Final Fantasy Wiki

Each Tentacle's weaknesses are different, so use Edgar's AutoCrossbow and Sabin's Vacuum Wave to be safe when attacking.

PlayStation Bestiary entry for #310

Uses Seize to grab someone from the party and drain HP. He'll Discard you when he's done.

PlayStation Bestiary entry for #311

Another way of killing these off is to attack with three different types of elemental magic, then deliver the finishing blow physically.

PlayStation Bestiary entries for #312 and #313

The Tentacles are bosses in Final Fantasy VI. Four of them are fought in the Figaro Castle engine room, infesting the machines blocking Figaro Castle underground in the World of Ruin. After freeing the engines, Edgar hides with the party, leaving the Crimson Robbers and making them think that the monster killed their leader.


Listed in the order ☆021=lower-right, ☆022=upper-right, ☆023=lower-left, ☆024=upper-left.






The Tentacles do not attack to inflict damage often, using only normal attacks or Bio. They often use Stun or Entwine to inflict slow on a party member. When a party member is afflicted with slow, the Tentacles will grab them, removing them from battle for a period of time and slowly draining their HP and MP until the Tentacle releases the character.

The lower left Tentacle is weak to Fire Fire and absorbs Ice Ice, whereas the the lower right one is the opposite. The upper Tentacles lack elemental weaknesses, the right one even absorbs Lightning Lightning. Both right Tentacles can be put to sleep, whereas only the top left one can be stopped. The lower left Tentacle is not immune to death. None of them can be confused or petrified (because it is not possible to petrify death-resistant enemies).


Since the Tentacles only grab slowed characters, equipping Hermes Sandals prevents it due to unremovable haste granting immunity to slow. Edgar will get auto-equipped for this fight, which does not include relics, but the player can at least buy upgraded gear for him in South Figaro. Summoning Golem will have characters dodge the tentacle grabs to make this battle much easier.

The player can Stop and Sleep the top left and right Tentacles respectively, and meanwhile hit the lower ones with their elemental weaknesses fire (left) and ice (right). With luck, Edgar's Chainsaw or the Banish spell (if learned already) may kill the lower left Tentacle instantly. Afterwards the player should hit the upper ones with anything except lightning.

Or the player can kill the other Tentacles with repeated Fira spells and deal with the lower right one last, as it is the only Tentacle that absorbs Fire damage, making it an easy sweep.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
454 Tentacle x4 N N N Y Sides, individual The Decisive Battle 5
Hide start messages.

AI script[]


If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody:

If Timer >= 30: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

If Character #1 has Slow status:
Target: Character #1
Grab (100%)
If Character #2 has Slow status:
Target: Character #2
Grab (100%)
If Character #3 has Slow status:
Target: Character #3
Grab (100%)
If Character #4 has Slow status:
Target: Character #4
Grab (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

1st Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Stun (66%) or Poison (33%)
2nd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Entwine (66%) or Stun (33%)
3rd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Bio (33%) or Stun (33%)
4th Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Poison (33%) or Stun (33%) or Entwine (33%)

If killed:

If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed somebody:

If attacked by anything: Attack (33%)


If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody:

If Timer >= 30: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

If Character #1 has Slow status:
Target: Character #1
Grab (100%)
If Character #2 has Slow status:
Target: Character #2
Grab (100%)
If Character #3 has Slow status:
Target: Character #3
Grab (100%)
If Character #4 has Slow status:
Target: Character #4
Grab (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

1st Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Bio (33%) or Stun (33%)
2nd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Stun (66%) or Entwine (33%)
3rd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Bio (33%) or Stun (33%)
4th Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Poison (33%) or Stun (33%) or Entwine (33%)

If killed:

If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed somebody:

If attacked by anything: Attack (33%)


If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody:

If Timer >= 30: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

If Character #1 has Slow status:
Target: Character #1
Grab (100%)
If Character #2 has Slow status:
Target: Character #2
Grab (100%)
If Character #3 has Slow status:
Target: Character #3
Grab (100%)
If Character #4 has Slow status:
Target: Character #4
Grab (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

1st Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (66%) or Stun (33%)
2nd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Entwine (33%) or Stun (33%)
3rd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Bio (33%) or Stun (33%)
4th Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Poison (33%) or Stun (33%) or Entwine (33%)

If killed:

If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed somebody:

If attacked by anything: Stun (33%)


If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody:

If Timer >= 30: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

If Character #1 has Slow status:
Target: Character #1
Grab (100%)
If Character #2 has Slow status:
Target: Character #2
Grab (100%)
If Character #3 has Slow status:
Target: Character #3
Grab (100%)
If Character #4 has Slow status:
Target: Character #4
Grab (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed anybody:

1st Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Bio (33%) or Stun (33%)
2nd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (33%) or Entwine (33%) or Stun (33%)
3rd Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Attack (66%) or Stun (33%)
4th Turn: Reset Timer = 0
Poison (33%) or Stun (33%) or Entwine (33%)

If killed:

If Tentacle has Grabbed somebody: Release (100%)

If Tentacle has NOT Grabbed somebody:

If attacked by anything: Stun (33%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Tentacle FFVI

Tentacle appears as an enemy.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Baknamy FFTA2This section about an enemy in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

