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Hah! There's nothing like the sight of brave youngsters to breathe life back into an old man!.

Max Trust Mastery

Tellah is a character and summonable vision in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. He serves as a character representative from Final Fantasy IV.



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Trust master rewards[]

Tellah's Trust Master reward is MP +30% which is a passive special ability that increases MP (30%).


3★ - No. 0224:

A wizened old mage whose story is told in tales of a distant blue planet where two moons rise in the sky. Known as the Great Sage of Mysidia for his prodigious arcane knowledge, he tragically brought great destruction to his homeland when his pursuit of forbidden knowledge released magical energies that ran amok, causing great casualties among his fellow mages. To atone for his crimes, he exiled himself from Mysidia, taking up residence in the far-flung desert town of Kaipo.

4★ - No. 0225:

A wizened old mage whose story is told in tales of a distant blue planet where two moons rise in the sky. Once revered as the Great Sage of Mysidia for his knowledge of ancient and forbidden magicks, in his advanced years his addled brain remembers few of the incantations that once made him a force to be reckoned with. Leaving behind his homeland of Mysidia after a tragedy, he lived a quiet life in the desert town of Kaipo. When his dear daughter Anna eloped with a wandering minstrel, the old man could take no more, and made to Damcyan to give a stern talking to the spoony bard who stole his daughter away.

5★ - No. 0226:

A wizened old mage whose story is told in tales of a distant blue planet where two moons rise in the sky. In his search for his daughter Anna, who had fled the village with the bard she loved, he met Cecil and his companions. He arrived in Damcyan only to see his dearest daughter give her life protecting her lover from an attack from Golbez's army. After unleashing his anger and sadness on the spoony bard who he deemed responsible for his daughter's death, he channeled his anger into a quest for revenge against the true villain, Golbez.

Entries for different versions of Tellah.


Tellah's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check*(Maximum LB crystals drop per hit)
3★ 40 1253 (+150) 76 (+25) 44 (+10) 46 (+10) 65 (+14) 62 (+10) 1 6 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
4★ 60 1628 (+210) 99 (+35) 58 (+14) 60 (+14) 85 (+18) 81 (+14) 1 8 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ 80 2117 (+240) 129 (+40) 75 (+16) 78 (+16) 110 (+24) 105 (+16) 1 10 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Tellah has two ability slot ats 3★, three ability slots at 4★ and four ability slots at 5★. He an affinity for White Magic (Lvl 5, Lvl 6 and Lvl 7), Black Magic (Lvl 6, Lvl 7 and Lvl 8) and Green Magic (Lvl 3, Lvl 4 and Lvl 5).

Rarity 3★
Ability Level
Fira 1
Blizzara 3
Thundara 21
Osmose 40
Rarity 4★
Ability Level
Biora 19
Cura 36
Firaga 42
MAG +20%*(Passive) 60
Rarity 5★
Ability Level
Blizzaga 57
Thundaga 68
Raise 75
Recall 80
Limit bursts
Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
3★ Secret of Mysidia Base (Level 1): Magic damage (2.1x) to all enemies.
Max (Level 10): Magic damage (2.55x) to all enemies.
1 10 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
4★ Sage's Arcanum Base (Level 1): Magic damage (2.3x) to all enemies.
Max (Level 15): Magic damage (3x) to all enemies.
1 12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ Forbidden Lore Base (Level 1): Magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies.
Max (Level 20): Magic damage (3.45x) to all enemies.
1 14 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Tellah can equip the following weapons: staves and rods.

He can equip the following armors: hats, clothes and robes.

He can equip accessories.

Awakening materials[]

4★ 5★
Pearl of Wisdom x25
Esper Cryst x15
Mystic Ore x10
Scripture of Time x5
Sacred Crystal x5
1,500 Gil
Mystic Ore x20
Scripture of Time x10
Sacred Crystal x10
Esper's Tear x5
Holy Crystal x5
2,500 Gil


Rarity Summoned Fused Awoken
3★ Once they called me the Great Sage of Mysidia. I might be old, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve! Anna... I pray you'll forgive this foolish old man... -
4★ The forbidden magic, meteor. Does it lie hidden in this world? I will get revenge for my Anna, even if it means my own demise! Could it be? How strange! It's starting to come back to me...
5★ Seems a tough road lies ahead. But no matter! My magic will show the way! What's this? Is this the knowledge and strength of my youth...or something greater? These powers... It would seem this old man's only begun to fight!

