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Speed (すばやさ, Subayasa?), also known as Dexterity, Agility, Agl, or Mobility, is a recurring statistic from the Final Fantasy series. It determines how often a unit will attack. In games with time based battle systems, it is used to determine the rate at which the ATB or charge time gauge rises. It can be augmented or reduced by Time Magic spells Haste or Slow.


Final Fantasy[]

Agility increases a character's Accuracy and Evasion by 2 for each Agility point gained from level-ups. Each point of Agility gained as a result of equipment or the Speed Plus item will only increase Accuracy and Evasion by 1. The higher a character's Agility the more likely they are to make the first move in a turn.

Having a couple of points of Agility more than a monster does not guarantee a successful first move each turn; it only increases the chance.

Final Fantasy II[]

Agility factors into evasion, and hence contributes to evading attacks more effectively and action order in battle. Agility has a random chance of increasing after each battle, based on the character's Evasion-% stat. Hence, avoiding heavy armor and equipping shields or weapons with high evasion values will boost Agility growth.

Final Fantasy III[]

Agility determines how fast a character gets to act in combat compared to everyone else, how many hits they do when physically attacking and the hit/miss chance for each hit.

Final Fantasy IV[]

Speed determines how fast a character gets their turn and casts magic; the speed is also affected by the character's weapon.

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Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]

Speed determines how fast a character gets their turn and casts magic; the speed is also affected by the character's weapon.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

Speed determines how fast the character's turn will come up.

Final Fantasy V[]

Agility determines the characters' battle speed and factors in some weapon damage calculations. The Battle Speed setting in the config determines how many turns opponents get, but does not affect the player party. A character's stats are determined by which job they are using. Thief is the fastest job, and Berserker the slowest. Thief can learn a skill called Agility, which makes any job as fast as a Thief.

The Agility stat determines the speed at which a unit's Active Time Battle bar fills up (along with Weight for characters). Additionally, it contributes to the effect of many ranged physical weapons (such as bows) and throwing attacks. Whether it affects the damage dealt by physical weapons depends on the weapon equipped. However, due to a seeming programming oversight, the effect of agility stat to weapon damage is often negligible.

To prevent speed ties for characters in the same job, every character has a different inherent boost to Agility. From slowest to fastest: Galuf (+0), Bartz (+1), Lenna (+2), Faris (+3), and Krile (+4).

The Swift Song from the Bard's Sing skillset boosts the party's Speed while the Bard is singing.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Speed determines the characters' battle speed. The battle speed setting in the config determines how many turns opponents get, but does not affect the player party. Each character has a set of base stats that are static, unless boosted by espers' level up abilities. Only two espers boost Speed: Odin and Cactuar; in the Pixel Remaster as of Ver1.0.6, Odin's bonus was switched to Speed +2, giving Odin's old bonus of Speed +1 to Quetzalli. Locke has the highest natural Speed, and Strago the lowest.

Final Fantasy VII[]

Dexterity determines the speed of which the units' ATB Gauge fills up (in conjunction with the battle speed setting in the config), as well as affecting the character's physical evasion in conjunction with the Defense % given in the character's armor.

Dexterity can be increased with the Speed Source item and with the Speed Plus Independent Materia. The maximum additional Dex that can be gained through the Speed Plus Materia is +100% when stacked with multiple Materia. The accessory Choco Feather also gives +10 to Dexterity.

The exact amount of Dexterity gain via leveling up is randomized at each gained level, but the game is programmed in a manner the characters never stray too far from the intended average.

List of characters' possible minimum and maximum Dexterity on Level 99 from Final Fantasy VII FAQ/Walkthrough by Absolute Steve

Character Minimum Dex Maximum Dex
Cloud 55 62
Tifa 64 71
Aeris 51 58
Barret 47 54
Red XIII 71 78
Cid 54 61
Yuffie 70 77
Vincent 51 58
Cait Sith 51 58

Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Speed determines the rate of fire.

Final Fantasy VII Remake[]

Speed. Speed is a characters' attribute that determines how fast their ATB gauge charges passively. It is boosted by fist weapon upgrades.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]

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Final Fantasy VIII[]

The Speed stat affects the rate the characters' ATB gauges fill up. The characters base stats are low, but of the main six playable characters Irvine is the fastest and Quistis the slowest. The stat can be boosted with Spd Up items (which are rare) and with the Speed Plus % abilities some Guardian Forces can learn. Characters can boost their speed by junctioning spells into their Spd-JTriple is an especially useful spell for that.

Final Fantasy IX[]

Speed stat determines how fast the ATB gauge fills, but due to the way the attacks work, it has almost no impact on the actual gameplay. Speed increases as the characters level up, and can also be boosted by wearing certain pieces of equipment. Zidane is the only character who can max out his speed stat to 50 without the use of cheats. In Zidane's case, Speed is an important factor for damage in his Thievery skill.

Formula for Speed:


The SpdBase values differ from character to character, but never change. The SpdBonus is the only way the player can affect the Speed growth, and every level up the bonus goes up by a rate that is worked out from the character's current stat increases. For example, if the character has equipment that gives 3 extra Speed, then SpdBonus will go up 3 every time they level up. (See Final Fantasy IX Max Stats FAQ by KADFC for more info).

Mechanics-wise, the Speed stat reduces the "size" of the ATB bar so it takes fewer "ticks" to fill. However, everyone else's ATB gauges continue to fill during ability animations except for the character performing the ability, and thus most of the time when a character takes their turn, everyone else's bar will completely fill during the animation. Party members' actions thus queue up and happen one after the other, and by the time they are done, the first character's bar has filled and they have joined the queue. This means that the most the Speed stat can affect the turn order, but will rarely result in a character getting more turns than a slower character.

