Final Fantasy Wiki
FFX-2 Stop Status
FFX-2 Stop Icon

Stop is a status in Final Fantasy X-2. Stop prevents all movement animations from triggering, meaning affected units cannot be chained because their stagger animation will not trigger. The ATB bar is turned grey and will not move until the effect is cleared.


Abilities Borrowed Time, Brake-dance, Congealed Honey, Kogoro Freeze, Still Wing, Stop Knife, Stop Mask, Stop Missile
Accessories System Shock
Support abilities Stoptouch

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Beguiling Mire Inflicts 3 hits of non-elemental physical damage and Stop to one target. Trema
Cease and Desist Inflicts non-elemental damage and Stop to one target. Killer Machina
Halting Gaze Inflicts non-elemental damage and Stop to one target. Grim Gaze
Heavenly Strike Halves HP/MP and inflicts Stop to one target. Shiva
Looming Glacier Reduces MP to 0 and inflicts Stop to one target. Baralai, Baralai (Pyrefly Form)
Pernicious Powder Inflicts Petrify, Sleep, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Itchy (always), Berserk, and Stop as well as reducing Magic and Strength levels by 10 (both always) on the party. Mushroom Cloud
Sticky End Inflicts non-elemental damage and Stop to the party. Boris
Stop Attack Inflicts non-elemental damage and Stop to one target. Aquila (Fiend Arena), Bahamut (Fiend Arena), Barbuta (Fiend Arena), Guardian Beast (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Hrimthurs (Fiend Arena), Scarlet Goon (Fiend Arena), Tentacles (Fiend Arena), White Fang (Fiend Arena)
Tempus Laxit Inflicts non-elemental damage and Stop to the party. Aranea (Oversoul), Boris (Oversoul)


Accessories Dragonfly Orb, Kinesis Badge, Ribbon, Shmooth Shailing
Garment Grid Abominable, Highroad Winds, Mounted Assault
Support abilities Ribbon, Stopproof, Super Ribbon, Time Preserver


Abilities Final Elixir, Moogle Cure, Moogle Cureja, Panacea, Remedy (Mix), Remedy (Stash), Ultra Cure
Items Remedy
Spells Esuna, Full Cure, White Wind

