Final Fantasy Wiki
FFXIV Calamity Retold

The Calamity Retold is an instanced area for Final Fantasy XIV during The Rising event of 2018. The instance is a throwback to 1.0 right before the servers shut down.


The event takes place in an instanced Ul'dah where one of the Immortal Flames Lieutenant leads adventurers to defend the city from Garleans, Voidsent, and other incoming monsters.


All players within the instance are synced to level 50, and can form parties to team up. Within the Instance the players can do a series of FATE's to win Rising tokens to purchase event items, the Fates are as follows:

Counter-Imperial Training: A Pinch of Assault

Imperial assault troops have breached the city walls. Engage the enemy and strike them down to the last man and machina.

In front of the Adventurers guild is an attack force of garlean soldiers with the main force being a Salvaged Colossus Prototype.

Counter-Fiend Training: Less is Morbol

A malodorous morbol is wreaking havoc most foul in the city. Strike down the creature known as Cirrate Christelle and rid Ul'dah of its rancid existence.

Counter-Void Training: A Giant Undertaking

A hulking voidsent has forced its way into the city. Strike down the creature known as Benandonner and return it to the aether whence it came.

Counter-Void Training: Blood from Stone

An enormous voidsent has forced its way into the city. Strike down this gargoyle known as Baragiel and return it to the aether whence it came.


  • The instance is in reference to the Legacy version of the game where Ul'dah was flooded with monsters by the GM's.