The Tempest is a car from Final Fantasy VIII driven by Squall when he attacks Edea at the Deling City parade.
Reminiscent of the American Cadillac, the Tempest is a light blue convertible with left-hand steering and its hood ornament is a chocobo.
The Tempest's license plate reads: WH-1637551 and is a Galbadian license plate.
Other appearances[]
Chocobo Racing[]
Squall appears in Chocobo Racing driving the Tempest, which possesses great speed, acceleration, and turning, but has a bit of a problem with braking, which is referred to the FMV where Squall is driving The Tempest to assassinate Sorceress Edea in Final Fantasy VIII. The car has three ornaments in the front: Boko the chicobo, whose car grants 4.5/5 speed and 2/5 in grip, acceleration and drift; PuPu the alien whose car grants higher grip control, acceleration, and drift; and the lovable fluffy Moomba whose car is best for the highest top speed, granting 5/5 speed. Squall's championship victory speech is: "Think what you want, reality isn't so kind."
Behind the scenes[]
In Final Fantasy VIII the Tempest has left-hand steering, meaning it is designed for driving on the right-hand-side of the road. However, the roads of Deling City are designed for left-hand-side driving. A real-life car exists bearing the Tempest name, which was a mid-size muscle car produced by Pontiac in the mid 60's. This car had the similar design as the Tempest Squall drives, including left-hand steering wheel and hard braking characteristics commonly found in muscle cars.
storm. It may have been chosen to complement Squall's name.
Tempest refers to a violent