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This article lists all Soul Breaks used in Final Fantasy Record Keeper by characters originating from Final Fantasy XIV.

List of Soul Breaks[]


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Fluid Aura
FFRK Fluid Aura Icon
2 Single 490% magic damage None
Deal magic water damage to one target.
Stoneskin II
FFRK Stoneskin II Icon
2 Party DEF/RES +200% FFRK Thyrus FFXIV
Thyrus (XIV)
Temporarily raise the party's Defense and Resistance a very large amount.
Medica II
FFRK Medica II Icon
2 Party h50 heal, Esuna FFRK Healer's Robe FFXIV
Healer's Robe (XIV)
Restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies, and cast Esuna on them.
Aetherial Pulse
FFRK Aetherial Pulse Icon
2 Party Protect/Shell/Regen FFRK Omnirod FFXIV
Omnirod (XIV)
Grant Protect, Shell, and major Regen to all allies.
FFRK Asylum Icon
2 Party h85 heal, 30% Stoneskin FFRK Healer's Circlet FFXIV
Healer's Circlet (XIV)
Restore a large amount of HP to all allies, grant them a barrier that negates attack damage up to 30% of their max HP, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Tetragrammaton Icon Tetragrammaton: h85 heal (instant)
FFRK Medica Icon Medica: h25 party heal
Goddess's Mercy
FFRK Sacred Prism Icon
2 Party Shield, Regen, self instant cast (1 turn) FFRK Nirvana Zeta FFXIV
Nirvana Zeta (XIV)
Grant major Regen and Shield to all allies, enabling them to avoid one physical or magic attack, and remove delay from the user's actions for one turn. Effective against most physical attacks and spells.
Secret of the Lily
FFRK Unknown Y'shtola SB Icon
2 Party h85 heal, magic cast speed x3 (3 turns) FFRK Ironworks Magitek Cane FFXIV
Ironworks Magitek Cane (XIV)
Instantly restore a large amount of HP to all allies, reduce delay of their magic attacks for three turns, temporarily grant Bravery Mode to the user, and set their Bravery Level to 2.
Plenary Indulgence: (+1 on White Magic abilities)
Lv 0: h25 ally heal
Lv 1: h25 party heal
Lv 2: h55 party heal
Lv 3: h55 party heal, Last Stand
Divine Benison
FFRK Divine Benison Icon
1 Party Haste/Shell/Regen FFRK Weathered Yagrush FFXIV
Weathered Yagrush (XIV)
Instantly grant Shell, Haste, and major Regen to all allies.
Pulse of Life
FFRK Pulse of Life FFXIV Icon
Majestas (XIV)
Instantly restore a very large amount of HP to all allies,grant them a barrier that negates attack damage up to 30% of their max HP, grant them Last Stand, temporarily grant the user Awoken Guardian Mode, and reduce delay of the user's actions.
Stonega Skin
FFRK Stonegaskin Icon
FFRK Truth Seeker FFXIV
Truth Seeker (XIV)
Temporarily raise the Defense and Resistance of all allies a very large amount. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Spinning Edge
FFRK Spinning Edge FFXIV Icon
2 Single 75% physical damage/hit None
Deal two physical attacks to one target.
Dancing Edge
FFRK Dancing Edge FFXIV Icon
2 Single 123% physical damage/hit, target DEF -50% FFRK Yoshimitsu FFXIV
Yoshimitsu (XIV)
Deal four physical attacks and temporarily lower Defense of one target.
Death Blossom
FFRK Jugulate Icon
2 Single 350% physical damage (100% Slow FFRK Ninja Chainmail FFXIV
Ninja Chainmail (XIV)
Deal physical damage to all targets with a high chance to Slow them.
FFRK Unknown Thancred SB Icon
2 All 149% physical damage/hit, party Haste FFRK Air Knives FFXIV
Air Knives (XIV)
Deal four physical wind attacks to all targets, and grant Haste to all allies.
Kassatsu Katon
FFRK Kassatsu Katon Icon
2 All 144% ranged damage/hit, target fire weakness +20% FFRK Sasuke's Blades FFXIV
Sasuke's Blades (XIV)
Deal four ranged physical fire and non-elemental attacks to all targets, temporarily lower their fire resistance, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Duality Icon Duality: 3x 50% fire/NE physical (6x if user has Mirror Image)
FFRK Shade Shift Icon Shade Shift: 2x 90% fire/NE physical, self Mirror Image
Kiss of the Jugulator
FFRK Kiss of the Wasp Jugulate Icon
2 All 139% physical damage/hit (100% Interrupt) FFRK Augmented Ninja Tekko FFXIV
Augmented Ninja Tekko (XIV)
Deal four instant physical poison and non-elemental attacks to all targets, with a high chance to interrupt their pending actions.
