The Sword Dancer is an enemy in Final Fantasy V. It is found in the castle area of the final dungeon.
The Sword Dancer's special attacks include High Kick, a critical attack, and Danse Macabre, which turns targets into zombies. They are susceptible to Level 4 Graviga, Level 3 Flare, and Level 2 Old. As a humanoid enemy, they are weak to Man-Eater.
Players can try to steal the powerful Enhancer blade from them.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Sword dances are recorded from throughout world history. There are various traditions of solo and mock battle sword dances from Greece, the Middle East, Pakistan, India, China, Korea, England, Scotland and Japan. Many believe that sword dancing evolved from the early Chinese art of wu shu. The simple martial art became a military training technique with swords and spears and then turned into an elaborate acrobatic dance.