Final Fantasy Wiki
Support Materia from FFVII Remake

Support materia icon.

Support materia is one of five subsets of materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. They add supplemental effects to paired Magic Materia Magic Materia and Command Materia Command Materia. Support materia can be paired on weapons or armor with linked materia slots when compatible.

Many of the support materia are carried over from Supporting Materia in the original Final Fantasy VII, and from the support materia in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

List of materia[]

Materia Links To Effect Level Degree AP Location
AP Up Materia All Doubles AP earned by linked materia 1 Doubles AP earned by linked materia 0 Win: "Corel Battle Intel: Badlands Beasts" & "Nibel Battle Intel: Chthonian Rondo" combat simulators, "Six-Person Bouts: Ululating Quartet" in Musclehead Colosseum
Find: Mythril Mine
Elemental Materia Fire Materia Fire Materia, Ice Materia Ice Materia, Fire and Ice Materia Fire and Ice Materia, Lightning Materia Lightning Materia, Wind Materia Wind Materia, Lightning and Wind Materia Lightning and Wind Materia Allows equipment to take properties of linked materia. When equipped on weapons, imbues attacks with elemental damage; when equipped on armor, it provides resistance to damage. 1 Weapon: 8% damage
Armor: Halves damage
2 Weapon: 15% damage
Armor: Nullifies damage
3 Weapon: 23% damage
Armor: Absorbs damage
Adds the element of the linked materia to your equipment, either infusing your attacks with that element or granting resistance to it. When more than one is set, only the materia in the leftmost slot takes effect.
Warding Materia Poison Materia Poison Materia, Petrify Materia Petrify Materia, Poison and Petrify Materia Poison and Petrify Materia, Time Materia Time Materia, Binding Materia Binding Materia, Subversion Materia Subversion Materia, Disempowerment Materia Disempowerment Materia, Enervation Materia Enervation Materia Reduces debuff duration of linked materia 1 25% reduction 0
2 50% reduction 2500
3 100% reduction 7500
Great resistance to the linked materia's status ailment.
Level Boost Materia All Increases level of linked materia by one up to maximum level 1 Increase level of linked materia by 1 0 Cait Sith joins the party with a level boost materia
Purchase: Chadley's Junon Region Materia Development (10 data pts), Musclehead Colosseum (2500 GP)
Win: "Cosmo Battle Intel: Nature's Vengeance" combat simulator
Find: Mako Measurement Facility in ch.1 (does not carry over to ch.2), Junon Region (crater in middle peninsula)
Increases the level of the linked materia by one. Has no effect when paired with materia at maximum level.
Magnify Materia All magic materia Allows spells to apply to multiple targets after the first. 1 60% reduction when expanded 0 Cait Sith joins with a magnify materia equipped
Win: "Victim of Circumstance" odd job, "Brutal Challenge: Hellions' Intonement" combat simulator
Find: Mt. Nibel in ch.1 (does not carry over to ch.2)
2 45% reduction when expanded 500
3 25% reduction when expanded 1500
Allows you to expand the range of spells with the linked materia. To switch back to a single target, press L1 when selecting a spell.
Synergy Materia All offensive magic Causes character to follow up an attack command from the player character with the linked spell 1 Activate Synergy 0 Purchased: Chadley's Cosmo Canyon Region for 80 data points
Allows an ally to follow the leader's attack command with an attack from linked materia. (Does not consume ATB charges or MP.)
HP Absorption Materia Most offensive magic and command materia Recovers HP when unleashing an attack from linked materia 1 Absorb 15% damage dealt 0 Purchase: Chadley's Corel Region for 15 data points
2 Absorb 25% damage dealt 2500
3 Absorb 35% damage dealt 7500
Allows you to recover HP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type. Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, poison, petrify and enemy skill.
MP Absorption Materia All offensive magic materia Recovers MP when unleashing an attack from linked materia 1 Absorb 0.1% damage dealt 0 Purchase: Chadley's Nibel Region for 40 data points
2 Absorb 0.2% damage dealt 2500
3 Absorb 0.3% damage dealt 5500
Allows you to recover MP when unleashing an attack of the linked materia's type. Works with fire, ice, lightning, wind, poison, and petrify materia.
Auto-Cast Materia All magic Causes ally to automatically use spells with linked materia while not controlled 1 Activate Auto-Cast 0 Purchase: Chadley's Grasslands Region for 10 data points
Find: Mt. Nibel containers outside the Northern Ridge in ch.1 (does not carry over to ch.2)
2 Increase magic by 2% 200
Allows an ally to automatically use spells with the linked materia when not actively controlled during battle.
Magic Efficiency Materia All magic materia Reduces MP cost of spells for linked materia 1 15% cost reduction 0 Purchase: Chadley's Junon Region for 30 data points
2 30% cost reduction
3 50% cost reduction
Magic Focus Materia All magic materia Increases potency and duration of spells for linked materia 1 5% potency increase 0 Purchase: Chadley Gongaga Region for 40 data points
2 10% potency increase
3 15% potency increase
4 20% potency increase
5 25% potency increase
Swiftcast Materia All magic materia Reduces the cast time of the linked materia's spells 1 50% cast time reduction 0 Purchase: Chadley's Meridian Ocean for 5 data points
2 60% cast time reduction
3 70% cast time reduction
4 80% cast time reduction
5 100% cast time reduction

See also:[]


Materia means "matter" or "substance" in Latin, Spanish, and Italian; it also means "subject" in Italian and Spanish, and is the root of Portuguese "Matéria".
