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This article lists all Soul Breaks used in Final Fantasy Record Keeper by characters originating from World of Final Fantasy.

List of Soul Breaks[]


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Fire Mirajewel
FFRK Fire Mira Stone Icon
2 Single 150% physical damage None
Deal physical fire damage to one target.
Revenge Blast
FFRK Revenge Blast Icon
2 Random 80% physical damage/hit FFRK Farna Coat WoFF
Farna Coat (Beyond)
Instantly deal eight physical attacks to random targets with a high chance to interrupt their actions. Deals more damage the lower the user's HP.
Channel Element: Fire
FFRK Channel Element Fire Icon
2 All 82% ranged damage/hit, fire infusion FFRK Fritt Mirage WoFF
Fritt Mirage (Beyond)
Deal six ranged physical fire and non-elemental attacks to all targets, grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user, and temporarily infuse them with the power of fire.
FFRK Melt Smash Icon Melting Blow: 4x 48% fire/NE ranged
FFRK Solar Flame Icon Solar Flame: 2x 65% group fire/NE ranged, self ATK +30%/DEF -30%
Mega Mirage Zantetsuken
FFRK Mega Mirage Zantetsuken Icon
2 Single 1260% physical damage, 60% Instant KO
(1360% damage with Reynn in party)
FFRK Yellow Alpha Arm WoFF
Yellow Alpha Arm (Beyond)
Deal a massive physical attack with a high chance to instantly KO to one target. Deals more damage if Reynn is in the party. Can break the damage cap.
Atomic Impact
FFRK Atomic Impact Icon
2 Single 71% ranged damage/hit
Fire infusion, self 100% Stoneskin
FFRK Unknown WoFF Weapon 4
Afrite Mirage (Beyond)
Deal ten ranged physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, grant the user a Negate Damage barrier for up to 100% of their max HP, and enter Surge Mode. Surge Mode sets the user's critical hit chance to 50% while the Negate Damage barrier is active, and causes the user's fire abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Pyroburst, dealing five physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one target.
Surge Mode: critical = 50%, removed with Stoneskin down
Pyroburst: 5x 40% fire/NE physical
Crimson Punch
FFRK Crimson Punch Icon
FFRK Gleed Mirage WoFF
Gleed Mirage (Beyond)
Deal fifteen physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, temporarily grant the user Awoken Fire Mode, increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, grant the user a Negate Damage barrier for up to 100% of their max HP, and enter Gleed Surge Mode.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Blizzard Mirajewel
FFRK Blizzard Mira Stone Icon
2 Single 200% magic damage None
Deal magic ice damage to one target.
Ramuh Transfiguration
FFRK Unknown Reynn SB Icon
2 Single 215% summon damage/hit, Hastega FFRK Farna Skirt WoFF
Farna Dress (Beyond)
Deal eight summon magic lightning and non-elemental attacks to one target, and grant Haste to all allies.
Channel Element: Ice
FFRK Channel Element Ice Icon
2 All 200% summon damage/hit, ice infusion FFRK Bablizz Mirage WoFF
Bablizz Mirage (Beyond)
Deal six summon magic ice and non-elemental attacks to all targets, grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user, and temporarily infuse them with the power of ice.
FFRK Glacier Arrow Icon Glacial Arrow: 4x 200% ice/NE magic
FFRK Big Freeze Icon Big Freeze: 2x 420% group ice/NE magic, 25% max HP self heal
Double Mirage
FFRK Double Mirage Icon
2 Single 170% summon damage/hit, target ice weakness +20% FFRK Unknown WoFF Weapon 5
Surge Mishiva (Beyond)
Deal ten summon magic ice and water attacks to one enemy, temporarily lower its ice resistance level by 2, and cause every second black magic ability used by the user to trigger the follow-up ability Deep Freeze, temporarily lowering the ice resistance level of one enemy by 1.
Deep Freeze: target ice weakness +10%


