know? That's my motto.
- Vincent: You're strong, talented.
- Vincent: But you lack the composure necessary for battle. ...One day, that hubris could be your downfall.
- Cater: Ugh. Give it a rest. I'm tired of everyone trying to lecture me on what to do.
- Rem: Hey's saying this because he's worried about you. Right, Vincent?
- Vincent: Forget I said anything.
- King: Everybody expresses themselves differently. Think about everyone in Class Zero.
- Cater: Yeah... Good point. The world may be different, but people are still people, huh?
- Yuffie: Wow, gettin' all philosophical on us now.
- Galuf: You two are a lot alike, you know that?
- Yuffie: What!? I'm nothing like this cocky tomboy!
- Cater: Excuse me!? What did you just say, you conniving thief!
- Galuf: See, what did I tell you?
- Rem: The more the merrier, r-right?
- Vincent: ...Heh.
- Galuf: Vincent, why don't you keep an eye on them? Give them some guidance.
- Vincent: I'll pass.
- Cater: Not in a million years!
- Galuf: Yep, they're perfect for each other.
- Yuffie: How could you say we're alike? I mean, have I ever been this annoying?
- Galuf: Well, ready to go?
(Everyone leaves, except Yuffie and Cater)
- Yuffie: H-hold up! Hey!
- Cater: Yuffie, it hurts to admit it...but I know how you feel right now.
- Yuffie: Thanks, Cater... You're a lot nicer than I thought.
- Cater: Maybe we're not so different after all, huh? Let's find a way home...together.
- Cater: And let's show the others who's boss! Make them pay for ever doubting us!
- Yuffie: Oh, I like where you're going with this! I'm in!
- Galuf: Heeey! Get a move on, you two!
Spoilers end here.
The Strength of Courage Pt. 1[]
The Strength of Courage Pt. 2[]
The Strength of Courage Pt. 3[]
The Strength of Courage Pt. 4[]
The Strength of Courage Pt. 5[]
The Strength of Courage Co-op[]