Fang of the Serpent
FFRK Unknown Thancred SB Icon 2
2 Single 80% physical damage/hit, party Mirror Image FFRK Magitek Dagger FFXIV
Magitek Dagger (XIV)
Instantly deal eight physical poison and non-elemental attacks to one target, enable all allies to avoid one physical attack, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Kiss of the Wasp Icon Hornet's Sting: 100% poison/NE physical
FFRK Unknown Thancred BSB Icon Unending Assault: 4x 45%/5x 58%/6x 72%/7x 88%/8x 110% poison/NE physical (scales with Hornet's Sting uses, reset hit count)
Wheel of Life
FFRK Unknown Thancred SB Icon 3
2 Single 63% physical damage/hit
Ninja damage +30%, target MAG/DEF -40%
FFRK Yukimitsu FFXIV
Yukimitsu (XIV)
Instantly deal ten physical earth and fire attacks to one enemy, temporarily lower its Magic and Defense a large amount, temporarily increase the damage of the user's ninja abilities a moderate amount, grant the user Brave Mode, and set the user's Bravery Level to 1.
Foul Play: (+1 on Ninja abilities)
Lv 0: 162% earth/fire physical
Lv 1: 3x 87% earth/fire physical, target DEF -40%
Lv 2: 6x 82% earth/fire physical, target DEF -40%
Lv 3: 10x 73% earth/fire physical, target ATK/DEF/RES -70% (8s)
Kassatsu Doton
FFRK Unknown Thancred SB Icon 4
2 Single 65% physical damage/hit, target earth weakness +20% FFRK Scion Rogue's Jacket FFXIV
Scion Rogue's Jacket (XIV)
Instantly deal eight physical earth and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily lower its earth resistance level by 2, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Unknown Thancred BSB Icon 2 Shade Shift Edge: 2x 75% earth/NE ranged, self Mirror Image
FFRK Unknown Thancred BSB Icon 3 Innervating Dagger: 166% earth/NE ranged, refill 1 ability use


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
FFRK Lethargy Icon
2 Single 50% Slow None
Moderate chance to Slow one target.
Enochian Blizzaja
FFRK Enochian Blizzaja Icon
2 Random 354% magic damage/hit, ice infusion FFRK Stardust Rod FFXIV
Stardust Rod (XIV)
Deal five magic ice attacks to random targets, and temporarily infuse the user with the power of ice.
Swiftcast Fira
FFRK Swiftcast Fira Icon
2 Single 313% magic damage/hit
Self magic cast speed x2 (4 turns)
FFRK Wizard's Petasos FFXIV
Wizard's Petasos (XIV)
Deal three magic fire attacks to all targets, and temporarily reduce the user's magic casting time.
Ley Lines
FFRK Black Magic Crest Icon
2 Party MAG +30%, Haste, magic cast speed x3 (3 turns) FFRK Air Knives FFXIV
Wizard's Gloves (XIV)
Temporarily raise the Magic of all allies a moderate amount, reduce their magic attack casting time for three turns, and grant them Haste
Enochian Firaja
FFRK Enochian Firaja Icon
2 Single 188% magic damage/hit, fire infusion FFRK Lilith Rod FFXIV
Lilith Rod (XIV)
Deal eight magic fire and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Astral Fire Icon Astral Fire: 3-6x 200% fire/NE magic (4/5/6 hits at 720/1123/1193 MAG)
FFRK Flare Conversion Icon Flare Conversion: 2x 309% fire/NE magic, self MAG +30%/DEF -30% (25s)
FFRK Flareja Icon
2 Single 3800% magic damage
Up to 4400% with fire attacks used
FFRK Lilith Rod Zeta FFXIV
Lilith Rod Zeta (XIV)
Deal massive magic fire and non-elemental damage to one target. Deals more damage for each fire attack the user has dealt. Can break the damage cap.
Fate's End
FFRK Five Minutes Of Fate Icon
3 Single 2650% magic damage/hit FFRK Lunaris Rod FFXIV
Lunaris Rod (XIV)
Deal three massive magic fire attacks to one enemy. Can break the damage cap.
