Final Fantasy Wiki
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter!
This talk page is used for discussing improvements to the page "Destiny Odyssey III". It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article.

The labels on these maps need an entire overhaul, some are going by row bottom to top, others are by column left to right. I thought it was agreed by row top to bottom was what we were using? Drake Clawfang 08:24, October 2, 2009 (UTC)

This probably sounds conceited, but how about we overhaul ALL of them, and organize them the way I did on the Distant Glory pages? I tried to organize it in the way someone would encounter things WHILE playing. Mostly because I was playing while making them. I think a few of them are already like that. It's a good pattern to follow, instead of just going from top to bottom or right to left on the map. -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 11:16, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
Except that in several levels, the player can bypass certain enemies or fight them in different orders. How can we order them in order of encounters, then, if the player controls the order? Drake Clawfang 11:45, October 2, 2009 (UTC)

The overarching problem is the storyline pages were all done by several people. So yeah, there's a lot of discrepancies. What's needed is someone with the time and willingness to go over all the pages and fix them, but... Drake Clawfang 12:31, October 2, 2009 (UTC)

Darn edit conflicts. XD Upon further consideration, Drake, you have a point. I forgot there are skippable fights. DG, you kinda HAVE to fight everything.

So in that case, I would think the first numbers should be reserved for the non-enemy related points, like the start point, locked areas, treasure chests, summons, etc.
Next, going from left-right, top-bottom, the battle pieces already on the board.
Then, anything that appears after the original battles, like treasure chests, additional battles, etc, ending with the Stigma or boss.
After that, when necessary, the Ultimate pieces and chests that appear after getting the completion bonuses. What do you think?

As for the layout, map info to the right of map. Tips on the bottom. And I agree with the "defeat foe at #" format.
And, I'll be happy to go over all the pages. Let's just agree on the formats we want first. -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 12:38, October 2, 2009 (UTC)


I've labeled the the pieces in the order that the player would play them, i.e. the starting position first and the Stigma of Chaos last. I do have a layout, and that is, in order of priority:-

  1. Starting Position
  2. Summonstones
  3. Treasure chests
  4. Potions
  5. Ethers
  6. Battle Pieces, lowest level has priority.
  7. Locked Areas (the red ones), any pieces beyond the locked area will go below this
  8. Special Locked Areas (the gold ones), any pieces beyond the locked area will go below this
  9. Stigma of Chaos/Chaos Piece/Cosmos Piece

But I only consider the pieces that the player can reach at the given time. For example, say the player can reach a normal battle piece and a hard battle piece, and defeating the regular battle piece will allow the player to reach a treasure chest in the far corner. Therefore the order will be:

  1. Starting Position
  2. Battle Piece
  3. Treasure Chest
  4. Hard Battle Piece

Understand? I've done it this way to make it easier to follow.

As for where to put the map legend. I've put it at the bottom because it suits all screen resolutions. Putting it to the right of the map with two columns may look OK for widescreen resolutions, but would look cramped for those with 768x1024 screens. Putting it on one column will create a white space below the map and it looks horrible. Therefore I've put it at the bottom.

I hope I've made some sense here. Jeppo (Talk | contribs) 15:12, October 2, 2009 (UTC)

The map legend should go on the right. -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 23:43, October 2, 2009 (UTC)

What screen resolution do you use? Jeppo (Talk | contribs) 23:49, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
1024x576 -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 23:53, October 2, 2009 (UTC)
So you have a widescreen monitor. I use a widescreen monitor too, but the problem with placing the map legend to the right of the map is that it would create space issues on those who don't have widescreen (i.e. 1024x768 or 800x600). If we put the legend on one column, it would create an ugly white space just below the map, like this (check the fourth stage). There are stages out there with even more pieces than that, I'm sure. I remember Drake Crawfang try this method out which solves the white space issue but looks horrible for with widescreen settings. I tested out the two-column idea but it looks squashed on those with lower resolutions. Eventually I settled on placing the legend below the map. I believe (and still do) that this current format is the best format because it is a happy medium - it suits all resolutions. Drake and I had a discussion about this on the Destiny Odyssey VII talk page when we decided on this format. Of course if you have a better idea that suits all resolutions then I am happy to hear it. Otherwise I'll continue using this format. Jeppo (Talk | contribs) 00:09, October 3, 2009 (UTC)
And an even larger 'ole white space on the right is better? Besides, majority no longer uses 800x600 resolution anymore anyway. Widescreen is now "the norm". No one gives a damn about the minority. Trust me, that I know. I'm a gamer. -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 00:24, October 3, 2009 (UTC)
By your logic, I should be going around, changing all the width tags on the tables on the wiki, because they don't fit good and look funny on my netbook screen because it's smaller than normal monitors. -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 00:31, October 3, 2009 (UTC)
Fine. Do what you want. -- Lycentia Stuffcocoa 01:05, October 3, 2009 (UTC)
Might I suggest that we complete these pages first and then worry about what should go where later? I want to get this article finished by the weekend so that I can start on Shade Impulse. Jeppo (Talk | contribs) 01:08, October 3, 2009 (UTC)