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The Twin Adder recruitment officer seems eager to welcome you to Gridania's Grand Company.

Quest description

The Company You Keep (Twin Adder) The Company You Keep (Twin Adder) is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • You have confirmed your intention to join the ranks of the Order of the Twin Adder. Visit the Adders' Nest in Gridania, and speak with the personnel officer to be formally inducted into the Grand Company.
  • Your formal induction into the Order of the Twin Adder is interrupted by an urgent report concerning an imperial attack on a Highwind Skyways airship. Head to the area southeast of Nine Ivies and determine the fate of the crippled vessel and its crew.
  • You have defeated the imperial soldiers intent on requisitioning the downed airship. You learn that the vessel's crew, Biggs and Wedge, are engineers from Garlond Ironworks, and that Master Garlond himself has been missing since the Calamity. Return to the Adders' Nest and report to the personnel officer.
  • Back at the Adders' Nest, the personnel officer praises your efforts, and reassures you that the two engineers you encountered were able to continue on their way. He then expresses his eagerness to complete your induction into the ranks of the Order of the Twin Adder. Speak with him once more when you are ready to attend to the formalities.


  • Speak with the personnel officer at the Adders' Nest.
  • Head southeast of Nine Ivies and determine the fate of the airship and its crew.
  • Speak with the personnel officer at the Adders' Nest.


