Final Fantasy Wiki

The Sneak glitch in Final Fantasy IV involves using Edge's Steal ability to bypass the game's check on equipment permission during battle. This allows other characters to equip any weapon or shield that Edge can steal. This only works in 2D versions of Final Fantasy IV. Its primary application is equipping a shield to characters that can't normally wear one.

The steps must be followed as shown, and the item to be stolen cannot currently exist in the player's inventory:

  • The player must enter a battle with a monster that has the item to be stolen.
  • Command Edge to use the Sneak command on the monster with the item.
  • The player must quickly enter the item menu with the character they want to equip the weapon/shield with. If the player entered the item selection screen before Edge stole the item, it won't be grayed out, even if the character wouldn't normally be able to equip it.
  • The player can then select the item, and scroll up to the equip screen and the character will be able to equip it.

If an equipped weapon or shield is ever removed from a character that can't normally equip it, they cannot re-equip it unless this trick is done again. Also, at first that character's stats will not change, but if a player goes into the equip screen, looks at the character, and then goes to the Status menu of the character, it will correct itself.

There are limits to this trick:

  • No shields are allowed for Yang or Edge, even though they will show up white when stolen.
  • Only Yang and Edge can equip two weapons.
  • Yang's damage from equipment is calculated differently from all other characters; the game treats any stolen weapons he equips as if they had a battle power of 0.
  • No one can equip two shields.
  • It is not possible to equip a two handed weapon and a shield.
  • It is not possible to mix a bow or arrow with any other weapon or a shield.
  • Because the item must be stolen, Edge cannot benefit from this trick without hacking a second Edge into the party or hacking a Sneak command onto another character.