Final Fantasy Wiki

This is a list of actions in Final Fantasy XIV that are used by enemies and other non-player entities.

  • Only actions with an observable ID are listed, even if the ID may be otherwise supposed.
  • Potencies for non-player actions are not given in the game files and are largely indiscernible. Two listed instances of the same action may appear identical here but have varying potencies.
  • An ID with an action icon next to it is the same action as used by player characters, and are thus subject to the same changes. In some cases these actions are no longer available to player characters, but remain in the game in their most recent form for use by NPCs.
  • An action with a Blue Mage Blue Mage icon can be learned by Blue Mages, though its effects may differ from the versions used by enemies. In order to learn the action, a Blue Mage must observe the enemy using the action and then defeat them, though it is not guaranteed every time. Blue Mages can learn the action by observing any version of it.
  • All actions used by NPCs are listed here for posterity, even if the NPCs in question have been removed or otherwise no longer use the action.
Key Description
Physical Physical
  • This action deals Slashing Slashing, Piercing Piercing, Blunt Blunt, or Projectile Projectile damage.
  • Physical actions can be mitigated by Defense, as well as Slashing Resistance, Piercing Resistance, or Blunt Resistance where appropriate.
  • Slashing damage actions in italics are listed internally as having , which includes most physical actions shared with player characters. When used by player characters their damage type can be slashing, piercing, or blunt according to their discipline, but when used by NPCs their damage defaults to slashing.
Magic Magic
Unique Unique
  • This action inflicts Breath Breath (aka. Darkness), Limit Break Limit Break, Fixed Fixed, Fractional Fractional, or Typeless Typeless damage.
  • Fixed and fractional actions are listed as dealing other damage types internally, but always register as dealing unique damage.
  • Typeless actions deal damage, but do not have an assigned damage type.
  • Can only be mitigated by actions that reduce all damage taken, if at all.
  • This action inflicts Earth Earth, Fire Fire, Ice Ice, Lightning Lightning, Water Water, or Wind Wind damage.
  • Elements are an additional category to base damage types and cannot be mitigated by traditional means; instead certain encounter-specific buffs or debuffs may increase or decrease the damage they deal.
  • Damage dealt by this action is split between all affected targets in AoE.
  • Some split damage actions can only affect a specified maximum number of players, often appearing as split tankbusters.
  • This action deals reduced damage to all targets hit after the first.
  • Damage dealt by this action increases based on proximity to center of AoE.
  • This action damages MP.
Other effects
  • This action summons additonal entities (adds).
  • Adds may or may not be targetable.
  • Adds summoned are based on the encounter they appear in, rather than the action that created them.
  • This action inflicts or grants a status effect for a given amount of seconds.
  • If no duration is given for the status, its duration is indefinite. In some such cases it may be dispelled upon completion of certain mechanics.
  • Statuses marked with an asterisk (*) can be cleansed by actions such as Esuna Esuna. Actions marked by a circumflex (^) can be removed by other, often encounter specific mechanics.
  • If a status is stated to maintain a tether or pool, those effects and any associated effects will fade if the maintaining status is removed in any way.
  • This action creates a pool in the target area that either inflicts the given status or invokes the given action upon making contact with the pool, the latter also known as mines.
  • Expanding pools become gradually bigger over time.
  • Pools are distinct entities with behavior based on the encounter they appear in, rather than the action that created them. As such, the same action can create pools that differ on an encounter-by-encounter basis.
  • Duration of statuses infliced by pools by vary. For most pools the status is indefinite while in the pool. Some may apply a finite status upon making contact that continues outside the pool. If a pool-inflicted status' duration is marked with an asterisk (*), it is indefinite while in the pool but applies the duration upon leaving the pool.

Others are indefinite while in the pool but apply a finite status upon leaving the pool.

  • Given area of effect may not be indicative of the size of the pool, but rather the area it may appear in.
  • This action creates a tether between the target and one or more other entities that inflicts the given status so long as the tether remains intact.
  • Some tethers can be broken by distance, incapacitating one of the tethered entities, or completing certain mechanics.
  • This conditional action can be nullified by facing away from its point of origin.
  • This conditional action can be nullified by hiding behind certain obstacles relative to its point of origin.
  • This action knocks the target away from, or draws them towards, the action's point of origin.
  • Affected entities cannot move normally or use non-instant actions while in effect.
  • Obstacles can redirect or outright stop the forced movement.
  • Draw-in effects will draw the target no further than the edge of the point of origin's hitbox.
  • Most knockback and draw-in effects can be nullified by actions such as Arm's Length Arm's Length.
  • Throws target in the air, effectively stunning them until they land. May be paired with a knockback effect.
  • While sometimes accompanied by the Stun Stun status or similar to indicate a duration, this does not always occur.
  • User moves rapidly towards target location.
  • This is not a teleport, despite appearing to be so in some cases; the user may be impeded by obstacles or get caught by other effects in transit.
  • This action is used as an animation for another action that is being used concurrently by a separate, typically untargetable, entity. Used for complex animations or to give the impression that multiple concurrent actions are originating from the same entity.
  • This action is used to telegraph another action that is not executed until after its cast is finish. Invoked action may not be used immediately, and is often used by a separate, typically untargetable, entity. Typically used to give the impression that multiple concurrent actions are originating from the same entity.
  • Actions can target Self, Party, Allies, Hostiles, or Areas.
  • Most actions that target allies or party members can also target the user, and likewise most ally-targeting actions can target party members; this page only lists the larger group where applicable.
  • The action's target may not necessarily reflect who it affects but rather the effects point of origin; if a Self-targetting AoE inflicts damage, in most cases it will not affect the user but rather hostiles in the area around the user.
  • Range of the action in yalms.
  • Range is calculated from edge of user's hitbox.
  • Most self-targeting actions have no range; some such actions have are given a range internally to prevent NPCs from ineffectually using them when no viable targets are nearby.
  • Ranges in italics are listed internally as having , which includes most physical actions shared with player characters. Their range can be 3y or 25y according to the user's discipline; the range listed on this page is the range most commonly associated with the action, but may vary depending on the user.
Cast time
  • Cast time of the action in seconds.
  • Cast times marked with an asterisk (*) can be interrupted by actions such as Interject Interject. This property can be overriden if the user has an immunity to interrupt effects.
  • Cast times in italics are hidden from players, either innately or due to the user being untargetable and not appearing in the enmity list.
  • Recast time, or cooldown, of the action in seconds, indicating how long the user must wait before being able to use an action again.
  • If the action has a cast time, the recast time activates at the start of the cast rather than the execution of the action.
  • Not all actions have recast times. Most modern encounters eschew recast times in favor of strictly scripted timelines.
  • Certain NPCs may also ignore the recast time of the action and use it freely.
Area of effect (AoE)
  • Area of effect of the action in yalms.
  • AoEs marked with a plus sign ("+") scales with the size of the user, with an AoE of the given size + the radius of the user's hitbox. A radius of 0y in such cases indicates that the AoE is constrained to the user's hitbox.
  • Most directional AoEs (lines and cones) originate from the user and have a range of Self, and their facing is static once the cast for the action begins; if the target is not Self, the facing will change to fire in the direction of the given target when the cast is finished.
  • Directional AoEs can occasionally can angled to fire in directions besides straight forward.
  • AoEs in italics are untelegraphed, due to being instant cast or innately hidden from players.
  • AoEs with an asterisk (*) are partially untelegraphed, with a telegraph appearing midway through the cast time.
Circle Circle AoE
  • AoE is circular in shape.
  • The given AoE is the radius of the circle calculated from its point of origin.
  • A circular AoE with a range of Self affects the area immediately around the user. This is commonly known as a point blank AoE (PBAoE) or chariot.
  • Donut Donut AoEs, also known as rings or dynamos, only affect the area between the two given radii (eg. 11-25y); the area within the first radius is safe from the effect. The inner radius is not listed internally and is instead based on visual estimates, and may not be accurate.
Line Line AoE
  • AoE is rectangular in shape.
  • Size is given in two values (eg. 4x2y), the first being the length from the point of origin and the second being the width.
  • Dimensions can vary between long and narrow lines, short and wide walls, squares, and other permutations.
  • If the qualifier "up to" is used, the length of the AoE is variable and changes as the target moves.
  • Cross cross AoEs generate two line AoEs arranged in a perpendicular cross
Cone Cone AoE
  • AoE is conal in shape.
  • Size is given in two values (eg. 6y 90°), the first being the radius of the cone from the point of origin and the second being the angle.
  • The angle is not listed internally unless the AoE has a ground telegraph; while most can be determined by matching them with telegraphed actions with the same animation, not all cones can be verified this way and their listed angle may not be accurate.
  • If the AoE fires in any direction besides straight forward, the angle of fire is given in a new line (eg. 45° right).
  • Arc Arc AoEs only affect the area between the two given radii (eg. 4-15y 120°); the area within the first radius is safe from the effect. The inner radius is not listed internally and is instead based on visual estimates, and may not be accurate.
Unavoidable Unavoidable AoE
  • This AoE is unavoidable, or affects an area so large as to be nigh-unavoidable. Commonly referred to as a room- or raid-wide AoE.
  • Circular AoEs with a radius of 25y or greater are given this designation, as 25y is the maximum range for offensive PvE actions available to players. Most boss arenas are smaller than this. In larger battlefields or the open world it may be possible to outrange these, but at such ranges the player is effectively removed from the fight regardless.



Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
10-tonze Swing
6261 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 6y+ 3.5s/6s
27672 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3.5s/18s
Brontes2, Steropes1, Territorial Cyclops1
10-tonze Swipe
6251 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
10342 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/12s
27663 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/18s
Brontes3, Coincounter2, Steropes1, Territorial Cyclops1
100 Needles
502 Inflicts 100 split Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Cactuar Jack, Sabotender, Sabotender Corrido, Territorial Sabotender
100-kuponze Swipe
1613 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 20y+ 90° 2.5s
Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa
100-tonze Swing
6281 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 8y+ 4s/45s
24172 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self 3y Circle 8y+ 5s/6s
Coincounter1, Monocular Biclops2, Steropes1
100-tonze Swipe
1035 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/20s
2416 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 4s/6s
Coincounter1, Monocular Biclops2
111-tonze Swing
6364 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 20y knockback Self 8y Circle 8y+ 4.5s/20s
Palace Minotaur
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. 1000 Needles
503 Inflicts 1,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Flowering Sabotender, Sabotender Bailaor, Sabotender Del Sol, Sabotender Desertor, Territorial Flowertender
1000-kuponze Charge
1626 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
29209 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 5y None Single 5s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
1000-kuponze Swipe
29215 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Cone 20y 90° 5s
Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa
10,000 Needles
2678 Inflicts 10,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Self 4y Circle 6y+ Instant/11s
Sabotender Bailarina
20,000 Needles
2679 Inflicts 20,000 Fixed Fixed damage Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s/25s
Sabotender Bailarina


