The Benefits of Consultation script
I must take my leave and return to the cathedral. Mathye, it has been a pleasure. Madam/Master [Player Name], I sincerely hope you shall consider my offer to meet with the headmistress. Halone's blessings be upon you both.
Madam/Master [Player Name]! It seems Halone has answered my prayer that you would visit our halls.
Oh, my face must be red as a beet at this moment. Well, um, let me know if you ever feel a burning need to help out again? When you have the time, of course!
scholasticate lector
Madam/Master [Player Name], yes? Sister Gaetelle was hopeful you would come and visit. She awaits you inside.
Madam/Master [Player Name], welcome to the scholasticate! I appreciate you coming all this way, but I am afraid the headmistress is not here at the moment. She has taken leave to rest. Forgive me, but I must ask you to meet with her another day...
It truly is a pity, as I too was looking forward to her audience with you. Allow me to formally introduce myself─I am Father Bruvagnon. I have heard much about you from Sister Gaetelle.
In the headmistress's absence, I have been charged with tending to myriad administrative matters. While that would ordinarily constitute as simply waxing the seal to a pile of parchments, I have been forced to take a more hands-on approach.
The deputy headmaster and I were just discussing a rather troubling event which occurred soon after our students' encounter in the Brume, and we fear it may be connected.
Madam/Master [Player Name], you are familiar with the statue of Saint Valeroyant? The one in the center of the forum? House Dzemael's stonemasons have been working on chiseling a new head, and one of our students has been tasked with overseeing their work.
Unfortunately, this student has since reported that the piece has vanished from the artisans' workshop. Given that it has little monetary value, Father Bruvagnon and I cannot help but wonder if─
If the culprit bears a grudge towards this student? Briardien, consulting inspector, at your service.
[Player Name]!? What brings you here of all places? Ah, don't tell me. You were the “hero” that the students have been murmuring about. I cannot say I am surprised.
You are acquainted with my nephew, Madam/Master [Player Name]?
Yes, mine uncle. You could say our paths have crossed. More than once.
An idea occurs to me. [Player Name] is an adventurer of exceptional skill, in combat and deduction both. Pray, allow me to appoint her/him as my assistant─no, associate, in my work here at the scholasticate.
A prolonged association is like to raise more than a few eyebrows, if not invite criticism.
While I understand your concern, I am willing to trust Briardien's judgment. Madam/Master [Player Name] has shown nothing but compassion towards our students.
At least permit me her/his company in ascertaining the piece's whereabouts. You may judge the value of our association afterwards.
...Very well. But no one is to speak of this to the headmistress. I will allow Madam/Master [Player Name] to accompany you, but only for the duration of the investigation. And for the love of the Fury, be discreet.
Excellent. Come, [Player Name]. Our first course of action will be to question the student responsible for overseeing the statue's restoration.
Hm. Soot and white pumice dust. We have our boy.
I pray the Fury will give you the speed to solve this conundrum before the headmistress returns.
Your friendship with Briardien may be a blessing in disguise. I hope you will find the missing piece soon.
Madam/Master [Player Name]! A pleasant surprise to see you once more. Praise be to Halone.
...So you are asking after the statue piece. I made sure to lock the workshop door, so I don't understand how it could have been taken. But worry not! I take full responsibility and will personally see it returned.
That won't be necessary. Inspector Briardien, at your service. I am told you were recently harassed by several ruffians in the Brume, and I suspect they may be responsible for this theft. What can you tell me about these men?
N-Nothing, Inspector! I had never seen them before in my life! A-And besides, why would they want to steal the statue piece? It makes no sense! In any event, as I said, the responsibility is mine and mine alone. N-Now, if you would excuse me.
Hmph. Admirable sense of responsibility notwithstanding, he's clearly hiding something.
[Player Name], I think we may find our answers in Foundation. While I make inquiries in the Brume, I ask that you keep an eye on the forum. Many miscreants are wont to delight in their misdeeds, and this one may be drawn to the statue.
You again!? I told you not to meddle in my affairs. Away with you!
Madam/Master [Player Name], how did you...? <sigh> I suppose I should be honest with you. I am certain the stolen piece is in that crate. I know you are helping the inspector, but I beg you, let me try to reason with Ben first.
Ben, please return the statue piece and all shall be forgiven. You do understand the consequences of what you are doing? Defiling a saint's monument is a serious crime!
When Father Choisseau read us stories at the orphanage, you loved the ones about Saint Valeroyant. Do you not wish to see the statue restored?
Saint Valeroyant. An Azure Dragoon who drew the great wyrm away from Ishgard. For all we know, that too was a lie.