The Company You Keep (Twin Adder) The Company You Keep (Twin Adder) script
serpent officer Ah, I take it the Elder Seedseer's words have touched your heart. Have you resolved to entwine your destiny with that of the Twin Adder?
serpent officer You have chosen wisely, my friend! The Elder Seedseer will be overjoyed!
serpent officer Without further ado, let us speak of practical matters. In order to complete the enrollment procedure, you must report to our headquarters in Gridania─the Adders' Nestthe Adders' Nestour headquarters in Gridania─the Adders' Nest.
serpent officer The building you seek stands in the southern part of the city, now called New GridaniaI daresay you know it well from your wanderings in New GridaniaThe building you seek stands in the southern part of the city, now called New Gridania. Give your name to the personnel officer there, and he will guide you through the formalities.
serpent officer I have no doubt but that your deeds will bring great honor to our order. When next we meet in Gridania, I shall be proud to call you sister/brother!
serpent officer Ah...forgive me. In my eagerness to embrace you as a sister/brother, I mistook your intention.
serpent officer I shall send word to the Adders' Nest so that our people know to expect you. Give your name to the personnel officer, and he will guide you through the formalities.
flame officer What's this!? You mean to take up with the Adders!? B-But...did the awe-inspiring figure of General Raubahn not stir you? He can seem a trifle intimidating...but I'm sure you'd warm to him, given time.
storm officer If your mind is made up, then there is no help for it. Yet know that like the tide, men's hearts are apt to change. If and when yours does, you may be certain of a warm welcome from us.
Serpentpersonnel You are come to the Adders' Nest, headquarters of the Order of the Twin Adder. Ever do we welcome they who would toil in the elementals' name for the good of our forest nation.
Serpentpersonnel Ah, the great adventurer herself/himself! Yes, our recruitment officer sent word that you were on your way. It is a pleasure and an honor both to welcome you to our ranks, friend.
Serpentpersonnel Ah! Might you be [Player Name]? I thought as much! Our recruitment officer sent word that you would be coming. It is a pleasure and an honor both to welcome you to our ranks.
Serpentpersonnel Now, let me gather together the relevant documentation...
Serpent Sir!
Serpentpersonnel What is it? Report.
Serpent An urgent message from Amarissaix's Spire, sir! A Highwind Skyways airship has taken fire from imperial forces in the skies over the East Shroud!
Serpent The vessel's engines were crippled, sir, and it was forced to make an emergency landing southeast of Nine Ivies.
Serpentpersonnel Nine Ivies? Gods, this could not have come at a worse time. All but a handful of our forces are presently afield, dealing with the Ixal.
Serpentpersonnel [Player Name]─I know full well you have yet to be formally inducted into our ranks, but we have urgent need of your aid.
Serpentpersonnel In all likelihood, the airship was bearing civilians, and if the reports are accurate, it will have come down dangerously close to Garlean-occupied territory.
Serpentpersonnel Please make all haste to the area southeast of Nine Ivies, locate the airship, and ascertain the status of the passengers.
Serpentpersonnel We think the airship reportedly came down somewhere to the southeast of Nine Ivies. Go there without delay and ascertain the status of the passengers.
Biggs An adventurer!? What're you doing out here? No, wait─let's find some cover first...
Biggs The Adders' Nest sent you? How do I know you're not an imperial spy? You don't even have a uniform!
serpent lieutenant Peace, friend─we mean you no harm. You are an engineer of Garlond Ironworks, are you not? We were alerted to your plight, and have come to rescue you.
serpent lieutenant And you are [Player Name], I presume. I was told to expect an “honorary” Serpent. My thanks for your aid, friend.
imperial soldier I've never seen a craft of this design... It must be Garlond's work. Is there no end to the man's treachery?
imperial soldier The secrets of magitek belong in imperial hands. They are not to be squandered on Eorzean savages!
imperial soldier We are taking this craft back to the fortress! Dismantle it if you must! And bring the engineer! Someone must pay for Garlond's crimes.
serpent lieutenant Imperial scouts from Castrum Oriens. They mean to requisition the ship.
Biggs Wedge! You have to help him! That fool of a Lalafell was hiding inside the Tiny Bronco!
serpent lieutenant The Tiny Bronco? But isn't that the Ironworks' latest creation!?
Biggs It's the first airship we've built since the Calamity─the first since Master Garlond...well, since he went missing.
Biggs After years of work, she was finally ready for her first test flight. And she was soaring, she really was─till those bastards blasted her out of the sky!
serpent lieutenant Attend me, all: the Ironworks' latest creation must not fall into Garlean hands. We shall strike them, swift and sure, and rescue Engineer Wedge.
serpent lieutenant [Player Name], I trust we can rely on your support.
serpent lieutenant May the Matron watch over us! With me!
imperial soldier An ambush! To arms!
Wedge Biggs!
Biggs Wedge! You shouldn't have stayed with the ship!
Wedge Th-That was a close one!
Biggs Too damn close.'s she look, anyway?
Wedge The auxiliary propeller is a dead loss, but I think we can wring enough thrust from the main propeller to get us airborne.
Biggs A few minor modifications and we should be able to fly the Tiny Bronco home.
serpent lieutenant While you do your work, we shall keep watch over the perimeter. The enemy may yet be lurking nearby.
serpent lieutenant As for you, [Player Name], you have more than done your part today. I bid you return to the Adders' Nest and complete your enlistment.
serpent lieutenant I pray there will be no further interruptions. When next we meet, let it be as fellow Serpents of the Order!
Biggs I, um...just wanted to say know, for calling you an imperial spy and all that... Got that one wrong, didn't I!? Ha ha! Seriously, though─if it hadn't been for you and the Twin Adder lads there, we'd be chained up in a dungeon by now. I'm in your debt, friend─we both are.
Biggs Wedge!
Wedge Thank you! We're very grateful!
Serpentpersonnel [Player Name]! It does my spirit well to see you returned!
Serpentpersonnel Word arrived but moments ago from the team at Nine Ivies. Lest you worry, the two engineers are safely on their way.
Serpentpersonnel The lieutenant informs me that you were instrumental in the mission's success. Had you not found Engineer Biggs when you did, and helped us to rout the Garleans, things might have been very different.
Serpentpersonnel And all this before you were even inducted into the Order! You are well on your way to carving out a fine career for yourself beneath the Twin Adder standard.
Serpentpersonnel But without further ado, let us see to your induction. Twelve willing, there won't be any further interruptions.
Quest complete.