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Abyssal Charge
17031 Summons Abyssal Lance and invokes Abyssal Charge#1706 Self None Single 1s
17062 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 40x4y+ 3s
Abyssal Lance2, Ash1
Abyssal Slash
1734 Animation for Abyssal Slash#1737/1738/1739/1740 Self 3y None Single 3s
1737 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 100y Arc 2-7y+ 180° 3s
1738 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 100y Arc 7-12y+ 180° 3s
1739 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 100y Arc 12-17y+ 180° 3s
1740 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 100y Arc 17-22y+ 180° 3s
Abyssal Swing
1701 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 8y+ 120° Instant/8s
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Abyssal Transfixion
1702 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage amd 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 25y None Single 1s
Acid Mist
3641 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
3652 Inflicts 5s Silence Silence* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
3663 Inflicts 12s Slow Slow* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
3674 Inflicts 30s Heavy Heavy* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
10145 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
13086 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
16547 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 15s Dropsy Dropsy* Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/30s
27508 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant
27519 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Silence Silence* Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant
275210 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Slow Slow* Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant
275311 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant
634612 Inflicts 12s Slow Slow* Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant/20s
642213 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
Alpha Microchu1, Coeurl O' Nine Tails1/5, Curupira1, Lazy Laurence1/2/3/4, Leafbleed Ochu1, Leathervine Microchu1, Leech King7, Malevolent Ochu1, Microchu1, Milkroot Cluster1, Ochu1, Overgrown Ivy1, Overgrown Offering1, Palace Ochu12, Raveled Raincatcher1/5, Sirius Leech7, Spurge13, Strangling Ivy6, Territorial Ochu1, Thousand-cast Theda8/9/10/11, Warden's Whip1/3/5
Acid Shower
1657 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 15s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Hostile 30y Circle 9y+ 1.5s/30s
Big Flipper, Sirius Elbst
Acid Spray
524 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Antling Gamergate, Antling Sentry, Antling Soldier, Antling Worker, Nest Commander, Territorial Antling Princess, Territorial Antling Sentry
Acorn Armageddon
863 Inflicts 30s Heavy Heavy* Area 25y Circle 6y 3s/6s
Ancient Oak, Decaying Treant, Frenzied Elm
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Acorn Bomb
4421 Inflicts 9s Sleep Sleep*^ Hostile 25y Circle 6y 4s/6s
27422 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Sleep Sleep*^ Hostile 100y Circle 6y Instant/24s
Treant Sapling1, Wulgaru2
28479 Summons Magitek Death Claw Self None Single 3s
Nero tol Scaeva
Addle 7560 Inflicts 10s Addle Addle* Hostile 10y None Single Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Aeolian Edge
Aeolian Edge 2255 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage from rear and/or if comboed from Gust Slash#2242 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Captain Jacke, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chi, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gekkai the Blind, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Darkshadow, Imperial Nightshadow, Imperial Shadow, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jin, Jolaine, Karasu Redbeak, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Oboro Moonrise, Pagneul, Perimu Haurimu Underfoot, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Ten, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, Tsubame Sunrise, V'kebbe the Stray, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Aerial Assault
14596 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Aerial Blast
6621 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage; deals greater damage if Monoliths are destroyed Self Unavoidable 50y+ 4s
Aerial Blast 7962 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y+ Instant
11833 Animation for Aerial Blast#1411 Self 3y None Single 5s
13354 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 3s/10s
13855 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage; deals greater damage if Monoliths are destroyed Self Unavoidable 50y+ 4s
14116 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Unavoidable 50y+ 6s
15547 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage; deals greater damage if Monoliths are destroyed Self Unavoidable 50y+ 4s
Summon Garuda 258518 Inflicts splashing MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y+ Instant
Summon Garuda II 258549 Inflicts splashing MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 35y Circle 5y+ Instant
2897610 Animation for Aerial Blast#28996 Self None Single 5s
2899611 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 5s
Carbuncle8, Chirada-Egi4, Emerald Carbuncle2/8, Emerald Garuda9, Garuda1/5, Garuda-Egi2/4/8, Ifrit-Egi8, Ruby Carbuncle2/8, Suparna-Egi4, Titan-Egi8, Topaz Carbuncle2/8, Ultima Garuda6/11, The Ultima Weapon3/10
Aerial Slash
Aerial Slash 7941 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y Instant
Summon Garuda 258482 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y+ Instant
Carbuncle2, Emerald Carbuncle1/2, Garuda-Egi1/2, Ifrit-Egi2, Ruby Carbuncle1/2, Titan-Egi2, Topaz Carbuncle1/2
Aero 1211 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 30s Aero Aero* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
9692 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
13973 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 60s Windburn Windburn* Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
293244 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2s
1st Cohort Medicus2, 5th Cohort Medicus1, 8th Cohort Medicus2, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, A-Ruhn-Senna1, Ala Mhigan Shaman1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Barber Hirskskrat1, Begter1, Bezul Huizan the Screamer2, Bloody Executioner Leech1/2, Brother Joacin1, Brother Nolanel1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Healer1, Crazed Sprite1, Crilde1, Cultured Conjurer1, D'fhul Tia1, Deep-stained Sprite2, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Diviner1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Conjurer4, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Conjurer1, Geissfryn Eveningcalm1, Gnawing Goat1, Gossamer2, Gota'a Panipahr1, Gotwin Halehex1, Green Bavarois3, Grinning Cur Cutter1, Hastaloeya1, Healer of the Drake2, Hedge Knight1, Hourlinet the Devout1, House Durendaire Knight1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Fearcaller2, Ixali Fogcaller1, Ixali Frostcaller2, Ixali Sincaller1, Ixali Skycaller2, Ixali Soilseer2, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Jolly Merchant Barber1, Lotoli Ahuatan the Glider2, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Kindness of the Alacran1, Koenbryda1, Kozol Nomotl the Turbulent2, Kuplu Kopo1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lawless Spellweaver1, Liliba1, Mamool Ja Mercenary1, Meuliaire1, Moldy Pudding2, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Natalan Fogcaller2, Nezul Cattlan the Violator1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Phurble2, Phurbleweed2, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raw Sludge2, Raya-O-Senna1, Redbelly Chanter1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Conjurer4, Serpent Conjurer1/4, Seserikku1, Sethuli Hueloc of the West Wind2, Silent Lackey1, Sister Wulfiue1, Sofine1, Solkwyb the Enlightened1, Storm Conjurer1, Storm Private C'nangho Enah1, Storm Sprite2, Sultansworn Squire2, Sylpheed Sigh1, Sylphie Sweetwind1, Tainted Wind Sprite2, Temple Chirurgeon1/2, Territorial Phurble2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Wind Homunculus2, Wind Sprite1/2, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yehn Amariyo1, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Aero II
Aero II 1321 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 30s Aero II Aero II* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
293252 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2s
5th Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Optio1, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, A-Ruhn-Senna1, A-Towa-Cant1, Alimahus1, Ascian Conjurer1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, Cultured Conjurer1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raya-O-Senna1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Wineport Militia Captain1, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Aero Blast
16721 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Windburn Windburn* Self Unavoidable 40y+ 3s
27612 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Windburn Windburn Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ 3s/36s
64203 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Windburn Windburn* Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ 3s
Palace Deathgaze3, Tyrant1, Zona Seeker2
Aether Detonation
16681 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 8y+ Instant
16692 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 8y 1s
Corrupted Aether Cloud1, Corrupted Crystal2
Aetherflow 166 Restores 20% max MP and grants Aetherflow III Aetherflow III Self None Single Instant/60s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Aetherial Surge
1167 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 5y+ 3s/15s
Corrupted Crystal
Aetheric Boom
1511 Inflicts 30y knockback and summons Ultimaplasm Self Unavoidable 40y 4s
29015 Inflicts 30y knockback and summons Aetheroplasm Self Unavoidable 40y 4s
The Ultima Weapon
Aetheric Profusion
1248 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
11741 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y Instant
15102 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y Instant
15123 Inflicts split Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y Instant
290164 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y+ Instant
Aetheroplasm1/2/4, Ultimaplasm3
29017 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ Instant
1314 Grants 20s Critical Strikes Critical Strikes Self None Single Instant/60s
Alka Zolka the Slayer
Aglaea Bite
1148 Inflicts BluntFire Blunt fire damage and 15y knockback Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Livia sas Junius
Aglaea Climb
1150 Inflicts BluntFire Blunt fire damage; 5 hits Hostile 25y None Single 3s
28798 Inflicts BluntFire Blunt fire damage Hostile 5y None Single 5s
Livia sas Junius
Akh Morn
Akh Morn 7449 Inflicts splashing Magic Magic damage Hostile 50y Circle 5y+ Instant
1495 Removes Hover Hover Self None Single Instant
Allagan Rot
1218 Inflicts 15s Allagan Rot Allagan Rot^ Hostile 100y None Single 3s
1219 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y Circle 16y+ Instant
ADS, Quarantine Node
Amatsu: Kyo-uri
5386 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y+ Instant
835 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 8y Instant
Baleen Guard
Amorphic Flail
943 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 5y+ 120° Instant
Blue Bavarois, Giant Bavarois, Green Bavarois, Purple Bavarois, White Bavarois, Yellow Bavarois
Ancient Cross
29755 Animation for Ancient Cross#29756 Self None Single 4s
29756 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 6y 4s
Ancient Eruption
29334 Invokes Ancient Eruption#29335 Self None Single 4s
29335 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y 4s
Ancient Fire III
29327 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and creates 15s* Burns Burns ring pool Self Unavoidable 40y 4s
Ancient Flare
1730 Invokes Ancient Flare#1731 if barrier isn't raised, or #1748 otherwise Self 3y None Single 7s
1731 Inflicts 9,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
1748 Inflicts 9,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self 32y Unavoidable 27y+ Instant
Angel's Whisper
Angel's Whisper 16550 Grants 21s Angel's Whisper Angel's Whisper Self Circle 15y+ Instant
Angry Salamander
1149 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 33x4y+ 2.2s
28795 Animation for Angry Salamander#28797 Self None Single 1.5s
28796 Animation for Angry Salamander#28797 Self None Single Instant
28797 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Cross 20x4y 2.5s
Livia sas Junius
Animal Instinct
630 Invokes Eye of the Beholder#631 Self 3y None Single Instant
Anticipation 7536 Grants 20s Anticipation Anticipation Self None Single Instant/60s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
749 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
Bone Dragon
Apocatastasis 7563 Grants 10s Apocatastasis Apocatastasis Party 30y None Single Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Aqua Vitae
9641 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 2s/2.5s
59802 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single Instant/10s
Axe-wielding Training Partner2, Cid1, Cocobusi the Cross1
Aqueous Discharge
381 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Cog Oil, Dark Matter Slug, Dry Slug, Leafbleed Hare, Leafbleed Slug, Lou Carcolh, Saprophagous Slug, Shore Slug, Shroud Hare, Territorial Hare, Territorial Slug, Tree Slug
Arboreal Storm
4411 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 6y+ 4s/6s
27412 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Circle 12y+ 4s/24s
Alpha Dryad1, Angered Elm1, Diseased Treant1, Dryad1, Gnarled Treant1, Great Oak1, Old-growth Treant1, Rotting Sentinel1, Sylphlands Sentinel1, Territorial Treant1, Treant1, Wulgaru2
Arcane Revelation
29753 Summons Arcane Sphere Self None Single 5.2s
Arm of the Destroyer
Arm of the Destroyer 62 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Raptor Form Raptor Form; increased potency under Opo-opo Form Opo-opo Form Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Arm's Length
Arm's Length 7548 Grants 6s Arm's Length Arm's Length Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
1349 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 30y Circle 8y 3.5s
Tristan Nightflicker
Army of One
1271 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; 5 hits Hostile 3y None Single Instant/16s
Artificial Boost
29354 Grants Artificial Boost Artificial Boost Self None Single 4s
Livia sas Junius
Artificial Plasma
28033 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y 5s
29352 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and invokes Artificial Plasma#29353 Self Unavoidable 40y 5s
29353 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Livia sas Junius
Assassinate 2246 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/60s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Assault Cannon
1191 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 45x2y+ 2.5s
1526 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 45x2y+ 2.5s/4s
29019 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 40x4y 4s*
Magitek Bit
Astral Light
1759 Inflicts Astral Realignment Astral Realignment on tethered targets Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s
Magic Pot
6821 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/3s
7772 Inflicts split Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Physical Vulnerability Up Physical Vulnerability Up* Self Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
8703 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
8714 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
8725 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
8736 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant
8787 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant
12078 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
12159 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 3y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
127210 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; 4 hits Hostile 3y None Single Instant
127311 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; 3 hits Hostile 25y None Single Instant
127412 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; 2 hits Hostile 25y None Single Instant
134413 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 60y None Single Instant
135014 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
141215 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 25s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8 stacks) Hostile 3y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
141516 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 25s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8 stacks) Hostile 3y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/5s
142017 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 5y Circle 2y Instant
145918 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant
146019 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant
146120 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant
148221 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 9y Cone 7y+ 90° Instant/3s
148822 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 9y Cone 9y+ 90° Instant/3s
149623 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 9y Cone 9y+ 60° Instant/3s
178824 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/0.3s
243225 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/3s
634726 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and chance to inflict 9s Poison +1 Poison +1* Hostile 3y None Single Instant
649727 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
649828 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
649929 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
650030 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant
650131 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant
998332 Inflicts 4,000 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1271133 Inflicts 20,000 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant
1459034 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1459135 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1459236 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1459337 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1459438 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1467539 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
1st Cohort Eques4/28, 1st Cohort Hoplomachus3, 1st Cohort Laquearius3/26, 1st Cohort Primi Ordines3, 1st Cohort Sagittarius6, 1st Cohort Secutor5/29, 2nd Cohort Eques4, 2nd Cohort Hoplomachus3, 2nd Cohort Laquearius3, 2nd Cohort Secutor5, 2nd Cohort Vanguard3, 3rd Cohort Bestiarius4, 3rd Cohort Decurion3, 3rd Cohort Eques4, 3rd Cohort Funditor6, 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus3, 3rd Cohort Laquearius3, 3rd Cohort Optio3/4, 3rd Cohort Secutor5, 3rd Cohort Vanguard3, 4th Cohort Eques4, 4th Cohort Hoplomachus3, 4th Cohort Laquearius3, 4th Cohort Secutor5, 4th Cohort Triarius3, 4th Cohort Vanguard3, 4th Cohort War Hound3, 5th Cohort Decurion5, 5th Cohort Eques4, 5th Cohort Evocatus3, 5th Cohort Hoplomachus3, 5th Cohort Laquearius3, 5th Cohort Optio3, 5th Cohort Sagittarius6, 5th Cohort Secutor5, 5th Cohort Vanguard3, 7th Cohort Eques4, 7th Cohort Laquearius3, 7th Cohort Optio3, 7th Cohort Secutor5, 8th Cohort Centurion3, 8th Cohort Decurion27, 8th Cohort Eques4/28, 8th Cohort Hoplomachus3/27, 8th Cohort Laquearius3/27, 8th Cohort Medicus29, 8th Cohort Sagittarius6, 8th Cohort Secutor5/29, 8th Cohort Signifer30, 13th Order Quarryman3, 13th Order Roundsman3, 13th Order Watchman3, 59th Order Pickman Be Ze3, 59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga3, 271st Order Watchman3, 382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu3, 426th Order Patrolman3, 426th Order Pickman Bu Ga3, 426th Order Pitman3, 596th Order Scout3
Abandoned Vanguard3, Able-bodied Ambusher3, The Accused3, Acubens3, Adamantoise5, Adjudicator5, ADS9/15, Advanced Smart Bomb5, Aegaeon of the Bone3, Aermswys the Stained3, Aersthota Morningcalm3, Aetherbound Aurelia4, Aetherbound Gnat7, Aetherbound Kern5, Agaric Fly Swarm5, Agrippa the Mighty20, Ahctstymm Shadowlurker3, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed3, Aiatar3, Ailbert the Lost4, Aisibhir Badwind3, Ak-Inik Varlet4, Ak-Mena Groundsman3, Ala Mhigan Axeman3, Ala Mhigan Bowman6, Ala Mhigan Conscript5, Ala Mhigan Pikeman4, Ala Mhigan Youth5, Alacran Bloodhound3, Alacran War Hound3, Albin the Ashen4, Alderique the Unyielding3, Aldis Sword of Nald3, Alectryon19, Alimahus3/4/5/6, Alka Zolka the Doer3, Alka Zolka the Slayer3, Alka Zolka the Thinker3, All-seeing Eye3, Allagan Balloon18, Allagan Mirrorknight5, Alpgrot Orobon3, Alpha Adamantoise5, Alpha Aldgoat5, Alpha Anole3, Alpha Apkallu3, Alpha Basilisk3, Alpha Biast3, Alpha Bomb5, Alpha Buffalo5, Alpha Chimera3, Alpha Cobra3, Alpha Coeurl3, Alpha Deathgaze3, Alpha Dryad5, Alpha Fungus5, Alpha Gargoyle3, Alpha Golem5, Alpha Goobbue3, Alpha Grenade5, Alpha Hapalit5, Alpha Manticore3, Alpha Mantis3, Alpha Microchu5, Alpha Morbol5, Alpha Nix5, Alpha Sandworm3, Alpha Slime5, Alpha Spriggolem5, Alpha Stag5, Alpha Taurus3, Alpha Tortoise5, Alpha Vodoriga3, Alpha Wamoura5, Alpha Wolf3, Alpha Ziz4, Alpha Zu5, Alpine Hippocerf3, Altered Wailer3, Amalj'aa Archer6, Amalj'aa Brigand5, Amalj'aa Bruiser5, Amalj'aa Drakelasher3, Amalj'aa Halberdier (アマルジャ・ハープナー)3, Amalj'aa Halberdier (アマルジャ・ハルバルディア)3, Amalj'aa Hunter6, Amalj'aa Impaler3, Amalj'aa Javelinier3, Amalj'aa Lancer3, Amalj'aa Porter5, Amalj'aa Pugilist5, Amalj'aa Ranger6, Amalj'aa Ravager3/6, Amalj'aa Scavenger6, Amalj'aa Seer3, Amalj'aa Sniper6, Amalj'aa Striker5, Amanuensis3, Amateur Raider5, Amber Carbuncle3, Anantaboga3, Ancient Oak5, Ancient Uragnite3, Angered Elm5, Angler3, Angry Sow5, Animated Pugilist5, Anole3, Anole Stalker3, Anselm Larkscall5, Antelope Doe5, Antelope Stag5, Antling Gamergate3, Antling Sentry3, Antling Soldier3, Antling Worker3, Apkallu3, Apkallu Caller3, Arbor Buzzard3, Archaeoaevis3, Arkose Golem5, Arrow-nocking Adventurer6, Asbestos Coblyn3, Asclepius3, Ashdrake3, Asipatra3, Aspidochelone5, Attack Hound3, Attack Node9/16, Attic Bat5, Aturia5, Auelin3/4/5/6, Augmented Battle Drake3, Aulus rem Vulso3, Aurelia4, Aurochs5, Avoirdupois5, Awayuki3/4/5/6, Axe Beak4, Axe-wielding Adventurer3, Axe-wielding Training Partner3, Axolotl5
B'bhenha Tia3/4/5/6, Babaroon Halfshell3, Baenryss of the Deep3, Baert Trading Company Guard3/5, Bagoly5, Baien3/4/5/6, Bald Buzzard3, Baldewyn Four Yalms4, Baleen Guard3, Balidet3, Balloon5, Bandit Archer6, Bandit Trapper5, Banemite3, Banemite Straggler3, Barbastelle5, Barbatos3, Baritine Croc3, Bark Eft5, Bark Weevil5, Barometz5, Basalt Golem5, Basilisk3, Baste3t, Bateleur3, Batraal3, Battle Drake3, Bee Cloud5, Beggar Bhikkhu5, Beggar Bonze3, Beggar Shramana3, Begter3/4/5/6, Belias-Egi3, Bertha13, Bhoot5, Biast3, Bibireze Greysteel3, Big Claw3, Big Flipper3, Big Shrapnel5, Bigger Chigoe4, Biggs5, Biggy5, Bigmouth Orobon3, Black Bat5, Black Eft5, Blanga3, Blasting Cap (ブラスティング・グレネード)5, Blasting Cap (ブラスティング・ボム)5, Blizzard Biast3, Bloated Bogy5, Blood Bat5, Blood Bateleur3, Blood-eyed Buzzard3, Bloodlapper7, Bloodshore Bell4, Bloodshore Eyesore4, Bloodshore Snipper3, Bloodsucker Bat5, Bloody Executioner Boatswain4, Bloody Executioner Deckhand3, Bloody Executioner Gunner6, Bloody Executioner Lodesman3, Bloody Executioner Steersman3, Bloody Mary3, Blowfly Swarm5, Blue Back4, Blue Bavarois5, Boar Poacher6, Boastful Bodyguard3, Bockman3, Bog Yarzon3, Bogy5, Bolthorn5, Bomb (ボム)5, Bomb Baron5, Bomb Baronet5, Bomb Char5, Bomb Queen5, Bombard5, Bombard King5, Bombast25, Bone Dragon20, Bone Nix5, Bonnacon18, Boring Fleshfly Swarm5, Boring Weevil5, Bothered Beekeeper3, Brass Blade3, Brawny Miner24, Brayflox Alltalks3, Breeding Bomb5, Bright Balloon5, Broenbhar Rocksplitter3, Broken Gladiator3, Broken Lancer4, Broken Marauder3, Brontes20, Brontotaur3, Bronze Beetle5, Bronze Buzzard3, Bronze Tortoise5, Brood Ziz4, Bruce the Big3, Bubbly Bernie3, Budding Morbol5, Bumble Beetle5, Burchard Swiftspear4, Buso3, Butcher Basilisk3, Butting Buffalo5, Buzzing Djigga4
Cactuar5, Cactuar Jack5, Caduceus8, Callous Steed3/4/5/6, Camio3, Cancer3, Cane Toad5, Canyon Condor3, Capricious Cassie3, Captain Jacke3, Captain Madison3, Captain Petyr Pigeontoe3, Careless Whisper3/4/5/6, Carpet Stain5, Carrier Ladybug5, Carrier Ziz4, Carrion Beetle5, Carrion Chigoe4, Carrion Djigga4, Cascadier Cadet5, Cattle Tyrant3, Cave Aurelia3, Cave Bat5, Ceaulie3/4/5/6, Cecily3/4/5/6, Cell Mite3, Cepheus4, Ceruleum Bomb5, Ceruleum Coblyn3, Chalcopyrite Coblyn3, Charging Hog5,Charity of the Alacran3, Charmed Boatswain4, Charmed Captain 3, Charmed Falmadair3, Charmed Gromet3, Chasm Buzzard3, Chastity of the Alacran5, Chernobog20, Chert Golem5, Chi3, Chigoe4, Chimera3, Chinchilla5, Chirada3, Chocobo4, Chopper3, Chrysabel3/4/5/6, Chuchuto Brightstar5, Chudo-Yudo3, Chupacabra3, Cid3, Cilia3/4/5/6, Circling Vulture3, Clay Golem5, Clever Hedgemole5, Cliffdiver3, Clive3, Clockwork Bug5, Clockwork Dreadnaught5, Clockwork Knight5, Clockwork Soldier5, Cluster Mantis3, Clutch Pelican4, Coastal Mandragora5, Cobalt Golem5, Cochineal Cactuar5, Cocobusi the Cross5, Cocobygo the Craven5, Coeurl3, Coeurl O' Nine Tails5, Coeurl Pup3, Coeurlclaw Concubine6, Coeurlclaw Cutter3, Coeurlclaw Falconer4, Coeurlclaw Hunter6, Coeurlclaw King3, Coeurlclaw Poacher4, Coeurlclaw Trapper5, Coffer & Coffin Heavy3, Coincounter5, Colibri3, Coliseum Python3, Comesmite3, Comet Chaser3, Concubinus20, The Condemned5, Condor3, Copper Coblyn3, Copperbell Coblyn3, Copperbell Nix5, Cork Bulb5, Cornu20, Corpse Brigade Footsoldier5, Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer5, Corpse Brigade Pikedancer4, Corpsefly5, Corrupted Slime5, Crater Golem5, Craven Condor3, Crazed Archelon5, Crazed Notochelone5, Crier Briareos3, Crilde3/4/5/6, Crius Longbeard5, Croakadile18, Cronos5, Croque-mitaine20, Crystal Bearer5, Cuachac4, Curious Gorge3, Curupira5
D'fhul Tia3/4/5/6, Daedalus3, Daddy Longlegs3, Dalvag's Final Flame18, Dapper Zombie3/4, Dark Helot3, Dark Helmet3, Dark Matter Aurelia4, Dark Matter Coeurl3, Dark Matter Golem5, Dark Matter Mantis3, Dark Matter Pelican4, Dark Matter Pteroc5, Dark Matter Pugil3, Dark Matter Slime5, Dark Matter Slug5, Daring Harrier3, Dazzling Bomb5, Dead Man's Moan3, Death Claw3, Death's Embrace Assassin5, Death's Embrace Executioner3, Deathgaze3, Decaying Treant5, Decoy Crab3, Deep Jungle Coeurl3, Deepcroft Miteling3, Deepvoid Deathmouse5, Deepvoid Pikeman4, Deepvoid Soul5, Defense Node9/16, Delboisse3/4/5/6, Denizen of the Dark3, Denn the Orcatoothed4, Desert Peiste3, Dewdrinker Ladybug5, Dhorme Chimera3, Diamond-tooth Hedgemole5, Diamondjaw Nezedd Gah5, Diaphanous Doblyn3, Diligence of the Alacran6, Diluxio3, Dione3, Dira20, Diremite3, Dirty Mongrel3, Dirty Rat5, Diseased Treant5, Disorderly Adventurer3/5, Disposal Node9/16, Divan Mold5, Doctore3, Doesmaga Poisonheart3, Dolfin3/4/5/6, Domesticated Banemite3, Doomed Gigantoad5, Downcast Hippocerf3, Downy Aevis3, Downy Dunstan5, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer3, Dragon Aevis3, Dragonfly3, Dragonfly Chaser3, Dravanian Outflyer3, Dravanian Outwalker3, Dravanian Outwatch3, Dread Dragon3, Dreadguard5, Dreamtoad5, Drillemont the Honest3, Drowned Boatswain3, Drowned Bowman6, Drowned Brawler5, Drowned Butcher3, Drowned Crofter3, Drowned Demolisher3, Drowned Gunner Chief6, Drowned Outranger6, Drowned Raider3, Drowned Seaman 1st Class3, Drowned Seaman 2nd Class5, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class3, Drowned Steersman3/5/6, Drowned Steersman Chief3, Dry Slug5, Dryad5, Drybone Tuco-tuco5, Dschubba3, Dullahan3, Dune Angler3, Dune Bogy5, Dung Midge Swarm5, Dung Wespe4, Dusk Bat5, Duskwight Freelancer4, Duskwight Freelancer Captain4, Dusty Mongrel3, Dustyfoot Drysnagl3, Dwarf Diremite3
E'lahmui Ruby-eyes4, E'ptolmi3/4/5/6, E'tajha Sapphire-eyes4, Eft5, Eftstool5, Elchi3/4/5/6, Elder Goobbue3, Elder Hapalit5, Elder Longhorn5, Elite Quarryman3, Elite Roundsman3, Ellice3/4/5/6, Emerald Salamander5, Enchanted Funguar5, Errant Soul5, Estinien Wyrmblood4, Eurytos5, Even Bigger Chigoe4, Evenfall Firefly5
Faerie Funguar5, Falcon Tank 33, Falcon Viking32, Fallen Pikeman4, Fallen Soldier4, Familiar Marauder3, Fat Dodo4, Fearless Fawn3/4/5/6, Fellbite Peiste3, Feral Croc3, Feral Dodo4, Fiebras the Dull5, Filthy Bodyguard5, Firedrake3, Firefly5, Flambeau5, Flame Gladiator3, Flame Private3/5, Flame Pugilist5, Flame Recruit3/5, Flame Scout5, Flame Sergeant3/5, Flame Sergeant Dalvag3, Flamedrake3, Flamefang Archer6, Flamefang Commander6, Flamefang Elite5, Flamefang Lancer3, Flamefang Pugilist5, Flamefang Ravager3, Fleshfly Swarm5, Flintshell3, Flower Wespe4, Flowering Sabotender5, Foraging Doe5, Foraging Stag5, Forest Funguar5, Forest Yarzon3, Forneus20, Fossilshell5, Foul River Hapalit5, Foulques of the Mist4, Frenzied Aurelia4, Frenzied Bulb5, Frenzied Elm5, Frenzied Freebooter27, Frenzied Goobbue3, Frenzied Mossback3, Frenzied Oak5, Frost Aevis3, Frostbitten Goobbue3, Fruiting Fungus5, Fufulupa the Unbending3, Fulminator5, Furryfoot Kupli Kipp5
Gaius van Baelsar3, Galago5, Galeborn Buccaneer3, Galfrid the Gallant6, Gall Gnat7, Game Fowl4, Gargamelle5, Garibald the Fargone3, The Garlok20, Garuda3, Gas Bomb5, Gatling5, Gaunt Beak4, Gavial3, Gear Grease5, Gegeruju Manor Guard3, Gekkai the Blind3, Gelmorran Cogfinder3, Giant Bavarois5, Giant Bee4, Giant Captive3, Giant Drubber5, Giant Gnat7, Giant Logger3, Giant Lugger5, Giant Oxpecker4, Giant Pelican4, Giant Reader5, Giant Ripper3, Giant Sandworm3, Giant Talker5, Giant Tortoise5, Giant Tunnel Worm3, Gigantoad5, Gigas Bhikkhu5, Gigas Bonze3, Gigas Captive3, Gigas Mastiff3, Gigas Shramana3, Giggling Gigantoad5, Gil Turtle5, Gila Monster5, Gilpincher Zuzuroon3, Girtab20, Gisfrid the Grinder3, Glassjaw Nazagg Gah4, Glazrael Saltwind3, Glide Bomb5, Glowering Glowfly5, Glowfly5, Glowing Bomb5, Gluttonous Gertrude4, Gnarled Gargoyle3, Gnarled Treant5, Gnawing Goat3/4/5/6, Goblin Ambusher3, Goblin Fisher3, Goblin Gambler3, Goblin Hunter3, Goblin Mugger3, Goblin Outlaw3, Goblin Pathfinder3, Goblin Picaroon3, Goblin Robber3, Goblin Roper3, Goblin Thug3, Goblin Trader3, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士)6, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の精兵)6, Gogmagolem5, Gold Back4, Golden Coeurl3, Goldvine5, Goobbue3, Goobbue Farmer3, Good King Moggle Mog XII5, Gore Demon3, Gore Horde Lancer4, Gorn the Garrgh5, Gorgimera3, Gorgotaur3, Gota'a Panipahr3/4/5/6, Gozol Itzcan the Hatchet3, Graffias3, Grain Weevil5, Grand Aevis3, Grass Raptor3, Great Oak5, Great White Torama3, Great Yellow Pelican4, Greataxe Beak4, Greater Demon20, Greater Doblyn3, Greatwing Ked7, Greedy Hog5, Greedy Hoglet5, Green Bavarois5, Green Laver5, Grenade5, Greywine3, Grinning Cur Cannonier6, Grinning Cur Cap'n3, Grinning Cur Carpenter4, Grinning Cur Swab3, Gripper3, Grishild the Ungood3, Grizzled Lancer4, Ground Squirrel5, Grounded Pirate3, Grounded Raider3, The Growler3, Gruesome Gargoyle3, Guguroon Wetnose3, Guild Archer6, Guild Gladiator3, Guillaime3, Guillotine Beak4, Gully Galago5, Gundobald the Resolute4, Gurangatch5, Gwyllgi3, Gyges the Great3/29
Halfstone Shoalclaw3, Halfstone Shoalscale3, Halfstone Shoalspine3, Halicarnassus3, Halitostroper5, Hammer Beak4, Hamon Holyfist5, Handsome Stranger3, Hapalit5, Hastaloeya3/4/5/6, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller3, Headrip Ogre5, Heavy Banemite3, Hecatoncheir Hellhowler5, Hecatoncheir Quakequeller3, Hecatoncheir Rocksplitter4, Hecatoncheir Rockvaulter3, Hecatoncheir Shieldrummer3, Hecatoncheir Skullcrusher3, Hecatoncheir Skullsplitter3, Hecatoncheir Spineslicer4, Hecatoncheir Stonebreaker3, Hecatoncheir Stonehauler3, Hecatoncheir Stonehoarder3, Hecatoncheir Tremorward3, Heckler Imp3, Hedge Knight6, Hedgemole5, Heket5, Hellbender5, Hellsbound Warrior3, Hellsclaw20, Heretical Harrier4, Highland Condor3, Highland Goobbue3, Hippocerf3, Hippogryph3, Hippogryph Pup3, Hired Axe3, Hired Bow6, Hired Fist5, Hired Hand3/5, Hired Muscle5, Hoary Goobbue3, Hoglet5, Hollow Gargoyle3, Honeybee Cloud5, Honeybee Swarm5, Hooded Assaulter3/4, Horde Aevis3, Horde Armored Dragon5, Horde Biast3, Horde Dragon3, Horde Dragonfly3, Horde Drake3, Horde Shield Dragon3, Horde Wyvern3, Hornet Cloud5, Hornet Swarm5, Horny Toad5, Hot Grenade5, House Durendaire Guard3, House Durendaire Knight6, House Fortemps Engineer5, House Fortemps Guard3, House Fortemps Knight3, House Haillenarte Guard3, Hoverfly Swarm5, Hroch3/4/5/6, Huebald3/4/5/6, Huge Hornet4, Hunberct Longhaft4, Hungry Buzzard3, Hungry Dreadwolf3, Hungry Snipper3, Hunting Falcon3, Hydra1, Hygieia3, Hyur-eating Pelican4, Hyur-eating Raptor3
Ichorous Ire5, Ifrit5, Ifrit-Egi3, Imperial Bestiarius4, Imperial Darkshadow3, Imperial Engineer3, Imperial Eques5, Imperial Frumentarius3, Imperial Funditor6, Imperial Hoplomachus3, Imperial Nightshadow3, Imperial Secutor5, Imperial Shadow3, Imperial Tesserarius3, Imperial War Hound3/29, Inferno Drake3, Inflated Nix5, Inghilswis3/4/5/6, Injured Fortemps Sentry3, Insatiable Goobbue3, Iroha4, Iron Claws18, Iron Giant20, Iron Tortoise5, Ironquill Tuco-tuco5, Iseultalon5, Isgebind3, Ishgardian Archer6, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry3, Ishgardian Light Infantry5, Ishgardian Pikeman28, Ishgardian Sentry3, Island Megalocrab3, Ixali Boldwing3, Ixali Bolecleaver3, Ixali Boundwing3, Ixali Deftalon3, Ixali Dulltalon3, Ixali Fencer3, Ixali Fleetbeak4, Ixali Frostbeak4, Ixali Frostwing3, Ixali Lightwing3, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサル・リムカッター)3, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサルリムカッター)3, Ixali Lostwing3, Ixali Scout3, Ixali Skytalon3, Ixali Slowbeak4, Ixali Stillbeak4, Ixali Straightbeak4, Ixali Swiftbeak4, Ixali Swordfighter3, Ixali Watchwolf3, Ixali Wildtalon3, Ixali Windtalon3
J'ludaba3/4/5/6, Jackal Pup3, Jackanapes5, Jackanapes's Bean-bearer5, Jaded Jody5, Janremi Blackheart4, Jenlyns Straightblade3, Jin3, Jolaine3/4/5/6, Jolly Green3, Jolly Merchant Lodesman3, Jolly Merchant Waister4, Jumping Djigga4, Jungle Coeurl3, Jungle Coeurl Pup3
Kafre5, Kamapuaa5, Karasu Redbeak5, Karkinos3, Ked7, Kedtrap5, Keeper of Halidom3, Kehda'to Moui3/4/5/6, Kelmomo3/4/5/6, Khorchi3/4/5/6, Killer Hornet Cloud5, Killer Mantis3, Killer Wespe4, Kindness of the Alacran5, King Behemoth20, King Wespe4, Klythios3, Kobold Doorman3, Kobold Dustman3, Kobold Footman3, Kobold Outlaw3, Kobold Overseer3, Kobold Patrolman3, Kobold Pickman3, Kobold Pitman3, Kobold Potman3, Kobold Quarryman3, Kobold Roundsman3, Koenbryda3/4/5/6, Kokoroon Quickfingers3, Koshchei3, Kottos3, Kujata5, Kumokiri3/4/5/6, Kurrea18
Labonrit3/4/5/6, Lacovie5, Lady's Candle5, Lady's Handmaiden3, Laideronnette20, Lake Cobra3, Lake Nix5, Lammergeyer3, Lampalagua20, Large Buffalo5, The Last of the Allagans5, Laughing Toad5, Lava Drake3, Lawless Bowman6, Lawless Fistfighter5, Lazy Laurence5, Lead Coblyn3, Leafbleed Hare5, Leafbleed Mite3, Leafbleed Morbol5, Leafbleed Ochu5, Leafbleed Roseling5, Leafbleed Slug5, Leaping Ringtail5, Leathervine Microchu5, Leathervine Ochu5, Leavold Sword of Thal3, Ledgeleaper5, Leech King5, Legless Laurentius4, Leih Aliapoh6, Lemur5, Lentic Mudpuppy5, Lepidote3, Lesser Blanga3, Lesser Gargoyle3, Lesser Kalong (カロング)5, Lesser Kalong (レッサーカロング)5, Lesser Vodoriga3, Leviathan's Thrall3, Lightning10/11/12, Liliba3/4/5/6, Lily of the Vale5, Limpet Bomb5, Lindwurm3, Little Ladybug5, Livia sas Junius5, Living Fossil5, Living Whelk29, Loam Bogy5, Loamshell3, Local Hunter6, Locksmith14, Lone Coeurl3, Long-winded Lemur5, Longarm3, Longhorn Billygoat5, Longhorn Nannygoat5, Lost Duchess Deckhand (海賊船の甲板員)3, Lost Duchess Deckhand (海賊船の海魔兵)3, Lost Goblin27, Lost Lamb (シープ)5, Lost Lamb (ロストシープ)5, Lou Carcolh5, Loverly Ladybug5, Lowland Billygoat5, Lumber Toad5, Lunar Golem5, Lunatic Follower3/4/5, Lunatic Lamb3/4/5, Lush Morbol5
Maahes20, Mad Karakul Ewe5, Mad Sergeant3, MA-X5, Maelstrom Recruit3, Magicked Bones3, Magitek Colossus3, Magitek Colossus Rubricatus3, Magitek Death Claw3/29, Magitek Packer3, Magitek Trooper39, Magitek Vanguard3/28, Magitek Vanguard F-13, Magitek Vanguard H-13, Magitek Vanguard H-23, Magitek Vanguard H-33, Malevolent Fungus5, Malevolent Galago5, Malevolent Ked7, Malevolent Ochu5, Malevolent Seedling5, Malevolent Squirrel5, Malevolent Stroper5, Mamool Ja Breeder3, Mamool Ja Executioner3, Mamool Ja Infiltrator3, Mamool Ja Menace3, Mamool Ja Mercenary3, Mamool Ja Mercenary Head3, Man-eating Hornet4, Mandragora5, Mandragora Prince5, Manipulated Ogre3, Manor Butler3, Manor Claviger (夫人付きクラヴィジャー)3, Manor Claviger (御用邸のクラヴィジャー)3, Manor Footman3, Manor Maidservant3, Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛)3, Manor Sentry (御用邸の石像)3, Manor Servitor3, Manor Steward3, Manor Warden5, Mantis King3, Marberry19, Marble Guardian5, Marble Marionette5, Marching Mandragora5, Mark II Limpet Bomb5, Mark II Magitek Colossus3, Marraco20, Masterless Thrall5, Matagaigai5, Megalocrab3, Melt18, Meltwater Goobbue3, Menacing Mercenary3, Menuis5, Metshaldjas5, Meuliaire3/4/5/6, Meww the Pusher3, Mianne Thousandmalm6, Microchu5, Midge Cloud5, Midge Swarm5, Midland Condor3, Milburh the Malicious3, Mildewed Goobbue3, Militia Spear3, Milkroot Cluster5, Milkroot Morbol5, Milkroot Sapling5, Milleuda the Slitter3, Mimas5, Mimic27, Mindful Mercenary6, Minhocao20, Mining Dross5, Miraudont the Madder4, Mirrorknight5, Miser's Mistress14, Miteling3, Miteling Straggler3, Mitetrap5, Molted Ziz4, Molting Megalocrab3, Monarch Ogrefly5, Monitoring Node (監視システム)9/16, Monstrous Mole5, Moondrip Blastmaster5, Moondrip Piledriver4, Moondrip Stonehauler3, Moonshade Deckhand3, Moonshade Pugil3, Moonshade Steersman3, Moonshade Uragnite5, Moraby Hedgemole5, Moraby Mole5, Moraby Stoneshell3, Moraine Golem5, Morbol5, Morbol Menace25, Morbolger5, Morel3/4/5/6, Mormo5, Morningstar Boatswain4, Morningstar Falmadair3, Morningstar Gromet3, Morningstar Gunner5, Morningstar Navigator3, Morningstar Topman6, Mossless Goobbue5, Mottled Eft5, Mouche Volante7, Mourning Billy5, Mourning Nanny5, Mouu the Puller3, Mud Biast3, Mud Pugil3, Mudpuppy5, Mujen Polajen3/4/5/6, Mumuroon Yellowtooth3, Mumutano3/4/5/6, Mun-Tuy Sapling5, Murderous Mantis3, Murderous Marauder3, Muttonmaw Ogre5, Mylla Swordsong3, Myotragus Billy5, Myotragus Nanny5, Myradrosh3, Myrmidon Guard3, Myrmidon Marshal3, Myrmidon Princess3, Myrmidon Sentry3, Myrmidon Soldier3, Mythril Golem5
Nahn20, Naked Mole5, Naked Shrew5, Nameless Attacker3/4/5, Nanasomi3/4/5/6, Nandi20, Napalm5, Natalan Boldwing3, Natalan Swiftbeak4, Natalan Watchwolf3, Natalan Windtalon3, Naul3, Nayokk Roh5, Nero tol Scaeva5, Nest Commander3, Nesting Buzzard3, Nether Nix5, Ningishzida31, Nix5, Noctis34-38, North Shroud Lemur5, North Shroud Opo-opo5, Northern Buzzard3, Northern Vulture3, Novice Gladiator3, Number 1295, Number 1325, Nunulupa Tatalupa3/4/5/6, Nunyunuwi18, Nutbreaker Squirrel5, Nutmuncher Marmot5
Oah Nelhah3/4/5/6, Oannes3, Oboro Moonrise3, Ocean Roseling5, Ochu5, Odin2, Ogama5, Okeanos the Red3, Old Six-arms3, Old-growth Treant5, Opo-opo5, Ornery Karakul5, Orobon3, Ose3, Ouranos5, Overgrown Ivy5, Overgrown Offering5, Owyne3
Pack Chocobo4, Pack Jackal3, Pack Rat5, Pack Wolf3, Pack Ziz4, Padfoot3, Pagneul3/4/5/6, Painted Colibri3, Palace Adamantoise29, Palace Antelope29, Palace Bat29, Palace Beetle29, Palace Biloko29, Palace Centaur28, Palace Coblyn27, Palace Cobra27, Palace Deathmouse29, Palace Drake27, Palace Dullahan27, Palace Dung Beetle29, Palace Effigy29, Palace Hippocerf27, Palace Hornet28, Palace Marolith29, Palace Minotaur27, Palace Morbol29, Palace Nanka29, Palace Ninki Nanka27, Palace Ochu27, Palace Peiste27, Palace Puk29, Palace Seedling26, Palace Skatene27, Palace Slime29, Palace Toad29, Palace Uragnite29, Palace Wivre29, Palace Yarzon27, Palace Ziz28, Papashan3, Parasite Funguar5, Parasite Ladybug5, Parasitic Djigga4, Patience of the Alacran5, Patripatan3, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost6, Peapuk5, Pecking Condor3, Perimu Haurimu Underfoot3, Peryton5, Pfarmurl the Driven3, Phaia5, Phlegethon20, Pinktoe3, Pit Hippocerf3, Pit Hippogryph3, Pit Peiste3, Plainstrider3, Planebreaker3, Plasma Spark5, Platinal20, Plump Orobon3, Poisoned Peasant5, Poisonous Flytrap5, Porus5, Potter Wasp Swarm5, Preying Mantis3, Prince of Pestilence7, Prism Coblyn3, Prison Pteroc5, Prisoner's Delight5, Pteroc5, Pteroc Matron5, Pug Pugil3, Pugil3, Puk Hatchling (プーク)5, Puk Hatchling (プーク・ハッチリング)5, Pukla Puki the Pomburner5, Pukna Pako the Tailturner3, Pumice Golem5, Purple Bavarois5, Purple Laver5, Pus Gnat7, Pyrite Coblyn3
Qiqirn Beachcomber3, Qiqirn Beater3, Qiqirn Coddler3, Qiqirn Eggdigger3, Qiqirn Eggdropper3, Qiqirn Egglifter3, Qiqirn Gullroaster3, Qiqirn Plucker3, Qiqirn Roerunner3, Qiqirn Roostkeep3, Qiqirn Scrambler3, Qiqirn Shellsweeper3, Qiqirn Trafficker3, Qiqirn Truffler3, Qiqirn Yolkdrainer3, Quarantine Node9/16, Quartz Doblyn3, Quick-fisted Training Partner5, Quicksand Basilisk3, Quiveron Attendant6, Quiveron Guard5, Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker3
Rabid Aurochs5, Rabid Mongrel3, Rabid Ratata3, Raelthota3/4/5/6, Rageclaw3, Ragged Hippogryph3, Raggedy Jackal3, Raging Harrier4, Raging Ox3/4/5/6, Raiden (ライデン)3/4/5/6, Ranger of the Drake5, Raptor Poacher4, Rasher Hog5, Rat King5, Rat Mole5, Ravaging Harrier3, Raveled Raincatcher5, Raven Tank33, Raven Viking32, Ravenous Billygoat5, Reaver Right Hand3, Recluse Hippogryph (アッシュ・ヒッポセルフ)3, Recluse Hippogryph (レクルス・ヒッポグリフ)3, Red Aevis3, Red Balloon5, Red Jackal3, Red Mantis3, Redbelly Chanter3, Redbelly Conspirator3/5, Redbelly Gutter3, Redbelly Hivekeep5, Redbelly Larcener5, Redbelly Lookout3, Redbelly Runner5, Redbelly Sharpeye6, Redbelly Snatcher6, Redbelly Stinger4, Redbelly Swarmpoint4, Redbelly Tomb Raider3/5/6, Redhorn Ogre5, Restless Harrier3, Restless Raptor3, Revenant5, Rhitahtyn sas Arvina3/29, Rhotano Buccaneer3, Rhylharr3/4/5/6, Rimy Biast3, Ringtail5, Ripe Rampager5, River Yarzon3, Riverbank Toad5, Riverbank Yarzon3, Rivertoad5, Rivienne3/4/5/6, Robber Crab3, Roc3, Rockskin Peiste3, Rongeur3, Rope-burned Buccaneer5, Roselet5, Roseling5, Rothlyt Pelican4, Rotten Jam5, Rotting Corpse4, Rotting Pikeman4, Rotting Sentinel5, Roughspun Ruffian27, Rudis Beak4, Ruffled Dodo4, Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa3, Rummaging Harrier3/4, Rurukuta Tornstar5, Russet Yarzon3, Rusty Coblyn3, Rutting Buffalo5, Ryssfloh3
Sable Back4, Sabotender5, Sabotender Bailaor5, Sabotender Bailarina18, Sabotender Corrido5, Sabotender Del Sol5, Sabotender Desertor5, Safat20, Sahagin Infiltrator3, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サパー)3, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サッパー)3, Sahagin Sentry3, Sahagin Skirmisher3, Sahagin Spy3, Saiun3/4/5/6, Salamander5, Salivating Simian5, Salthound Boatswain4, Salthound Gunner4, Saltwater Aurelia4, Salvaged Vanguard F-13, Samga3/4/5/6, Sand Bat5, Sandman18, Sandshell3, Sandskin Peiste3, Sandstone Golem5, Sandstorm5, Sandtoad5, Sandworm3, Sanguinary Buccaneer3, Sanitary Node9/16, Saprophagous Slug5, Sapsa Elbst3, Sapsa Pugil3, Sapsa Shelfclaw3, Sapsa Shelfscale3, Sapsa Shelfspine3, Sasashu3/4/5/6, Sastasha Orobon3, Sateli Hueloc of the South Wind4, Scale Eater3, Scalepuk5, Scaphite5, Scarface Bugaal Ja3, Scarred Antelope5, Scarred Jackal3, Schorl Doblyn3, The Scourge of Meracydia3, Scout Wolf3, Screamer3, Scurvy Dog3, Scythe Mantis3, Sea Wasp4, Seasoned Adventurer3/4/5, Sebek3, Second Eye3, Sekhmet3, Sellsword5, Sellsword Captain3, Seps3, Septic Slime5, Serket5, Serpent Archer6, Serpent Gladiator3, Serpent Reaver Deckhound3, Serpent Recruit4, Seserikku3/4/5/6, Seven-year Gnat7, Severaint Seven Splinter4, Sewer Mole5, Sewer Rat5, Sewer Syrup5, Shadow Bat5, Shadowclaw3, Shale Golem5, Shallowclaw Reaver5, Shalloweye Reaver6, Shallowscale Reaver3, Shallowtail Reaver3, Shard Doblyn3, Sharp-eyed Lancer4, Sharptooth Orobon3, Shearing Sheridan3, Shelfclaw Chief3, Shelfclaw Guard3, Shelfclaw Reaver5, Shelfclaw Sahagin3, Shelfeye Reaver6, Shelfscale Chief3, Shelfscale Guard3, Shelfscale Reaver3, Shelfscale Sahagin3, Shelfspine Guard3, Shelfspine Sahagin3, Shezmu3, Shifty-eyed Poacher4/6, Shifty-eyed Sailor3/6, Shifty-eyed Vagrant3/6, Shoalclaw Sahagin3, Shoalscale Sahagin3, Shoalspine Sahagin3, Shore Slug5, Shrapnel(シュラップネル)5, Shrapnel(シュラプネル)5, Shredder5, Shroud Hare5, Shroud Mandragora5, Shroudbee Swarm5, Sil'dihn Spriggan5, Silent Lackey6, Silvairre the Virtuous6, Silver Coblyn3, Silvertear Cobra3, Simurgh3, Siren21, Sirius Elbst3, Sirius Leech5, Sirius Pugil3, Sirius Uragnite3, Sirocco5, Skadi5, Skeleton Soldier3, Skogs Fru5, Slasher3, Slate Golem5, Sledgehammer Beak4, Slipjaw Ogre5, Slipsand5, Smallmouth Orobon3, Smart Bomb5, Smoke Bomb5, Snapjaw3, Snapping Shrew5, Snapscales3, Snipper3, Snipping Shrew5, Snow Wolf3, Snow Wolf Pup3, Snowblown Goobbue3, Snowpuppy5, Snowshoe Mouse5, Snowstorm Goobbue3, Sofine3/4/5/6, Soft-spoken Lancer4, Softskin Peiste3, Soldier of Nym3, Solkzagyl the Loyal3, Sombre Mimic3, Someone Familiar3, Sotoli Hueloc of the East Wind3, Soul Collector3, Soulless Chrisom5, South Shroud Opo-opo5, Spawning Adamantoise5, Spawning Megalocrab3, Spawning Orobon3, Spear-shaking Adventurer28, Spenser of the Bottomless Cup5, Sphene Doblyn3, Spinesnap Ogre5, Spinner-rook5, Spiteful5, Spitfire5, Spotted Eft5, Spotted Mudpuppy5, Spriggan5, Spriggan Chumbler5, Spriggan Copper Carrier5, Spriggan Copper Copper5, Spriggan Crier5, Spriggan Graverobber5, Spriggan Miner5, Spriggan Quencher5, Spriggan Sifter5, Spurned Soul4, Staff-spinning Adventurer29, Stalwart Swordsman3, Star Marmot5, Steelquill Tuco-tuco5, Stegotaur3, Steropes5, Stikflix Grumblytoss3, Stinging Sophie4, Stinging Syrphid Cloud5, Stone Marionette5, Stone Servant3, Stone Torch3, Stoneshell3, Stonespike Tanadd Gah5, Storm Archer6, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn3, Storm Courier3, Storm Marauder3, Storm Private3, Storm Recruit3, Storm Sergeant3, Stout Ambusher6, Straightshot Assassin6, Stranded Miner24, Strangling Ivy5, Strapping Lad3, Stray Dodo4, Stray Karakul Ewe5, Stray Karakul Ram5, Striped Lightning Hand6, Striped Lightning Thug3, Stroper5, Stumbling Funguar5, Succubus3, Sultansworn Elite3, Sun Bat5, Sun Juror5, Sun Midge Cloud5, Sun Midge Swarm5, Sundrake3, Suparna3, Supply Troop3, Surf Eft5, Surf Elbst3, Surfclaw Chief3, Surfclaw Sahagin3, Surfscale Sahagin3, Surfspine Sahagin3, Suspicious Fellow3/5, Suspicious Megalocrab3, Sutali Hueloc of the North Wind3, Svara3, Swamp Pugil3, Sweet Tooth Goobbue3, Sweet Trap5, Swollen Djigga4, Sword-brandishing Adventurer3, Sword-swinging Adventurer27, Sylph Bonnet5, Sylph Pillow5, Sylpheed Cackle3, Sylpheed Screech3, Sylphie Sweetwind5, Sylphlands Condor3, Sylphlands Sentinel5, Sylvan Budnapper3, Sylvan Scream3, Sylvan Screech3, Sylvan Sough3, Symond the Unsinkable3, Synthetic Doblyn3, Syrphid Cloud5, Syrphid Swarm5
Tainted Louse4, Talking Colibri3, Tamed Dodo4, Tamed Goobbue3, Tamed Jackal3, Tamed Puk5, Tangata5, Tar-stained Buccaneer6, Tarbotaur3, Taulurd5, Taurus3, Taurus Minion3, Temperance of the Alacran4, Tempered Champion5, Tempered Gladiator3, Tempered Huntress6, Tempered Pikeman4, Tempered Spearwife4, Tempered Sword4, Tempered Sylph3, Tempered Sylvan Scream3, Tempest Biast3, Temple Banneret4, Temple Bat5, Temple Bee4, Temple Chirurgeon5, Temple Croc3, Temple Guardian5, Ten3, Teratotaur3, Territorial Aevis3, Territorial Antling Princess3, Territorial Antling Sentry3, Territorial Aurelia4, Territorial Axe Beak4, Territorial Banemite3, Territorial Baritine Croc3, Territorial Bat5, Territorial Beetle5, Territorial Biast3, Territorial Billygoat5, Territorial Boar5, Territorial Bogy5, Territorial Bomb5, Territorial Cactuar5, Territorial Coblyn3, Territorial Cobra3, Territorial Cockactrice4, Territorial Coeurl3, Territorial Coeurl Pup3, Territorial Colibri3, Territorial Condor3, Territorial Cyclops3, Territorial Deathgaze3, Territorial Diremite3, Territorial Djigga4, Territorial Doblyn3, Territorial Dodo4, Territorial Dragon3, Territorial Drake3, Territorial Dragonfly3, Territorial Dullahan3, Territorial Eft5, Territorial Feral Croc 3, Territorial Firefly5, Territorial Flowertender5, Territorial Flytrap5, Territorial Fungus5, Territorial Gargoyle3, Territorial Gigantoad5, Territorial Hare5, Territorial Hedgemole5, Territorial Hippogryph3, Territorial Hound3, Territorial Jackal3, Territorial Kalong5, Territorial Karakul5, Territorial Ked7, Territorial Lemur5, Territorial Lily Bulb5, Territorial Lindwurm3, Territorial Mandragora5, Territorial Marmot5, Territorial Megalocrab3, Territorial Mirrorknight5, Territorial Mole5, Territorial Morbol5, Territorial Morbol Seedling5, Territorial Nannygoat5, Territorial Ochu5, Territorial Orobon3, Territorial Pelican4, Territorial Puk5, Territorial Pugil3, Territorial Raptor3, Territorial Revenant5, Territorial Roselet5, Territorial Sabotender5, Territorial Salamander5, Territorial Sandworm3, Territorial Sea Wasp4, Territorial Skeleton3, Territorial Slime5, Territorial Slug5, Territorial Snipper3, Territorial Spriggan5, Territorial Stag5, Territorial Stoneshell3, Territorial Syrphid Cloud5, Territorial Treant5, Territorial Uragnite5, Territorial Vodoriga3, Territorial Vulture3, Territorial Wamouracampa5, Territorial Wolf3, Territorial Wyvern3, Territorial Yarzon3, Territorial Young Coeurl3, Territorial Ziz4, Territorial Zombie4, Territorial Zu Cockerel23, Territorial Zu Pullet23, Teulzacq3/4/5/6, Tewawa3/4/5/6, Thanatos20, Thancred3, Thavnairian Mite3, Thavnairian Miteling3, Thickshell3, Thrustaevis3, Thuggish Sellsword3, Thunderclap Guivre3, Thunderhooves5, Tiny Mandragora5, Titan5, Titan-Egi5, Toadstool5, Tomahawk Beak4, Tonberry (トンベリ)4/19, Tonberry (トンベリ・カッター)4, Tonberry Creeper5, Tonberry Hexer4, Tonberry King4, Tonberry Slasher4, Tonberry Wanderer5, Topaz Carbuncle5, Toragana3/4/5/6, Torchlight5, Totodi3/4/5/6, Toxic Battrap5, Toxic Tamlyn5, Toxic Toad5, Trachtoum Parter of Seas3, Trained Deathgaze3, Training Automaton3, Trancetoad5, Treant5, Treant Sapling5, Treasure Hunter3/4/5, Tree Slug5, Tristan Nightflicker3, Truculent Boar5, Truffle Coeurl3, Tryptix Stumblemox3, Tsubame Sunrise3, Tuco-tuco5, Tumbling Tuco-tuco5, Tusked Hog5, Twin-tongued Addison3, Twintania20, Tyrant3
U'Ghamaro Golem5, U'Ghamaro Guardian5, U'Ghamaro Patrolman3, U'Ghamaro Quarryman3, U'Ghamaro Roundsman3, U'kahmuli4, U'konelua4, U'lamana4, U'lolamo4, U'ndomii4, U'ralka4, Ulhuadshi3, The Ultima Weapon17, The Unbreakable3, Uncommon Cactuar5, Undertaker4, Unktehi20, Unsightly Buffalo5, Unspeaking Swordsman3, Untamed Shrew5, Uragnite5
V'kebbe the Stray3, V'nbolo3/4/5/6, Vale Banemite3, Vale Bat5, Vale Diremite3, Vale Wasp4, Valefor20, Vanguard Prototype3, Vassago20, Velociraptor3, Veteran Gladiator3, Violet Back4, Violet Screech3, Virago20, Vodoriga3, Vodoriga Cur3, Vodoriga Shade3, Vodoriga Sleeper3, Vodoriga Snatcher3, Vodyanoi5, Vogaal Ja20, Void Dross5, Void Echo5, Void Flame5, Void Herald5, Void Hound3, Void Jumper7, Void Mine5, Void Slave5, Void Soulcounter3, Void Trumpeter3, Void Tyrant3, Void Warrior3, Voll's Fang3, Voluptuous Vivian5, Volxia of the Blade3, Vuokho3, Vyraal3
Wall Crawler3, Wandering Bogy5, Wandering Soldier4, Wandering Soul5, Wandering Waterskin4, Wanted Goblin3, Warden's Whip5, Warm Grenade5, Warren Warden5, Watchwolf3, Waterskipper3, Weggfarr Wideaxe3, Wellwick Worm3, Wespe4, Wet Rat5, Wharf Rat5, Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop3, White Bavarois5, White Death5, White Joker5, White Wolf3, Whitespark Hepugg Roh6, Wicked Soul5, Widargelt the Watcher5, Wight Wailer4, Wild Boar5, Wild Dodo4, Wild Hog5, Wild Hoglet5, Wild Jackal3, Wild Morbol5, Wild Morbol Seedling5, Wild Ram5, Wild Wolf3, Wilred of the Falling Petal3, Windborn Buccaneer3, Wine Back4, Winged Scavenger3, Wingrat5, Winter Nix5, Woad Back4, Woken Biast3, Woken Drake3, Wolf Poacher3, Wood Wailer Lance4, Wood Wailer Sentry4, Wormwix Scribbletalk3, Worr the Whalefin3, Wounded Aurochs5, Wrathful Ogre5, Writhing Statue3, Wulgaru18, Wyrmhound3, Wyvern3
Yabi Two-tails3, Yarzon Biter3, Yarzon Feeder3, Yarzon Invader3, Yarzon Lurker3, Yarzon Scavenger3, Yda5, Yehn Amariyo3/4/5/6, Yellow Bavarois5, Yellow Laver5, Yellowjacket3, Yellowjacket Patrol3, Yellowjacket Recruit3, Yellowjacket Veteran3, Young Anole3, Young Antelope Stag5, Young Coeurl3
Zahar'ak Archer6, Zahar'ak Battle Drake3, Zahar'ak Guard3, Zahar'ak Hatchling5, Zahar'ak Lancer3, Zahar'ak Pugilist5, Zahar'ak Stalwart5, Zana Lyehga5, Zanig'oh20, Zanr'ak Archer6, Zanr'ak Battle Brake3, Zanr'ak Gaolkeeper3, Zanr'ak Lancer3, Zanr'ak Pugilist5, Ziuz'a Jakkya3/4/5/6, Ziz4, Ziz Gorlin4, Zombie Barber5, Zombie Pikeman4, Zombie Sailor5, Zombie Soldier4, Zombie Storm Private5, Zombie Wailer4, Zombie War Hound3, Zona Seeker20, Zoredonite5, Zu22, Zu Cockerel23, Zu Pullet 23
674 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and summons Dark Matter Slime if standing on a glowing platform Self Circle 6y+ Instant
2804 Inflicts 20s Prey Prey and 8s Stun Stun Hostile 100y None Single Instant/6s
Augmented Shatter
1158 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant
28477 Repositions and inflicts split Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 5s
Nero tol Scaeva
Augmented Suffering
1156 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 30s Heavy Heavy*, and 25y knockback Self Circle 8y+ 3.5s
28476 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12y knockback Self Unavoidable 40y 5s
Nero tol Scaeva
Augmented Uprising
1157 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 30s Heavy Heavy*, and 25y knockback Self Cone 8y+ 120° 2.3s
28478 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 45y 90° 7s
Nero tol Scaeva
2617 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 30y Line 40x5y+ 2s/5s
3309 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 30y Line 40x5y+ 2.5s/3s
Interceptor Drone
Awareness[note 1]
Awareness 131 Grants 15s Awareness Awareness Self None Single Instant/120s
Awareness 75342 Grants 25s Awareness Awareness Self None Single Instant/120s
291673 Grants 20s Awareness Awareness Self None Single Instant/120s
292764 Grants 20s Awareness Awareness Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus2/4, Auelin2/4, Awayuki2/4, B'bhen Tia2/4, Baien2/4, Begter2/4, Callous Steed2/4, Careless Whisper2/4, Ceaulie2/4, Cecily2/4, Chrysabel2/4, Cilia2/4, Crilde2/4, D'fhul Tia2/4, Delboisse2/4, Dolfin2/4, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer1/3, E'ptolmi2/4, Elchi2/4, Ellice2/4, Fearless Fawn2/4, Gnawing Goat2/4, Gota'a Panipahr2/4, Hastaloeya2/4, Hroch2/4, Huebald2/4, Inghilswys2/4, J'ludaba2/4, Jolaine2/4, Kehda'to Moui2/4, Kelmomo2/4, Khorchi2/4, Koenbryda2/4, Kumokiri2/4, Labonrit2/4, Liliba2/4, Meuliaire2/4, Morel2/4, Mujen Polajen2/4, Mumutano2/4, Nanasomi2/4, Nunulupa Tatalupa2/4, Oah Nelhah2/4, Pagneul2/4, Raelthota2/4, Raging Ox2/4, Raiden (ライデン)2/4, Rhylharr2/4, Rivienne2/4, Saiun2/4, Samga2/4, Sasashu2/4, Seserikku2/4, Sofine2/4, Teulzacq2/4, Tewawa2/4, Toragana2/4, Totodi2/4, V'nbolo2/4, Veteran Gladiator1/3, Yehn Amariyo2/4, Ziuz'a Jakkya2/4


