Final Fantasy Wiki
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter!
This talk page is used for discussing improvements to the page "Final Fantasy VIII enemy abilities". It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article.

I've just spent eight hours creating this page then Firefox fucks itself up when I'm on the last two bosses. This is usually fine as when I re-open Firefox I just restore session and it's all back. But it decided it would be more hilarious to show as a white screen and not load the page. Which meant all I could do was refresh to reveal a blank form.
 ILHI 20:20, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

Ouch.....I hate when that happens. It's like last night I was in the middle of editing a page, and then the database was locked and I lost all the data I just put in for that page. : / --Xenomic 20:22, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

Welp, I'm leaving the cleaning up to you guys! This didn't take me as long as the X-2 one did, thank god......X-2 was a nightmare to do (12 straight hours of non-stop work to just get it all done....). This could've been done earlier if I wasn't distracting myself with everything else ^^;;....anywho....back to thinking of what to do now ^^ Xenomic 06:20, 1 May 2009 (UTC)