Final Fantasy Wiki
Soul Break Festival Banner

The event schedule.

The Soul Break Celebration was a Special Event in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. In the global release of the game, this Event was activated between June 9, 2015 and June 19, 2015.


Instead of being a playable Event, the SBC was released to mark the game's three-month international anniversary and the explosive growth in the game's player base. It was assumed at the time that many players had amassed a number of characters, but did not draw the characters' unique Soul Break equipment at the various appointed times since the game's debut. With over two dozen characters in play at the time, this special Relic Draw was rolled out in five 1-2 day phases, during which specific character groups had their Relic Draw drop rate increased.

Phase 1[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Lullaby Rod (X) Yuna Hymn of the Fayth
Hardedge (VII) Cloud Cross Slash
Sleipnir's Tail (VIII) Quistis Maser Eye
Golden Armor (II) Leon Hand of the Emperor

Phase 2[]

Relic Character Soul Break
One-Winged Angel (VII) Sephiroth Shadow Flare
Cyclone Grimoire Tyro Cyclone Grimoire
Rising Sun (VI) Locke Mirage Dive
Heroic Scarf (VI) Mog Heroic Harmony

Phase 3[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Lightning Steel (X) Tidus Slice and Dice
Diamond Pin (VII) Red XIII Lunatic High
Oak Staff (IC) Vivi Doublecast Venom
Ras Algethi (XII) Balthier Tides of Fate

Phase 4[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Blazefire Saber (XIII) Lightning Blaze Rush
Sentinel's Grimoire Tyro Sentinel's Grimoire
Storm Staff (IX) Garnet Ramuh
Demon Axe (II) Firion Wild Rose Vow

Phase 5[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Sheer Trigger (VIII) Squall Fated Circle
Vegas 42s (XIII) Sazh Boon
Crystal Glove (VII) Tifa Waterkick
Fabled Harp (IV) Edward Fabled Song

Man in Black[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Rune Axe (IV) Golbez Black Fang
Polymorph Rod (IV) Tellah Font of Wisdom

Super Soul Break Celebration[]

A sequel event called the Super Soul Break Celebration was held from March 3, 2016 to April 2, 2016. As the name implies, the theme behind this event was banners with numerous Super Soul Break Relics on them, as well as some Unique Soul Break Relics.

Phase 1[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Excalibur (V) Bartz Trueblade of Legend
Yoshiyuki (VII) Sephiroth Black Materia
Orichalcum (IX) Zidane Shift Break
Red Scorpion (VIII) Quistis Mighty Guard (VIII)

Phase 2[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Hawkeye (XII) Hope Last Resort
Magic Comb (VII) Red XIII Stardust Ray
Last Judgment Grimoire Tyro Last Judgment Grimoire
Fairy Flute (IX) Eiko Flames of Rebirth

Phase 3[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Physician's Staff (XIII) Vanille Miracle Prayer
Organics (VII) Cloud Blade Beam
Machine Gun (VIII) Laguna Desperado
Maduin's Horn (VI) Terra Magitek Missile

Phase 4[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Wizard Staff (VII) Aerith Pulse of Life
Valiant Knife (VI) Locke Valiant Strike
Mace of Zeus (IX) Zidane Doublecast Decay
Lustrous Sword (IV) Cecil (Paladin) Saint's Fall

Phase 5[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Genji Blade (V) Gilgamesh Faithful Companion
Cardinal (VIII) Rinoa Wishing Star
Peacemaker (XIII) Lightning Crushing Blow
Wizard Rod (IX) Garnet Divine Guardian

Eternal Calm[]

Phase 1[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Tiny Bee (X) Yuna Trigger Happy
Over the Top (X) Wakka Aurochs Reels

Phase 2[]

Relic Character Soul Break
Riot Blade (X) Auron Banishing Blade
Rune Mog (X) Lulu March of the Moogles