Final Fantasy Wiki

Summon Bahamut is a Summoner Summoner spell from Final Fantasy XIV that summons Demi-Bahamut, temporarily replaces the Summoner's actions, and grants Arcanum.


Base mechanics
  • Summons Demi-Bahamut for 15 seconds, replacing Carbuncle
    • Demi-Bahamut will auto-attack with Wyrmwave Wyrmwave on Summon Bahamut's target or the target most recently attacked by the Summoner
    • Enkindle Bahamut Enkindle Bahamut orders Demi-Bahamut to execute Akh Morn Akh Morn
  • Grants Ruby, Topaz, and Emerald Arcanum
  • Generates enmity on the target
  • Activates the global cooldown (GCD)
  • Can only be used in combat and while Carbuncle is summoned
Formulae Recast time formula:


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Patch history[]

Version Changes
  • Added as an oGCD ability with a 20 second duration and 30 second recast time
  • Wyrmwave activated whenever the Summoner used an action on an enemy, hitting the same target
  • Required 2 Dreadwyrm Aether to use
  • Level 70 trait Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance generated one Dreadwyrm Aether when Dreadwyrm Trance ended
  • Could not be used while Dreadwyrm Trance was active and vice versa
  • Could only be used while an Egi was summoned
  • There was a slight delay after summoning during which Wyrmwave could not be executed
  • Wyrmwave now activated only when the Summoner used a spell on an enemy
  • Level 72 trait Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance II Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance II added; caused Dreadwyrm Trance to now generate 2 Dreadwyrm Aether
  • Firebird Trance Firebird Trance added; replaced Dreadwyrm Trance upon Demi-Bahamut's dismissal
Patch 5.1
  • Wyrmwave could now be executed immediately after Demi-Bahamut is summoned
  • Action category changed to spell; recast time now affected by spell speed and other effects
  • Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance changed to now upgrade Dreadwyrm Trance to Summon Bahamut; no longer requires Dreadwyrm Aether
  • Now enters Dreadwyrm Trance, replacing Ruin III, Outburst, and Astral Flow with Astral Impulse, Astral Flare, and Deathflare
  • Now grants Ruby, Topaz, and Emerald Arcanum
  • Duration reduced to 15 seconds
  • Recast time increased to 60 seconds; now on the global cooldown
  • Now requires a target within 25 yalms and generates enmity
  • Demi-Bahamut now uses Wyrmwave automatically on Summon Bahamut's target or the target most recently attacked by the Summoner
  • Can now only be used while in combat with Carbuncle summoned
  • Level 80 trait Enhanced Summon Bahamut added; replaces Summon Bahamut with Summon Phoenix upon Demi-Bahamut's dismissal; reverts upon use.
PvP version
Version Changes
  • Added as an ability with a 10 second recast, 20 second duration, and only cost a single Dreadwyrm Aether
  • Action changed to Enkindle Bahamut Enkindle Bahamut while Demi-Bahamut was active
  • Now cost two Aetherflow Gauge rather than Dreadwyrm Aether
  • Duration reduced to 15 seconds
  • Action no longer changed to Enkindle Bahamut, which was now a separate action; action instead changed to Summon Phoenix Summon Phoenix when Demi-Bahamut was dismissed
Patch 5.1
  • Removed