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Backdraft 638 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 15y knockback Hostile 5y None Single Instant/90s
Emerald Carbuncle
411 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Line 4x2y+ 2.5s/6s
Dark Matter Pteroc, Peryton, Pteroc, Pteroc Matron, Puk Hatchling (プーク), Puk Hatchling (プーク・ハッチリング), Scalepuk, Territorial Puk
Backhand Blow
2743 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 3y Rearward cone 12y+ 120° 2.8s/24s
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Bad Breath
6041 Inflicts 30s Blind Blind*, Paralysis Paralysis*, and Poison Poison*, 20s Heavy Heavy*, Nausea Nausea*, and Slow Slow*, and 10s Silence Silence* Self Cone 12y+ 120° 3s/30s
10362 Inflicts 30s Blind Blind*, Paralysis Paralysis*, and Poison Poison*, 20s Heavy Heavy*, Nausea Nausea*, and Slow Slow*, and 10s Silence Silence* Self Cone 12y+ 120° 2.5s/25s
24223 Inflicts 30s Blind Blind* and Paralysis Paralysis*, 20s Nausea Nausea* and Slow Slow*, and 10s Silence Silence* Self 3y Cone 12y+ 120° 6s*/28s
63484 Inflicts 30s Blind Blind* and Paralysis Paralysis*, 20s Heavy Heavy*, Nausea Nausea*, Poison Poison*, and Slow Slow*, and 10s Silence Silence* Self 12y Cone 12y+ 120° 3s/30s
Alpha Morbol1, Capricious Cassie1, Goldvine1, Halitostroper1, Jaded Jody1, Leafbleed Morbol1, Lush Morbol1, Malevolent Stroper1, Milkroot Morbol1, Miser's Mistress2, Morbol1, Morbol Menace3, Morbolger1, Palace Morbol4, Stroper1, Territorial Morbol1, Toxic Tamlyn1, Voluptuous Vivian1, Wild Morbol1
2663 Inflicts 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Hostile 100y None Single Instant/9s
Ghede Ti Malice
Ball of Fire
6851 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage and creates 6s Burns Burns pool Area 31y Circle 6y 3s/6s
27782 Inflicts 13,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 3s/42s
64273 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and creates Burns Burns pool Area 50y Circle 6y Instant/30s
Hydra1, Lampalagua2, Ningishzida3
Ball of Ice
6871 Inflicts BreathIce Ice breath damage and creates 20s Heavy Heavy* pool Area 31y Circle 6y 3s/6s
27792 Inflicts BreathIce Ice breath damage and 30s Heavy Heavy Area 100y Circle 6y 3s/42s
64283 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and creates Leaden Leaden pool Area 50y Circle 6y Instant/30s
Hydra1, Lampalagua2, Ningishzida3
1221 Invokes Ballast#1222/1223/1343 Self 3y None Single 1s
1222 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 15y knockback Self 3y Arc 5-10y+ 270° 2s
1223 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 10y knockback Self 3y Arc 10-15y+ 270° 2s
1343 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 20y knockback Self 3y Arc 5y+ 270° 2s
ADS, Sanitary Node
Bane 174 Spreads any Bio Bio, Bio II Bio II and Miasma Miasma effects on primary target Hostile 25y Circle 8y Instant/10s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Bang Toss
990 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage, provokes, and grants 20s Blaze Spikes Blaze Spikes to target Hostile 25y Circle 6y Instant/6s
Brayflox Alltalks
16631 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
16652 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
Corrupted Petite Pudding1, Corrupted Pudding1, Corrupted Sprite2
Banish III
1664 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 30y Circle 12y 5s*/6s
Corrupted Sprite
Barbaric Surge
4741 Grants 30s Damage Up Damage Up Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
9632 Grants 30s Damage Up Damage Up Self 3y None Single Instant/60s
5th Cohort Laquearius1, 5th Cohort Optio1, Aermswys the Stained1, Ahctstymm Shadowlurker1, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed2, Aisibhir Badwind1, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1, Bloody Executioner Lodesman1, Broken Marauder1, Captain Petyr Pigeontoe1, Curious Gorge2, Disorderly Adventurer1, Doesmaga Poisonheart1, Drowned Butcher1, Drowned Demolisher1, Dustyfoot Drysnagl1, Familiar Marauder2, Galeborn Buccaneer1, Gegeruju Manor Guard1, Grounded Raider1, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry1, Lost Duchess Deckhand (海賊船の甲板員)1, Mad Sergeant1, Maelstrom Recruit1, Mamool Ja Executioner1, Moonshade Deckhand1, Murderous Marauder1, Nameless Attacker1, Patience of the Alacran1, Pfarmurl the Driven1, Rabid Ratata1, Reaver Right Hand1, Rhotano Buccaneer1, Scarface Bugaal Ja1, Seasoned Adventurer1, Shallowtail Reaver1, Shifty-eyed Sailor1, Shifty-eyed Vagrant1, Someone Familiar2, Storm Courier1, Storm Private1, Storm Recruit1, Storm Sergeant1, Striped Lightning Thug1, Supply Troop1, Thuggish Sellsword1, Twin-tongued Addison1, Windborn Buccaneer1, Yellowjacket1, Yellowjacket Patrol1, Yellowjacket Recruit1, Yellowjacket Veteran1
Barrage 107 Grants 10s Barrage Barrage and 30s Straight Shot Ready Straight Shot Ready Self None Single Instant/120s
5th Cohort Sagittarius, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Galfrid the Gallant, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, House Durendaire Knight, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Basic Instinct
23401 Grants 30s Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single 3s/30s
Master Coeurl
Beak Snap
601 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alpine Hippocerf, Downcast Hippocerf, Gigas Mastiff, Gwyllgi, Hippocerf, Hippogryph, Hippogryph Pup, Pit Hippocerf, Pit Hippogryph, Ragged Hippogryph, Recluse Hippogryph (アッシュ・ヒッポセルフ), Recluse Hippogryph (レクルス・ヒッポグリフ), Territorial Hippogryph, Void Hound, Winged Scavenger
915 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Allagan Mirrorknight, Bagoly, Dreadguard, Mirrorknight, Territorial Mirrorknight
5751 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27982 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 12y Line 12x4y+ Instant/32s
Alpha Goobbue1, Croque-mitaine2, Elder Goobbue1, Frenzied Mossback1, Frostbitten Goobbue1, Goobbue1, Goobbue Farmer1, Highland Goobbue1, Hoary Goobbue1, Jolly Green1, Keeper of Halidom1, Insatiable Goobbue1, Longarm1, Meltwater Goobbue1, Mildewed Goobbue1, Shezmu1, Snowblown Goobbue1, Snowstorm Goobbue1, Sweet Tooth Goobbue1
Beguiling Mist
17191 Inflicts 5s Seduced Seduced Self Unavoidable 50y+ 4.5s/25s
286432 Inflicts 3s Seduced Seduced Self Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
286493 Invokes action #28644 → Beguiling Mist#28643 Self None Single 3.9s
Halicarnassus1, Lady Amandine2/3
Bellowing Grunt
336 Inflicts 3s Stun Stun* Self Circle 3y+ 3s/15s
Angry Sow, Charging Hog, Greedy Hog, Kafre, Phaia, Rasher Hog, Territorial Boar, Truculent Boar, Tusked Hog, Wild Boar, Wild Hog, Wild Hoglet
1288 Inflicts 15s Blind Blind* Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/20s
Lavafang Hemozz Teh, Rabisu
Berserk 381 Grants 20s Berserk Berserk (3 stacks) Self None Single Instant
293032 Grants Berserk Berserk Self None Single Instant
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Marauder2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Marauder2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
6359 Grants 20s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up Self 3y None Single 1.5s/60s
Palace Centaur
Bestial Bay
596 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Eurytos, Giant Drubber, Giant Lugger, Giant Reader, Giant Talker, Gorn the Garrgh, Mimas
Bestial Roar
2828 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* (max 8 stacks) Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/36s
Big Burst
9976 Inflicts Magic Magic proximity damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 5s
Falcon Oppressor, Raven Oppressor
Big Horn
321 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alpha Stag, Antelope Stag, Foraging Stag, Territorial Stag, Young Antelope Stag
Big Explosion
29195 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Area 100y Unavoidable 40y Instant
Pukla Puki the Pomburner
Big Scissors
5671 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
24802 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27113 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and invokes action #2714 Hostile 6y None Single Instant/30s
Cancer1, Dark Helmet2, Island Megalocrab1, Nahn3
Bio 164 Inflicts 30s Bio Bio* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
Dark Summoner, Death's Embrace Master, Foreseer K'lyhia, Inquisitor Guillaime, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous, Tristan Nightflicker, Urianger
Bio II
Bio II 178 Inflicts 30s Bio II Bio II* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Black Cloud
758 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 6y Instant
17998 Inflicts Limit Break Limit Break damage Hostile 8y None Single 3s
Eager Lancer, Scion Lancer, Serpent Lancer
Blast Wave
10681 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 10x2y+ 2s
14432 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 10x2y+ 2s
291723 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 10x2y 3s
1st Cohort Secutor3, 5th Cohort Decurion1, 8th Cohort Secutor3, Widargelt the Watcher2
353 Inflicts 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Blaze Spikes
311 Grants 20s Blaze Spikes Blaze Spikes Self 3y None Single 1.5s*/30s
Advanced Smart Bomb, Alpha Bomb, Amalj'aa Divinator, Amalj'aa Flame-eater, Amalj'aa Flamekeeper, Amalj'aa Ravager, Amalj'aa Seer, Amalj'aa Shaman, Amalj'aa Thaumaturge, Balloon, Big Shrapnel, Blackbile Maladd Chah, Blackstake Rodegg Chah, Bomb (ボム), Blazehorn Monabb Chah, Breeding Bomb, Bright Balloon, Ceruleum Bomb, Cindersoot Pegujj Chah, Dazzling Bomb, Flamecrest Affaj Koh, Glide Bomb, Glowing Bomb, Grenade, Limpet Bomb, Mark II Limpet Bomb, Red Balloon, Shrapnel (シュラプネル), Smart Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Territorial Bomb, Torchlight, Void Flame, Zahar'ak Fortune-teller, Zahar'ak Thaumaturge, Zanr'ak Thaumaturge
Blazing Shriek
3373 Inflicts 3s Stun Stun* Self Unavoidable 50y+ Instant
Blazing Trail
10211 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 15x11y+ Instant
10302 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 15x11y+ 1s/20s
12773 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 15x11y+ Instant
Koshchei2, Lesser Wyvern1, Wyvern3
Blessing of Light
1436 Grants Blessing of Light Blessing of Light Area 100y Unavoidable + Instant
29344 Revives and grants Blessing of Light Blessing of Light Party 100y None Single Instant
Blighted Gloom
758 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 10y Circle 10y+ Instant/6s
Blinding Burst
393 Inflicts 15s Accuracy Down Accuracy Down* Self Circle 8y Instant
Dark Plasma
Blizzard 1421 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage, and either grants self 15s Umbral Ice or removes Astral Fire[note 2]) Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/2.5s
9672 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
13953 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 60s Heavy Heavy* Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
64414 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
293145 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Hostile 25y None Single 2s*/2s
3rd Cohort Imaginifer1, 5th Cohort Signifer1, Alimahus1, Alpha Devilet2, Alux2, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Seamster1, Broken Thaumaturge1, Brutish Imp2, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cocobani the Cold1, Cocobezi the Contemplative1, Cocoboha the Curt1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Coeurlclaw Hag1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Darkwing Devilet2, Deepvoid Scamp2, Delboisse1, Despicable Devilet2, Dolfin1, Drowned Saltmage1, Dusty Devilet2, Dusty Imp2, E'ptolmi1, Eager Thaumaturge5, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Thaumaturge1/5, Frozen Bavarois2, Gaunt Slaveling2, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Gravedigger2, Grinning Cur Stitcher1, Grotty Imp1, Hastaloeya1, Hecatoncheir Mastermind2, Hecatoncheir Wallcrasher2, Highcant Hatsugg Chah1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Humility of the Alacran1, Ice Homunculus2, Ice Sprite2, Imperial Imaginifer1, Inebriated Imp2, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lavafang Hemozz Teh1, Lawless Cursedealer2, Liliba1, Lockbreaker Imp2, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Lunatic Follower1, Lunatic Lamb1, Lunatic Priest1, Lutin2, Manor Acrobat2, Manor Jester2, Masked Mage1, Melancholy Mercenary1, Mischief-maker Imp (賞金首:ミスチフメーカー)2, Meuliaire1, Mischief-maker Imp (ミスチフメーカー・インプ)2, Morel1, Mormo1, Mormo's Missionary2, Morningstar Cosier1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Orderly Imp2, Pagneul1, Palace Spriggan4, Papalymo1, Rabisu1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raucous Bodyguard1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Roadblocker Imp2, Runagate Imp2, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge5, Seemingly Ordinary Imp2, Ser Baron Von Quiveron IV Esquire1, Seserikku1, Short-tempered Thaumaturge1, Sofine1, Soulsucker Imp1, Spurned Soul1, Sylpheed Snarl1, Territorial Bavarois2, Territorial Devilet2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, Trickster Imp (インプ)2, Trickster Imp (トリックスター)2, Trickster Imp (トリックスター・インプ)2, V'nbolo1, Valar2, Vandalous Imp2, White Bavarois3, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Blizzard II
Blizzard II 146 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage, and either grants self 15s Umbral Ice or removes Astral Fire[note 2]) Self Circle 5y 2s*/2.5s
3rd Cohort Imaginifer, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Broken Thaumaturge, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Cocobygo the Craven, Coeurlclaw Hag, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drowned Saltmage, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Flame Thaumaturge, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Grotty Imp, Hastaloeya, Highcant Hatsugg Chah, Hroch, Huebald, Humility of the Alacran, Imperial Imaginifer, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lavafang Hemozz Teh, Lawless Cursedealer, Liliba, Masked Mage, Melancholy Mercenary, Meuliaire, Morel, Mormo, Morningstar Cosier, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Rabisu, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Raucous Bodyguard, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Ser Baron Von Quiveron IV Esquire, Seserikku, Sofine, Soulsucker Imp, Spurned Soul, Sylpheed Snarl, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Blizzard III
Blizzard III 154 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage, grants self 15s Umbral Ice III, and removes Astral Fire[note 2]) Hostile 25y None Single 3.5s*/2.5s
5th Cohort Signifer, Lostkin Kazagg Chah, Papalymo, Short-tempered Thaumaturge
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Blood Drain
3781 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
3912 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
32683 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 3s Heavy Heavy, and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 20y None Single Instant/6s
63294 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant/15s
Attic Bat1, Barbastelle1, Bigger Chigoe2, Black Bat1, Blood Bat1, Bloodsucker Bat1, Buzzing Djigga2, Carrion Chigoe2, Carrion Djigga2, Cave Bat1, Chigoe2, Dusk Bat1, Even Bigger Chigoe2, Jumping Djigga2, Lesser Kalong (カロング)1, Lesser Kalong (レッサーカロング)1, Palace Bat4, Parasitic Djigga2, Sand Bat1, Shadow Bat1/3, Sun Bat1, Swollen Djigga2, Temple Bat1, Territorial Bat1, Territorial Djigga2, Territorial Kalong1, Vale Bat1, Wingrat1
Blood Rain
1720 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Unavoidable 100y 2.5s
1721 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Unavoidable 100y 2.5s
1722 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Unavoidable 100y 2.5s
Blood Sword
1610 Inflicts 100% max HP Fractional Fractional damage and restores HP to self equal to target's current HP; invokes Blood Rain#1720 if target HP = 1, #1721 if < 50%, else #1722 Party/Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Bloodbath 341 Grants 15s Bloodbath Bloodbath Self None Single Instant/90s
Bloodbath 75422 Grants 20s Bloodbath Bloodbath Self None Single Instant/90s
5th Cohort Laquearius1, 5th Cohort Optio1, Able-bodied Ambusher1, Aersthota Morningcalm1, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed1, Aisibhir Badwind1, Ala Mhigan Axeman1, Alimahus2, Alka Zolka the Doer1, Alka Zolka the Slayer1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Auelin2, Awayuki2, Axe-wielding Adventurer1, B'bhen Tia2, Baenryss of the Deep1, Baien2, Begter2, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1, Bloody Executioner Lodesman1, Broenbhar Rocksplitter1, Broken Marauder1, Callous Steed2, Careless Whisper2, Ceaulie2, Cecily2, Charmed Gromet1, Chrysabel2, Cilia2, Crilde2, Curious Gorge1, D'fhul Tia2, Delboisse2, Doesmaga Poisonheart1, Dolfin2, Drowned Seaman 1st Class1, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class1, Drowned Steersman Chief1, E'ptolmi2, Elchi2, Ellice2, Fearless Fawn2, Garibald the Fargone1, Glazrael Saltwind1, Gnawing Goat2, Gota'a Panipahr2, Grinning Cur Cap'n1, Grinning Cur Swab1, Hastaloeya2, Hired Axe1, Hroch2, Huebald2, Inghilswys2, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry1, J'ludaba2, Jolaine2, Jolly Merchant Lodesman1, Kehda'to Moui2, Kelmomo2, Khorchi2, Koenbryda2, Kumokiri2, Labonrit2, Leviathan's Thrall1, Liliba2, Meuliaire2, Morel2, Morningstar Gromet1, Morningstar Navigator1, Mujen Polajen2, Mumutano2, Nameless Attacker1, Nanasomi2, Nunulupa Tatalupa2, Oah Nelhah2, Pagneul2, Patience of the Alacran1, Raelthota2, Raging Ox2, Raiden (ライデン)2, Rhylharr2, Rivienne2, Ryssfloh1, Saiun2, Samga2, Sasashu2, Seserikku2, Sofine2, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn1, Storm Marauder1, Teulzacq2, Tewawa2, Toragana2, Totodi2, V'nbolo2, Weggfarr Wideaxe1, Yehn Amariyo2, Yellowjacket1, Yellowjacket Patrol1, Ziuz'a Jakkya2
3473 Grants 15s Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single 3s/4s
Horde Transcendent
110 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/15s
2 charges
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
1099 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Self Circle 5y 2.5s/8s
Jenlyns Straightblade
Bloody Caress
27551 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° 3s/20s
64212 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
Spurge2, Thousand-cast Theda1
Bloody Claw
739 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alpha Vodoriga, Blanga, Camio, Lesser Vodoriga, Territorial Vodoriga, Vodoriga, Vodoriga Cur, Vodoriga Shade, Vodoriga Sleeper, Vodoriga Snatcher, Writhing Statue
Blunt Arrow
Blunt Arrow 109 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 1s Silence Silence* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/30s
Galfrid the Gallant
Body Slam
4971 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
10102 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 1s/6s
33703 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 38y+ 120° 3s
Alpha Basilisk1, Basilisk1, Butcher Basilisk1, Desert Peiste1, Fellbite Peiste1, Pit Peiste1, Quicksand Basilisk1, Rockskin Peiste1, Sandskin Peiste1, Scale Eater1, Softskin Peiste1, Vishap3, Wyrmhound1/2
Bog Bomb
9781 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Area 25y Circle 6y 2.5s/6s
27312 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 20s Heavy Heavy* Area 100y Circle 6y 2.5s/18s
Axolotl1, Emerald Salamander1, Gila Monster1, Kurrea2, Lentic Mudpuppy1, Mudpuppy1, Salamander1, Snowpuppy1, Spotted Eft1, Spotted Mudpuppy1, Territorial Salamander1
Bog Bubble
980 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Hostile 25y Circle 6y Instant/15s
Bomb Hurl
857 Summons Bomb (爆弾) Self 3y None Single Instant
Goblin Outlaw, Stikflix Grumblytoss
Bomb Spark
2137 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 50y Circle 6y+ 3s/16s
Prototype Bomb Incubator
Bomb Spread
29182 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 6y 3s
Magitek Vanguard, Magitek Vanguard H-1
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Bomb Toss
4051 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/6s
63372 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/12s
63383 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; damages user as well as enemies Self 6y Circle 3y+ 2.5s/12s
143744 Inflicts 400,000 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 30y None Single 5s
Falcon Mercenary4, Goblin Ambusher1, Goblin Fisher1, Goblin Gambler1, Goblin Hunter1, Goblin Mugger1, Goblin Outlaw1, Goblin Robber1, Goblin Roper1, Goblin Thug1, Goblin Trader1, Lost Goblin2/3, Raven Mercenary4, Tryptix Stumblemox1, Wanted Goblin1, Wormwix Scribbletalk1
370 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Bark Weevil, Boring Weevil, Bumble Beetle, Carrier Ladybug, Carrion Beetle, Dewdrinker Ladybug, Grain Weevil, Little Ladybug, Loverly Ladybug, Parasite Ladybug, Skogs Fru, Territorial Beetle
127121 Inflicts 200,000 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 50y None Single 5s
290492 Inflicts 600 Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 6y 3s
291543 Inflicts 600 Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 6y 3s
Falcon Tank1, Imperial Assault Craft2/3[note 3], Raven Tank1
4141 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self Circle 6y+ 4s/6s
16742 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
27593 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Slow Slow* Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s/36s
64184 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s
Alpha Deathgaze1, Asipatra1, Deathgaze1, Palace Deathgaze4, Simurgh1, Territorial Deathgaze1, Trained Deathgaze1, Tyrant2, Void Tyrant1, Vyraal1, Zona Seeker3
Bone Powder
600 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/6s
Beggar Bhikkhu, Beggar Bonze, Crius Longbeard, Cronos, Dione, Gigas Bhikkhu, Gigas Bonze, Gigas Captive, Gigas Shramana
Bone Shaker
3474 Self None Single Instant/4s
Horde Transcendent
Bootshine 53 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Raptor Form Raptor Form; guaranteed critical hit under Opo-opo Form Opo-opo Form; increased potency under Leaden Fist Leaden Fist Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Animated Pugilist, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chastity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Chuchuto Brightstar, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drowned Brawler, Drowned Seaman 2nd Class, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Filthy Bodyguard, Flame Pugilist, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hired Muscle, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Fistfighter, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yda, Yehn Amariyo, Zana Lyehga, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Bot Retrieval
1239 KOs tethered allies and grants self Modification Modification Self 3y None Single Instant
Clockwork Dreadnaught
Bottomless Desert
11121 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and draw-in Self Unavoidable 65y+ Instant/2s
18382 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and draw-in Self Unavoidable 65y+ Instant/2s
27963 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and draw-in Self 3y Unavoidable 40y+ 1s/56s
Abyss Worm2, Giant Tunnel Worm1, Minhocao3
Boulder Clap
4441 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/6s
14172 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 12y+ 120° 2.5s/12s
14463 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 12y+ 120° Instant/20s
24244 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 3.5s/14s
27845 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 6y Cone 30y+ 120° 2.5s
Alpha Golem1, Alpha Spriggolem1, Arkose Golem1, Basalt Golem1, Chert Golem1, Clay Golem1, Cobalt Golem1, Crater Golem1, Dark Matter Golem3, Lunar Golem1, Marble Guardian1, Moraine Golem1, Mythril Golem4, Number 1281, Number 1321, Nunyunuwi5, Pumice Golem1, Sandstone Golem1, Shale Golem1, Slate Golem1, Temple Guardian2, U'Ghamaro Golem1, U'Ghamaro Guardian1
1121 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 50y None Single Instant
Deepvoid Slave
Brackish Drop
6345 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Area 30y Circle 3y 2.5s/12s
Palace Ninki Nanka
991 Provokes Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
Brayflox Alltalks
17997 Inflicts Limit Break Limit Break damage Hostile 8y None Single 2s
Eager Lancer, Scion Lancer, Serpent Lancer
12811 Grants 60s Damage Up Damage Up Ally 30y None Single 2.5s*/20s
18362 Grants 60s Damage Up Damage Up Ally 30y None Single 3.5s*/20s
Sandman2, Security Mammet1, Wyvern1
Break 7558 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20s Heavy Heavy* Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Breath Wing
14911 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Unavoidable 50y 2.5s/25s
15432 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Unavoidable 50y 2.5s/18s
27223 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self 40y Unavoidable 40y 2.5s/18s
Cornu3, Zu1, Zu Pullet2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Bristle
335 Grants 30s Boost Boost Self None Single Instant/6s
Angry Sow, Charging Hog, Greedy Hog, Kamapuaa, Wild Boar
Brood Rage
1544 Grants 30s Brood Rage Brood Rage (8 stacks, max 16) Ally 50y None Single Instant
Zu Egg
Brutal Swing
Brutal Swing 39 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 3s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/20s
Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed, Glazrael Saltwind, Ryssfloh
Bubble Bath
5681 Inflicts 9s Sleep Sleep*^ Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
24812 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage Self Cone 6y+ 60° 3s/6s
27123 Inflicts 9s Sleep Sleep*^ Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/30s
Cancer1, Dark Helmet2, Nahn3
Bubble Burst
9961 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y Instant
10692 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y Instant
Acid Bubble1, Sweet Song2
Bubble Shower
5661 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
27102 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/30s
Big Claw1, Bloodshore Snipper1, Cancer1, Decoy Crab1, Gripper1, Hungry Snipper1, Megalocrab1, Molting Megalocrab1, Nahn2, Old Six-arms1, Shearing Sheridan1, Snipper1, Spawning Megalocrab1, Suspicious Megalocrab1, Territorial Megalocrab1, Territorial Snipper1
Bubonic Cloud
1076 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 10y+ Instant
Dark Nova
Bull Charge
2825 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 4y Line 4x3y+ Instant/36s
Bulwark 22 Grants 10s Bulwark Bulwark Self None Single Instant/90
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Burning Cyclone
5171 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
9842 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 0.5s/6s
24203 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
34594 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/6s
Augmented Battle Drake1, Ashdrake1, Battle Drake1, Firedrake1, Flamedrake1, Horde Drake4, Inferno Drake2, Lava Drake1, Sundrake1, Territorial Drake1, Woken Drake3, Zahar'ak Battle Drake1, Zanr'ak Battle Drake1
Burning Strike
Burning Strike 7981 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/3s
Summon Ifrit 258462 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
350643 Invokes Burning Strike#35065 if Defend Clive is not activated or #35066 if activated Self None Single 3s
350654 Repositions and inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
350665 Repositions and initiates Defend Active Time Maneuver; invokes Burning Strike#35067 on failure or actions #35068/#35069 on success Area 100y None Single Instant
350676 Inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Carbuncle2, Emerald Carbuncle1/2, Garuda-Egi2, Ifrit-Egi1/2, Infernal Shadow3/4/5/6, Ruby Carbuncle1/2, Titan-Egi2, Topaz Carbuncle1/2
Burr Burrow
1038 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Burrs Burrs^ 60s; inflicts greater damage for each stack of Burrs Burrs on target Self Unavoidable 60y+ 3s/30s
Miser's Mistress
7641 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
10522 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 5y+ 5s
14713 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 5y+ 5s
16914 Inflicts 2,000 Fixed Fixed damage[note 4] Area 60y Circle 6y Instant
24315 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 3y Circle 6y+ Instant/3s
33756 Inflicts 5,229 Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 8y Instant
Allagan Balloon1, Allagan Napalm1, Bomb Boulder2/3, Bombast5, Powder Keg6, Waymaker Bomb4
32011 Duty failure Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
35052 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 3y Circle 8y Instant/1s
37063 Inflicts 10y knockback; KOs user Self Circle 2y Instant
293334 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 8y+ 4s
Bertha2, Black Sarcophagus1, Bomb3, Firesphere4, Snare2
284651 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y 6s
286582 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self Circle 10y* 9s
Aiatar2, Ichorous Drip1
Burst Flare
29757 Animation for Burst Flare#29758 Self None Single 5s
29758 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 10y knockback Self Unavoidable 60y 5s
1051 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 3y+ Instant
Bomb Boulder
Butcher's Block
Butcher's Block 47 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage with increased enmity; deals greater damage if comboed from Skull Sunder#35 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Alka Zolka the Doer, Alka Zolka the Slayer, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Bloody Executioner Deckhand, Broenbhar Rocksplitter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Charmed Gromet, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, Curious Gorge, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Patience of the Alacran, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Caber Toss
1212 Inflicts instant death Hostile 3y None Single Instant
11071 Summons Cacophony Self None Single Instant/6s
13402 Summons Cacophony; requires Lightning Charge Lightning Charge Self None Single Instant/6s
Chimera1, Dhorme Chimera1/2
1079 Inflicts 30s Disease Disease* Hostile 25y None Single 3s*/25s
1906 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 30y Circle 2y Instant/10s
Territorial Wamouracampa
4401 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
27402 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Cone 12y+ 120° Instant/24s
Alpha Dryad1, Ancient Oak1, Angered Elm1, Decaying Treant1, Diseased Treant1, Dryad1, Gnarled Treant1, Great Oak1, Old-growth Treant1, Rotting Sentinel1, Sylphlands Sentinel1, Territorial Treant1, Treant1, Wulgaru2
Cap Bump
977 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Divan Mold, Eftstool, Faerie Funguar, Forest Funguar, Malevolent Fungus, Parasite Funguar, Prisoner's Delight, Stumbling Funguar, Territorial Fungus
5951 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s/6s
285472 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 100y None Single 5s
Giant Captive1, Giant Logger1, Giant Ripper1, Klythios1, Kottos2, Second Eye1
2660 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Paralysis Paralysis Self 3y Circle 20y+ 3s*/30s
Caudal Swipe
935 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 3s Stun Stun*, and 10y knockback Self Rearward cone 6y+ 90° 2s/1s
Temple Croc
Caustic Spray
2667 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Hostile 6y None Single 1s/6s
Caustic Vomit
1490 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 50y None Single 1s
Zu Cockerel
1026 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 15s Frostbite Frostbite* Self Line 48x20y+ 4s
404 Grants 30s Haste Haste Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
2nd Cohort Hoplomachus, 2nd Cohort Secutor, 3rd Cohort Decurion, 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus, 3rd Cohort Secutor, 4th Cohort Hoplomachus, 4th Cohort Secutor, 4th Cohort Triarius, 5th Cohort Evocatus, 5th Cohort Hoplomachus, 5th Cohort Secutor, 7th Cohort Optio, 8th Cohort Centurion, Aulus rem Vulso, Imperial Frumentarius, Imperial Hoplomachus, Imperial Secutor, Imperial Tesserarius
Cermet Drill
5261 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 6x5y+ 2.5s/6s
14342 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 6x5y+ Instant/12s
287853 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 5y None Single 5s
2nd Cohort Vanguard1, 3rd Cohort Vanguard1, 4th Cohort Vanguard1, 5th Cohort Vanguard1, Abandoned Vanguard1, Magitek Vanguard1/2, Magitek Vanguard F-12/3, Magitek Vanguard H-11/2, Magitek Vanguard H-21, Magitek Vanguard H-31, Salvaged Vanguard F-11
Ceruleum Pillar
953 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 4y Instant/5s
Ceruleum Spring
Ceruleum Vent
11791 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y+ Instant
15042 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y+ Instant
284743 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 50y 5s
Mark II Magitek Colossus3, The Ultima Weapon1/2
Chain Lightning
12251 Invokes Chain Lightning#1315 or #1449 Self 3y None Single 1.5s
13152 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
14493 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
ADS1/2, Defense Node1/2/3
Chain of the Abyss
28879 Inflicts Bind Bind and draw-in Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
14601 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 10y 90° 3s
Chaos Breath
751 Inflicts 70% max HP Fractional Fractional damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 120° Instant
Bone Dragon
Chaos Thrust
Chaos Thrust 88 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; inflicts greater damage from rear; inflicts greater damage and 24s Chaos Thrust Chaos Thrust if comboed from Disembowel#87[note 5] Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293062 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297723 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; requires Life Surge Life Surge Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Militia Spear1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Lancer2/3, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Chaotic Chorus
1108 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis*; KOs user Self Circle 6y Instant/6s
Chaotic Eye
352 Gaze inflicts 30s Physical Damage Down Physical Damage Down* if facing user Self 3y Cone 6y+ 60° 2s/6s
Bastet, Deep Jungle Coeurl
29291 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 20y None Single Instant/15s
Eager Marauder, Scion Marauder, Storm Marauder
Charged Whisker
3511 Inflicts 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Circle 3y+ 3s/6s
26822 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s/30s
Chopper1, Coeurl1, Dark Matter Coeurl1, Deep Jungle Coeurl1, Golden Coeurl1, The Growler1, Jungle Coeurl1, Lone Coeurl1, Maahes2, Sekhmet1, Territorial Young Coeurl1, Young Coeurl1
7721 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 3y Circle 8y 4s
17512 Inflicts 90% current HP Fractional Fractional damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
17523 Inflicts 90% current HP Fractional Fractional damage Area 100y Circle 6y Instant
26564 Inflicts 90% max HP Fractional Fractional damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 4s/18s
Behemoth1, Forneus4, King Behemoth2/3
Chi 2261 Grants 6s Chi Mudra Mudra Self None Single Instant/20s
2 charges
Chi, Gekkai the Blind, Imperial Darkshadow, Imperial Nightshadow, Imperial Shadow, Jin, Karasu Redbeak, Oboro Moonrise, Ten, Tsubame Sunrise
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Chirp
6365 Inflicts 15s Sleep Sleep*^ Self 20y Circle 20y+ 2.5s/20s
Palace Skatene
Choco Beak
Choco Beak 823 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 18s Choco Beak Choco Beak Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Choco Blast
Choco Blast 821 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant
Choco Cure
Choco Cure 827 Restores HP Party 30y None Single 1.5s*
Choco Drop
Choco Drop 820 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage with increased enmity Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Choco Guard
Choco Guard 818 Grants 15s Vulnerability Down Vulnerability Down Self 3y None Single Instant
Choco Kick
Choco Kick 819 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 12s Slow Slow* Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Choco Medica
Choco Medica 825 Restores HP Self Circle 10y 1.5s*
Choco Regen
Choco Regen 828 Grants 18s Choco Regen Choco Regen Party 30y None Single 1.5s*
Choco Rush
Choco Rush 822 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 5s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Choco Slash
Choco Slash 824 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Choco Strike
Choco Strike 817 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage with increased enmity Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant
Choco Surge
Choco Surge 826 Grants 30s Choco Surge Choco Surge Self 3y None Single 1.5s
Circle of Scorn
Circle of Scorn 23 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Circle of Scorn Circle of Scorn* Self Circle 5y Instant/30s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Citadel Buster
29020 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 40x12y 5s
The Ultima Weapon
1002 Inflicts 30s Infirmity Infirmity Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/6s
2662 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/9s
Ghede Ti Malice
1205 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self Leftward cone 10y+ 120° Instant/1s
1206 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self Rightward cone 10y+ 120° Instant/1s
29185 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self Leftward cone 10y 120° Instant
29186 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self Rightward cone 10y 120° Instant
Proto Ultima Arm Unit
1493 Grants Hover Hover Self None Single Instant
760 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
Cold Caress
4881 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/30s
286422 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Lady's Handmaiden2, Manor Maidservant1, Milburh the Malicious1, Mormo1
Cold Gaze
498 Gaze inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* if facing user Self Cone 6y+ 90° 4s/30s
Desert Peiste, Fellbite Peiste, Rockskin Peiste, Sandskin Peiste, Softskin Peiste, Wyrmhound
Cold Mist
869 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage and 5s Silence Silence* Self Circle 8y+ 3.5s
Cold Stare
2826 Inflicts 15s Paralysis Paralysis Self 40y Cone 40y+ 90° 3s/36s
10171 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 90° Instant/8s
11362 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
34513 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 90° 3s/14s
Horde Wyvern3, Koshchei1, Naul2, Territorial Wyvern2, Wyvern2
Colossal Slam
6921 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 4s/6s
285462 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 100y Cone 30y 60° 4s
287633 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 40y 60° 4s
Aegaeon of the Bone1, Gyges the Great1/3, Kottos2
35098 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/5s
35099 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Come at Me Kupo
16161 Inflicts 12s Thrown for a Loop Thrown for a Loop* Self Unavoidable + Instant
16302 Inflicts 12s Thrown for a Loop Thrown for a Loop* Self Unavoidable + Instant
Good King Moggle Mog XII2, Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop1
768 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 8y Circle 4y Instant
Coming Storm
423 Grants 30s Haste Haste Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
Gozol Itzcan the Hatchet, Ixali Boldwing, Ixali Bolecleaver, Ixali Boundwing, Ixali Fleetbeak, Ixali Frostbeak, Ixali Frostwing, Ixali Lightwing, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサルリムカッター), Ixali Lostwing, Ixali Slowbeak, Ixali Stillbeak, Ixali Straightbeak, Ixali Swiftbeak, Natalan Boldwing, Natalan Swiftbeak, Sateli Hueloc of the Southwind, Sotoli Hueloc of the East Wind
9121 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
11002 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10y knockback Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/12s
17703 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20y knockback Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/30s
26554 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20y knockback Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/18s
Altered Wailer1, Amanuensis2, Buso1, Forneus4, Gore Demon1, Greater Demon3, Planebreaker1, Void Soulcounter1, Void Trumpeter1
Consolation 16547 Restores HP and grants 30s Consolation Consolation Self Unavoidable 30y+ Instant
Contagion 795 Inflicts 15s Magic Vulnerability Up Magic Vulnerability Up* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/60s
Emerald Carbuncle, Garuda-Egi, Ruby Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle
Convalescence 121 Grants 20s Convalescence Convalescence Self None Single Instant/120s
Convalescence 75322 Grants 20s Convalescence Convalescence Self None Single Instant/120s
5th Cohort Hoplomachus1, Alderique the Unyielding1, Alimahus2, Auelin2, Awayuki2, B'bhen Tia2, Baien2, Begter2, Callous Steed2, Careless Whisper2, Ceaulie2, Cecily2, Chrysabel2, Cilia2, Crilde2, D'fhul Tia2, Death's Embrace Executioner1, Delboisse2, Dolfin2, Drillemont the Honest1, E'ptolmi2, Elchi2, Ellice2, Fearless Fawn2, Gnawing Goat2, Gota'a Panipahr2, Hastaloeya2, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller1, Hroch2, Huebald2, Inghilswys2, J'ludaba2, Jolaine2, Kehda'to Moui2, Kelmomo2, Khorchi2, Koenbryda2, Kumokiri2, Labonrit2, Liliba2, Meuliaire2, Morel2, Mujen Polajen2, Mumutano2, Nanasomi2, Nunulupa Tatalupa2, Oah Nelhah2, Pagneul2, Raelthota2, Raging Ox2, Raiden (ライデン)2, Rhylharr2, Rivienne2, Saiun2, Samga2, Sasashu2, Seserikku2, Sofine2, Teulzacq2, Tewawa2, Toragana2, Totodi2, V'nbolo2, Yehn Amariyo2, Ziuz'a Jakkya2
Corrosive Gale
2765 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Self 40y Line 40x5y+ 1s/36s
Zona Seeker
Corrosive Spit
6335 Inflicts 20s Physical Vulnerability Up Physical Vulnerability Up* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 60° Instant/20s
Palace Yarzon
Corrupted Tail
6191 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 30s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
17712 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 30s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/36s
Barbatos1, Lesser Gargoyle1, Vassago2
Corrupting Burst
1500 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8 stacks) Hostile 50y Circle 6y Instant
Corrupted Crystal
Corrupting Spit
1499 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Corrupted Crystal Corrupted Crystal (max 3 stacks) Area 30y Circle 6y 1s/20s
Zombie War Hound
Corrupting Shot
1498 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Corrupted Crystal Corrupted Crystal (max 3 stacks) Self Line 30x3y+ 2.2s/25s
Symond the Unsinkable
Cosmic Shrapnel
769 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 8y Circle 8y Instant
28867 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10y knockback Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Counter Maneuvers
2703 Grants Repelling Spray Repelling Spray and Stoneskin (Physical) Stoneskin (Physical) Self 3y None Single 5s
2704 Grants Repelling Spray Repelling Spray and Stoneskin (Magical) Stoneskin (Magical) Self 3y None Single 5s
Crab Dribble
5691 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
27132 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage, 20s Bind Bind*, and 10y knockback Self 6y Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 3s/15s
Cancer1, Nahn2
13201 Inflicts 400,000 Fixed Fixed damage and 15y knockback Self Line 18x6y+ Instant
Ceruleum Engine
Creeping Darkness
927 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 50y+ 2.5s/30s
Crepuscule Blade
762 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 20y knockback Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° 3s*/24s
Crimson Cyclone
4571 Repostions and inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 38x12y+ 3s
Crimson Cyclone 7972 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
15253 Repostions and inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 38x12y+ 3s
15324 Repostions and inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 44x18y+ 3s
Emerald Carbuncle2, Ifrit1/4, Ifrit-Egi2, Ruby Carbuncle2, Topaz Carbuncle2, Ultima Ifrit3
Crimson Rush
35037 Animation for Crimson Rush#35038 and actions #35039/#35926, and repositions Area 100y None Single 3.5s
35038 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Line Up to 100x20y+ 4.5s
Infernal Shadow
Crimson Streak
35056 Animation for Crimson Streak#35060/35903 and action #35061, repositions, and invokes Crimson Streak#35057 Area 100y None Single 9s
35057 Repositions and invokes Crimson Streak#35058 Area 100y None Single Instant
35058 Repositions and invokes Crimson Streak#35059 Area 100y None Single Instant
35059 Repositions Area 100y None Single Instant
35060 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Line Up to 100x20y+ 9.7s
35903 Inflicts 45% max HP Fractional Fractional damage and Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Line Up to 100x20y+ 9.6s
Infernal Shadow
Crushing Fangs
936 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Baritine Croc, Feral Croc, Gavial, Sebek, Snapjaw, Territorial Baritine Croc, Territorial Feral Croc
Crystalline Shot
1501 Animation for Crystalline Shower#1542 Self 30y None Single 2.5s
Symond the Unsinkable
Crystalline Shower
1542 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and creates expanding 30s Corrupted Crystal Corrupted Crystal pool (max 3 stacks) Area 50y Circle 9y 3.5s
Corrupted Crystal
Cure 1201 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 1.5s*/2.5s
10092 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 2s*/2.5s
58193 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 2s/2.5s
291784 Restores HP Party 30y None Single 1.5s
293175 Restores HP Ally 40y None Single 2s*/2.5s
1st Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Optio1, 8th Cohort Medicus1/4, 13th Order Scholar1, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, 426th Order Bedesman1, A-Ruhn-Senna1, A-Towa-Cant1, Ala Mhigan Shaman1, Alderique the Unyielding1, Aldis Sword of Nald1, Alka Zolka the Doer1, Alka Zolka the Slayer1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Amateur Raider1, Ascian Conjurer1, Barber Hirskskrat1, Beggar Sozu1, Bezul Huizan the Screamer1, Bloody Executioner Leech1, Blue Bavarois1, Brayflox Alltalks2, Brother Joacin1, Brother Nolanel1, Bruce the Big1, Chuchuto Brightstar1, Cocobani the Cold1, Coeurlclaw Healer1, Crazed Sprite1, Cultured Conjurer1, Diluxio's Toady1, Drowned Diviner1, Eager Conjurer5, Elite Bedesman1, Flame Conjurer1, Flame Gladiator1, Flame Sergeant1, Flame Thaumaturge1, Foulques of the Mist1, Fufulupa the Unbending1, Furious Sigh1, Galfrid the Gallant1, Geissfryn Eveningcalm1, Gigas Sozu1, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士)1, Gossamer1, Gotwin Halehex1, Grinning Cur Cutter1, Guild Conjurer3, Gundobald the Resolute1, Handsome Stranger1, Healer of the Drake1, Hedge Knight1, Hourlinet the Devout1, House Durendaire Knight1, Imperial Decurion1, Ixali Fearcaller1, Ixali Fogcaller1, Ixali Frostcaller1, Ixali Sincaller1, Ixali Skycaller1, Ixali Soilseer1, Jenlyns Straightblade1, Jolly Merchant Barber1, Kindness of the Alacran1, Kobold Bedesman1, Kobold Gurneyman1, Kobold Sidesman1, Kozol Nomotl the Turbulent1, Kuplu Kopo1, Lawless Spellweaver1, Legless Laurentius1, Leih Aliapoh1, Little Solace Sylph1, Lotoli Ahuatan the Glider1, Mamool Ja Mercenary1, Masterless Thrall1, Miraudont the Madder1, Moondrip Blastmaster1, Mylla Swordsong1, Natalan Fogcaller1, Nezul Cattlan the Violator1, Novice Gladiator1, Owyne1, Papalymo1, Papashan1, Phurble1, Phurbleweed1, Pulxio of the Short Gale1, Raya-O-Senna1, Redbelly Chanter1, Redbelly Gutter1, Ryssfloh1, Sahagin Skirmisher1, Sahagin Waverider1, Sapsa Shelftooth1, Scion Conjurer5, Security Mammet1, Serpent Conjurer1, Serpent Gladiator1, Sethuli Hueloc of the West Wind1, Shallowscale Reaver1, Shoaltooth Sahagin1, Short-tempered Thaumaturge1, Silent Lackey1, Silvairre the Virtuous1, Sister Wulfiue1, Solkwyb the Enlightened1, Solkzagyl the Loyal1, Stalwart Swordsman1, Storm Conjurer1, Storm Marauder1, Storm Private C'nangho Enah1, Sultansworn Elite1, Sultansworn Squire1, Surftooth Sahagin1, Sylpheed Sigh1, Sylpheed Wail1, Sylphie Sweetwind1, Sylvan Sigh1, Sylvan Sough1, Temple Chirurgeon1, Territorial Phurble1, Thancred1, Tipsy Sylph1, Tonberry Hexer1, Trenchtooth Sahagin1, U'Ghamaro Bedesman1, Urianger1, Veteran Gladiator1, Violet Sigh1, Water Sprite1, Wind Sprite1, Wineport Militia Captain1, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yarr the Wavefiend1, Yellowjacket1, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere1
Cure II
Cure II 1351 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 2s*/2.5s
293182 Restores HP Ally 40y None Single 2s*/2.5s
5th Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Optio1, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, A-Ruhn-Senna1, A-Towa-Cant1, Alimahus1, Ascian Conjurer1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Barber Hirskskrat1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Healer1, Crazed Sprite1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hourlinet the Devout1, House Durendaire Knight1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Fogcaller1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Kindness of the Alacran1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raya-O-Senna1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Conjurer2, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Solkwyb the Enlightened1, Temple Chirurgeon1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Wineport Militia Captain1, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yehn Amariyo1, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Curl 635 Grants 20s Curl Curl Self None Single Instant/120s
Amber Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle
585 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 300 MP damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Bloated Bogy, Bogy, Corrupted Nymian Curate, Dune Bogy, Forsaken Soul, Soulless Chrisom, Territorial Bogy, Touch of Shadow, Wandering Bogy, Wicked Soul
Cursed Gaze
512 Gaze inflicts 30s Amnesia Amnesia* if facing user Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/30s
All-seeing Eye
Cursed Sphere
1912 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 30y Circle 3y Instant/10s
Monarch Ogrefly
1556 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 30s Thermal Low Thermal Low (max 3) Hostile 50y None Single Instant
Spiny Plume


