Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter!
This talk page is used for discussing improvements to the page "Judge of Wings". It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article.


Theatrhythm Ultimate Weapon
BlueHighwind TA
Theatrhythm Ultimate Weapon
BlueHighwind TA
BlueHighwind TA


Mydia and Judge of Wings is an Anakin/Darth Vader situation. They should be split. Don't use Wookieepedia as support for keeping them the same, the difference is they have no proper spoiler policy. Even though it's in spoiler tags, you make it so obvious that Judge of Wings is a Viera because you have to be blind not to see all the images.  ILHI 13:10, January 6, 2010 (UTC)


Should the many parallels between Golbez get some form of mention here? Aside from their appearance as large armored characters both are brainwashed by the main antagonist because they have a connection with them. Both of their back stories also involve them going evil so to speak after losing someone close to them. Both also have ancestry from two races. Oni Dark Link 00:26, July 29, 2011 (UTC)