Ley Line Firaja
FFRK Ley Lines Fire IV Icon
2 Single 170% magic damage/hit
Fire infusion, self MAG/DEF +30%
FFRK Scion Thaumaturge's Robe FFXIV
Scion Thaumaturge's Robe (XIV)
Deal ten magic fire and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, raise the user's Magic a moderate amount and Defense a small amount, and temporarily cause the user's fire abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Intensifying Firaga, dealing four to eight magic fire and non-elemental attacks. Number of attacks and damage of Intensifying Firaga increase each time it is triggered.
Intensifying Firaga: 4x 126% / 5x 130% / 6x 134% / 7x 138% / 8x 142% fire/NE magic, grows with uses
Magic Trifecta
FFRK Unknown Papalymo SB Icon
1 Self Magic instant cast (3 turns) FFRK Gambanteinn FFXIV
Gambanteinn (XIV)
Instantly remove delay from the user's magic attacks for three turns.
Enochian Despair
FFRK Enochian Despair Icon
FFRK Rod of the Black Khan FFXIV
Rod of the Black Khan (XIV)
Deal fifteen magic fire and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, temporarily grant the user Awoken Fire Mode, increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, reduce delay of the user's actions, and cause every second fire ability used by the user to trigger the follow-up ability Astral Flare.
FFRK Sharpcast Icon
FFRK Seventh Hell Coat FFXIV
Seventh Hell Coat (XIV)
Temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for fire, and fill the user's Soul Break gauge one bar. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
FFRK Featherfoot Icon
2 Self Mirror Image None
Blur the image of the user, enabling her to avoid one physical attack.
Internal Release
FFRK Internal Release Icon
2 Party MND +30%, critical = 50% FFRK Temple Gloves FFXIV
Temple Gloves (XIV)
Temporarily raise the Mind of all allies a moderate amount, and temporarily set their critical hit chance to 50%.
Twin Snake Dragon Kick
FFRK Unknown Yda SB Icon
2 Single 130% physical damage/hit
Party ATK +30%, target DEF -30%
Spharai (XIV)
Deal six physical attacks to one target, temporarily lower its Defense by a large amount, and raise the party's Attack a moderate amount.
Forbidden Chakra
FFRK Yin-Yang Fighting Spirit Icon
2 Single 92% physical damage/hit
Target ATK/DEF/MAG/RES -40%
FFRK Kaiser Knuckles FFXIV
Kaiser Knuckles (XIV)
Deal eight physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily lower its Attack, Magic, Defense, and Resistance a large amount, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Snap Punch Icon Snap Punch: 4x single fire NE/physical, self ATK +15/30/50% with uses (removed upon taking damage)
FFRK Fists of Earth Icon Fists of Earth: self 30% Stoneskin
True Demolition
FFRK Bootshine Demolish Icon
2 All 139% physical damage
Target DEF/RES -50%, self ATK/DEF +30%
FFRK Temple Cyclas FFXIV
Temple Cyclas (XIV)
Deal four physical earth and fire attacks to all targets, temporarily lower their Defense and Resistance a large amount, and raise the user's Attack a moderate amount and Defense a small amount.
Furious Flurry
FFRK Tornado Kick Icon
2 Single 88% physical damage/hit
Fire infusion, instant Monk abilities (3 turns)
Self Mirror Image x3
FFRK Kaiser Knuckles Zeta FFXIV
Kaiser Knuckles Zeta (XIV)
Deal eight physical earth and fire attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, remove delay from the user's monk abilities for three turns, and enable the user to avoid three physical attacks.
Fire Tackle
FFRK Fire Tackle Icon
FFRK Scion Striker's Attire FFXIV
Scion Striker's Attire (XIV)
Deal fifteen physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, temporarily grant the user Awoken Monk Mode, increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, and temporarily grant the user Windborn Swiftness Mode, causing the user's monk abilities to increase the damage of the user's monk abilities and reduce delay of the user's actions (up to 3 ranks).
Fire Thrash
FFRK Unknown Yda SB Icon 2
FFRK Verethragna FFXIV
Verethragna (XIV)
Deal twenty massive physical fire attacks to one enemy, followed by an additional physical fire attack that can break the damage cap.
Fists of Fire
FFRK Fists of Fire Icon
FFRK Scion Striker's Visor FFXIV
Scion Striker's Visor (XIV)
Temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for fire, and remove delay from the user's actions for one turn. Triggers instantly


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Fast Blade
FFRK Fast Blade Icon
2 Single 50% physical damage/hit None
Deal three physical attacks to one target.