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Danse Macabre
1612 Revives Self Circle 8y+ 11s
Manor Jester[note 6]
Dark Blizzard III
13041 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 5s Bind Bind* Area 25y Circle 5y 2.5s*
14402 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 1.5s*/8s
63623 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Area 40y Circle 5y 3s*/12s
5th Cohort Signifer1, 8th Cohort Signifer2, Charmed Lodesman1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Palace Marolith3
Dark Dome
9981 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y Circle 4y Instant
26532 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Poison Poison* Area 100y Circle 6y 2.5s/18s
Buso1, Forneus2
Dark Fire III
13051 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 5y 2.5s*
14412 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns* Area 25y Circle 5y 2.5s*/15s
16793 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns*, and creates Burns Burns pool Area 60y Circle 5y 3.5s*
16854 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns* Area 25y Circle 5y Instant/8s
1st Cohort Signifer1, 8th Cohort Signifer1/2, Hecatoncheir Mastermind3, Kindling Sprite4
Dark Meltdown
29343 Invokes action #29780 → Dark Meltdown#29565 Self None Single 2.5s
29565 Inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Dark Mist
7051 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Terror Terror Self Circle 8y+ 4s/40s
17162 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Terror Terror Self Circle 8y+ 3s/25s
17243 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Terror Terror Self Circle 8y+ 3s/30s
18334 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Terror Terror Self 8y Circle 8y+ 4s*/40s
286465 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 5s Terror Terror Self Circle 9y+ 4s
297766 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 5s Terror Terror Self Circle 8y+ 4s*/40s
Dira4, Halicarnassus2, Lady Amandine1/3/5, Manor Claviger (夫人付きクラヴィジャー)1, Manor Claviger (御用邸のクラヴィジャー)1, Manor Maidservant1/6, Milburh the Malicious1, Nemesis4
Dark Orb
9111 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
13742 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
26523 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant/18s
Altered Wailer1, Buso1, Forneus3, Gore Demon1, Greater Demon1, Lahabrea2, Planebreaker1, Soul Collector1, Void Soulcounter1, Void Trumpeter1
Dark Thorn
745 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 6y Instant
Bone Dragon
Dark Thunder
29328 Animation for Dark Thunder#29329 Self None Single 4s
29329 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and creates Sea of Pitch#29330 pool Self Circle 1y 4s
Dark Wave
736 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant
Bone Dragon
9281 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/10s
18752 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 1s*/10s
Adjudicator1, Avoirdupois1, Coral Sahagin1, Flame Sergeant Dalvag2, Qarn Facer1, Sun Juror1
Darksteel Reins
779 Inflicts 10s Heavy Heavy* and draw-in Self Unavoidable 35y+ 2s
Deadly Hold
2814 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/24s
The Garlok
Deadly Thrust
3291 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
3302 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
7023 Creates Pollen Pollen pool Self Unavoidable 60y 2s/20s
26684 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 6y None Single 1s/36s
26695 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 30s Poison Poison* None Single Hostile 6y 1s/36s
Banemite2, Banemite Straggler2, Diremite1, Domesticated Banemite2, Dwarf Diremite, Girtab4/5, Graffias3, Heavy Banemite2, Leafbleed Mite1, Territorial Banemite2, Territorial Diremite1, Thavnairian Mite1, Vale Diremite1
Death Blossom
Death Blossom 22541 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
31572 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y+ 2.5s/15s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chi2, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gekkai the Blind2, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Darkshadow2, Imperial Nightshadow2, Imperial Shadow2, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jin2, Jolaine1, Karasu Redbeak2, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Oboro Moonrise2, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Ten2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Death Grip
610 Repostions and inflicts seized Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Iron Claws
Death Ray
26581 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single 4s/18s
146022 Animation for Death Ray#14603 and invokes Death Ray#14604 Self 100y None Single 4s
146033 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 100y Line 40x2y* 4s
146044 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 100y Line 40x22y Instant
Iseultalon2-4[note 7], Melt1
Death Scythe
1707 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Self Circle 4y+ Instant
Abyssal Scythe
Death Sentence
1241 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
1242 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Infirmity Infirmity Hostile 100y None Single Instant
1458 Invokes Death Sentence#1241 or 1242 Hostile 100y None Single 2s/30s
Death Throes
1539 Inflicts Death Throes Death Throes^ Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Zombie Storm Sergeant
Death's Door
1260 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 20y Line 20x2y+ 2s
Deathly Cadenza
1487 Inflicts Magic Magic damage amd 18s Siren Song Siren Song^ Self Donut 4-50y 3s*
Deathly Verse
1483 Inflicts Magic Magic damage amd 18s Siren Song Siren Song^ Hostile 50y None Single 1s*/30s
18861 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/30s
63962 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Circle 3y+ 2.5s/3s
Mimic2, Sombre Mimic1
Defensive Maneuvers
607 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Self 3y None Single 3s/6s
Magitek Death Claw
Defiance 48 Grants Defiance Defiance Self None Single Instant/2s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Broenbhar Rocksplitter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, Curious Gorge, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Delta Trance
1145 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; 5 hits Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Livia sas Junius
Demolish 66 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 18s Demolish Demolish*, and grants self 30s Opo-opo Form Opo-opo Form; deals greater damage if executed from target's rear; requires Coeurl Form Coeurl Form Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Chuchuto Brightstar, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
1760 KOs target and summons Altered Wailer Hostile 100y None Single 4s
Manor Claviger (御用邸のクラヴィジャー)
6221 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 12x8y+ 4s/6s
9582 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 55x6y+ 2.3s/1s
17743 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 55y Line 55x6y+ 3s
24094 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 55x6y+ 2.3s/6s
Alpha Gargoyle1, Balidet1, Barbatos1, Batraal2, Dire Gargoyle4, Hollow Gargoyle1, Manor Sentry (御用邸の石像)1, Territorial Gargoyle1, Vassago3
839 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self Circle 3y Instant
Bomb (爆弾)
1275 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ Instant
Magitek Loader
1007 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 6y+ 5s/30s
Advanced Smart Bomb, Alpha Bomb, Alpha Grenade, Balloon, Big Shrapnel, Bomb (ボム), Bomb Baron, Bomb Queen, Breeding Bomb, Bright Balloon, Ceruleum Bomb, Dazzling Bomb, Glide Bomb, Glowing Bomb, Grenade, Hot Grenade, Limpet Bomb, Mark II Limpet Bomb, Napalm, Red Balloon, Shrapnel (シュラプネル), Smart Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Territorial Bomb, Torchlight, Void Flame, Void Mine, Warm Grenade
6284 Inflicts 70% max HP Fractional Fractional damage Self Circle 12y Instant
490 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
Amalj'aa Archer, Amalj'aa Brigand, Amalj'aa Bruiser, Amalj'aa Divinator, Amalj'aa Flame-eater, Amalj'aa Flamekeeper, Amalj'aa Hunter, Amalj'aa Porter, Amalj'aa Pugilist, Amalj'aa Ranger, Amalj'aa Ravager, Amalj'aa Scavenger, Amalj'aa Seer, Amalj'aa Shaman, Amalj'aa Sniper, Amalj'aa Striker, Amalj'aa Thaumaturge, Blackbile Maladd Chah, Blackstake Rodegg Chah, Blazehorn Monabb Chah, Cindersoot Pegujj Chah, Diamondjaw Nezedd Gah, Flamecrest Affaj Koh, Flamefang Archer, Flamefang Commander, Flamefang Elite, Flamefang Pugilist, Nayokk Roh, Stonespike Tanadd Gah, Whitespark Hepugg Roh, Zahar'ak Archer, Zahar'ak Fortune-teller, Zahar'ak Hatchling, Zahar'ak Pugilist, Zahar'ak Stalwart, Zahar'ak Thaumaturge, Zanr'ak Archer, Zanr'ak Pugilist, Zanr'ak Thaumaturge
Devil Eye
2823 Inflicts 5,000 Fixed Fixed damage Self 22y Circle 22y+ 3.5s*/34s
Devotion 7450 Grants 15s Devotion Devotion Self Circle 15y+ Instant
Emerald Carbuncle, Garuda-Egi, Ifrit-Egi, Ruby Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle, Titan-Egi
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Devour
14541 Inflicts instant death, removes Steel Scales Steel Scales from self, restores HP to self equal to 1000% target's remaining HP Party 6y None Single Instant
69062 Inflicts 100% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; requires Toad Toad on target Hostile 6y None Single Instant
Caduceus1, Palace Cobra2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Diamondback
3457 Grants 5s Invincibility Invincibility Self None Single 2.5s/34s
Horde Armored Dragon
Diffractive Laser
1175 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 120° Instant
1506 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 120° Instant
The Ultima Weapon
7241 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
63432 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant/15s
Alpha Slime1, Corrupted Slime1, Green Laver1, Palace Slime2, Purple Laver1, Rotten Jam1, Septic Slime1, Sewer Syrup1, Slipsand1, Territorial Slime1, Yellow Laver1
Dirty Cannons
1378 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 4y+ 1s/40s
Patrol Node
145611 Invokes Iron Kiss#14562 Self None Single Instant
287872 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 8y* 7s
287903 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 8y 4s
287944 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 8y 7.2s
Goblin Mercenary1, Livia sas Junius2/3/4
Disembowel 871 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage and grants self 30s Power Surge Power Surge if comboed from True Thrust#75[note 8] Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293082 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297743 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; requires Lance Charge Lance Charge Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Eques1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Militia Spear1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Lancer2/3, Serpent Lancer2/3, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
1708 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 5s Silence Silence* Self Line 35x8y+ 4s
Abyssal Guillotine
12121 Inflicts 40s Disseminate Disseminate Self Circle 6y+ Instant
27392 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Self 3y Circle 6y+ 3s/20s
Hygieia1, Laideronnette2
27761 Inflicts 12,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/42s
64262 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/3s
Lampalagua1, Ningishzida2
1247 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 30y knockback Self Line 30x11y+ 1s
1456 Marks target of Divebomb#1247 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Diversion 7545 Grants 30s Diversion Diversion Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
16661 Summons Corrupted Petite Pudding Self None Single 4s
284632 Summons Ichorous Drip Self None Single 3s
Corrupted Pudding1, Ichorous Ire2
Divine Seal
Divine Seal 138 Grants 15s Divine Seal Divine Seal Self None Single Instant/60s
A-Ruhn-Senna, A-Towa-Cant, Raya-O-Senna
35092 Repositions and avoids damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
35093 Repositions and avoids damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
35094 Repositions and avoids damage Area 30y None Single Instant
35095 Repositions and avoids damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
35096 Repositions and avoids damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
35895 Repositions and avoids damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Doom Spike
Doom Spike 86 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 10y Line 10x4y+ Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Eques, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Militia Spear, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
29338 Grants Double Double Self None Single 4s
Double Smash
6181 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
10122 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s*/6s
11253 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
24154 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 3.5s/6s
Alpha Hapalit1, Elder Hapalit1, Foul River Hapalit1, Gargamelle1, Hapalit1, Headrip Ogre1, Manipulated Ogre1, Manor Warden1, Muttonmaw Ogre1, Porus1, Redhorn Ogre1, Skadi1, Slipjaw Ogre4, Spinesnap Ogre1, Tangata2, Taulurd3, Void Slave1, Wrathful Ogre1
2699 Inflicts 4,000 Fixed Fixed damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s/30s
2700 Inflicts 6,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Area 100y Circle 8y Instant/30s
Downburst 6391 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y Instant
6572 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
13803 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
15534 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
Chirada3/4, Emerald Carbuncle1, Garuda2/3, Suparna3
Dragon Breath
5591 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 45s Poison +1 Poison +1* Self Line 30x8y+ 2.3s/20s
28342 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 120s Poison Poison* (max 8 stacks) Self 30y Line 30x8y+ Instant/30s
34613 Inflicts Breath Breath damage Self Line 30x8y+ 3s/22s
286604 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self 50y Line 30x8y 3s
296185 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self 50y Line 30x8y 3s
Aiatar1/4/5, Horde Dragon3, Safat2
Dragon Kick
Dragon Kick 74 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Raptor Form Raptor Form; grants self 30s Leaden Fist Leaden Fist under Opo-opo Form Opo-opo Form Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Hamon Holyfist
Dragon's Blood
1162 Transforms into Guillaime Self None Single 4s
Inquisitor Guillaime
The Dragon's Breath
4461 Inflicts BreathLightning Lightning breath damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° 3s/6s
11032 Inflicts BreathLightning Lightning breath damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 45° leftward cone 6y+ 120° 2s/6s
13373 Inflicts BreathLightning Lightning breath damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis*; requires Lightning Charge Lightning Charge Self 45° leftward cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
Alpha Chimera2, Chimera2, Dhorme Chimera2/3, Gorgimera2, Svara1
The Dragon's Curse
1319 Grants 15s Vengeance Vengeance; KOs user Ally 25y None Single Instant
1320 Grants 30s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up; KOs user Ally 25y None Single Instant
1321 Grants 20s Critical Strikes Critical Strikes; KOs user Ally 25y None Single Instant
Dragon's Eye
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. The Dragon's Voice
11051 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 10s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Donut 12-30y 4.5s*/12s
13382 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis*; requires Lightning Charge Lightning Charge Self Donut 8-30y 2s*/12s
14423 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 10s Paralysis Paralysis* Donut 8-30y Self 4.5s*/12s
Chimera3, Dhorme Chimera1/2, Gorgimera1
3380 Inflicts 52,298 Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 10y Instant
Drain Touch
988 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant 25s
Galvanth the Dominator
Dread Gaze
5131 Gaze inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* if facing user Self Cone 6y+ 90° 3s/30s
297092 Gaze inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* if facing user Self Cone 6y+ 90° 3s
Ahriman1, Akoman1, All-seeing Eye1, Alpha Ahriman1, Arimaspi1, Balor1, Balor's Bell1, Bloodshot Eye1, Fachan1, Fernehawles1, Floating Eye1, Manipulated Eye1, Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛)1/2, Milky Eye1, Smolenkos1, Spotter1, Territorial Ahriman1, Territorial Floating Eye1
2698 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self 10y Cone 10y+ 90° Instant/30s
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Drill Cannons
5251 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 30x5y+ 2s/6s
14331 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 30x5y+ 2.5s/20s
Abandoned Vanguard1, Magitek Vanguard1/2, Magitek Vanguard F-12, Magitek Vanguard H-11/2, Magitek Vanguard H-22
Drill Shot
1141 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
28874 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 30x5y 3s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Dripping Fang
4091 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27332 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 6y None Single Instant/20s
Alpha Cobra1, Coliseum Python1, Laideronnette2, Lake Cobra1, Silvertear Cobra1, Territorial Cobra1
Drunken Fists
861 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Spenser of the Bottomless Cup
290511 Invokes Ductus#29052 Self None Single 3s
290522 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 5s
Gaius van Baelsar1/2, Phantom Gaius1
Dull Blade
28886 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Imperial Pilus Prior
Dust Explosion
1692 Inflicts 2,000 Fixed Fixed damage Area 60y Circle 15y Instant
Crystallized Rock


