Although its sale was banned due to its excessive destructive power, furtive circulation of this model still continues.
Final Fantasy XIII description
Tezcatlipoca (テスカトリポカ, Tesukatoripoka?) is a recurring weapon in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy XIII[]
Tezcatlipoca is a boomerang for Hope. It is the upgraded version of Simurgh, which is found in Taejin's Tower and bought from Gilgamesh, Inc.. It is generally not a good weapon for Hope for its Fettered Magic handicap and no magical stats whatsoever, and Hope is a magic-focused character through and through.
Tezcatlipoca is made by upgrading the Simurgh from star-level with a Uraninite. It starts at level 15 and maxes out at level 41, at which point it can be upgraded to Hope's ultimate weapon, the Nue. However, as the final upgrade items are expensive and rare, it is not recommended to choose Tezcatlipoca as the player's first choice for upgrading.
Tezcatlipoca's boon is its passive ability Ultimate Physic, which makes Hope immune to physical damage but he can only be healed by items or Eidolons. It could situationally be a good weapon against a physical enemies.
Final Fantasy Type-0[]
Tezcatlipoca is a weapon for Sice. It provides 68 Attack. It can drop from True Gilgamesh (with Sice). In the PSP version, it can be exchanged for 15 tickets on the Square Enix Members site. It sells for 1 gil.
Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
A boomerang specially designed to take down large game. Since it was made heavy to increase its force, there are few who can wield it. It seems one can build their muscles just by wielding it.
Tezcatlipoca is a Throwing weapon obtained during the Final Fantasy XIII event, The Hanging Edge. It provides 65 ATK, HP +20%, and can only be equipped by Hope.
Tezcatlipoca was a central deity in Aztec religion. One of the four sons of Ometeotl, he is associated with a wide range of concepts, including the night sky, the night winds, hurricanes, the north, the earth, obsidian, enmity, discord, rulership, divination, temptation, jaguars, sorcery, beauty, war and strife.