The Echo
FFRK Overcome Trials Icon
2 Single 81% physical damage/hit, holy infusion FFRK Curtana FFXIV
Curtana (XIV)
Deal eight physical holy and non-elemental attacks to one target, infuse the user with the power of holy light, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Rage of Halone Icon Rage of Halone: 2x 88% holy physical, target ATK -40%
FFRK Glory Slash Icon Glory Slash: 2x 88% holy physical, target MAG -50%
Blessing of Light
FFRK Hydaelyn's Blessing Icon
2 Party ATK +50%, Last Stand FFRK Holy Shield FFXIV
Holy Shield (XIV)
Temporarily raise the Attack of all allies a large amount, and grant them Last Stand.
Call of the Stars
FFRK Star's Voice Icon
2 Party ATK/MAG/RES +30%, Haste FFRK Excalibur Zeta FFXIV
Excalibur Zeta (XIV)
Grant Haste to all allies, and temporarily raise their Attack and Magic a moderate amount and Resistance a small amount.
Divine Veil
FFRK Divine Veil Icon
1 Party 2000 HP stock, self holy infusion FFRK Tyrfing FFXIV
Tyrfing (XIV)
Temporarily infuse the user with the power of holy light, and automatically heal damage all allies take (up to 2,000 HP in total). Triggers instantly.
Scion's Guidance
FFRK Unknown Minfilia SB Icon
2 Single 83% physical damage/hit, Last Stand FFRK Hauteclaire FFXIV
Hauteclaire (XIV)
Deal eight physical holy and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, grant Last Stand to all allies, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Goring Blade Icon Goring Blade: 4x 58% holy/NE physical, Knight ability damage +15% (3 turns)
FFRK Full Swing Icon Full Swing: 2x 100% holy/NE physical, Dispel


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Energy Drain
FFRK Energy Drain Icon
2 Single 190% magic damage, drain 25% of damage None
Deal magic non-elemental damage to one target, healing the user for a portion of the damage dealt
Deployment Tactics
FFRK Deployment Tactics Icon
2 Party ATK/MAG +30%, damage reflection barrier FFRK Evoker's Doublet FFXIV
Evoker's Doublet (XIV)
Temporarily raise the Attack and Magic of all allies a moderate amount, and grant them a barrier that reflects damage back at the attacker.
Aerial Blast
FFRK Aerial Blast Icon
2 Single 188% summon damage/hit, wind infusion FFRK Veil of Wiyu FFXIV
Veil of Wiyu (XIV)
Deal eight summon magic wind and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Wind Blade Icon Wind Blade: 4x 191% wind/NE summon, self instant cast (1 turn)
FFRK Aetherflow Icon Aetherflow: 2x 428% wind/NE summon, refill 1 ability use
FFRK Teraflare Icon
2 All 230% summon damage/hit, wind infusion FFRK Apocalypse Zeta FFXIV
Apocalypse Zeta (XIV)
Deal seven summon magic wind and dark attacks to all targets, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, and enter Dreadwyrm Trance EX Mode. Dreadwyrm Trance EX Mode increases the damage of summon magic abilities based on the number of times the ability has been honed (up to a moderate amount), and triggers Deathflare when EX Mode ends.
Dreadwyrm Trance: Summon rank boost
Deathflare: 35% of summon damage dealt in Dreadwyrm Trance
FFRK Aetherpact Icon
2 Party 150-hit wind chain (+50% field, 15s)
MAG +50% (25s)
Almandal (XIV)
Trigger a wind chain up to 150 hits long that increases the wind damage of all allies a large amount, and temporarily raise their Magic a large amount.
Garuda Exoburst
FFRK Unknown Alphinaud SB Icon
2 Single 173% summon damage/hit
Party wind reflection barrier (30s)
Self cast speed x2 (2 turns)
FFRK Morkinskinna FFXIV
Morkinskinna (XIV)
Deal ten summon magic wind attacks to one target, temporarily grant all allies a barrier that reflects a portion of the damage they take back to the attacker as wind damage, reduce delay of the user's actions for two turns, grant the user Brave Mode, and set the user's Bravery Level to 1.
Fester: (+1 on Summoning abilities)
Lv 0: 792% wind summon
Lv 1: 3x 388% wind summon
Lv 2: 6x 322% wind summon, self refill 1 Summoning ability use
Lv 3: 12x 247% wind summon, self refill 1 Summoning ability use
FFRK Shockwave SB Icon
1 Single 125% magic damage/hit, wind infusion stack FFRK Caller's Loincloth FFXIV
Caller's Loincloth (XIV)
Instantly deal six summon magic wind and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, and temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for wind.