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
5311 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 10y+ Instant
18352 Devours Crystallized Rock 1835 Circle 6y+ Instant
Abyss Worm2, Giant Tunnel Worm1
Earthen Armor
Earthen Armor 16520 Grants 30s Stone Wall Stone Wall Party 30y None Single Instant
Emerald Carbuncle, Ruby Carbuncle, Titan-Egi, Topaz Carbuncle
Earthen Eternity
29435 Unknown[note 9] Self Unavoidable 35y 33s
The Ultima Weapon
Earthen Fury
6521 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage; deals greater damage if Titan's Heart is not destroyed Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
Earthen Fury 7912 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage, grants self 15s Razed Earth Razed Earth, and creates damage over time pool Self Circle 5y Instant
11873 Animation for Earthen Fury#1408 Self 3y None Single 5s
13324 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and creates 10s Sludge Sludge* pool Self Circle 5y 6s/3s
13665 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage; deals greater damage if Titan's Heart is not destroyed Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
14086 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable 100y 6s
14737 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage; deals greater damage if Titan's Heart is not destroyed Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
Summon Titan 258508 Inflicts splashing MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 5y+ Instant
Summon Titan II 258539 Inflicts splashing MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 35y Circle 5y+ Instant
2897710 Animation for Earthen Fury#28998 Self None Single 5s
2899811 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable 100y 5s
Carbuncle8, Emerald Carbuncle2/8, Garuda-Egi8, Ifrit-Egi8, Ruby Carbuncle2/8, Titan1/5/7, Titan-Egi2/4/8, Topaz Carbuncle2/8, Topaz Titan9, Ultima Titan6/11, The Ultima Weapon3/10
Earthen Heart
16831 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and creates Burns Burns pool Area 25y Circle 6y 2.5s*/7s
26502 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns* Area 50y Circle 6y 2.5s*/20s
Alpha Spriggolem2, Gogmagolem1
Earthen Ward
Earthen Ward 789 Grants 20s Earthen Ward Earthen Ward Self None Single Instant/120s
Emerald Carbuncle, Ruby Carbuncle, Titan-Egi, Topaz Carbuncle
2794 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self 10y Circle 10y+ Instant/24s
Ecliptic Meteor
776 Inflicts Fixed Fixed damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
1756 Inflicts 9,999 Fixed Fixed damage if not behind cover Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ 10s
Behemoth1, King Behemoth2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Eerie Soundwave
2763 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Infirmity Infirmity Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ 3.5s*/34s
Zona Seeker
979 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and creates Queer Bubble trap, inflicting Bind Bind, Dropsy Dropsy, Mana Modulation Mana Modulation, and Physical Damage Down Physical Damage Down on target while active Hostile 50y None Single Instant/6s
785 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 35y+ 3s
Elbow Drop
11241 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
24142 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 3.5s/6s
Slipjaw Ogre2, Taulurd1
Electric Velitation
7381 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Area 40y Circle 5y 3s/6s
34642 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Area 40y Circle 5y 3s/20s
Archaeoaevis1, Downy Aevis1, Dragon Aevis1, Frost Aevis1, Grand Aevis1, Guillaime1, Horde Aevis2, Red Aevis1, Territorial Aevis1, Thrustaevis1
9951 Inflicts BreathLightning Lightning breath damage Area 120y Circle 6y 3.5s
26892 Inflicts BreathLightning Lightning breath damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s/18s
34673 Inflicts BreathLightning Lightning breath damage Area 40y Circle 6y 3.5s/14s
Horde Biast3, Thunderclap Guivre1, Zanig'oh2
2138 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Area 50y Circle 6y+ 3s/16s
Fresh Whelk Ballista, Reinforced Whelk Ballista, Whelk Ballista
14609 Inflicts 728 Fixed Fixed damage; invokes Fatal Current#14610 if no PC is in target area Area 100y Circle 3y 10s
Iseultalon[note 7]
673 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and draw-in Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Clockwork Knight
Elemental Angst
1341 Inflicts 30% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; KOs user Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Embrace 8021 Restores HP Ally 40y None Single Instant/3s
Embrace 8062 Restores HP Ally 40y None Single Instant/3s
Carbuncle1, Emerald Carbuncle1, Eos1, Ruby Carbuncle1, Selene1/2, Topaz Carbuncle1
1325 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant
Emergency Override
1258 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage Self Unavoidable + Instant
Drive Cylinder
428 Grants 30s Enaero Enaero Party 25y None Single 1.5s*/30s
Ixali Deftalon, Ixali Dulltalon, Ixali Fencer, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサル・リムカッター)Ixali Scout, Ixali Skytalon, Ixali Swordfighter, Ixali Wildtalon, Ixali Windtalon, Natalan Windtalon, Sutali Hueloc of the North Wind
2822 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 100y Line Up to 100x8y+ Instant
End of Days
293311 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 60x8y 4s
297622 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Line 60x8y 4s
Lahabrea1, Phantom Lahabrea2
Energy Drain
Energy Drain 167 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP; requires and removes Aetherflow Aetherflow Hostile 25y None Single Instant/1s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Enfeebling Trap
6277 Inflicts 60s Enervation Enervation Hostile 30y None Single Instant
426 Grants 30s Enfire Enfire Party 25y None Single 1.5s*/30s
Alpha Grenade, Amalj'aa Archer, Amalj'aa Brigand, Amalj'aa Bruiser, Amalj'aa Drakelasher, Amalj'aa Halberdier (アマルジャ・ハープナー), Amalj'aa Halberdier (アマルジャ・ハルバルディア), Amalj'aa Hunter, Amalj'aa Impaler, Amalj'aa Javelinier, Amalj'aa Lancer, Amalj'aa Porter, Amalj'aa Pugilist, Amalj'aa Ranger, Amalj'aa Ravager, Amalj'aa Scavenger, Amalj'aa Seer, Amalj'aa Sniper, Amalj'aa Striker, Bomb Baron, Ceruleum Bomb, Diamondjaw Nezedd Gah, Flamefang Archer, Flamefang Commander, Flamefang Elite, Flamefang Lancer, Flamefang Pugilist, Flamefang Ravager, Glassjaw Nazagg Gah, Gore Horde Lancer, Grenade, Hot Grenade, Napalm, Nayokk Roh, Stonespike Tanadd Gah, Void Mine, Warm Grenade, Whitespark Hepugg Roh, Zahar'ak Archer, Zahar'ak Guard, Zahar'ak Hatchling, Zahar'ak Lancer, Zahar'ak Pugilist, Zahar'ak Stalwart, Zanr'ak Archer, Zanr'ak Gaolkeeper, Zanr'ak Lancer, Zanr'ak Pugilist
Engulfing Flames
3454 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage and 30s Burns Burns* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 1s/22s
Horde Shield Dragon
429 Grants 30s Enstone Enstone Party 25y None Single 1.5s*/30s
13th Order Quarryman, 13th Order Watchman, 59th Order Pickman Be Ze, 271st Order Watchman, 382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu, 426th Order Pickman Bu Ga, 426th Order Pitman, Elite Quarryman, Kobold Doorman, Kobold Dustman, Kobold Outlaw, Kobold Pickman, Kobold Pitman, Kobold Quarryman, U'Ghamaro Quarryman
430 Grants 30s Enthunder Enthunder Party 25y None Single 1.5s*/30s
Diluxio, Sylpheed Cackle, Sylpheed Screech, Sylvan Budnapper, Sylvan Scream, Sylvan Screech, Tempered Sylph, Tempered Sylvan Scream, Violet Screech, Void Soulcounter, Volxia of the Blade
431 Grants 30s Enwater Enwater Party 25y None Single 1.5s*/30s
Halfstone Shoalclaw, Halfstone Shoalscale, Lost Duchess Deckhand (海賊船の海魔兵), Sahagin Infiltrator, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サパー), Sahagin Skirmisher, Sahagin Spy, Sapsa Shelfclaw, Sapsa Shelfscale, Shelfclaw Chief, Shelfclaw Guard, Shelfclaw Sahagin, Shelfscale Chief, Shelfscale Guard, Shelfscale Sahagin, Shelfspine Guard, Shoalclaw Sahagin, Shoalscale Sahagin, Surfclaw Chief, Surfclaw Sahagin, Surfscale Sahagin, Voll's Fang, Worr the Whalefin
1170 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 15y None Single Instant
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Eruption
4551 Animation for Eruption#733 Self 31y None Single 2.2s
7332 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
13553 Animation for Eruption#1358 Self 31y None Single 2.2s
13584 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
14025 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
15246 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
16767 Animation for Eruption#1677 Self 31y None Single 2.2s
16778 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
16778 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
350789 Animation for Eruption#36052 and actions #36079/#35931 Area 100y Circle 8y 4s
3605210 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Circle 8y 4.2s
3625611 Animation for Eruption#36257/36258 Area 100y Circle 8y 6.5s
3625712 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Circle 8y* 6.7s
3625813 Area 100y Circle 8y 6.6s
3625914 Animation for Eruption#36260/36261 Area 100y Circle 8y 10.7s
3626015 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Circle 8y* 10.9s'
3626116 Area 100y Circle 8y 10.8s
3626217 Animation for Eruption#36263/36264 Area 100y Circle 8y 14.9s
3626318 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Circle 8y* 15.1s'
3626419 Area 100y Circle 8y 15s
Ifrit1-4/7/8, Infernal Shadow9-19, The Ultima Weapon5/6
Esuna 1261 Removes one enfeeblement Ally 30y None Single 1s*/2.5s
Esuna 75682 Removes one enfeeblement Ally 30y None Single 1s*/2.5s
250433 Removes one enfeeblement Ally 40y None Single 0.9s*/2s
Alimahus1/2, Auelin1/2, Awayuki1/2, B'bhen Tia1/2, Baien1/2, Begter1/2, Callous Steed1/2, Careless Whisper1/2, Ceaulie1/2, Cecily1/2, Chrysabel1/2, Cilia1/2, Crilde1/2, D'fhul Tia1/2, Delboisse1/2, Dolfin1/2, E'ptolmi1/2, Eager Conjurer3, Elchi1/2, Ellice1/2, Fearless Fawn1/2, Gnawing Goat1/2, Gota'a Panipahr1/2, Hastaloeya1/2, Hroch1/2, Huebald1/2, Inghilswys1/2, J'ludaba1/2, Jolaine1/2, Kehda'to Moui1/2, Kelmomo1/2, Khorchi1/2, Koenbryda1/2, Kumokiri1/2, Labonrit1/2, Liliba1/2, Meuliaire1/2, Morel1/2, Mujen Polajen1/2, Mumutano1/2, Nanasomi1/2, Nunulupa Tatalupa1/2, Oah Nelhah1/2, Pagneul1/2, Raelthota1/2, Raging Ox1/2, Raiden (ライデン)1/2, Rhylharr1/2, Rivienne1/2, Saiun1/2, Samga1/2, Sasashu1/2, Scion Conjurer3, Serpent Conjurer3, Seserikku1/2, Sofine1/2, Teulzacq1/2, Tewawa1/2, Toragana1/2, Totodi1/2, V'nbolo1/2, Yehn Amariyo1/2, Ziuz'a Jakkya1/2
Everlasting Flight
Everlasting Flight 16517 Restores HP and grants 21s Everlasting Flight Everlasting Flight Self Circle 15y+ Instant
Everyone's Grudge
9471 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; deals greater damage for each stack of Rancor Rancor on user; removes Rancor from self Hostile 50y None Single 3s
13272 Invokes Someone's Grudge#1328 Self None Single 2.5s
Tonberry King1, Tonberry Wanderer2
Evil Eye
7501 Inflicts 20s Hysteria Hysteria Self 100y Cone 100y+ 120° 3s*
28372 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Hysteria Hysteria Self 40y Cone 40y+ 120° 3s/30s
Bone Dragon1, Safat2
5391 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 15y knockback Self Line 30x2y+ 2.5s/6s
13722 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 15y knockback Self Line 10x2y+ Instant/25s
14273 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 20y knockback Self Line 30x12y+ 3s/15s
28444 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 20y knockback Self Line 40x8y+ Instant/60s
Agrippa the Mighty4, Magitek Colossus1/3, Magitek Colossus Rubricatus3, Mark II Magitek Colossus2
290211 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire proximity damage Self Unavoidable 40y 7s
29194 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; invokes Big Explosion#29195 if no PC is in target area Area 100y Circle 5y Instant
Pukla Puki the Pomburner2, The Ultima Weapon1
Eye for an Eye
11591 Grants 20s Eye for an Eye Eye for an Eye Ally 25y None Single Instant/20s
Eye for an Eye 75692 Grants 20s Eye for an Eye Eye for an Eye Party 25y None Single Instant/180s
Alimahus2, Auelin2, Awayuki2, B'bhen Tia2, Baien2, Begter2, Callous Steed2, Careless Whisper2, Ceaulie2, Cecily2, Chrysabel2, Cilia2, Crilde2, D'fhul Tia2, Dark Summoner1, Death's Embrace Master1, Delboisse2, Dolfin2, E'ptolmi2, Elchi2, Ellice2, Fearless Fawn2, Gnawing Goat2, Gota'a Panipahr2, Hastaloeya2, Hroch2, Huebald2, Inghilswys2, Inquisitor Guillaime1, J'ludaba2, Jolaine2, Kehda'to Moui2, Kelmomo2, Khorchi2, Koenbryda2, Kumokiri2, Labonrit2, Liliba2, Meuliaire2, Morel2, Mujen Polajen2, Mumutano2, Nanasomi2, Nunulupa Tatalupa2, Oah Nelhah2, Pagneul2, Raelthota2, Raging Ox2, Raiden (ライデン)2, Rhylharr2, Rivienne2, Saiun2, Samga2, Sasashu2, Seserikku2, Sofine2, Teulzacq2, Tewawa2, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous1, Toragana2, Totodi2, Tristan Nightflicker1, Urianger1, V'nbolo2, Yehn Amariyo2, Ziuz'a Jakkya2
Eye of the Beholder
6311 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 15s Electrocution Electrocution* Self Arc 4-15y+ 270° 2.5s
24192 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Electrocution Electrocution* Self 13y Arc 4-15y+ 270° 4s/6s
27713 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 21s Electrocution Electrocution* Self 15y Arc 4-15y+ 270° 3s/36s
Brontes3, Coincounter1, Monocular Biclops2
Eye of the Storm
6641 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and draw-in Self Donut 10-25y 3s
13872 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and draw-in Self Donut 10-25y 3s
14103 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and draw-in Self Donut 15-25y 3.5s
15194 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and draw-in Self Donut 15-25y 3s
16715 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and draw-in Self Donut 10-25y 2s
289796 Invokes Eye of the Storm#28980 Self None Single 3s
289807 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and draw-in Self Donut 15-25y 3s
Garuda1/2/5, The Ultima Weapon3/4/6/7
Eyes on Me
6811 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 14y+ Instant/6s
9512 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ Instant/10s
11143 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 20y+ Instant/6s
All-seeing Eye2/3, Shadow Eye1


