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The Power of Tranquility is a time-limited event in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Eight from Final Fantasy Type-0 can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario may include characters not yet recruited by the player.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Spare Me:
Depending on your progress in the story, characters you have yet to recruit may appear in these events.
- ???: So this is a different world from Orience...
- ???: For a place created to give "respite," it looks an awful lot like a battlefield.
- ???: Huh? Are those...
(Eight runs ahead to inspect the ground)
- ???: Magic bullets! Are these from Cater's pistol...?
- ???: These are Ace's cards! Used in battle, no less.
- ???: So they're here, too...
- ???: That goddess was telling the truth after all.
- Kefka: Well, well, what do we have here?
(Eight turns around to find Kefka)
- ???: Who're you?
- Kefka: I'm guessing by your uniform you're another one of those disgusting cadets.
- ???: Cadets? So you know Ace and the others?
- Kefka: Know them? Yes! I absolutely, positively abhor them!
- Kefka: They're always meddling in my plans! And there're so many of them, babbling on about friendship and bonds! Blargh!
- Kefka: And not too long ago... Why, my poor baby Blackened Wills...!
- Kefka: Ooh! Just thinking about it makes me want to scream!
- ???: (There's no mistaking it. He's definitely an enemy.)
- Kefka: Which is why you, my fresh-faced foe, will be paying the price for your friends' transgressions!
- Kefka: If you want to hate someone, hate your dear friends! Prepare for a whooping!
- ???: (Let's see if I can't turn this around...)
- ???: P-please, don't hurt me!
- Kefka: ...Oh? What's this now?
- ???: I'm unarmed! I'm no threat to you!
- Kefka: What's wrong with you!? You're nothing but a coward!
- Kefka: How annoying! You've ruined all my fun!
- ???: So you'll let me go?
- Kefka: Puh-leez. Where's the fun in that?
- Kefka: There's no way I'm letting you get away so easily!
- Kefka: I'm sure there's something we can do...
- Kefka: Oho, I have a great idea! Watch this!
- ???: (...What a fool.)
Mission Accomplished:
- Kefka: Heh heh heh!
(Kefka appears)
- Yang: Kefka!
- Auron: To what do we owe this unexpected visit?
- Kefka: Ladies and gentlemen, today is a special day!
- Kefka: I've come to give you my heartfelt thanks!
- Cater: What are you talking about?
- Kefka: Not long ago, you had the audacity of trouncing my Wilburinos!
- Ace: Not this again...
- Yang: We will destroy them however many times it takes. When will you learn your lesson?
- Kefka: Nobody asked you! Go jump in a lake!
- Kefka: Now then, I have a question for you.
- Kefka: Can you still keep that cheeky attitude up after seeing this?
(An imprisoned Eight appears)
- Ace: Eight!?
- Cater: How did you get captured by Kefka!?
- Eight: Hey, Cater! Looks like you're doing well.
- Cater: This isn't the time for casual greetings!
- Yang: It appears he is a friend of Ace and the others.
- Auron: This is troublesome...
- Kefka: Heh heh heh! Feeling helpless yet?
- Kefka: If you value this chump's life, you'll let me beat you up for what you've done!
- Cater: Kefka, you coward!
- Ace: You fiend...
- Kefka: Oh, thank you! Thank you! What high praise!
- Eight: Alright. I guess I've been in here long enough...
(Eight breaks free and runs to the party)
- Kefka: Wh-what!? Did you just get out of my prison!?
- Ace: Are you alright, Eight?
- Eight: I'm fine.
- Eight: He was nice enough to take me to you guys.
- Kefka: You, you...used me! How dare you!?
- Eight: Thanks to you, we were reunited. Much obliged, Mr. Kefka, sir!
- Kefka: Damn you! You told me you were unarmed!
- Eight: I'm not really unarmed...
- Eight: My weapons are...my fists!
During The Power of Tranquility Pt. 2:
(Wave 2: Kefka)
- Kefka: Why you why you why you little—! You're gonna pay for making a dupe out of me!
- Eight: Maybe this will teach you to judge your hostages better.
- Kefka: Oooh! I've had it with you and your cheek!
Let Our Fists Do the Talking:
- Eight: Mission complete!
- King: Good job, Eight. Seems you haven't lost your touch.
- Deuce: I'm happy to see you unharmed, and to fight beside you again.
(The rest of the party arrives)
- Zell: Looks like you pack quite the punch!
- Sabin: I'm sure you can knock some sense into your enemies with those fists. You must have trained very hard!
- Eight: So you're the warriors from other worlds. I heard about you from the goddess.
- Eight: My name is Eight. I'm from Class Zero, like King and the other Agito Cadets.
- Relm: I thought you'd be a total weakling because you got captured by that silly clown!
- Eight: Clever plan, wasn't it? I was able to turn the tide in my favor.
- Zell: You managed to stay so calm, even though you just got to this world. It's amazing!
- King: He's known for his quick wit, even among the other Class Zero students.
- Deuce: No matter what happens on the battlefield, he never loses his cool.
- Relm: How awesome!
- Relm: Your fighting style's like the overfed muscle-man and the rowdy punk, but your personality is completely different!
- Zell: Hey! Who're you calling rowdy!?
- Sabin: Hahaha! She has a point. We're more likely to act first, then think later.
- Sabin: All the more reason that martial arts was the right path for me to walk! A perfect match, don't you think?
- Deuce: Well, when you put it that way...
- King: Zell, Sabin, Yang, Snow...
- King: There certainly are a lot of hot-blooded martial artists from the other worlds.
- Zell: So why did you decide to become a martial artist, Eight?
- Relm: I want to know, too! Tell us!
- Eight: Hmm... Well, if I had to say, it's because of my beliefs.
- Sabin: Your beliefs?
- Eight: Having a weapon that easily takes the life of others doesn't suit me.
- Eight: In the world I come from, we lose memories of those who pass away.
- Eight: That's why I want to remember my opponents through the pain in my fists.
- Zell: You...
- Zell: You've got so much passion! Why didn't you say anything sooner?
- Sabin: We've been waiting for someone like you!
- Relm: Whoa, they're so moved!
- Zell: C'mon, let's not wait another second! Let's get to talking—with our fists!
- Sabin: We'll introduce you to the others and start training right away!
- Eight: I like the sound of that.
(Zell, Sabin, and Eight run off)
- Deuce: Their personalities are total opposites...
- King: But it seems like their hearts understand each other.
(Snow and Zell have a match against Yang and Sabin)
- Snow: Alright, alright! Here I go!
(Snow attacks Yang)
- Yang: I won't hold back...!
(Yang attacks Snow)
- Eight: ...Haha.
- Eight: I think my fists will get plenty of good training in this world.
Spoilers end here.
The Power of Tranquility Pt. 1[]
The Power of Tranquility Pt. 2[]
The Power of Tranquility Pt. 3[]
The Power of Tranquility Pt. 4[]
The Power of Tranquility Pt. 5[]
The Power of Tranquility Co-op[]
The Power of Tranquility EX[]
The Power of Tranquility COSMOS[]
The Power of Tranquility CHAOS[]
Musical themes[]
- "War: The Quiet Bloodbath" plays in all waves.