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The Maelstrom recruitment officer seems eager to welcome you to Limsa Lominsa's Grand Company.

Quest description

The Company You Keep (Maelstrom) The Company You Keep (Maelstrom) is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.


  • You have confirmed your intention to join the ranks of the Maelstrom. Visit Maelstrom Command in Limsa Lominsa, and speak with the personnel officer to be formally inducted into the Grand Company.
  • Your formal induction into the Maelstrom is interrupted by an urgent report concerning an imperial attack on a Highwind Skyways airship. Head to Cedarwood and determine the fate of the crippled vessel and its crew.
  • You have defeated the imperial soldiers intent on requisitioning the downed airship. You learn that the vessel's crew, Biggs and Wedge, are engineers from Garlond Ironworks, and that Master Garlond himself has been missing since the Calamity. Return to Maelstrom Command and report to the personnel officer.
  • Back at Maelstrom Command, the personnel officer praises your efforts, and assures you that the two engineers you encountered made it home without further incident. He then expresses his eagerness to complete your induction into the ranks of the Maelstrom. Speak with him once more when you are ready to attend to the formalities.


  • Speak with the personnel officer at Maelstrom Command.
  • Head to Cedarwood and determine the fate of the airship and its crew.
  • Speak with the personnel officer at Maelstrom Command.


