Increases your spirit. This bonus cannot exceed +100% when more than one is equipped.
Spirit Up materia is a Complete Materia in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth that increases the user's Spirit (in turn increasing their Magic Defense, and thus their resistance to magic-based damage) by a percentage based the materia's level. Spirit Up materia can in theory stack up to a max of 100% up, but only two of the materia can be obtained. If the same character also equips VIT⇔SPR Materia, the Spirit Up materia contributes toward their Vitality instead,
Two Spirit Up materia can be obtained, both from combat simulator challenges: "Junon Battle Intel: White Squall" and "Gongaga Battle Intel: Lethal Combo". For the former, the player needs to defeat an Enmidunk and a Silver Chimera. For the latter, the player needs to defeat a Pastel Amphidex and a Fulvum Varanus.
Level | AP required | Effect |
1 | 0 | Increases Spirit by 5%. |
2 | 500 | Increases spirit by 10%. |
3 | 1000 | Increases spirit by 15%. |
4 | 3500 | Increases spirit by 20%. |
5 | 5000 | Increases spirit by 25%. |
The Spirit Up materia provides a percentage boost to a party member's current spirit attribute. This improves resistance to magic damage. Because party member attributes are often geared to either physical or magic ones, party members with higher HP and higher vitality tend to have lower spirit, making them more vulnerable to magic damage than physical damage. The materia can therefore be given to bolster magic defense for these party members.
The party members with the lowest spirit are Cait Sith, Barret, Tifa, and Yuffie. Barret and Cait Sith both have high HP, meaning magic defense improves their durability further if they expect to tank damage, while Tifa and Yuffie are less durable party members and should be given the materia to improve their survivability.
Those with the highest spirit are Aerith, Cloud, and Red XIII. Aerith has a high spirit but low durability in general; she can benefit somewhat from spirit up, but it should not be prioritized over other ways to boost her survivability. Cloud and Red XIII tank damage often from counterattacking, but most damage they receive this way will be physical, meaning it likewise should be a luxury equip.
Spirit Up somewhat competes with HP Up Materia but can complement it; though boosting HP improves durability against all attacks and not only magic attacks, because of HP Up's low cap, only one should be equipped, while Spirit Up can be equipped in addition for further durability. Vitality Up Materia can compete with or complement the materia, being used to boost physical durability instead. The player can further mitigate damage with spells from Barrier Materia and Fortification Materia.