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Fast Blade
Fast Blade 91 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
7172 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
58213 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
288844 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
291695 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
291706 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
1st Cohort Hoplomachus2, 1st Cohort Primi Ordines2/5, 2nd Cohort Hoplomachus2, 3rd Cohort Decurion2, 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus2, 4th Cohort Hoplomachus2, 4th Cohort Triarius2, 5th Cohort Evocatus2, 5th Cohort Hoplomachus1/2, 7th Cohort Optio2, 8th Cohort Centurion2, 8th Cohort Decurion2/5, 8th Cohort Hoplomachus2/6, 13th Order Roundsman2, 13th Order Watchman2, 59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga2, 426th Order Patrolman2, 596th Order Scout2, Alderique the Unyielding1, Aldis Sword of Nald1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Aulus rem Vulso2, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baert Trading Company Guard2, Baien1, Beggar Bonze2, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1, Bloody Executioner Steersman1, Boastful Bodyguard1, Brass Blade2, Broken Gladiator1, Bruce the Big1, Callous Steed1, Captain Madison1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charity of the Alacran1/2, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Cutter2, Coeurlclaw King2, Coffer & Coffin Heavy2, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Dapper Zombie2, Daring Harrier2, Death's Embrace Executioner1, Delboisse1, Diluxio2, Dione2, Disorderly Adventurer2, Dolfin1, Drillemont the Honest1, Drowned Boatswain1, Drowned Crofter2, Drowned Raider2, Drowned Steersman2, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Elite Roundsman2, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Gladiator1, Flame Private2, Flame Recruit2, Flame Sergeant1, Fufulupa the Unbending1, Gelmorran Cogfinder2, Gigas Bonze2, Gigas Captive2, Gigas Shramana2, Gisfrid the Grinder2, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grishild the Ungood2, Grounded Pirate2, Guild Gladiator3, Handsome Stranger1, Hastaloeya1, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller1, Hired Hand1, Hooded Assaulter2, House Durendaire Guard2, House Fortemps Guard2, House Fortemps Knight2, House Haillenarte Guard2, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Centurion4, Imperial Decurion1, Imperial Frumentarius2, Imperial Hoplomachus2, Imperial Pilus Prior4, Imperial Tesserarius2, Inghilswys1, Injured Fortemps Sentry2, Ishgardian Sentry2, Ixali Deftalon2, Ixali Dulltalon2, Ixali Fencer2, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサル・リムカッター)2, Ixali Sabreur1, Ixali Scout2, Ixali Skytalon2, Ixali Swordfighter2, Ixali Wildtalon2, Ixali Windtalon1/2, J'ludaba1, Jenlyns Straightblade1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Kobold Doorman2, Kobold Footman2, Kobold Outlaw2, Kobold Overseer2, Kobold Patrolman2, Kobold Potman2, Kobold Roundsman2, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leavold Sword of Thal1, Liliba1, Mamool Ja Breeder2, Mamool Ja Menace2, Mamool Ja Mercenary Head2, Menacing Mercenary1/2, Meuliaire1, Milleuda the Slitter2, Moonshade Steersman3, Morel1, Morningstar Falmadair1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Mylla Swordsong1, Nanasomi1, Natalan Windtalon2, Novice Gladiator1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Owyne1, Pagneul1, Papashan1, Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Ravaging Harrier2, Redbelly Chanter2, Redbelly Conspirator2, Redbelly Gutter1/2, Redbelly Lookout2, Redbelly Tomb Raider2, Rhotano Buccaneer2, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Rummaging Harrier2, Saiun1, Samga1, Sanguinary Buccaneer2, Sasashu1, Seasoned Adventurer2, Sellsword Captain1, Serpent Gladiator1, Seserikku1, Shallowscale Reaver1/2, Shelfscale Reaver2, Shifty-eyed Merchant2, Shifty-eyed Vagrant2, Sofine1, Solkzagyl the Loyal1, Stalwart Swordsman1, Stone Torch2, Sultansworn Elite1/2, Suspicious Fellow2, Sutali Hueloc of the North Wind2, Sword-brandishing Adventurer1, Sylpheed Cackle2, Sylpheed Screech1/2, Sylvan Budnapper1, Sylvan Scream2, Sylvan Screech2, Tempered Gladiator2, Tempered Sylph2, Tempered Sylvan Scream2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Thancred1, Toragana1, Totodi1, U'Ghamaro Patrolman2, U'Ghamaro Roundsman2, The Unbreakable2, V'nbolo1, Veteran Gladiator1, Violet Screech2, Volxia of the Blade2, Windborn Buccaneer2, Wolf Poacher2, Yabi Two-tails2, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Fast Boulder
1690 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 30y Circle 3y Instant/6s
Spriggan Miner
Fastcast[note 10]
3669 Grants 15s Spell Speed Up Spell Speed Up Self None Single Instant/150s
5th Cohort Medicus, 5th Cohort Optio, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za, Barber Hirskskrat, Bloody Executioner Leech, Coeurlclaw Healer, Gotwin Halehex, Hourlinet the Devout, House Durendaire Knight, Ixali Fogcaller, Kindness of the Alacran, Temple Chirurgeon, Wineport Militia Captain, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere
Fatal Allure
1762 Inflicts 10s Terror Terror and draw-in Ally/Hostile 100y None Single 2s
Fatal Current
14610 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up; KOs user Self Unavoidable 80y 2s
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Faze
495 Inflicts 3s Stun Stun* Self Cone 6y+ 90° 3s/30s
Babaroon Halfshell, Gilpincher Zuzuroon, Guguroon Wetnose, Kokoroon Quickfingers, Mumuroon Yellowtooth, Qiqirn Beachcomber, Qiqirn Beater, Qiqirn Coddler, Qiqirn Eggdigger, Qiqirn Eggdropper, Qiqirn Egglifter, Qiqirn Gullroaster, Qiqirn Roerunner, Qiqirn Roostkeep, Qiqirn Scrambler, Qiqirn Shellsweeper, Qiqirn Trafficker, Qiqirn Truffler, Qiqirn Yolkdrainer
Fear Itself
12801 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 15s Hysteria Hysteria Self Donut 4-54y+ 6s
27822 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 15s Hysteria Hysteria Self 40y Donut 0-40y+ 6s/42s
64293 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Hysteria Hysteria Self 54y Donut 4-54y+ 6s
Hydra1, Lampalagua2, Ningishzida3
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Feather Rain
1550 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 30s Windburn Windburn* Area 50y Circle 3y 1s
Chirada, Garuda, Suparna
35062 Inflicts Fetters Fetters Hostile 100y None Single 3s
Infernal Shadow
Featherfoot 55 Grants 15s Featherfoot Featherfoot Self None Single Instant/90s
1st Cohort Secutor, 2nd Cohort Secutor, 3rd Cohort Secutor, 4th Cohort Secutor, 5th Cohort Secutor, 8th Cohort Secutor, Ala Mhigan Conscript, Animated Pugilist, Anselm Larkscall, Baert Trading Company Guard, Bandit Trapper, Bibireze Greysteel, Chastity of the Alacran, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Corpse Brigade Footsoldier, Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer, Death's Embrace Assassin, Disorderly Adventurer, Drowned Brawler, Drowned Seaman 2nd Class, Drowned Steersman, Fiebras the Dull, Filthy Bodyguard, Flame Private, Flame Pugilist, Flame Recruit, Flame Scout, Flame Sergeant, Hamon Holyfist, Hired Fist, Hired Hand, Hired Muscle, Hunberct Longhaft, Imperial Secutor, Ishgardian Light Infantry, Lawless Fistfighter, Morningstar Gunner, Quiveron Guard, Ranger of the Drake, Redbelly Conspirator, Redbelly Hivekeep, Redbelly Larcener, Redbelly Runner, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rope-burned Buccaneer, Rurukuta Tornstar, Seasoned Adventurer, Sellsword, Shallowclaw Reaver, Shelfclaw Reaver, Suspicious Fellow, Tempered Champion, U'kahmuli, U'konelua, U'lolamo, U'ndomii, U'ralka, Widargelt the Watcher, Yda, Zana Lyehga
6651 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage; KOs user Self Circle 8y Instant
13882 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage; KOs user Self Circle 8y Instant
17633 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage; KOs user Self Circle 8y Instant
Egi Plume1, Razor Plume1/2/3
Feeding Frenzy
544 Grants 15s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up Self Circle 8y+ Instant/6s
Sastasha Orobon
Feint 76 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 10s Slow Slow* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
2nd Cohort Eques, 3rd Cohort Eques, 3rd Cohort Optio, 4th Cohort Eques, 5th Cohort Eques, Ailbert the Lost, Ala Mhigan Pikeman, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Baldewyn Four Yalms, Begter, Burchard Swiftspear, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Poacher, Corpse Brigade Pikedancer, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, Duskwight Freelancer, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Heretical Harrier, Hooded Assaulter, Imperial Bestiarius, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Eques, Ixali Slowbeak, Ixali Swiftbeak, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Janremi Blackheart, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Militia Spear, Miraudont the Madder, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Raging Harrier, Raptor Poacher, Redbelly Stinger, Redbelly Swarmpoint, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rummaging Harrier, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seasoned Adventurer, Seserikku, Severaint Seven Splinter, Shifty-eyed Poacher, Sofine, Temperance of the Alacran, Tempered Spearwife, Temple Banneret, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, U'lamana, V'nbolo, Wood Wailer Lance, Wood Wailer Sentry, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Feint 7549 Inflicts 10s Feint Feint* Hostile 10y None Single Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Feral Lunge
1484 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 50x12y+ 3s
Festina Lente
28493 Repositions and inflicts split Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 5s
Gaius van Baelsar
Fey Blessing
Fey Blessing 16544 Restores HP Self Circle 20y+ Instant
Carbuncle, Emerald Carbuncle, Eos, Ruby Carbuncle, Selene, Topaz Carbuncle
Fey Caress
Fey Caress 810 Removes one enfeeblement Self Circle 20y Instant/60s
Fey Covenant
Fey Covenant 804 Grants 20s Fey Covenant Fey Covenant Self Circle 15y Instant/120s
Fey Glow
Fey Glow 808 Grants 30s Fey Glow Fey Glow Self Circle 20y Instant/60s
Fey Illumination
Fey Illumination 805 Grants 20s Fey Illumination Fey Illumination Self Unavoidable 30y Instant
Carbuncle, Emerald Carbuncle, Eos, Ruby Carbuncle, Selene, Topaz Carbuncle
Fey Light
Fey Light 809 Grants 30s Fey Light Fey Light Self Circle 20y Instant/60s
Fey Union
Fey Union 7438 Creates tether between self and target, granting self Fey Union Fey Union and target Fey Union Fey Union Party 37y None Single Instant
Carbuncle, Emerald Carbuncle, Eos, Ruby Carbuncle, Selene, Topaz Carbuncle
Fey Wind
Fey Wind 811 Grants 30s Fey Wind Fey Wind Self Circle 20y Instant/60s
Fiery Rampage
35083 Animation for Fiery Rampage#35084/35086/35088/35090 and actions #35085/#35087/#35089/#35091/#35932/#35933/#35934/#35935 Self None Single 4.5s
35084 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Rightward cone 40y 180°* 6.7s
35086 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Leftward cone 40y 180°* 10.9s
35088 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Circle 16y* 15.1s
35090 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Unavoidable 40y 19.3s
Infernal Shadow
Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight 20 Grants 20s Fight or Flight Fight or Flight Self None Single Instant/60s
1st Cohort Primi Ordines, 2nd Cohort Hoplomachus, 3rd Cohort Decurion, 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus, 4th Cohort Hoplomachus, 4th Cohort Triarius, 5th Cohort Evocatus, 5th Cohort Hoplomachus, 7th Cohort Optio, 8th Cohort Centurion, Alimahus, Auelin, Aulus rem Vulso, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baert Trading Company Guard, Baien, Begter, Boastful Bodyguard, Brass Blade, Bruce the Big, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Charity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Cutter, Coffer & Coffin Heavy, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Daring Harrier, Delboisse, Disorderly Adventurer, Dolfin, Drowned Boatswain, Drowned Crofter, Drowned Raider, Drowned Steersman, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Flame Private, Flame Recruit, Gelmorran Cogfinder, Gisfrid the Grinder, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Grishild the Ungood, Grounded Pirate, Hastaloeya, Hired Hand, Hooded Assaulter, House Durendaire Guard, House Fortemps Guard, House Fortemps Knight, House Haillenarte Guard, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Frumentarius, Imperial Hoplomachus, Imperial Tesserarius, Inghilswys, Injured Fortemps Sentry, Ishgardian Sentry, Ixali Dulltalon, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Menacing Mercenary, Meuliaire, Milleuda the Slitter, Moonshade Steersman, Morel, Morningstar Falmadair, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Ravaging Harrier, Redbelly Chanter, Redbelly Conspirator, Redbelly Gutter, Redbelly Lookout, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rhotano Buccaneer, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rummaging Harrier, Saiun, Samga, Sanguinary Buccaneer, Sasashu, Seasoned Adventurer, Seserikku, Shallowscale Reaver, Shelfscale Reaver, Shifty-eyed Merchant, Shifty-eyed Vagrant, Sofine, Stone Torch, Sultansworn Elite, Suspicious Fellow, Sword-brandishing Adventurer, Sylpheed Screech, Sylvan Budnapper, Tempered Gladiator, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Windborn Buccaneer, Wolf Poacher, Yabi Two-tails, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Final Heaven
29775 Inflicts Limit Break Limit Break damage Hostile 8y None Single 3s
Serpent Lancer
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Final Sting
9191 Inflicts 70% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; KOs user Hostile 25y None Single 3s/6s
63342 Inflicts 70% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; KOs user Hostile 6y None Single 4s/20s
Dung Wespe1, Killer Wespe1, Palace Hornet2, Temple Bee1
Fire 1411 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage, and either grants self 15s Astral Fire or removes Umbral Ice[note 2]; chance to grant self 30s Firestarter Firestarter depending on level Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/2.5s
9662 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
13943 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 3s*/3s
58484 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
63265 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
99856 Inflicts 6,000 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s
293157 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 2s*/2s
3rd Cohort Imaginifer1, 5th Cohort Signifer1, 8th Cohort Signifer2, Alimahus1, Amalj'aa Divinator2, Amalj'aa Flame-eater2, Amalj'aa Flamekeeper2, Amalj'aa Ravager2, Amalj'aa Seer2, Amalj'aa Shaman2, Amalj'aa Thaumaturge2, Ascian Thaumaturge2, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Blackbile Maladd Chah2, Blackstake Rodegg Chah2, Blazehorn Monabb Chah2, Bloody Executioner Seamster1, Bomb Queen2, Broken Thaumaturge1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cindersoot Pegujj Chah2, Cocobani the Cold1, Cocobezi the Contemplative1, Cocoboha the Curt1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Coeurlclaw Hag1, Congealed Blood2, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Dalamud Priest2, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Saltmage1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Thaumaturge7, Elchi1, Ellice1, Eurytos2, Falcon Magus6, Fearless Fawn1, Fire Homunculus2, Fire Sprite2, Firemane2, Flame Shiver2, Flame Thaumaturge1/7, Flamecrest Affaj Koh2, Giant Bavarois3, Giant Reader2, Giant Talker2, Gigirya the Guarded1, Gnawing Goat1, Gorn the Garrgh2, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grinning Cur Stitcher1, Hastaloeya1, Highcant Hatsugg Chah1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Humility of the Alacran1, Imperial Imaginifer1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Kindling Sprite2, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lady Amandine2, Lavafang Hemozz Teh1, Lawless Cursedealer1, Liliba1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Mamool Ja Mercenary2, Mamool Ja Sophist2, Marshlight2, Masked Mage1, Melancholy Mercenary1, Meuliaire1, Mimas2, Moldy Pudding2, Morel1, Morningstar Cosier1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Octavel the Unforgiving2, Onyx Claw1, Pagneul1, Palace Sprite5, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raucous Bodyguard1, Raven Magus6, Red Marshmallow2, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, St. Daniffen's Fire2, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge7, Ser Baron Von Quiveron IV Esquire1, Servitor's Lantern2, Seserikku1, Shade Seeker2, Sofine1, Spurned Soul1, Staff-waving Training Partner4, Sylpheed Snarl2, Territorial Marshmallow2, Territorial Wisp2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Void Lantern1, Votive Candle2, Wandering Wisp2, Wildfire Sprite2, Will-o'-the-wisp2, Will-o'-the-wyke2, Yehn Amariyo1, Zahar'ak Fortune-teller2, Zahar'ak Thaumaturge2, Zanr'ak Thaumaturge2, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Fire II
Fire II 1471 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage, and either grants self 15s Astral Fire or removes Umbral Ice[note 2] Hostile 25y Circle 5y 3s*/2.5s
16782 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 6y 2.5s*/15s
57843 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 30y Circle 5y+ 3s*
291764 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 30y Circle 5y+ 3s
3rd Cohort Imaginifer1, 5th Cohort Signifer1, 8th Cohort Signifer4, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Seamster1, Broken Thaumaturge1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cocobani the Cold1, Cocobezi the Contemplative1, Cocoboha the Curt1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Coeurlclaw Hag1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Saltmage1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Thaumaturge1, Gigirya the Guarded1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hecatoncheir Wallcrasher2, Hroch1, Huebald1, Humility of the Alacran1, Imperial Imaginifer1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lavafang Hemozz Teh1, Lawless Cursedealer1, Liliba1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Masked Mage1, Melancholy Mercenary1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Morningstar Cosier1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Onyx Claw1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Ser Baron Von Quiveron IV Esquire1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Spurned Soul1, Staff-waving Training Partner3, Sylpheed Snarl1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Void Lantern1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Fire III
Fire III 1521 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage, grants self 15s Astral Fire III, and removes Umbral Ice[note 2]; no MP cost or cast time under Firestarter Firestarter Hostile 25y None Single 3.5s*/2.5s
293162 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 2s*/2s
5th Cohort Signifer1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Thaumaturge2, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Onyx Claw1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Void Lantern1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Fire Dust
2178 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
Ovjang, Training Automaton
4131 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/6s
12462 Inflicts split MagicFire Magic fire damage and grants self 25s Waxen Flesh Waxen Flesh per target hit Hostile 100y Circle 4y Instant
14523 Marks target for Fireball#1246 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
26484 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 50y Circle 6y 3s*/15s
28115 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 24s Burns Burns* Area 100y Circle 6y Instant/24s
34696 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 8s Infirmity Infirmity Area 40y Circle 6y 3.5s/4s
63537 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/12s
350408 Animation for Fireball#36050 and actions #36050/#35927 Self None Single 2.6s
350419 Animation for Fireball#36050 Area 100y Circle 6y 3.5s
3605010 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Circle 6y 4.3s
Alpha Manticore4, Dark Matter Pteroc1, The Garlok5, Horde Transcendent6, Infernal Shadow8/9/10, Palace Puk7, Peryton1, Pteroc1, Pteroc Matron1, Puk Hatchling (プーク)1, Puk Hatchling (プーク・ハッチリング)1, Scalepuk1, Tamed Puk1, Territorial Puk1, Twintania2/3
1142 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and creates Burns Burns pool Hostile 100y Circle 4y Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Firecracker Shower
407 Inflicts 3s Stun Stun* Self Circle 3y+ 3s/15s
Goblin Ambusher, Goblin Fisher, Goblin Gambler, Goblin Hunter, Goblin Mugger, Goblin Outlaw, Goblin Robber, Goblin Roper, Goblin Thug, Goblin Trader, Tryptix Stumblemox, Wanted Goblin, Wormwix Scribbletalk
29332 Summons Firesphere Self None Single 4s
12441 Creates Conflagration trap, inflicting Burns Burns and Fetters Fetters in area of effect while active Area 100y Circle 6y' Instant
12452 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 6y+ Instant
14513 Marks target for Firestorm#1244 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Conflagration2, Twintania1/3
675 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 30s Firestream Firestream Self Line 35x6y+ 2.3s
1226 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and invokes Firestream#675 Self Circle 2y 0.5s
ADS, Disposal Node
9541 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 120y Circle 3y 3.5s
11152 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 3y 2.5s/5s
Deepvoid Slave2, Tangata1
Fists of Earth
Fists of Earth 60 Grants Fists of Earth Fists of Earth Self None Single Instant/3s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chastity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Chuchuto Brightstar, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, Ishgardian Light Infantry, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Morningstar Gunner, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Zana Lyehga, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Fists of Fire
Fists of Fire 63 Grants Fists of Fire Fists of Fire Self None Single Instant/3s
Animated Pugilist, Hamon Holyfist, Rurukuta Tornstar, Widargelt the Watcher, Yda
Fists of Wind
Fists of Wind 73 Grants Fists of Wind Fists of Wind Self None Single Instant/3s
Hamon Holyfist
Flame Breath
676 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
Territorial Dragon
Flames of Rebirth
36255 Inflicts 80% max HP Fractional Fractional damage Self Circle 20y 5s
Precision Strike
35100 Repositions and inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 30y None Single Instant
Flaming Crush
Flaming Crush 8001 Inflicts splashing MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 5y Instant
8642 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 5y 2s/6s
Emerald Carbuncle1, Ifrit-Egi1/2, Ruby Carbuncle1, Topaz Carbuncle1
Flash[note 11]
Flash 141 Increases enmity and inflicts 12s Blind Blind* Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
283322 Increases enmity and inflicts 12s Blind Blind* Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Hoplomachus1, Alderique the Unyielding1, Aldis Sword of Nald1, Alimahus1, Alka Zolka the Doer1, Alka Zolka the Slayer1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Steersman1, Broken Gladiator1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Death's Embrace Executioner1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drillemont the Honest1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Gladiator1, Flame Sergeant1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Guild Gladiator1, Handsome Stranger1, Hastaloeya1, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Decurion1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leavold Sword of Thal1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Morningstar Falmadair1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Mylla Swordsong1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Papashan1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Rurukuta Tornstar1, Ryssfloh1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Gladiator1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Stalwart Swordsman1/2, Storm Marauder1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Thancred1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Veteran Gladiator1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Flash Flood
1656 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
Big Flipper, Sapsa Elbst, Sirius Elbst, Surf Elbst
937 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Baritine Croc, Feral Croc, Gavial, Sebek, Snapjaw, Territorial Baritine Croc, Territorial Feral Croc
Fleece Butt
591 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Downy Dunstan, Lost Lamb (シープ), Lost Lamb (ロストシープ), Mad Karakul Ewe, Ornery Karakul, Stray Karakul Ewe, Stray Karakul Ram, Territorial Karakul, Wild Ram
Fluid Aura
Fluid Aura 134 Inflicts 6s Bind Bind*^; removed upon taking damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/30s
Ala Mhigan Shaman, Coeurlclaw Healer, Drowned Diviner, Geissfryn Eveningcalm, Kindness of the Alacran, Lawless Spellweaver, Mamool Ja Mercenary
Fluid Flare
29759 Animation for Fluid Flare#29760 Self None Single 3.7s
29760 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Cone 40y 60° 4s
Fluid Spread
7251 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
7262 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
7273 Inflicts 30s Disease Disease* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
284614 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single 5s
Alpha Slime1, Green Laver1, Ichorous Ire4, Mining Dross1/2/3, Purple Laver3, Rotten Jam1, Sewer Syrup1, Slipsand1, Territorial Slime1/2, Yellow Laver2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Flying Frenzy
14891 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 8s Stun Stun*, and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8 stacks) Hostile 3y Circle 6y Instant/4s
26472 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Area 25y Circle 6y 3s*/12s
27213 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 6s Stun Stun, and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Hostile 100y Circle 6y Instant/36s
Alpha Zu2, Cornu3, Zu1
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Flying Sardine
573 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
Alpha Apkallu, Apkallu, Apkallu Caller, Bloody Mary
476 Grants 30s Haste Haste Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
Anselm Larkscall, Baert Trading Company Guard, Bandit Trapper, Bibireze Greysteel, Chastity of the Alacran, Corpse Brigade Footsoldier, Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer, Disorderly Adventurer, Drowned Steersman, Fiebras the Dull, Flame Private, Flame Recruit, Flame Scout, Flame Sergeant, Hamon Holyfist, Hired Fist, Hired Hand, Hunberct Longhaft, Ishgardian Light Infantry, Quiveron Guard, Ranger of the Drake, Redbelly Conspirator, Redbelly Hivekeep, Redbelly Larcener, Redbelly Runner, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rope-burned Buccaneer, Seasoned Adventurer, Shallowclaw Reaver, Shelfclaw Reaver, Suspicious Fellow, Tempered Champion, U'kahmuli, U'konelua, U'lolamo, U'ndomii, U'ralka
920 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
Comet Chaser, Dragonfly, Dragonfly Chaser, Dravanian Outflyer, Dravanian Outwatch, Seps, Territorial Dragonfly
Foresight 32 Grants 20s Foresight Foresight Self None Single Instant/120s
5th Cohort Laquearius, 5th Cohort Optio, Able-bodied Ambusher, Aersthota Morningcalm, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed, Aisibhir Badwind, Ala Mhigan Axeman, Alka Zolka the Doer, Alka Zolka the Slayer, Alka Zolka the Thinker, Baenryss of the Deep, Bloody Executioner Lodesman, Broken Marauder, Curious Gorge, Doesmaga Poisonheart, Drowned Seaman 1st Class, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class, Drowned Steersman Chief, Familiar Marauder, Garibald the Fargone, Glazrael Saltwind, Grinning Cur Cap'n, Grinning Cur Swab, Hired Axe, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry, Jolly Merchant Lodesman, Leviathan's Thrall, Morningstar Gromet, Morningstar Navigator, Nameless Attacker, Patience of the Alacran, Ryssfloh, Storm Marauder, Yellowjacket
Formic Pheromones
1110 Creates tether between self and target, granting target Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Ally 20y None Single 4.5s/6s
Myrmidon Marshal
403 Grants 30s Damage Up Damage Up Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
28777 Grants Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single 6s
2nd Cohort Eques, 2nd Cohort Laquearius, 2nd Cohort Signifer, 3rd Cohort Decurion, 3rd Cohort Eques, 3rd Cohort Laquearius, 3rd Cohort Optio, 3rd Cohort Signifer, 4th Cohort Eques, 4th Cohort Imaginifer, 4th Cohort Laquearius, 4th Cohort Signifer, 5th Cohort Eques, 5th Cohort Laquearius, 5th Cohort Signifer, 8th Cohort Centurion, 8th Cohort Laquearius, 8th Cohort Signifer, Aulus rem Vulso, Imperial Engineer, Imperial Eques, Imperial Signifer
Foul Bite
510 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
4th Cohort War Hound, Alacran Bloodhound, Alacran War Hound, Alpha Wolf, Attack Hound, Chupacabra, Dirty Mongrel, Dusty Mongrel, Hungry Dreadwolf, Imperial War Hound, Ixali Watchwolf, Jackal Pup, Natalan Watchwolf, Pack Jackal, Pack Wolf, Padfoot, Rabid Mongrel, Raggedy Jackal, Red Jackal, Scarred Jackal, Scout Wolf, Scurvy Dog, Serpent Reaver Deckhound, Snow Wolf, Territorial Hound, Territorial Jackal, Territorial Wolf, Watchwolf, White Wolf, Wild Jackal, Wild Wolf
Foul Breath
317 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Grass Raptor, Hyur-eating Raptor, Plainstrider, Restless Raptor, Territorial Raptor, Velociraptor
Fowl Stench
5711 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Accuracy Down Accuracy Down* Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
59812 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Accuracy Down Accuracy Down* Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
Gluttonous Gertrude1, Ruffled Dodo1, Stray Dodo1, Tamed Dodo2, Territorial Dodo1, Wild Dodo1
Fracture 33 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 18s Fracture Fracture* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Able-bodied Ambusher, Aersthota Morningcalm, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed, Ala Mhigan Axeman, Alka Zolka the Doer, Alka Zolka the Slayer, Alka Zolka the Thinker, Axe-wielding Adventurer, Baenryss of the Deep, Bloody Executioner Deckhand, Broenbhar Rocksplitter, Charmed Gromet, Curious Gorge, Drowned Seaman 1st Class, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class, Drowned Steersman Chief, Familiar Marauder, Garibald the Fargone, Glazrael Saltwind, Grinning Cur Cap'n, Grinning Cur Swab, Jolly Merchant Lodesman, Leviathan's Thrall, Nameless Attacker, Patience of the Alacran, Ryssfloh, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn, Storm Marauder, Yellowjacket
1192 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire proximity damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
1515 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire proximity damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Imperial Assault Craft
Frenetic Flurry
401 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Biggy, Spriggan, Spriggan Copper Copper, Spriggan Crier, Spriggan Graverobber, Territorial Spriggan
6561 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 50y Circle 5y Instant
13792 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 50y Circle 5y Instant
15483 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Area 50y Circle 5y Instant
15494 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Area 50y Circle 5y 3s
Chirada2/4, Garuda1/2/3, Suparna2/4
Frightful Roar
9331 Inflicts 15s Physical Vulnerability Up Physical Vulnerability Up* Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
28312 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Self 16y Circle 16y+ 3s/36s
Alpha Taurus1, Chernobog2, Gorgotaur1, Shadowclaw1, Stegotaur1, Tarbotaur1, Taurus1, Teratotaur1
Frost Breath
3181 Inflicts BreathIce Ice breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
10222 Inflicts BreathIce Ice breath damage Self Cone 20y+ 120° 1s
Alpha Anole1, Anole1, Anole Stalker1, Isgebind2, Lindwurm1, Snapscales1, Territorial Lindwurm1, Young Anole1
Full Thrust
Full Thrust 841 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Vorpal Thrust#78 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293072 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297713 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; requires Lance Charge Lance Charge and Life Surge Life Surge Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Eques1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Foulques of the Mist1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Militia Spear1, Morel1, Morningstar Boatswain1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Lancer2/3, Serpent Lancer2/3, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Temperance of the Alacran1, Temple Banneret1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
765 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
Allagan Bomb
Fuma Shuriken
Fuma Shuriken 2265 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires and removes any one Ten, Chi, or Jin Mudra Mudra Hostile 25y None Single Instant/1.5s
Imperial Shadow
Fusion Burst
1513 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
5385 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 10y Line 10x2y+ Instant
Gales of Tartarus
28870 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 30x5y 3s
28876 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 30x30y 6s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Gas Shell
9141 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
16552 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 60° Instant/20s
63403 Inflicts 12s Poison Poison* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 60° Instant/20s
Ancient Uragnite1, Aturia1, Living Fossil1, Moonshade Uragnite1, Palace Uragnite3, Scaphite1, Sirius Uragnite2, Territorial Uragnite1, Uragnite1, Zoredonite1
Gate of Tartarus
1139 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Gear Enhancement
6292 Enhances Aetherpool Armor Self Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
Gelid Charge
1284 Grants Ice Charge Ice Charge Self None Single Instant/6s
Dhorme Chimera
6511 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth proximity damage Self Unavoidable 27y 4.5s
13652 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth proximity damage Self Unavoidable 100y 3s
14073 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth proximity damage Self Unavoidable 25y 4s
14724 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth proximity damage Self Unavoidable 100y 3s
15205 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth proximity damage Self Unavoidable 25y 4s
289996 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth proximity damage Self Unavoidable 40y 5s
Titan1/2/4, Ultima Titan3/5/6
1040 Summons Morbol Seedling; KOs user Self 3y None Single 15s
Morbol Fruit
Ghastly Wind
36117 Invokes action #36118 Self None Single Instant
Infernal Shadow
Giga Slash
1502 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 20y+ 4s/30s
Symond the Unsinkable
Gigantic Blast
28761 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 8y 6s
Gyges the Great
Gigantic Smash
28760 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 100y Circle 10y 6s
Gyges the Great
Gigantic Swing
28762 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Donut 0-40y 6s
Gyges the Great
1555 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and creates Thermal High Thermal High pool Self Circle 6y+ 3s
Spiny Plume
Glittering Emerald
Glittering Emerald 16521 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage, grants self 15s Gale Enforcer Gale Enforcer, and creates damage over time pool Hostile 25y Circle 5y+ Instant
Summon Emerald 25845 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Emerald Carbuncle
Glittering Ruby
Summon Ruby 25843 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Ruby Carbuncle
Glittering Topaz
Glittering Topaz 16520 Grants 30s Stone Wall Stone Wall Party 30y None Single Instant
Summon Topaz 25844 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Topaz Carbuncle
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Glower
6291 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Line 17x7y+ 3s/20s
24182 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 12y Line 17x7y+ 3s/6s
27703 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 40s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 17y Line 17x7y+ 2.8s/18s
Brontes3, Coincounter1, Monocular Biclops2
541 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alpgrot Orobon, Angler, Bigmouth Orobon, Dune Angler, Orobon, Plump Orobon, Sastasha Orobon, Sharptooth Orobon, Smallmouth Orobon, Spawning Orobon, Territorial Orobon
Goad 7543 Grants 30s Goad Goad Party 30y None Single Instant/180s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Gobfire Shootypops
14563 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and invokes Gobfire Shootypops#14564 Self Line 30x6y+ 5s
14564 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 30x6y+ Instant
Goblin Mercenary
Goblin Attack
992 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/15s
Brayflox Alltalks
Gobrush Rushgob
14373 Inflicts 40,000 Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
Falcon Mercenary, Raven Mercenary
Gobspin Whooshdrops
14559 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15y knockback Self Circle 8y Instant
Goblin Mercenary
Gobswipe Conklops
14560 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15y knockback Self Donut 3-30y Instant
Goblin Mercenary
Gold Bile Plume
1042 Inflicts 5y knockback Self Circle 2y Instant/6s
1043 Inflicts 5y knockback Self Line 3x2y+ Instant/6s
The Aurum Vale[note 12]
Gold Dust
10331 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 8y 3.5s/25s
27562 Inflicts Magic Magic damage, 30s Infirmity Infirmity, and 15s Poison Poison* Area 100y Circle 8y Instant/20s
64233 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Area 50y Circle 8y 3s/25s
Locksmith1, Spurge3, Thousand-cast Theda2
Gold Rush
1032 Inflicts 60s Gold Lung Gold Lung^ Self Unavoidable 80y+ Instant/20s
Golden Tongue
4161 Grants 15s Magic Damage Up Magic Damage Up Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
63492 Grants 15s Magic Damage Up Magic Damage Up Self 3y None Single 2.5s/60s
Congealed Blood1, Figgy Pudding1, Frozen Bavarois1, Moldy Pudding1, Mud Pie1, Mud Pie Princess1, Palace Pudding2, Raw Sludge1, Territorial Bavarois1, Territorial Marshmallow1, Territorial Pudding1
Goobbue's Grief
9421 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self Circle 6y+ 0.5s
28032 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Poison Poison* Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ 1s/32s
Croque-mitaine2, Keeper of Halidom1
Good King's Decree
29188 Summons Woolywart Kupqu Kogi and Pukna Pako the Tailturner Self None Single 4s
29189 Summons Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop, Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa, and Puksi Piko the Shaggysong Self None Single 4s
29190 Summons Furryfoot Kupli Kipp and Pukla Puki the Pomburner Self None Single 4s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Gouge 633 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/3s
Amber Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle
Grand Slam
4221 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
9892 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 60° Instant/6s
285453 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 100y None Single 5s
287644 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single 5s
Gyges the Great2/4, Hecatoncheir Hellhowler1, Hecatoncheir Mastermind2, Hecatoncheir Quakequeller1, Hecatoncheir Sheildrummer1, Hecatoncheir Stonebreaker2, Hecatoncheir Stonehauler2, Hecatoncheir Stonehoarder1, Hecatoncheir Tremorward1, Kottos2/3, Masterless Thrall1, Moondrip Blastmaster1, Ouranos2, Stone Servant2
Grand Strike
5351 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 25y Line 30x2y+ 1.5s/6s
14282 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20y knockback Self 25y Line 30x4y+ 1.5s/15s
28403 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* (max 8 stacks) Self 40y Line 40x4y+ 3s/60s
Agrippa the Mighty3, Magitek Colossus1/2, Magitek Colossus Rubricatus2
Grand Sword
5341 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
13672 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
14253 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/12s
17854 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 120° Instant/6s
18415 Inflicts 9,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 120° Instant/1s
28396 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 25y Cone 25y+ 120° 3s
284737 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 25y 90° 5s
291838 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 6y Cone 27y 120° 3s
Agrippa the Mighty6, Iron Giant4/5, Magitek Colossus1/3/8, Magitek Colossus Rubricatus3, Mark II Magitek Colossus2/7
Granite Interment
28987 Grants Invincibility Invincibility and invokes action #28988 Self None Single 4s
The Ultima Weapon
Granite Rain
5601 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 10y Instant/24s
28352 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 10y Circle 10y+ 3.5s/30s
Aiatar1, Safat2, Svara1
Granite Sepulchre
1477 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable + 15s
28799 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable + 15s
28989 Unknown[note 9] Self None Single 33s
Granite Gaol
Gravitational Force
14614 Animation for Gravitational Force#14615 Self None Single 3.5s
14615 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and creates Heavy Heavy pool Area 100y Circle 5y 3.5s
Gravity Field
1220 Creates Bleeding Bleeding and 15s Heavy Heavy* pool Area 100y Circle 6y 1s
ADS, Attack Node
Gravity Force
12891 Inflicts 25% max HP Fractional Fractional damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Area 25y Circle 6y 3s*
26972 Inflicts 50% current HP Fractional Fractional damage Area 100y Circle 6y Instant/18s
Dark Summoner1, Flame Sergeant Dalvag1, Vogaal Ja2
Gravity Thrust
1236 Inflicts 20% max HP Fractional Fractional damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s
Great Divide
1725 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 5y Line 5x8y+ Instant
Great Whirlwind
1386 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 15y knockback Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
1777 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 15y knockback Area 100y Circle 8y+ 3s
Grim Cleaver
6201 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
17722 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 1y Instant/12s
Alpha Gargoyle1, Batraal1, Balidet1, Hollow Gargoyle1, Manor Sentry (御用邸の石像)1, Territorial Gargoyle1, Vassago2
Grim Fate
6241 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 8y+ 90° Instant/6s
17752 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 90° Instant/36s
24123 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 3y Cone 8y+ 90° 3.5s/6s
Batraal1, Dire Gargoyle3, Vassago2
Grim Halo
6211 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
17732 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant/12s
Batraal1, Vassago2
Grip of Night
1376 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 8y knockback Self Cone 6y+ 150° Instant
29337 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 40y 150° 6s
5621 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/6s
26962 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 6y Instant/18s
Mamool Ja Infiltrator1, Mamool Ja Mercenary1, Mamool Ja Sophist1, Vogaal Ja2
778 Summons Gungnir Self None Single Instant
Gust 637 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 1s/3s
Emerald Carbuncle
917 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/6s
Allagan Mirrorknight, Bagoly, Dreadguard, Mirrorknight, Territorial Mirrorknight
Gust Front
14617 Invokes Gust Front#14618 Self None Single Instant
14618 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; deals greater damage and inflicts launch if not stacked with another Gust Front Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Gust Slash
Gust Slash 2242 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Spinning Edge#2240 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Captain Jacke, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chi, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gekkai the Blind, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Darkshadow, Imperial Nightshadow, Imperial Shadow, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jin, Jolaine, Karasu Redbeak, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Oboro Moonrise, Pagneul, Perimu Haurimu Underfoot, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Ten, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, Tsubame Sunrise, V'kebbe the Stray, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Gut Rip
477 Grants 60s Critical Skill Critical Skill Self 3y None Single Instant/60s
5th Cohort Eques, Baldewyn Four Yalms, Bloody Executioner Boatswain, Broken Lancer, Charmed Boatswain, Coeurlclaw Falconer, Estinien Wyrmblood, Foulques of the Mist, Grinning Cur Carpenter, Janremi Blackheart, Redbelly Stinger, Sharp-eyed Lancer, Spurned Soul, Tempered Pikeman
865 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
Ala Mhigan Conscript, Chastity of the Alacran, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Ishgardian Light Infantry, Morningstar Gunner, Sellsword, Shallowclaw Reaver, Widargelt the Watcher, Zana Lyehga