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Mind Madrigal
FFRK Mind Madrigal Icon
2 Party RES +30% None
Temporarily raise the party's Resistance a small amount.
World Parade
FFRK World Parade Icon
2 Party h85 heal, Last Stand, Reraise: 40% FFRK Fairy Tale WoFF
Faerie Tail (Beyond)
Instantly restore a large amount of HP to all allies, and grant them Last Stand and Reraise. Allies are raised with moderate HP.
Petal Pummel
FFRK Unknown Tama SB Icon
2 Single 200% white magic damage/hit
Party holy reflection barrier (30s)
FFRK Unknown WoFF Helmet
Princess's Crown (Beyond)
Deal eight white magic holy and fire attacks to one enemy, temporarily grant all allies a barrier that reflects a portion of the damage they take to the attacker as holy damage, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Unknown Tama BSB Icon Bid for Time: h60 heal, Raise: 20% (CT0)
FFRK Unknown Tama BSB Icon 2 Cheer: h25 party heal
Surging Challenge
FFRK Unknown Tama SB Icon 2
FFRK Magical Rod WoFF
Magic Rod (Beyond)
Instantly restore a very large amount of HP to all allies, temporarily infuse the user with the power of holy light, grant all allies a barrier that reflects a portion of the damage they take to the attacker as holy damage, and temporarily grant the user Awoken 2P Mode.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Grymoire's Grace
FFRK Grymoire's Grace Icon
2 Self Refill 1 ability use None
Restore one ability use to one of the user's abilities.
FFRK Unknown Enna SB Icon
3 Single 2650% magic damage/hit FFRK Unknown WoFF Weapon
Babyhemoth Mirage (Beyond)
Deal three massive magic earth and holy attacks to one enemy. Can break the damage cap.
Break Time
FFRK Break Time Icon
2 Single 170% magic damage/hit, earth infusion
Black Magic ability cast speed x2
FFRK Unknown WoFF Weapon 2
Chocochick Mirage (Beyond)
Deal ten magic earth and holy attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of earth, reduce delay of the user's black magic abilities, and cause the user's earth abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Sweet Coffee, dealing four magic earth, holy, and non-elemental attacks to one enemy.
Sweet Coffee: 4x 151% earth/holy/NE magic
The World's Rules
FFRK Rules of the World Icon
1 Self Earth damage +20%, cast speed x3 for two turns FFRK Unknown WoFF Weapon 3
Copper Gnome Mirage (Beyond)
Temporarily increase the user's earth attack level by two, and reduce delay of the user's actions for two turns. Triggers instantly.
Creator's Judgment
FFRK Judgment of Creator God Icon
2 Single 188% magic damage/hit, earth infusion FFRK Unknown WoFF Armor
Roksanne's Coat (Beyond)
Deal eight magic earth and holy attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of earth, and grant them Haste and Burst Mode.
FFRK Power of A Icon Might of A: 4x 224% earth/holy magic
FFRK Interferrence With the World Icon Mortal Meddling: 3x 229% earth/holy magic, Black Magic ability damage +15% for three turns
Godly Geocrush
FFRK God Geocrush Icon
FFRK Topaz Carbuncle Mirage WoFF
Topaz Carbuncle Mirage (Beyond)
Deal fifteen magic earth, holy, and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of earth, temporarily grant the user Awoken Earth Mode, increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, reduce delay of the user's actions, and enter Creator Mode. Creator Mode causes the third earth ability used by the user to trigger the follow-up ability Fickle Crush, and removes Creator Mode from the user.
Soul of Light
FFRK Unknown Enna SB Icon 2
FFRK Sandicore Mirage WoFF
Sandicore Mirage (Beyond)
Instantly deal six magic earth, holy, and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, and temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for earth. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
FFRK Tickle Icon
Temporarily lower the Attack of one enemy a moderate amount.
Silent Voice
FFRK Silent Voice WoFF Icon
FFRK Diva Serafie's Harp WoFF
Diva Serafie's Harp (Beyond)
Deal fifteen magic wind and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, grant all allies a barrier that reflects a portion of the damage they take to the attacker as wind damage, temporarily grant the user Awoken Wind Mode, and increase their Cap Break Level by 1.
FFRK Misdirection Icon
FFRK Siren Mirage WoFF
Siren Mirage (Beyond)
Deal twenty massive magic wind attacks to one enemy, followed by one magic wind attack that can break the damage cap.
Wind Rhapsody
FFRK Wind Rhapsody WoFF Icon
Brave: Victory Charge FFRK Serafie's Guise WoFF
Serafie's Guise (Beyond)
Deal ten magic wind attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, temporarily raise the wind attack level of all allies by 1, grant Bravery Mode to the user, and set their Bravery Level to 2.
Rumor Radar
FFRK Unknown Serafie SB Icon
FFRK Serafie's Hair Ornament WoFF
Serafie's Hairpin (Beyond)
Temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for wind, and remove delay from the user's actions for one turn. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.


Relm-ffvi-snes-battleThis gallery is incomplete and requires Fire Mira Stone, Ice Mira Stone, Mind Madrigal and Protection of Grymoire added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.