The Power of Acceptance is a time-limited event in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0 can be added to Mog's group of warriors. This paralogue of the main scenario is located after Chapter 6.
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
A Bloodcurdling Scream:
It is recommended that you clear Ch. 6: Domina Wastelands before playing.
- Bartz: Man, the breeze feels great. I bet Boko would love it out here.
(Mog and Rem arrive)
- Rem: That's your chocobo, right?
- Bartz: Yeah, he's basically my best friend. We'd go everywhere together.
- Bartz: I wonder what he's up to right now? I sure hope he's not lonely without me.
- ???: Kweeeh!
- Mog: It came from over there, kupo!
- Rem: It sounds like it's in trouble.
- Bartz: Just you wait! I'm coming to save you!
- Rem: Bartz!
(Alone, Ace protects a Chocobo from a Red Giant)
- Red Giant: ......
- ???: Not another step!
- Chocobo: Kweh...
- Bartz: We're here to help!
(Mog, Bartz, and Rem arrive)
- Rem: Ace!
- Ace: Rem? Is that you!?
- Ace: I need some backup!
- Chocobo:
- Mog: It's hurt bad! We've gotta do something, kupo!
- Bartz: We'll take care of the monster! You take care of the chocobo!
- Ace: Thanks. I owe you one.
- Bartz: All right, you giant hunk of scrap metal, let's do this!
Thank You:
(Yuna attempts to heal the Chocobo)
- Chocobo: Kweh...
- Ace: Is there nothing we can do?
- Ace: ...
- Bartz: ...What's that?
- Chocobo: Kweh...
(The Chocobo passes)
- Bartz: All right, I'll make sure to let him know.
- Bartz: The chocobo wanted to thank you.
- Ace: I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
- Ace: If only I had gotten here a little faster...
- Yuna: You did everything you could.
- Ace: I was so relieved to see something I recognized in these unfamiliar lands...
- Ace: When I saw it being attacked, I rushed over, but...
- Cecil: You blame yourself for what happened?
- Ace: I feel so powerless...
- Cecil: You do not have to carry that burden alone.
- Bartz: Yeah, we're all in this together. So what do you say? Wanna come with us?
- Bartz: You don't mind, right, Mog?
- Mog: The more the merrier, kupo. I can feel a gentle, warm light radiating from him as well.
- Bartz: Further proof that you can't love chocobos and be a bad person, huh?
- Yuna: Your kindness is a powerful tool—one that I'm sure will save many.
- Ace: All right, I'll come with you. I'd like to hear more about this world as well.
- Ace: Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'm Ace. I'm an Agito Cadet at Akademeia just like Rem.
- Bartz: Then it's settled. From now on, when you've got something to protect, we've got your back.
- Ace: Thanks. I appreciate it.
The Void:
- Ace: ...It feels so weird.
- Rem: What do you mean?
- Ace: Everyone was right. This world isn't Orience.
- Ace: I can still remember that chocobo who died.
- Wakka: Course you do. Why wouldn't you?
- King: In our world, we forget those who die.
- Rem: It's the Crystal's way of protecting us from dwelling on the past so we can move forward.
- Wakka: Gimme a break! That's insane!
- Ace: It's normal for us though. All we can do is forget the past and move on.
- Vivi: Hmm...
- Vivi: I know how much it hurts when you lose someone close to you.
- Vivi: But forgetting them sounds even worse. That's not weird, is it?
- Wakka: No way I'd ever want to forget my little brother. I mean, course it still hurts, ya know? But...
- Ace: I haven't been able to stop thinking about that chocobo. ...It's like there's a lump in my throat.
- Vivi: But...I bet it's really happy to know that.
- Ace: Happy?
- Vivi: The chocobo. It can tell how much you cared.
- King: The happiness of the deceased... Never thought about it that way.
- Wakka: This is the first time you guys remember someone who died, ya?
- Wakka: You rather you didn't remember? Is it better how things were in your world?
- Ace: I don't know. It's something we'd take for granted, so I can't even compare.
- Vivi: You never knew what it felt like to be left behind...
- Ace: No, but as long as we're here, I'm sure we'll come to understand the feeling.
- Wakka: Whoa, don't talk like that! We're not letting anyone die, hear?
- Ace: Sorry. Of course I didn't mean it like that. I'm not going to let anyone get hurt.
- Ace: It's just...if we can feel it, I think we can understand it.
- Ace: If I ever feel this pain again...I'll be ready to accept it.
Spoilers end here.
Unparalleled Power Pt. 1[]
Unparalleled Power Pt. 2[]
Unparalleled Power Pt. 3[]
Unparalleled Power Pt. 4[]
Unparalleled Power Pt. 5[]
Unparalleled Power Co-op[]