"The Phantom Forest" (迷いの森, Mayoi no Mori?), also known as "The Mystic Forest", is the field theme for the eponymous location in Final Fantasy VI.
Game appearances[]
Final Fantasy VI[]
The Phantom Forest has its eponymous theme as a background music. It also plays in numerous other dungeons, such as caves. The theme is included on the original soundtracks.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
In battle with the primal Tsukuyomi, the motif is referenced at the beginning of the second phase, mixed with the Doma theme.
Final Fantasy XV[]
The Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy arrangement is available on the Memories of Dissidia 012 FF album purchasable from Old Lestallum for 500 gil. The player can listen to it in the music player.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
An arrangement of this theme is included as Terra's dungeon theme. The theme is included on the Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Original Soundtrack.
Arrangement album appearances[]
Piano Collections: Final Fantasy VI[]
Known as "The Mystic Forest," the theme is included on the piano arrangement album performed by Reiko Nomura.
Final Fantasy VI: Grand Finale[]
An arranged version of the theme is included performed by the Milan Symphony Orchestra.
Final Fantasy Orchestra Album[]
An arranged version of the theme is included.
Live performances[]
Distant Worlds IV: more music from FINAL FANTASY[]
An orchestrated version is included on the Distant Worlds IV: more music from FINAL FANTASY album performed by Distant Worlds Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus.