I couldn't finish 'em. Looks like this's gonna get complicated.
Surely you’ve already been briefed on participating in the SO system, haven’t you? I trust that you’ll make the right decision in the matter. After all, Mother specifically designed the program for Class Zero, so refusing to participate would be equivalent to spurning her kindness.
Special Orders, or SOs for short, are optional objectives during missions in Final Fantasy Type-0. Players are tasked with fulfilling specific actions within a time limit to earn rewards, but risk Instant Death of the active party leader in the event of failure. Special orders are only given to Class Zero, the order to give them coming from Archsorceress Arecia Al-Rashia herself.
Completing an SO unlocks the achievement Make Mother Proud, and avoiding the death penalty for failing an SO unlocks the achievement Above the Law.
The appearance of SOs can be activated by talking to the Grandsorcerer at the Sorcery Division in Akademeia. When an SO is sent out, an "incoming" message appears on the screen and while active a letter icon stays on the top left corner. Pressing on the PlayStation 4, "Z" on PC, or the View button on the Xbox One gives the option to take the special order.
Completing special orders earns additional rewards, and completing certain special orders will reward the player with spells, equipment, or summons. The orders are various in nature, and can range from killing a specific number enemies with a Killsight within a time limit, to collecting items from surrendering troops.
Failing a special order causes three successive portals to appear under the active party member that cause instant death. However, these portals can be dodged with appropriate timing. The order is cancelled if the player leaves the area before completing it, but the buffs are maintained and the portals will not summon. The portals will not appear with an Eidolon active.
There are two versions of the SO system where SOs must be accepted and completed to advance the missions they are present in. Because they are compulsory, these SOs will be activated even if the feature is initially turned off, and cannot be declined.
During Machina's Struggle, Machina receives SOs called "Will of the Crystal", reflecting the Focus given to him by the White Tiger Crystal. During "Invasion of the Rursus", Class Zero receives SOs called "Cid's Crucible", trials imposed by Marshal Cid Aulstyne. Failure to complete a crucible results in the automatic KO of the active leader and resets the area, forcing the party to start again from the entrance. Crucibles do not yield rewards upon completion.
Completing a number of special orders during a mission yields awards in the report card.
- Completing 1-3 SOs during a mission yields an Ether or a Hi-Potion.
- Completing 4-9 SOs during a mission yields two Mega-Potions or Ethers or Phoenix Pinions.
- Completing 10+ SOs during a mission yields three X-Potions or Mega-Potions or Mega-Ethers.
List of Special Orders[]
Generic Special Orders[]
Generic SOs are given out randomly during missions, and don't yield rewards upon completion, but completing a number of SOs during a mission yields special bounties at the end of it.
Objective | Possible Time Limits | Possible Effects | Effect Duration |
Evasion Drill: Avoid taking damage | 0:30 / 1:00 | Freecast | 0:30 |
60-second Combat Trial: Land 10 Hits | 1:00 | Freecast | 0:30 |
120 second Combat Trial: Land 15 hits | 2:00 | Freecast | 0:30 |
Defeat two enemies using your active leader | 1:00 / 2:00 | Aura | 0:30 |
Defeat one enemy with magic using your active leader | 0:30 | Trance | 0:30 |
Endurance Test: Survive for two minutes | 2:00 | Regen | 1:00 |
Endurance test: Survive for three minutes | 3:00 | Regen | 2:00 |
Score a Killsight on one enemy using your active leader | 0:30 / 1:00 | Aura / Invincible | 0:30 |
Score a Killsight with magic using your active leader | 0:30 / 1:00 | Quick / Trance | 0:30 |
Mission-Specific Special Orders[]
Below is a list of specific SOs during missions that yield unique rewards, such as equipment, magic spells, and summons. They are only earned once.
Mission | Order | Time Limit | Effect | Reward |
The Cadets' First Deployment | Fight your way through the enemy ambush. | 05:00 | Protect 0:30 | Elixir |
The Cadets' First Deployment | Crush the enemy defense point with a frontal attack. | 05:00 | Haste 0:15 | Ferric Ring |
The Cadets' First Deployment | Destroy the fuel tank. | 05:00 | Endure | Megalixir |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Defeat the imperial leader at the gate, using your active leader | 3:00 | 1:30 Aura | Elixir |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Defeat the imperial leader at the ramparts, using your active leader. | 3:00 | 0:30 Invincible | Ignis Tertius, Vol.1 |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Endurance Test: Allow no casualties | 1:00 | 0:15 Protect | Magic: Fire ROK-II |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Defeat three Imperial Troopers, using your active leader. | 1:00 | 0:30 Invincible | Feathered Cap |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Cover Practice: Protect the dominion legionary | 1:00 | 0:30 Protect | Lustrous Deck |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Score Killsight strikes on two Warriors, using your active leader | 1:00 | 0:30 Protect | Megalixir |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Take down the Golem, using your active leader | 1:00 | Invincible | Mythril Gloves |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Harvest five phantoma from imperial troopers, using your active leader | 2:00 | 0:15 Protect | Ballistic Armor |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Score Killsight on three retreating troopers using your active leader | 2:00 | 0:45 Aura | |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Score Killsight strikes on seven retreating troopers, using your active leader | 2:00 | Freecast | Megalixir |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Take down three Warriors, using your active leader | 1:30 | 0:45 Invincible | Firewyrm Armlet |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Acquisition Challenge: Search surrendered troopers for an item that can be used in battle. | 2:00 | 0:45 Invincible | U1-Shock Damper |
The Capture of Togoreth Stronghold | Take down three enemies, using your active leader | 1:00 | 0:30 Invincible | Metal Gloves |
Operation Breakthrough | Defeat 3 enemies on high ground with leader | 3:00 | Freecast 0:30 | Ignis Essentia |
Operation Breakthrough | Defeat enemy commander with leader | 5:00 | Haste 0:30 | Fulgur Essentia |
Operation Breakthrough | Defeat a Colossus with your leader | 2:00 | Invincible 0:30 | Wildfire Flute |
Operation Breakthrough | Defeat the demonicorn with leader | 2:00 | Freecast 0:30 | Magic: Quake |
Operation Breakthrough | Defeat enemy commander with leader | 1:00 | Invisible 0:30 | Glacies Essentia |
United Front | Performance Evaluation: Use Datalink to neutralize the communication towers. | 3:00 | Protect 0:30 | Thunderbolt Armlet |
United Front | Combat Trial: Eliminate all shock troopers. | 1:00 | Haste 0:30 | Sentinel Emblem |
United Front | Performance Evaluation: Have your allies defeat an enemy | 5:00 | Endure 0:30 | Blaze Armlet |
United Front | Defeat commander with your leader | 3:00 | Aura 0:30 | Platinum Deck |
The Infiltration of Iscah | Combat trial: Refrain from using magic so as not to alert the enemy to your presence. | 01:00 | Protect 00:30 | Ignis Tertius, Vol I |
The Infiltration of Iscah | Search the fallen for personal effects using your active leader | 02:00 | Protect 01:00 | Elixir |
The Infiltration of Iscah | Take out all Imperial Troopers on high ground using your active leader. | 02:00 | Freecast 00:30 | Phoenix Pinion |
The Infiltration of Iscah | Find the Colossus's weakness using your active leader. | 05:00 | Freecast 00:30 | Megalixir |
The Clash in the Caverns | Defeat Supersoldier with leader | 2:00 | Invincible 0:30 | Mythril Gloves |
The Clash in the Caverns | Destroy Autoturret with leader | 1:00 | Endure 0:30 | Gold Bangle |
The Clash in the Caverns | Defeat commander quickly | 1:00 | Aura 0:30 | Mythril Ring |
The Clash in the Caverns | Exploit the enemy's weakness | 3:00 | Endure 0:30 | Phoenix Pinion |
Operation MA Demolition | Sneak into the R&D facility undetected using your active leader. | 10:00 | Haste 00:30 | Magic: Blizzard ROK |
Operation MA Demolition | Take down the Marduk using your active leader. | 40:00 | Protect 00:45 | Diamond Bangle |
Operation MA Demolition | Reach the sensor calibration lab undetected using your active leader. | 05:00 | Freecast 00:30 | Phoenix Down |
Operation MA Demolition | Secure the lab before the researchers can sound the alarm, using your active leader | 3:00 | 0:45 Invisible | Sleipnir Tail |
Operation MA Demolition | Reach the armor development Lab undetected using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:45 Regen | Elixir |
Operation MA Demolition | Secure the lab before the researchers can sound the alarm, using your active leader. | 3:00 | 0:45 Trance | Phoenix Down |
Operation MA Demolition | Reach the parameter stabilization lab undetected while using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:45 Protect | Elixir |
Operation MA Demolition | Secure the lab before the researchers can sound the alarm, using your active leader. | 3:00 | 1:30 Aura | Phoenix Pinion |
Operation MA Demolition | Score a Killsight strike on the enemy leader using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:45 Trance | Thorn Bow |
Operation MA Demolition | Break through the imperial defenses without taking damage using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:45 Freecast | Silver Gloves |
Operation MA Demolition | Score a Killsight strike on one Shock Trooper using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:30 Protect | Elixir |
Operation MA Demolition | Take down seven enemies with your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:30 Aura | Fulgur Secundus, Vol. II |
Operation MA Demolition | Harvest three phantoma with your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:30 Quick | Glacies Secunda, Vol. II |
Operation MA Demolition | Take down four Shock Troopers using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:30 Endure | Ignis Secundus, Vol.II |
Operation MA Demolition | Take down three Martinets using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:45 Regen | Auric Ring |
Operation MA Demolition | Performance Evaluation: Suppress the Colossus sortie. | 5:00 | 0:45 Invisible | Magnati |
Operation MA Demolition | Score Killsight strikes on three enemies using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:30 Haste | Medical Kit |
Operation MA Demolition | Destroy the Brionac as quickly as possible using your active leader. | 5:00 | 0:30 Protect | Rubicante |
Operation MA Demolition | Land thirty hits on Nimbus using your active leader. | 3:00 | 1:00 Freecast | Tiz's Prayer |
A Fog-Laden Foray | Avoid being spotted by the enemy | 5:00 | Aura 0:30 | Elixir |
A Fog-Laden Foray | Avoid being spotted by the enemy | 5:00 | Aura 0:30 | Magic: Invisible |
A Fog-Laden Foray | Combat Trial: Defeat a Supersoldier | 2:00 | Endure 0:30 | Wildfire Daggers |
A Fog-Laden Foray | Eliminate all enemies | 3:00 | Regen 0:30 | Lamia's Scythe |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Procure two Hotel Guest Registers | 2:00 | Haste 0:45 | Elixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Defeat enemy commander with your active leader | 2:00 | Protect 0:45 | Vitality Apparatus |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Harvest three phantoma | 2:00 | Haste 0:45 | Elixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Take down one mid-sized carrier using your active leader | 5:00 | Freecast 1:00 | Magic: Blizzard ROK-II |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Combat Trial: Score three Breaksight strikes on a Colossus | 4:00 | Protect 0:45 | Rune Rapiers |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Collect three items located in this area | 4:00 | Haste 0:45 | Elixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Monitor the freak Akkad | 1:00 | Regen 0:45 | Platinum Piccolo |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Harvest three phantoma | 2:00 | Invincible 0:30 | Phoenix Down |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Score a Killsight strike on one Imperial Trooper using your active leader | 2:00 | Aura 0:30 | Elixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Defeat the enemy commander with your active leader | 5:00 | Aura 1:00 | Megalixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Casting Exam: Strike the freak Akkad with three spells | 5:00 | Haste 1:00 | Phoenix Pinion |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Combat Trial: Score three Breaksight strikes on the freak Akkad | 5:00 | Invincible 1:00 | Buster Hammer |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Defeat the freak Akkad using your active leader | 99:59 | Haste 1:00 | Ribbon |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Collect three items located in this area | 4:00 | Freecast 1:00 | Stormwyrm Amulet |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Collect three items located in this area | 2:00 | Haste 0:45 | Rune Daggers |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Take down three imperial troopers using your active leader | 2:00 | Protect 1:00 | Icewyrm Amulet |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Score Killsight strikes on two imperial troopers using your active leader | 2:00 | Protect 0:30 | Firewyrm Amulet |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Evasion Drill: Avoid taking any damage | 1:00 | Haste 1:00 | Argentic Ring |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Attack Vajra until it escapes | 7:00 | Endure 1:00 | Fulgur Essentia |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Combat Trial: Score two Breaksight strikes on the snow giant | 2:00 | Endure 0:45 | Gold Bracelet |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Defeat two snow giants using your active leader | 1:30 | Aura 0:30 | Magic: Thunder ROK-II |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Collect two items located in this area | 4:00 | Invincible 0:30 | Rune Saber |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Combat Trial: Score two Breaksight strikes on the behemoth | 2:00 | Protect 0:30 | Ignis Tertius, Vol. II |
Escaping the Imperial Capitaly | Defeat the behemoth using your active leader | 0:30 | Aura 1:00 | Feathered Cap |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Harvest three phantoma | 2:00 | Haste 1:00 | Aegis Secunda, Vol. II |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Performance Evaluation: Attack Vajra until it retreats | 7:00 | Quick 1:00 | Elixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Performance Evaluation: Use fuel tank to damage an enemy | 1:00 | Quick 1:00 | U1-Shock Damper |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Acquisition Challenge: Collect two items located in this area | 3:00 | Regen 1:00 | Elixir |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Take down two missiles | 8:00 | Haste 1:00 | Silver Gloves |
Escaping the Imperial Capital | Land 30 hits on Vajra | 3:00 | Quick 1:00 | Silver Bangle |
Mission Under Ceasefire | Performance Evaluation: Defeat one evil eye within the time limit | 1:00 | Endure 0:30 | Megalixir |
Mission Under Ceasefire | Take down an enemy without allied assistance using your active leader | 3:00 | Haste 0:30 | Rune Trigger |
Mission Under Ceasefire | Performance Evaluation: Harvest phantoma from a tonberry | 1:00 | Quick 0:30 | Regal Armor |
Mission Under Ceasefire | Combat Trial: Defeat the sledgefist giant first without letting any Militesi soldiers die | 5:00 | Aura 0:30 | Armlet of Shiva |
Covering the Cadets | Combat Trial: Cover the other cadets and have them defeat three imperial troopers | 5:00 | Haste 0:30 | Gold Bangle |
Covering the Cadets | Combat Trial: Take out three imperial troopers on high ground | 1:00 | Freecast 0:30 | Auric Ring |
Covering the Cadets | Performance Evaluation: Use Datalink to defuse the bomb | 5:00 | Endure 0:30 | Megalixir |
Colonel Faith's Revolt | Ambush Colonel Faith | 10:00 | Invincible 0:30 | Megalixir |
Colonel Faith's Revolt | Performance Evaluation: Fight through the enemy ambush | 5:00 | Quick 0:30 | Phoenix Pinion |
Colonel Faith's Revolt | Score a Breaksight on Colonel Faith | 1:00 | Freecast 0:45 | U2-Shock Damper |
Colonel Faith's Revolt | Performance Evaluation: Take down 20 imperial stragglers | 3:00 | Trance 1:00 | Diamond Fists |
The Battle of Judecca | Take down fifteen wingverns using your active leader | 1:30 | Protect 0:30 | Killer Knuckles |
The Battle of Judecca | Score a Killsight strike on Zuiun using your active leader | 2:00 | Invincible 0:15 | Elixir |
The Battle of Judecca | Take down twenty wingverns using your active leader | 1:30 | Protect 0:30 | Auric Ring |
The Battle of Judecca | Evasion Drill: Avoid all attacks | 1:00 | Regen 0:30 | Regal Armor |
The Battle of Judecca | Use your active leader to take down one crème brûlée with magic | 1:00 | Trance 0:30 | Megalixir |
The Battle of Judecca | Score Killsight strikes on two dracoknights using your active leader | 2:00 | Quick 0:30 | Draco Medica |
The Battle of Judecca | Take down Mikazuchi using your active leader | 4:00 | Endure 0:30 | Eidolon: Vulcan |
The Battle of Judecca | Acquisition Challenge: Retrieve a lost article from the airship wreckage | 1:00 | Invincible 0:15 | Elixir |
The Battle of Judecca | Acquisition Challenge: Retrieve a lost article from the airship wreckage | 1:00 | Trance 0:30 | Phoenix Down |
The Battle of Judecca | Acquisition Challenge: Retrieve a lost article from the airship wreckage | 1:00 | Trance 0:30 | Megalixir |
The Battle of Judecca | Stop Sanzashi using your active leader without taking down his flywyvern | 2:00 | Quick 0:30 | Reaper's Scythe |
The Battle of Judecca | Quest Intel: Investigate the interior | 3:00 | Aura 0:30 | U1-Shock Damper |
The Battle of Judecca | Quest Intel: Investigate the interior | 3:00 | Aura 0:30 | Elixir |
The Battle of Judecca | Quest Intel: Investigate the interior | 3:00 | Aura 0:30 | Plated Armor |
The Battle of Judecca | Combat Trial: Do not engage any enemies | 1:00 | Invisible 0:15 | Magic: Blizzard MIS-II |
The Battle of Judecca | Take down five dracobaltians with your active leader | 4:00 | Trance 0:30 | Magicite Prime |
The Battle of Judecca | Evasion Drill: Avoid all damage | 2:00 | Aura 1:00 | Crystal Ball |
The Battle of Judecca | Slay Shinryu Celestia using your active leader | 5:00 | Aura 1:00 | Venom Bow |