Final Fantasy X[]

Agility determines how often a character gets a turn. Agility is increased by activating agility nodes on the Sphere Grid. Rikku has the best Agility on her path; Auron and Lulu have the worst; but eventually, any character can traverse any path on the grid. Agility Spheres can be farmed from Fenrir in the Monster Arena to further boost Agility.

The benefit of raising Agility caps off before reaching 255. The first turn of a battle may, from a technical point of view, come slightly quicker with higher Agility, up as far as 250; this is negated in the event of a Preemptive Strike or use of a First Strike weapon. Apart from this first turn, the effect of raising Agility caps off at 170. The first turn effect is virtually negligible, therefore many players choose to stop raising Agility once they reach 170. The Standard Sphere Grid in its default configuration already contains enough Agility nodes to reach 170.

Aeons have their own stats separate from the characters'. They are mainly based on Yuna's stats, but also can be boosted manually and increase when the player fights more battles. Shiva is the fastest aeon, and Ixion the slowest.

Final Fantasy X-2[]

Agility is used for the traditional ATB system to determine the battle unit's cooldown and charging time of the ATB gauge. The character's stats depend on which dressphere she is wearing; Berserker is the fastest job and Dark Knight the slowest.

The color for the Agility gauge in the menu is light blue.

Final Fantasy XI[]

Dexterity is a stat compared with an enemy's agility to determine the likelihood that a character's blow will be a critical hit, and also plays a significant role in determining the damage caused by Sneak Attack when used by a Thief. It is associated with the element of Lightning, and thus many lightning-based items add DEX to a character's stats.

Dexterity also has a direct impact on a character's accuracy stat. For every two points of DEX a character has, his/her accuracy is raised by one point. When using a Two-Handed Weapon, for every 4 points of DEX, the player's accuracy value is raised by 3 (.75 per one point of DEX).

Final Fantasy XII[]

Speed affects the charge time to perform actions in conjunction with the battle speed setting in the config and which weapon the character is using (some weapons are faster than others). Speed stat also boosts the power of bows, ninja swords, and daggers, and determines the character's counterattack rate. Some equipment also boosts Speed, especially the accessory Cat-ear Hood in the original PlayStation 2 version, and the Germinas Boots in the Zodiac versions.

The Speed stat is less significant than in the other games in the series. The charge time difference is only noticeable if a character has very low speed and the difference decreases as speed increases. Even for the extremes, the highest possible Speed (99) only makes charging 21% faster compared to the lowest possible Speed (23).

The damage daggers, ninja swords, and bows deal depends on both Strength and Speed. During low levels this offers a distinctive edge, but on higher levels, the edge is decreasingly obvious. The Haste and Berserk statuses also influence the character's battle speed much more than their Speed stat.

The characters gain Speed as they level up. There are no significant differences between characters. The following formula determines a character's Speed:[2]

Base = Base value. Different character has different values.
Level = The character's current level.
Character Base Modifier
Vaan 24 18
Balthier 24 19
Fran 23 18
Basch 23 16
Ashe 23 17
Penelo 24 16
Reks 35 15
Larsa 24 16
Vossler 24 18
Reddas 35 19
Espers 26 30


Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]

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Final Fantasy XIV[]

Dexterity increases attack power and is the primary attribute for the following disciplines:

Rogue Rogue / Ninja Ninja
Archer Archer / Bard Bard
Machinist Machinist
Dancer Dancer

Skill speed reduces the cast time and cooldown on weaponskills, and reduces the delay on auto-attacks. Spell speed reduce the cast time and cool down on spells. Haste combines the effects of skill speed and spell speed at a much higher coefficient, but is exclusively a Eureka Effect or Save the Queen Area Effect, meaning it works only in eureka and save the queen duties respectively.

Final Fantasy Tactics[]

A combination of the unit's inherent speed and any job, equipment, or ability bonuses. A higher number means the unit's turn will come more quickly.


Speed determines how often a unit gets a turn. Every tick, each character's CT increases by their Speed (for example, a character with 10 Speed has their CT increase by 10, a character with 3 increases their CT by 3, etc.). When the CT reaches 100, that character gets a turn. Speed maxes out at 50, as it is useless to have a Speed greater than it since the character will get a turn in two ticks anyway.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers[]

Focus, represented by the water element, is one of Layle's five stats, which, like the other four, can be increased by equipping accessories. Focus determines how quickly Layle can lock-on to a target.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

The higher the number, the better chances the character will attack first.

The Final Fantasy Legend[]

Agility is shortened to Agl. The higher the number, the greater the character's agility will be. The screen only displays a maximum of 99 agility, however, they may have up to 255 agility.

Final Fantasy Legend II[]

Agility is abbreviated to Agl and influences how often the character can hit the target. It also shows how well they will do with ranged and martial art skill weapons. Some weapons use the Agl stat instead of the usual Str stat for its damage formula. This stat impacts damage dealt with light swords, the ability to run from enemies, dodging enemy attacks, and most importantly, determines the sequence of turns in battle.

Units with higher Agl will act before those with lower Agl. It can be raised by equipping light swords and various other items for battle. Agl caps at 99, but can be raised higher than that by equipping certain items and armor such as Hermes.

Final Fantasy Legend III[]

The higher the character's Agility, the easier it is for the player to run from battle. Agility also affects a character's initiative, ability to do damage by swords, and accuracy of attack.

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

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Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Mobility determines how fast a character can move. It can be increased by Equipment Traits and Haste, or reduced by Slow and Paralysis. Each class has a different base Mobility.

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  1. Final Fantasy IX Max Stats FAQ by KADFC
  2. 2.0 2.1 Maltzsan (n.d.) . Final Fantasy XII Game Mechanics FAQ. Neoseeker. Archived from the original on 1st September 2020.