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The Camoa Nightwatch is a quest in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. Located in block 5d.II on the Quest Report, it is part of the Nightwatch series of missions, unlocked later on in-game.


  • Location: Camoa (Camoa region)
  • Description: Join the Nightwatch in Camoa and keep the streets safe!
  • Objective: Defeat all foes within four rounds!
  • Forbidden: Targeting Self
  • Formation: 4 units allowed


Ally Formation[]

Unit Level Equipment Action Abilities Reaction Ability Support Ability
FFTA2-WarriorSprite ? ? ? Blink Counter Defense↑
FFTA2-WhiteMonkSprite ? FFTA Godhand Godhand
FFTA Bone Plate Bone Plate
FFTA Caligula Gaius Caligae
(Air Render, Roundhouse, Aurablast)
Counter Attack↑
FFTA2-WhiteMonkSprite ? FFTA Tiger Fangs Tiger Fangs
FFTA Bone Plate Bone Plate
FFTA Caligula Gaius Caligae
(Air Render, Roundhouse, Earth Render)
Counter Attack↑

Enemy formation[]

Unit Level Equipment Action Abilities Reaction Ability Support Ability
Luchorpan-FFTA2 ? Taktak
(Magick Hammer, Mutilate)
Blink Counter Resistance↑
Baknamy FFTA2 ? Taktak
(Magick Hammer, Goblin Attack)
Counter Death Strike
Baknamy FFTA2 ? Taktak
(Magick Hammer, Goblin Attack)
Archer's Bane Reveal
Baknamy FFTA2 ? Taktak
(Magick Hammer, Goblin Attack)
Blur Spellbound


Due to the level and attack-centered strategy of the Camoa Braves, this is a quest that can be taken on while underleveled without issue.


Baknamy: Hnnn!?
Party leader: Over there! That's about as suspicious-looking as you get.
Camoa Braves Leader: Hrah! There are the footpads! You made a dire mistake when you presumed to thieve in Camoa Braves territory!
...Clan Gully! We're not here to match blades with you today. We come on another matter. We're rather fond of this here Camoa, you see...
...and anyone who messes with our town answers to us!
This... isn't our usual style, but certain problems require what you might call..."extreme" solutions, savvy? What I mean to say is...
...the Camoa Braves are at your service, Clan Gully!
Party leader: Right... Okay! Let's drive these bandits off with the aid of the Braves!


Party leader: That's all of them!
Camoa Braves Leader: Learned your lesson, catspaws!? Set a foot in Camoa again and we'll cut it off!
Nyeh heh... Thanks are in order, Clan Gully! We're the only ones with a claim to causing trouble in this town! Hrah!
Party leader: No, thank you for your help!