FFRK Meteorite FFXIV Icon
FFRK Draconomicon FFXIV
Draconomicon (XIV)
Deal fifteen summon magic wind and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, temporarily grant the user Awoken Summoning Mode, increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, and cause every third wind ability they use to trigger the follow-up ability Cometeor, dealing summon magic wind and non-elemental damage to one target. Cometeor can break the damage cap.
Child of the Dawn
FFRK Lad of Dawn Icon
FFRK Shire Preceptor's Coat FFXIV
Shire Preceptor's Coat (XIV)
Deal fifteen summon magic wind and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily grant the user major Empowered Infusion for wind, temporarily grant the user Sync Mode, and increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1. During Sync Mode, grant the user three Aetherflow stacks that change the effect of Relief Tactics.
Dreamwyrm Trance
FFRK Trance Bahamut Icon
FFRK Shire Grimoire FFXIV
Shire Grimoire (XIV)
Deal twenty massive summon magic wind attacks to one enemy, followed by an additional summon magic wind attack that can break the damage cap.
Shining Moonstone
FFRK Moonstone's Brilliance Icon
FFRK Ironworks Magitek Grimoire FFXIV
Ironworks Magitek Grimoire (XIV)
Temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for wind, and remove delay from the user's actions for one turn. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.
Summon Moonstone
Anabasis (XIV)
Instantly restore a very large amount of HP to all allies, grant them Last Stand, temporarily grant the user Sync Mode, and increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1.
FFRK Savant's Overcoat FFXIV
Savant's Overcoat (XIV)
Instantly restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies, grant them Regenga, automatically heal additional damage they take (up to 3,000 HP total), and reduce delay of all allies' actions for two turns.

Cid (XIV)[]

Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
FFRK Blank Icon
2 Single 50% ranged damage/hit None
Deal ranged physical damage to three random targets.
Rapid Shot
FFRK Rapid Shot Icon
2 Random 111% ranged damage/hit, target fire weakness +20% FFRK Garlond Goggles FFXIV
Garlond Goggles (XIV)
Deal ranged physical fire and non-elemental damage to seven random targets, and temporarily lower their fire resistance.
Grenado Shot
FFRK Grenado Shot Icon
2 All 83% ranged damage/hit, target earth weakness +20% FFRK Magitek Repeater FFXIV
Magitek Repeater (XIV)
Deal seven ranged physical earth and non-elemental attacks to all targets, temporarily lower their earth resistance, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Shoot & Reload Icon Shoot & Reload: 206% earth/NE ranged
FFRK Split Shot Icon Split Shot: 4x 53% earth/NE ranged, 0/10/30/100%: target earth weakness +10% (scales with Shoot & Reload uses)
Gauss Round
FFRK Gauss Round Icon
2 Single 71% ranged damage/hit
Fire infusion, self cast speed x2
FFRK Ferdinand FFXIV
Ferdinand (XIV)
Deal ten ranged physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of fire, reduce delay of the user's actions, and trigger Wildfire after a delay.
Wildfire: 30.03% of Machinist damage dealt during effect


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Dreams of Ice
FFRK Dreams of Ice Icon
2 Party MAG +15% None
Temporarily raise the party's Magic a small amount.
Icicle Impact
FFRK Icicle Impact Icon
2 Single 170% magic damage/hit
Ice infusion, self MAG/RES +30%
True Ice Rod (XIV)
Deal ten magic ice and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of ice, raise the user's Magic a moderate amount and Resistance a small amount, and temporarily cause the user's ice abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Icebrand, dealing two to six magic ice and non-elemental attacks to one target. Number of attacks depends on the triggering ability's rank.
Icebrand: 2-6x ice/NE magic, more hits with ability rank
Shiva: Diamond Dust
FFRK Diamond Dust FFXIV Icon
2 All 216% magic damage/hit, target ice weakness +20% FFRK Hailstorm Coat FFXIV
Hailstorm Coat (XIV)
Deal six magic ice and non-elemental attacks to all targets, temporarily lower their ice resistance, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Avalanche BSB Icon Avalanche: 3x 229% ice/NE magic, self cast speed x3 (3 turns)
FFRK Absolute Zero BSB Icon Absolute Zero: 2x 309% ice/NE magic, self MAG +30%/DEF -30%
Glacier Bash
FFRK Glacier Bash Icon
2 Single 221% magic damage/hit, 40% max HP party heal FFRK Cashmere Robe FFXIV
Cashmere Robe (XIV)
Deal eight magic ice and non-elemental attacks to one target, and restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies proportional to their max HP.
