Final Fantasy Wiki
Arachno Stop status from CCVIIR

Stop is a status in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. Cannot take any action except Digital Mind Wave (long term) and other status effect durations are paused. Cannot use Digital Mind Wave in Reunion.


Abilities Stop Blade, Stop Twister
Accessories Heike Soul, System Shock
Spells Hell Blizzaga, Hell Firaga, Hell Thundaga, Stop

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Absolute Stop Thread Inflicts Stop. Abyss Worm, Lesser Worm, Worm Elite
Anesthetic Missile Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop. Crescent Unit Auintus, Crescent Unit Primus, Crescent Unit Quartus, Crescent Unit Secundus, Crescent Unit Tertius, Wutai Captain, Wutai Colonel, Wutai Soldier Wu
Anti-Action Missile Inflicts non-elemental physical AP damage and Stop. Advanced Head, Escort Head, Gun Bull Head+, Power Head, Proto Power Head
Chilling Whisper Inflicts Ice-elemental damage and Stop. Balloon, Explosive
Death Cloud Reduces HP to 1 and inflicts Poison, Silence, Stun, and Stop. Death Machine BIS
Deadly Embrace Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop. Death Claw
Disarm Net Inflicts Stop and ignores immunities. Guardian Eyes, Tarantula
Paralyzing Needle Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop. Man Hunter
Paralyzing Scissors Inflicts non-elemental physical damage, absorbs HP, and inflicts Stop. Experiment No. 116
Shadow Stitch Inflicts 2 hits of non-elemental physical damage and Stop. G Hoplite, G Scutatus
Spider Web Inflicts Stop. Arachno, Guard Spider
Stop Inflicts Stop. Yellow Materia
Stop Attack Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop. Balloon
Stop Blast Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop. Combatant, Ensign, Guard, Warrant Officer
Stop Gaze Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Stop. Evil Eye
Thread Inflicts Stop. Experiment No. 115, Lava Worm, Worm
Ultra Missile Inflicts multiple hits of non-elemental physical damage as well as Stop, Curse, Stun, Poison, and Silence. Missile Machine


Accessories Ribbon, Sprint Shoes, Super Ribbon


Limit Breaks Courage Boost!, Healing Wave

