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Uin Nee would never dream of imposing upon their favorite mortal.

※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.

Quest description

The Moss Fungus Menace The Moss Fungus Menace is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.



  • Survey the area northwest of Sextuplet Shallow and slay a moss fungus for its cap.
  • Deliver the moss fungus cap to Uin Nee.


The Moss Fungus Menace The Moss Fungus Menace script
Uin Nee You know, sometimes I feel guilty about always asking you to run to and fro performing errands for me. But don't worry─I'm not going to do anything like that today! Today, I'm going to tell you a story. A story of moss fungus, and of children.
Uin Nee Moss fungus often grows on graves, and because of this, Kholusians believe it to be a most baleful thing, and a harbinger of death, disease, and all sort of other nasty things. Because of this, many children have nightmares of being chased after by giant moss funguses! Is it moss funguses?
Uin Nee Anyhow, this got me thinking. Wouldn't it be so sweet if someone put these poor dreamers' hearts at ease by bringing me the cap of a slain moss fungus, that I could spin it into a dream to show the children that there's nothing to fear about these funny-looking creatures?
Uin Nee I'm not asking you to do this. Heavens no! I'm merely saying that if someone were inclined to perform this kind gesture, all they would need to do is take an oh-so-short trip to Sextuplet Shallow and rip the cap off one of the unsuspecting moss funguseses that live there. Don't worry, though─I'm sure my dreamers won't mind living in abject fear for another day or two.
Uin Nee Hm? You have something for me? But I didn't even ask you for anything!
Uin Nee The cap of a moss fungus! However did you know that I was looking for one of these? It's almost as if you had the power to enter my mind! But whatever can I do to reward your selfless and entirely self-motivated gesture?
Uin Nee I know, I'll tell you another story about moss fungus! Once upon a time in a mortal kingdom that is no more, people would sometimes play little tricks on those they didn't like by sneaking a teensy-weensy bit of moss fungus poison into their drinks every day.
Uin Nee Guess what would happen then? The poor person would gradually grow sick and eventually die, and nobody would be the wiser! That's quite the trick, don't you think? Why, I wish I'd thought of it myself! By the way, can I interest you in a sip of water before you go? Tee hee!
Quest complete.