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Hall of Lead
784 Inflicts 30s Slow Slow* Area 31y Circle 20y 5s
Hall of Sorrow
782 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 41y Circle 10y 3.5s
Hall of Stone
781 Inflicts 15s Petrification Petrification and Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Area 21y Circle 15y 5s
Hammer Beak
5041 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant/6s
26732 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/18s
Alectryon2, Alpha Ziz1, Axe Beak1, Brood Ziz1, Carrier Ziz1, Clutch Pelican1, Dark Matter Pelican1, Gaunt Beak1, Giant Oxpecker1, Giant Pelican1, Great Yellow Pelican1, Greataxe Beak1, Guillotine Beak1, Hammer Beak1, Hyur-eating Pelican1, Molted Ziz1, Pack Ziz1, Rothlyt Pelican1, Rudis Beak1, Sledgehammer Beak1, Territorial Axe Beak1, Territorial Pelican1, Territorial Ziz1, Tomahawk Beak1, Ziz1, Ziz Gorlin1
5384 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
The Hand
6091 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 5y knockback Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/6s
14552 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 30y knockback Hostile 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
27063 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 5y knockback Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/12s
27084 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 5y knockback; requires Stoneskin (Magical) Stoneskin (Magical) or Stoneskin (Physical) Stoneskin (Physical) Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
284805 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Hostile 2y None Single Instant
291756 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 6y Cone 6y 120° 3s
Hellsclaw3/4, Magitek Death Claw1/2/5/6, Magitek Packer1
Hand of the Empire
11971 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 2y 1s
284912 Invokes Hand of the Empire#28493 Self None Single 3s
284923 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 100y Circle 5y 5s
Gaius van Baelsar1/2/3, Phantom Gaius2
Hard Stomp
3456 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ 5s/34s
Horde Armored Dragon
4021 Grants 30s Haste Haste Self 3y None Single 2.5s*/6s
7442 Grants 30s Haste Haste Ally 100y None Single 2.5s*/30s
63583 Grants 30s Haste Haste Self 3y None Single 1.5s/60s
Myrmidon Princess2, Palace Spriggan3, Spriggan1, Spriggan Copper Copper1, Spriggan Graverobber1, Territorial Spriggan1
12551 Summons Oviform Self 3y None Single Instant
12562 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 3y+ Instant
14533 Marks target for Hatch#1255/1256 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Oviform2, Twintania1/3
1545 Summons Zu Cockerel or Zu Pullet Self None Single 15s
Zu Egg
Hawk Blaster
9972 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 10y+ 2s
Falcon Chaser, Raven Chaser
Hawk's Eye
Hawk's Eye 99 Grants 20s Hawk's Eye Hawk's Eye Self None Single Instant/90s
Bandit Archer, Boar Poacher, Coeurlclaw Concubine, Coeurlclaw Hunter, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Drowned Bowman, Drowned Outranger, Drowned Steersman, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士), Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の精兵), Hired Bow, Ishgardian Archer, Lawless Bowman, Local Hunter, Mianne Thousandmalm, Mindful Mercenary, Quiveron Attendant, Redbelly Sharpeye, Redbelly Snatcher, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Shelfeye Reaver, Shifty-eyed Poacher, Shifty-eyed Sailor, Shifty-eyed Vagrant, Straightshot Assassin, Striped Lightning Hand, Tar-stained Buccaneer, Tempered Huntress
Head Butt
520 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
Alpha Aldgoat, Elder Longhorn, Longhorn Billygoat, Longhorn Nannygoat, Lowland Billygoat, Mourning Billy, Mourning Nanny, Myotragus Billy, Myotragus Nanny, Ravenous Billygoat, Territorial Billygoat, Territorial Nannygoat
Headsman's Wind
28510 Unknown[note 9] Self Unavoidable 35y 28s
The Ultima Weapon
12311 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 4y+ 0.5s
12332 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 4y+ 0.5s
Clockwork Knight2, Clockwork Soldier1
6141 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 8y 3s/6s
24132 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 8y 3.5s/6s
Alpha Hapalit1, Elder Hapalit1, Foul River Hapalit1, Hapalit1, Porus1, Skadi1, Slipjaw Ogre2
8661 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self 3y Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
291712 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self 3y Line 3x3y 2.5s
1st Cohort Eques2, 2nd Cohort Eques1, 3rd Cohort Bestiarius1, 3rd Cohort Eques1, 3rd Cohort Optio1, 4th Cohort Eques1, 5th Cohort Eques1, 8th Cohort Eques2, Albin the Ashen1, Ailbert the Lost1, Baldewyn Four Yalms1, Bloody Executioner Boatswain1, Broken Lancer1, Burchard Swiftspear1, Charmed Boatswain1, Coeurlclaw Falconer1, Coeurlclaw Poacher1, Corpse Brigade Pikedancer1, Dapper Zombie1, Deepvoid Pikeman1, Duskwight Freelancer1, Duskwight Freelancer Captain1, Estinien Wyrmblood1, Fallen Pikeman1, Fallen Soldier1, Foulques of the Mist1, Grinning Cur Carpenter1, Grizzled Lancer1, Heretical Harrier1, Hooded Assaulter1, Imperial Eques1, Ixali Slowbeak1, Ixali Swiftbeak1, Janremi Blackheart1, Jolly Merchant Waister1, Legless Laurentius1, Morningstar Boatswain1, Nameless Attacker1, Raging Harrier1, Raptor Poacher1, Redbelly Stinger1, Rotting Corpse1, Rotting Pikeman1, Rummaging Harrier1, Seasoned Adventurer1, Severaint Seven Splinter1, Shard-eyed Lancer1, Shifty-eyed Poacher1, Spurned Soul1, Temperance of the Alacran1, Tempered Pikeman1, Tempered Spearwife1, Tempered Sword1, Temple Banneret1, Territorial Zombie1, U'lamana1, Undertaker1, Wandering Soldier1, Wood Wailer Lance1, Wood Wailer Sentry1, Zombie Pikeman1, Zombie Soldier1, Zombie Wailer1
Heat Breath
28121 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 24s Burns Burns* Self 60y Cone 40y+ 90° 3s/24s
34702 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 8s Infirmity Infirmity Self Cone 8y+ 90° Instant/4s
The Garlok1, Horde Transcendent2
1261 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 3s
Armored Beast
Heavy Shot
Heavy Shot 97 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; chance to grant self 30s Straight Shot Ready Straight Shot Ready Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
3rd Cohort Funditor, 5th Cohort Sagittarius, Ala Mhigan Bowman, Alimahus, Arrow-nocking Adventurer, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Bandit Archer, Begter, Bloody Executioner Gunner, Boar Poacher, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Concubine, Coeurlclaw Hunter, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Diligence of the Alacran, Dolfin, Drowned Bowman, Drowned Gunner Chief, Drowned Outranger, Drowned Steersman, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Galfrid the Gallant, Gnawing Goat, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士), Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の精兵), Gota'a Panipahr, Grinning Cur Cannonier, Guild Archer, Hastaloeya, Hired Bow, House Durendaire Knight, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Funditor, Inghilswys, Ishgardian Archer, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Bowman, Leih Aliapoh, Liliba, Local Hunter, Meuliaire, Mianne Thousandmalm, Mindful Mercenary, Morel, Morningstar Topman, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nameless Attacker, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost, Quiveron Attendant, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Redbelly Sharpeye, Redbelly Snatcher, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Serpent Archer, Seserikku, Shalloweye Reaver, Shelfeye Reaver, Shifty-eyed Poacher, Shifty-eyed Sailor, Shifty-eyed Vagrant, Silvairre the Virtuous, Sofine, Storm Archer, Stout Ambusher, Straightshot Assassin, Striped Lightning Hand, Tar-stained Buccaneer, Tempered Huntress, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Heavy Swing
Heavy Swing 311 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
58172 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
292993 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297644 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires Berserk Berserk Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2s
Able-bodied Ambusher1, Aersthota Morningcalm1, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed1, Ala Mhigan Axeman1, Alimahus1, Alka Zolka the Doer1, Alka Zolka the Slayer1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, Axe-wielding Adventurer1, Axe-wielding Training Partner2, B'bhen Tia1, Baenryss of the Deep1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1, Broenbhar Rocksplitter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Gromet1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, Curious Gorge1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Seaman 1st Class1, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class1, Drowned Steersman Chief1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Marauder3/4, Elchi1, Ellice1, Familiar Marauder1, Fearless Fawn1, Garibald the Fargone1, Glazrael Saltwind1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grinning Cur Cap'n1, Grinning Cur Swab1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Boldwing1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Jolly Merchant Lodesman1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leviathan's Thrall1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nameless Attacker1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Patience of the Alacran1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Ryssfloh1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Marauder3/4, Seserikku1, Shallowtail Reaver1, Sofine1, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn1, Storm Marauder1/3/4, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Yellowjacket1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Heavy Thrust
Heavy Thrust 79 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Heavy Thrust Heavy Thrust; deals greater damage from rear Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Heirloom Scream
6395 Inflicts 14 Fixed Fixed damage and 1s Stun Stun*; KOs user Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant
11961 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
284982 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y None Single 5s
Gaius van Baelsar1, Phantom Gaius2
Hell Slash
3411 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
13302 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/10s
17113 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/15s
The Accused1, Charmed Captain1, Charmed Falmadair2, Dead Man's Moan1, Hellsbound Warrior1, Magicked Bones1, Manor Butler1, Manor Footman1, Manor Servitor1, Manor Steward1/3, Platinal1, Skeleton Soldier1, Soldier of Nym1, Territorial Skeleton1, Void Warrior1, Wight Wailer1
4581 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; deals greater damage if Infernal Nail is not destroyed Self Unavoidable 30y+ 2s
11892 Animation for Hellfire#1405 Self 3y None Single 5s
13573 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; deals greater damage if Infernal Nail is not destroyed Self Unavoidable 30y+ 2s
14054 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 6s
15365 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; deals greater damage if Infernal Nail is not destroyed Self Unavoidable 30y+ 2s
289786 Animation for Hellfire#29002 Self None Single 5s
290027 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 5s
350808 Invokes Hellfire#35081 if Infernal Aether = 100 or Hellfire#35082 otherwise Self None Single 3s
350819 Inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
3508210 Inflicts 60% current HP Fractional Fractional damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Ifrit1/3, Infernal Shadow8/9/10, Ultima Ifrit4/7, The Ultima Weapon2/6
6231 Grants 15s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up and Physical Vulnerability Down Physical Vulnerability Down Self None Single 3.5s/25s
11322 Grants Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single Instant/6s
Barbatos1, Batraal2
Hex Eye
2659 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Paralysis Paralysis Self 4y Circle 4y+ 2.5s/18s
3234 Grants Hidden Hidden Self None Single Instant/20s
Captain Jacke
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. High Voltage
12161 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Unavoidable 100y+ 3s*/25s
14472 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Unavoidable 100y+ 2.5s*/25s
ADS1/2, Attack Node1, Defense Node1, Disposal Node1, Monitoring Node (監視システム)1, Quarantine Node1, Sanitary Node1
High-powered Beam
3311 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 40y Circle 5y 2.5s/3s
Assault System α, Assault System β, Assault System γ
High-powered Magitek Ray
28773 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 60x4y 5s
The Black Eft
983 Summons adds[note 13] Self None Single Instant/6s
Imperial Decurion, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost, Rurukuta Tornstar
Holmgang 431 Grants self 10s Holmgang Holmgang; if targeting a susceptible enemy, creates tether between user and target and inflicts 10s Holmgang Holmgang on target< Hostile 6y None Single Instant/240s
57822 Creates tether between user and target, granting self 10s Holmgang Holmgang and inflicting 6s Holmgang Holmgang on target Hostile 20y None Single Instant
292983 Grants self 10s Holmgang Holmgang; if targeting a susceptible enemy, creates tether between user and target and inflicts 10s Holmgang Holmgang on target Hostile 6y None Single Instant/240s
5th Cohort Laquearius1, 5th Cohort Optio1, Aisibhir Badwind1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, Axe-wielding Training Partner2, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, Curious Gorge1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Boldwing1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder3, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Holy 139 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 4s Stun Stun* Self Circle 8y 2.5s*/2.5s
A-Ruhn-Senna, A-Towa-Cant, Raya-O-Senna
Holy Flame
1783 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 50y Circle 6y 3s/16s
Ifrit's Beacon
Homing Lasers
1180 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y Circle 4y Instant
1505 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y Circle 4y Instant
29023 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single 5s
The Ultima Weapon
Homing Ray
29011 Animation for Homing Ray#29012 Self None Single 4s
29012 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 5s
The Ultima Weapon
Hood Swing
12081 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
27352 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° 3s/20s
Caduceus1, Laideronnette2
Hooked Burrs
1039 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Burrs Burrs^ Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s/15s
Miser's Mistress
786 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10s Bind Bind* and invokes action #1351 Self Circle 20y+ Instant
Horrid Horn
6357 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/15s
Palace Wivre
Horrida Bella
28495 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y 5s
Gaius van Baelsar
Hot Hands
6161 Summons Damantus and Noxius Self 3y None Single Instant/6s
11312 Grants Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single Instant/6s
Tangata1, Taulurd2
Hot Horns
617 Creates Burns Burns pool, grants invincibility, and summons Fire Sprite, Damantus, and Noxius Self None Single Instant/6s
509 Grants 15s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up Self 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alacran War Hound, Alpha Wolf, Pack Jackal
Howling Fist
Howling Fist 67 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 10y Line 10x2y+ Instant/60s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Hundred Cuts
1746 Animation for Hundred Cuts#1747 Self 3y None Single 3s
1747 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 100y Line 80x10y+ 3s
Hundred Fists
829 Grants 30s Hundred Fists Hundred Fists Self 3y None Single 5s/60s
Hamon Holyfist, Zana Lyehga
Hundred Lashings
10311 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 90° Instant/12s
27542 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 90° Instant/20s
Locksmith1, Thousand-cast Theda2
Huton[note 14]
2269 Grants 60s Huton[note 15]; requires and removes JinChiTen or ChiJinTen Mudra Mudra Self None Single Instant/1.5s
9445 Grants 70s Huton Huton; requires and removes JinChiTen or ChiJinTen Mudra Mudra Self None Single Instant/20s
Chi, Imperial Darkshadow, Jin, Karasu Redbeak, Ten
556 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 3s Silence Silence* Self Cone 6y+ 90° 3.5s/30s
Coral Sahagin, Denn the Orcatoothed, Halfstone Shoalspine, Meww the Pusher, Mouu the Puller, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サッパー), Sahagin Sentry, Sahagin Skirmisher, Sahagin Waverider, Sapsa Shelfspine, Sapsa Shelftooth, Shelfspine Guard, Shelfspine Sahagin, Shelftooth Chief, Shelftooth Guard, Shoalspine Sahagin, Shoaltooth Sahagin, Surfspine Sahagin, Surftooth Sahagin, Surftooth Sentry, Trenchtooth Sahagin, Voll the Sharkskinned, Yarr the Wavefiend
28780 Animation for Hypercharge#28781/28782 Self None Single 4.1s
28781 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Circle 10y 5s
28782 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Donut 12-30y 5s
Magitek Vanguard F-1
Hypha Whip
396 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Alpha Fungus, Fruiting Fungus, Sylph Bonnet, Toadstool


