Final Fantasy Wiki

Spine Drake is an enemy from Final Fantasy X-2. It uses Lamashtu's model from Final Fantasy X.




Fiend Arena

Fiend Arena Oversoul


Spine Drake is moderately more difficult than the Bolt and Lesser Drake, though not terribly difficult. When it Oversouls it is best to not use Gunner, Gun Mage, or Alchemist dresspheres to avoid too much damage. It is also advisable to use Ice-resistant equipment and abilities to avoid damage from its Breath attack, or use Shell.

Creature Creator[]

Fiend Tale[]

One notable Spine Drake lived in an area where his kind were at odds with the Drakes. When both types join forces when their children run off, Spine Drake reconsiders his prejudice and is selected to represent the Drakes attending at a peace conference between his kind and the Ruminants represented by Balivarha. It turns out to be a trap by Yevon monks to pit the two fiend types against each other. Luckily, Divebeak, Vertigo, and Barbuta reveal the treachery and Spine Drake joins forces with Balivarha against their common enemy. Completing the Spine Drake's fiend tale and watching his fiend tale ending unlocks Balivarha for capture. Once Balivarha's fiend tale is complete, the Calm Avengers team can be fought in the Fiend Arena.


Drake is another word for dragon. A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X[]

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

  • Bolt Drake
  • Lesser Drake
  • Spine Drake