The Holy See and the bloody highborn deceived us, Theo! They built their fortunes on our backs! But would willingly believe those lies if it meant a chance at a better life for yourself!
I knew you were the one behind this! You've been following Theo and me ever since we met in the Brume!
Be careful, [Player Name]! He's not going to give it up without a fight!
W-Wait, all of you! I still believe Ben will do what's right!
There you go again, turning up your nose and spewing shite as if you're one of them. Don't you see? I am doing what's right! I'm ridding us of these false heroes!
Bah! Keep your bloody head, and your library and lessons filled with lies. Believe them if you want─you're just as bad as the rest!
He...he is right to be angry. I dreamt of teaching our people to walk in Halone's grace. But when the scripture itself has been called into question, how am I to find my own way?
Whatever should I do...?
My own path? You mean...interpret the scripture on my own? A different approach to our faith, to be sure...but mayhap you have the right of it.
I suppose there is no simple answer. Yet when I look at you, I see one who has walked her/his own path, no matter how perilous. I envy that courage...
Mayhap the answer to my question is writ not in ink nor carved in stone, but in the strength of mine own conviction.
Forgive me, Ben, but I have come too far to give up now. If Halone's teachings have been distorted by man's hand, then by man's hand must they be redeemed.
That's all well and good, but we won't change Ishgard by standing around in the snow. At least Ben left us the statue piece. We'd best return it before that prized peacock starts squawking to the deputy headmaster.
Will you come too, [Player Name]? I'm sure he will appreciate your help in retrieving it.
I see you found the boy and the missing statue piece. Care to share with us the details?
Well, that is that. All's well that ends well, yes?
(Theo already explained everything. We recovered the statue piece, and that's what matters.)
Madam/Master [Player Name], I see you've returned as well. Leigh and Theomocent have just finished explaining to me what happened. I thank you for your help in resolving this matter swiftly.
But there appears to be something missing. [Player Name], pray tell...what became of the suspect? Surely these two wish to seek justice for the theft.
Those two will tell you naught, Inspector. For they are the culprits whom you seek.
Allow me to shed some light on this troubling situation. As a son of House Dzemael, it pained me to learn that our artisans' precious work had been spirited away. So I saw fit to conduct mine own investigation. I followed Leigh at a distance, only to find him and his friend consorting with the culprit!
Camaraderie among orphans of the Brume is to be expected. But to steal a saint's head so that they may “retrieve” it to prove their merit!
And such desperation that they would desecrate a tome in this manner! You would expect a seminarian to treat any holy text with the utmost care─even if they are but children's stories.
Piss off, you priggish whoreson! [Player Name] was there! She/He'll tell you you're wrong!
Enough! You will all conduct yourselves with decorum as befits seminarians! Leigh, we will discuss penance for your foul language anon.
Father Bruvagnon, if I may. The next time the scholasticate apportions work with the sacred monuments, pray entrust the task to me. I am certain the artisans of my house would be at ease knowing their work was in cleaner, more dependable hands.
And as for my ignoble peers, if the comprehension of advanced scripture is still beyond you such that you require a tattered tome of children's lessons, then allow me to procure for you a new copy with mine own coin. You need not thank me─House Dzemael prides itself on its charity to the deprived.
M-My tome, if you would! Oof!
Just how long are you planning to lie there?
You're completely hopeless.
Th-Thank you, Blaisie.
Gah! This is what happens when you let him walk all over you! It'll be a miracle if we're not branded heretics by the end of this term!
Leigh, Theomocent, consider this a warning; you were saved this time solely by Madam/Master [Player Name]'s integrity and the grace of the Fury. But I will not turn a blind eye if you continue to fraternize with questionable company.
Ah, the insurmountable wall between the highborn and lowborn. I wonder, did our ancestors build it, brick by brick? Or was it fate which drove us apart? And where shall we go from here...
Excellent work, [Player Name]. I had no doubts that you would rise to the challenge.
Madam/Master [Player Name], I must apologize for the behavior of my students. They have been at each other's throats since the revelations came to light. As for your performance─you have surpassed my expectations, and I will allow you to assist Briardien in his work at the scholasticate. Well done.
If I may be so bold, Uncle. Though I have but arrived, and this is the only case you have had me investigate thus far, I must say that I found it rather a waste of my talents.
While theft is indeed a serious matter, I cannot help but wonder if this was merely some pretense. Surely you have a more pressing problem?
...An astute observation. I expected nothing less. There is indeed another matter I should discuss with you and your newly appointed associate.
Quest complete.