The Company You Keep (Maelstrom) The Company You Keep (Maelstrom) script
storm officer How was the Admiral's speech? Ah, but you need not explain─that you stand before me now is answer enough. You have resolved to join the Maelstrom, have you not?
storm officer That's the spirit, lass/lad! With allies like you, how much stronger is our crew! Let us brave the seas together, friend!
storm officer Now the choice is made, it is time to add your name to our rolls. Make your way to Maelstrom Command back in LimsaMake your way to Limsa Lominsa and seek out our Grand Company's headquartersMake your way to Limsa Lominsa and seek out our Grand Company's headquarters.
storm officer 'Tis on the upper decks, in case you have forgottenMaelstrom Command is located on the upper decksMaelstrom Command is located on the upper decks. I will send word to our personnel officer to expect you.
storm officer The duties of a Maelstrom soldier can be both arduous and challenging, but I promise you: you will not regret this choice. May your passage be swift and your bearings sure.
storm officer ...Well, I daresay you have your reasons. But mark me: in stormy seas, the strong of arm and stout of heart must pull together or the vessel will founder. And when a ship goes down, the passengers always share the fate of the crew. Remember that.
serpent officer Pray keep in mind that you are at liberty to transfer between Grand Companies. Should you ever experience a change of heart, the Order of the Twin Adder would be proud to have you.
flame officer What's this!? You mean to take up with the Maelstrom!? B-But...did the awe-inspiring figure of General Raubahn not stir you? He can seem a trifle intimidating...but I'm sure you'd warm to him, given time.
storm officer Report to Maelstrom CommandReport to Maelstrom Command in Limsa LominsaReport to Maelstrom Command in Limsa Lominsa to be officially sworn in to our ranks. And do not tarry. There is much work to be done─work to which your skills are well suited.
Stormpersonnel Hail, adventurer. What business have you at Maelstrom Command?
Stormpersonnel [Player Name]! Aye, our recruitment officer sent word of your coming. It shall be my honor to induct you into the ranks of the Maelstrom.
Stormpersonnel Then well met, and welcome to the Maelstrom. I'll need a name for the roll, so─ Wait a moment. You're her/him, aren't you? [Player Name]! Aye, you're just as our recruitment officer described. Glad to have you aboard, friend!
Stormpersonnel Now, before I can accept your oath, you must be made aware of several─
storm private Sir!
Stormpersonnel What is it, Private? And this had better be important.
storm private Sir! We've received a report from a lookout in lower La Noscea, sir! Imperial forces have fired upon a Highwind Skyways airship.
storm private The vessel is in a bad way, sir, and appears to be banking for an emergency landing in Cedarwood.
Stormpersonnel Cedarwood? Damn it. We have no troops available in that area. The bulk of our infantry is bogged down on the coast, skirmishing with the fishbacks.
Stormpersonnel [Player Name]─this is highly irregular, but I fear your first duty in service to the Maelstrom must needs be unofficial.
Stormpersonnel If our man in lower La Noscea is correct, the airship will come down in territory crawling with imperial scouts. If there are any survivors, we must reach them before the Garleans do.
Stormpersonnel Make haste to Cedarwood, locate the airship, and if any of its occupants are alive, make sure they come to no further harm. We'll see about swearing you in upon your return.
Biggs An adventurer!? What're you doing out here? No, wait─let's find some cover first...
Biggs Maelstrom Command sent you? How do I know you're not an imperial spy? You don't even have a uniform!
storm lieutenant Be at ease, sir. We are of the Maelstrom. You're a Garlond Ironworks engineer, yes? One of our lookouts reported the attack on your craft─we're here to rescue you.
storm lieutenant You must be [Player Name]. Good work on reaching our friend here before the imperials.
imperial soldier I've never seen a craft of this design... It must be Garlond's work. Is there no end to the man's treachery?
imperial soldier The secrets of magitek belong in imperial hands. They are not to be squandered on Eorzean savages!
imperial soldier We are taking this craft back to the fortress! Dismantle it if you must! And bring the engineer! Someone must pay for Garlond's crimes.
storm lieutenant ...Hm. Scouting party from Castrum Occidens, I'd say. Seems they want your ship, engineer.
Biggs Wedge! You have to help him! That fool of a Lalafell was hiding inside the Tiny Bronco!
storm lieutenant The Tiny Bronco? Isn't that the new design people have been whispering about?
Biggs It's the first airship we've built since the Calamity─the first since Master Garlond...well, since he went missing.
Biggs After years of work, she was finally ready for her first test flight. And she was soaring, she really was─till those bastards blasted her out of the sky!
storm lieutenant All right, pay attention: we're going to hit these imperials hard and fast. If they want a souvenir from Eorzea, they can have a knife in the gut, but they're not getting that ship. Oh, and...don't forget to save the Lalafell.
storm lieutenant What say you, [Player Name]? Ready to give those curs a hiding?
storm lieutenant Like a tidal wave, lads! Charge!
imperial soldier An ambush! To arms!
Wedge Biggs!
Biggs Wedge! You shouldn't have stayed with the ship!
Wedge Th-That was a close one!
Biggs Too damn close.'s she look, anyway?
Wedge The auxiliary propeller is a dead loss, but I think we can wring enough thrust from the main propeller to get us airborne.
Biggs A few minor modifications and we should be able to fly the Tiny Bronco home.
storm lieutenant We'll stand watch until the ship is ready to take off. The imperials will come looking for their scouts eventually, but I doubt they'll get here for a good while yet.
storm lieutenant [Player Name]─you're free to return to Maelstrom Command and complete your induction.
storm lieutenant Ordinarily, I'd ask you to stay, but I think we'd all feel better knowing an adventurer of your ability was safely sworn in and ready for the next mission! Rest assured, I'll inform Command of the part you played today.
Biggs I, um...just wanted to say know, for calling you an imperial spy and all that... Got that one wrong, didn't I!? Ha ha! Seriously, though─if it hadn't been for you and the Maelstrom lads there, we'd be chained up in a dungeon by now. I'm in your debt, friend─we both are.
Biggs Wedge!
Wedge Thank you! We're very grateful!
Stormpersonnel Welcome back, [Player Name]. I just heard the report.
Stormpersonnel You needn't be concerned about the engineers─they completed their return trip without further imperial interference.
Stormpersonnel ...I must admit, I had my doubts at first, but it seems the stories about you are true.
Stormpersonnel I look forward to seeing what else you're capable of...after you're properly inducted into the Maelstrom, of course!
Stormpersonnel Now, speaking of your induction...
Quest complete.