FFRK Permafrost Icon
FFRK Hvergelmir FFXIV
Hvergelmir (XIV)
Deal fifteen magic ice and non-elemental attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of ice, temporarily grant the user Awoken Ice Mode, increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, and cause every second summoning ability used by the user to trigger the follow-up ability Umbral Freeze, removing delay from the user's actions for one turn, and increasing the user's ice damage a large amount for one turn.
FFRK Whiteout FFXIV Icon
FFRK Hailstorm Rod FFXIV
Hailstorm Rod (XIV)
Temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for ice, and fill the user's Soul Break gauge one bar. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.
Ley Line Blizzaja
FFRK Ley Lines Blizzaja Icon
FFRK Goetia Coat FFXIV
Goetia Coat (XIV)
Deal twenty massive magic ice attacks to one enemy, followed by an additional magic ice attack that can break the damage cap.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Rampart (XIV)
FFRK Rampart FFXIV Icon
2 Party DEF/RES +20% None
Temporarily raise the party's Defense and Resistance a small amount.
Live to Serve
FFRK A Knight's Calling Icon
2 Self 6000 HP stock, DEF/RES +100%, MND +50%
In front row, cover PHY/BLK/WHT/SUM/BLU
Take half damage from covered attacks
FFRK Fortemps Kite Shield FFXIV
Fortemps Kite Shield (XIV)
Temporarily raise the user's Defense, Resistance, and Mind a large amount, automatically heal damage the user takes (up to 6000 HP in total), and if the user is in the front row temporarily gain a high chance to cover physical and magic attacks targeting allies in the rear row, reducing damage taken a large amount. Effective against most attacks.
Time of Need
FFRK Circle of Scorn Icon
2 Random 77% physical damage/hit, target ATK/MAG -50% FFRK Fortemps Winglet FFXIV
Fortemps Winglet (XIV)
Deal eight physical holy and ice attacks to random targets, temporarily lower their Attack and Magic a large amount, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Shield Swipe Icon Shield Swipe: 2x 110% holy/ice physical, target ATK -40%
FFRK Spirits Within Icon Spirits Within: 2x 110% holy/ice physical, target MAG -50%
Royal Authority
FFRK Royal Authority Icon
2 Single 96% physical damage/hit, 40% max HP party heal FFRK Fortemps Vambraces FFXIV
Fortemps Vambraces (XIV)
Deal eight physical holy and ice attacks to one target, and restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies proportional to their max HP.


Soul Break Soul Gauge Target Properties Relic
Jump (XIV)
2 Single 150% jump damage None
Launch a jump attack on one target.
Skydragon Dive
FFRK Blue Sky Dragon Dive Icon
2 Single 71% jump damage/hit
Wind infusion, self ATK/DEF +30% (25s)
Dragoon: self cast speed x2 (1 turn, 15s)
Gae Bolg (XIV)
Deal ten jump wind and dark attacks to one target, reduce delay of the user's actions for one turn, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, raise the user's Attack a moderate amount and Defense a small amount, and cause the user's dragoon abilities to reduce delay of the user's actions for one turn.
The Azure Dragoon
FFRK Blue Dragon Knight Icon
2 Single 83% jump damage/hit, wind infusion FFRK Drachen Mail FFXIV
Drachen Mail (XIV)
Deal eight jump wind and dark attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of wind, and grant Haste and Burst Mode to the user.
FFRK Blood of the Dragon Icon Blood of the Dragon: Jump ability damage +15% (3 turns), self Blood of the Dragon
(w/ Blood of the Dragon: 2x 104% wind/dark jump, no jump air time [4 turns], Blood of the Dragon off)
FFRK Fang and Claw Icon Fang and Claw: 4x 110% wind/dark jump (5x with Blood of the Dragon)
Draconian Light
FFRK Draconian Light Icon
2 Party Critical = 50%, 30% Stoneskin FFRK Drachen Armet FFXIV
Drachen Armet (XIV)
Temporarily set the critical hit chance of all allies to 50%, and grant them a barrier that negates attack damage up to 30% of their max HP.


Relm-ffvi-snes-battleThis gallery is incomplete and requires Blank, Dreams of Ice, Energy Drain, Fast Blade, Featherfoot, Fluid Aura, Jump [XIV], Lethargy, Rampart and Spinning Edge added. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by uploading images.