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Ice Spikes
3121 Grants 20s Ice Spikes Ice Spikes Self 3y None Single 1.5s*/30s
8592 Grants 20s Ice Spikes Ice Spikes Self 3y None Single 3s*/30s
Alpha Devilet1, Alux1, Brutish Imp1, Darkwing Devilet1, Deepvoid Scamp1, Despicable Devilet1, Dusty Devilet1, Dusty Imp1, Gaunt Slaveling1, Inebriated Imp1, Lockbreaker Imp1, Manor Jester2, Mischief-maker Imp (賞金首:ミスチフメーカー)1, Mischief-maker Imp (ミスチフメーカー・インプ)1, Mormo's Missionary1, Roadblocker Imp1, Runagate Imp1, Seemingly Ordinary Imp1, Territorial Devilet1, Trickster Imp (インプ)1, Trickster Imp (トリックスター)1, Trickster Imp (トリックスター・インプ)1, Vandalous Imp1
1698 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and creates Frostbite Frostbite pool Area 25y Circle 5y Instant/40s
Manor Jester
Illusory Creation
29761 Summons Phantom Lahabrea Self None Single 3s
Imminent Catastrophe
1074 Inflicts Magic Magic damage if not behind cover Area 80y Unavoidable 36y 7s
694 Grants 15s Vulnerability Down Vulnerability Down Self None Single 2.5s/45s
Aegaeon of the Bone, Hecatoncheir Tremorward, Kottos
Impact Roar
1688 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ 4s/25s
Impeding Trap
6278 Inflicts 30s Pacification Pacification* and Silence Silence* Area Circle 8y Instant
Impulse Drive
Impulse Drive 81 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Eques, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Militia Spear, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Incendiary Support
29268 Invokes Incendiary Support#29269 Self None Single 3s
29269 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Unavoidable 60y Instant
The Black Eft
4531 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
13532 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
15283 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage and 30s Suppuration Suppuration Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
350504 Animation for Incinerate#36051 and actions #36051/#35936 Self None Single Instant
350515 Animation for Incinerate#36051 Hostile 100y Circle 5y 5.4s
360516 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Hostile 100y Circle 5y 5.8s
Ifrit1/2/3, Infernal Shadow4/5/6
1263 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 3s
Clockwork Dreadnaught
6397 Inflicts 10m Accursed Pox Accursed Pox Hostile 100y None Single 3s*/30s
Infernal Fetters
1534 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 25s Infernal Fetters Infernal Fetters (max 8) Hostile 50y None Single Instant
Infernal Howl
36129 Invokes Infernal Howl#36130 Self None Single Instant
36130 Inflicts 5% current HP Fractional Fractional damage and 8s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Infernal Shadow
Infernal Shroud
35046 Grants infernal shroud Self None Single 3s
Infernal Shadow
Infernal Surge
1535 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 3s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Unavoidable 50y Instant
Infernal Nail
Inferno 8011 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 5y Cone 5y+ 90° Instant
13242 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 5y Cone 5y 90° Instant/6s
Summon Ifrit 258492 Inflicts splashing MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 5y Cone 5y+ 90° Instant
Summon Ifrit II 258524 Inflicts splashing MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 35y Circle 5y+ Instant
Carbuncle3, Emerald Carbuncle1/3, Garuda-Egi3, Ifrit-Egi1/2/3, Ruby Carbuncle1/3, Ruby Ifrit4, Titan-Egi3, Topaz Carbuncle1/3
1266 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 8y+ 3s
Aspect of Chaos
Inferno Howl
1529 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage and 20s Searing Wind Searing Wind Hostile 30y None Single 2s
Infinite Reach
28791 Animation for Infinite Reach#28793 Self None Single 4.9s
28792 Animation for Infinite Reach#28793 Self None Single Instant
28793 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Line 40x4y 7.2s
Livia sas Junius
9501 Inflicts draw-in Self Cone 20y+ 90° 2.5s
27992 Inflicts draw-in Self 30y Cone 40y+ 90° Instant/30s
Croque-mitaine2, Keeper of Halidom1
Inner Beastman
1313 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP. Hostile 3y None Single Instant/20s
Alka Zolka the Doer, Alka Zolka the Slayer
1195 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
28494 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 5y None Single 5s
Gaius van Baelsar
1056 Grants 60s Skill Speed Up Skill Speed Up and Spell Speed Up Spell Speed Up Ally 25y None Single 4s*/20s
Broken Gladiator, Ixali Sabreur, Ixali Windtalon, Jenlyns Straightblade
25084 Interrupts Hostile 3y None Single Instant 30s
Scion Marauder
Internal Release
Internal Release 59 Grants 15s Internal Release Internal Release Self None Single Instant/60s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Animated Pugilist, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chastity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Chuchuto Brightstar, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, Ishgardian Light Infantry, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Morningstar Gunner, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Widargelt the Watcher, Yda, Yehn Amariyo, Zana Lyehga, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Iron Justice
3561 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 8y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
63632 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° 2.5s/20s
Bockman1, Daedalus1, Doctore1, Dullahan1, Palace Dullahan2, Territorial Dullahan1, Unspeaking Swordsman1
Iron Kiss
145621 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 50y Circle 7y 5s
284692 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 6y 7s
284703 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 6y* 9s
284724 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 5y 5s
Goblin Mercenary1, Mark II Magitek Colossus2/3/4
Iron Tempest
10031 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 3y knockback Self Circle 5y+ 3.5s/2.5s
57832 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y+ 8.3s
59863 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y+ 3s
292944 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
3rd Cohort Decurion1, 5th Cohort Laquearius1, 5th Cohort Optio1, Aisibhir Badwind1, Axe-wielding Training Partner2/3, Bloody Executioner Lodesman1, Broken Marauder1, Curious Gorge1, Doesmaga Poisonheart1, Eager Marauder4, Familiar Marauder1, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry1, Scion Marauder4, Storm Marauder4, Weggfarr Wideaxe1
Iron Uprising
1155 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
28482 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 12y knockback Self Cone 7y 120° 3s
Nero tol Scaeva
Iron Will
Iron Will 28 Grants Iron Will Iron Will Self None Single Instant/2s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Mylla Swordsong, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Irritating Tendrils
589 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Line 3x2y+ 2.5s/6s
Acubens, Aetherbound Aurelia, Bloodshore Bell, Bloodshore Eyesore, Cuachac, Dark Matter Aurelia, Sea Wasp, Territorial Sea Wasp, Wandering Waterskin


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
2827 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3.5s/36s
Jin 2263 Grants 6s Jin Mudra Mudra Self None Single Instant/20s
2 charges
Chi, Imperial Darkshadow, Jin, Karasu Redbeak, Ten
Jittering Jig
400 Grants 15s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up Self None Single 2.5s/6s
Crystal Bearer, Sil'dihn Spriggan, Spiteful, Spitfire, Spriggan, Spriggan Chumbler, Spriggan Copper Carrier, Spriggan Graverobber, Territorial Spriggan
1201 Inflicts 6s Stun Stun, and marks target for Judgment#1203 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
1203 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 8y 3s
Gaius van Baelsar
1318 Repositions and inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; returns to original position Area 25y Circle 3y 2s/6s
Estinien Wyrmblood
Jumping Thrust
834 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant 20s
Denn the Orcatoothed


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Katon 22661 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; requires and removes ChiTen or JinTen Mudra Mudra Hostile 20y Circle 5y Instant/1.5s
32052 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns*; requires and removes ChiTen or JinTen Mudra Mudra Area 25y Circle 15y+ 4.5s/15s
Chi1, Gekkai the Blind2, Imperial Darkshadow1, Imperial Nightshadow1, Imperial Shadow1, Jin1, Karasu Redbeak1, Oboro Moonrise1, Ten1, Tsubame Sunrise1
Keen Flurry
Keen Flurry 77 Grants 20s Keen Flurry Keen Flurry Self None Single Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Legless Laurentius, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
2819 Inflicts Magic Magic damage, 15s Heavy Heavy, and draw-in Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/32s
Kick and Scream
2664 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 4y Circle 4y+ Instant/9s
2665 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 4y Circle 4y+ 2.5s/9s
Ghede Ti Malice
King's Will
357 Grants 15s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
Bockman, Daedalus, Doctore, Dullahan, Territorial Dullahan, Unspeaking Swordsman
Kiss of the Wasp
2243 Grants Kiss of the Wasp Kiss of the Wasp Self None Single Instant/5s
Captain Jacke, Chi, Gekkai the Blind, Imperial Darkshadow, Imperial Nightshadow, Imperial Shadow, Jin, Karasu Redbeak, Oboro Moonrise, Perimu Haurimu Underfoot, Ten, Tsubame Sunrise, V'kebbe the Stray
Kneeling Snath
940 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
Alpha Mantis, Cluster Mantis, Dark Matter Mantis, Killer Mantis, Mantis King, Murderous Mantis, Preying Mantis, Rageclaw, Red Mantis
763 Tethers to a Magic Pot, inflicting 50% max HP Fractional Fractional damage and Leaden Leaden, and forcing target to move towards user Self 100y None Single Instant


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Labored Leap
10061 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 6y+ 4s/6s
11302 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
28093 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 6y Circle 6y+ 4s/30s
63424 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 6y Circle 6y+ 2.5s/30s
Alpha Nix1, Bone Nix2, Cane Toad1, Copperbell Nix1, Croakadile3, Doomed Gigantoad1, Dreamtoad1, Gigantoad1, Giggling Gigantoad1, Heket1, Horny Toad1, Inflated Nix1, Lake Nix1, Laughing Toad1, Ledgeleaper1, Lumber Toad1, Nether Nix1, Nix1, Ogama1, Palace Toad4, Territorial Gigantoad1, Toxic Toad1, Trancetoad1, Vodyanoi1, Winter Nix1
557 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Dropsy Dropsy* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Halfstone Shoalscale, Sahagin Infiltrator, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サパー), Sahagin Skirmisher, Sahagin Spy, Sapsa Shelfclaw, Shelfclaw Chief, Shelfclaw Guard, Shelfclaw Sahagin, Shoalclaw Sahagin, Surfclaw Chief, Surfclaw Sahagin
Lance Charge
Lance Charge 851 Grants 20s Lance Charge Lance Charge Self None Single Instant/60s
293102 Grants Lance Charge Lance Charge Self None Single Instant
5th Cohort Eques1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Swiftbeak1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Lancer2, Serpent Lancer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Temperance of the Alacran1, Temple Banneret1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Veteran Gladiator1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
6275 Inflicts 80% current HP Fractional Fractional damage Area Circle 8y Instant
6501 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 35x6y+ 3s
Landslide 7902 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 2s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/40s
13643 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 35x6y+ 2.2s
14674 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 35x6y+ 2.2s
14675 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 35x6y+ 2.2s
14756 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 35x6y+ 2.2s/30s
289817 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 40x6y 3s
290008 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage and 15y knockback Self Line 40x6y 3s
Emerald Carbuncle2, Granite Gaoler6, Ruby Carbuncle2, Titan1/3/4/5, Titan-Egi2, Topaz Carbuncle2, Ultima Titan8, The Ultima Weapon7
3369 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 100y Line 100x40y+ 15s
522 Restores HP Self 3y None Single 2.5s/30s
Longhorn Nannygoat, Mourning Nanny, Myotragus Nanny, Territorial Nannygoat
9761 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
28082 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/30s
Alpha Nix1, Cane Toad1, Copperbell Nix1, Croakadile2, Doomed Gigantoad1, Dreamtoad1, Gigantoad1, Giggling Gigantoad1, Heket1, Horny Toad1, Inflated Nix1, Lake Nix1, Laughing Toad1, Ledgeleaper1, Lumber Toad1, Nether Nix1, Nix1, Ogama1, Territorial Gigantoad1, Toxic Toad1, Trancetoad1, Vodyanoi1, Winter Nix1
Largesse 7570 Grants 20s Largesse Largesse Self None Single Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Laser Focus
29013 Animation for Laser Focus#29014 Self None Single 4s
29014 Inflicts split Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 5s
The Ultima Weapon
Last Resort
1133 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
Bomb (爆弾)
Last Supper
1348 Inflicts 100% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; restores HP equal to target's current HP and grants Damage Up Damage Up to user Ally 30y None Single 4.5s/3s
Tristan Nightflicker
Lateral Slash
4191 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27152 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/36s
Marberry2, Tonberry (トンベリ)1, Tonberry Creeper1, Tonberry Hexer1, Tonberry King1, Tonberry Wanderer1
27571 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/20s
64242 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 50y Unavoidable 50y 3s
Spurge2, Thousand-cast Theda1
1230 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Clockwork Bug
Leg Graze
7554 Inflicts 10s Heavy Heavy* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/30s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Leg Sweep
Leg Sweep 82 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 3s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/30s
5th Cohort Eques, Ala Mhigan Pikeman, Baldewyn Four Yalms, Imperial Bestiarius, Janremi Blackheart, Militia Spear, Miraudont the Madder, Temperance of the Alacran
Lethal Lap
2807 Inflicts 20s Confused Confused and 30s Poison Poison* Self 3y Cone 6y+ 90° 3s/30s
Lethargy 151 Inflicts 12s Heavy Heavy* and Slow Slow* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/30s
5th Cohort Signifer, Lostkin Kazagg Chah, Papalymo, Short-tempered Thaumaturge
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Level 5 Petrify
5141 Inflicts 9s Petrification Petrification if level is a multiple of 5 Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2s
18282 Inflicts 20s Petrification Petrification if level is a multiple of 5 Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2s*
297102 Inflicts 9s Petrification Petrification if level is a multiple of 5 Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2s
Cursed Eye2, Manipulated Eye1, Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛)1/3, Rotting Eye2
Level X Petrify
2410 Gaze inflicts 20s Petrification Petrification if facing user Self 3y Cone 8y+ 90° 1.6s/6s
Gelid Eye
5191 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
26882 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis Hostile 6y None Single Instant/18s
Alpha Biast1, Biast1, Blizzard Biast1, Greywine1, Rimy Biast1, Rongeur1, Tempest Biast1, Territorial Biast1, Zanig'oh2
5191 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
9852 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 0.5s/6s
10113 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s*/6s
24214 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
26875 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/18s
34666 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s14s
Alpha Biast1, Biast1, Blizzard Biast1, Dravanian Outwalker1, Greywine1, Horde Biast6, Rimy Biast1, Rongeur1, Tempest Biast2, Territorial Biast1, Thunderclap Guivre3, Woken Biast4, Zanig'oh5
Life Surge
Life Surge 831 Grants 5s Life Surge Life Surge Self None Single Instant/40s
293112 Grants Life Surge Life Surge None Single Instant Self
5th Cohort Eques1, Ala Mhigan Pikeman1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Boatswain1, Broken Lancer1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Falconer1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Lancer2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Estinien Wyrmblood1, Fearless Fawn1, Foulques of the Mist1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grinning Cur Carpenter1, Gundobald the Resolute1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Bestiarius1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Swiftbeak1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Militia Spear1, Miraudont the Madder1, Morel1, Morningstar Boatswain1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Redbelly Stinger1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Lancer2, Serpent Lancer2, Seserikku1, Sharp-eyed Lancer1, Sofine1, Spurned Soul1, Temperance of the Alacran1, Tempered Pikeman1, Temple Banneret1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Light Succor
1287 Restores HP Self Circle 10y+ 3s/12s
Dark Summoner, Tristan Nightflicker
14625 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
The Lion's Breath
9021 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage and 15s Burns Burns* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 1s/6s
11012 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
13423 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
27264 Inflicts BreathFire Fire breath damage and 30s Burns Burns* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 1s/16s
Alpha Chimera2, Chimera2, Chudo-Yudo1, Dhorme Chimera3, Gorgimera2, Marraco4
1045 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Self Line 50x8y+ 3s
1046 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self Line 50x7y+ 2s
Demon Wall
Liquid Hell
6701 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and creates Burns Burns pool Area 100y Circle 6y Instant
12432 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and creates Burns Burns pool Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
14573 Marks target for Liquid Hell#670 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
The Scourge of Meracydia2, Twintania1/3
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. The Look
5831 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
10722 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/12s
17913 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/12s
Anantaboga2, Denizen of the Dark1, Dread Dragon3, Valefor3
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Loom
1915 Repositions Hostile 40y None Single Instant 15s
Flame Sergeant Dalvag
923 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Colibri, Myradrosh, Talking Colibri, Territorial Colibri
Low Voltage
2615 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Unavoidable 30y+ Instant/5s
3307 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Unavoidable 30y+ Instant/6s
Interceptor Node
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming 7562 Grants 21s Lucid Dreaming Lucid Dreaming Self None Single Instant/60s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Lumbering Leap
28543 Animation for Lumbering Leap#28544, repositions, and invokes Lumbering Leap#28549 Area 100y None Single 8s
28544 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 12y 9s
28549 Animation for Lumbering Leap#28544 and repositions Area 100y None Single Instant
6419 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 50y Circle 6y 3s
Palace Deathgaze
Lunatic Voice
1485 Inflicts Magic Magic damage amd 30s Reduced Immunity Reduced Immunity* Self Unavoidable 50y+ 4s*/30s
7371 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
34632 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/14s
Archaeoaevis1, Downy Aevis1, Dragon Aevis1, Frost Aevis1, Grand Aevis1, Guillaime1, Horde Aevis2, Red Aevis1, Territorial Aevis1, Thrustaevis1
Luring Trap
6276 Summons adds[note 16] Area None Single Instant


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Magic Burst
35105 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Magitek Cannon
12041 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 19y Circle 6y 3s
14302 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 19y Circle 6y 3s
14323 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 19y Circle 6y 2.5s/20s
287754 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
291806 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 30y Circle 6y 3s
The Black Eft3/4, Cid2, Livia sas Junius3, Magitek Reaper1/3/6, Proto Armor3
Magitek Field
1373 Grants Vulnerability Down Vulnerability Down while tethered allies are alive Self 3y None Single Instant/6s
Magitek Colossus Rubricatus
Magitek Missile
14598 Invokes Magitek Missile#14599 Self None Single 1s
14599 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 40y Circle 5y 3s
Magitek Missiles
1143 Invokes Magitek Missiles#1144 Self 3y None Single Instant
1144 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 15y 2s
28864 Invokes Magitek Missiles#28865 Self None Single 3s
28865 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 7y 4s
28878 Invokes Magitek Missiles#28865 Self None Single 3s
28881 Invokes Magitek Missiles#28882 Self None Single 3s
28865 Inflicts 20% max HP Fractional Fractional damage and creates Burns Burns pool Area 100y Circle 7y 3s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Magitek Ray
5371 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 6y 3s/6s
13702 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns* Area 50y Circle 6y 3s/12s
13993 Invokes Magitek Ray#1421 Self 40y Line 40x8y+ 1s
14004 Invokes Magitek Ray#1422 Self 40y 45° rightward line 40x8y+ 1s
14015 Invokes Magitek Ray#1423 Self 40y 45° leftward line 40x8y+ 1s
14216 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y Line 40x6y+ 2.5s
14227 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y 45° rightward line 40x6y+ 2.5s
14238 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y 45° leftward line 40x6y+ 2.5s
14269 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y Circle 6y Instant/20s
150710 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y Line 40x6y+ 2.5s
150811 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y 45° rightward line 40x6y+ 2.5s
150912 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y 45° leftward line 40x6y+ 2.5s
178713 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15s Burns Burns* Area 100y Circle 6y Instant/15s
284214 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 24s Burns Burns* Area 100y Circle 6y Instant/60s
2900515 Invokes Magitek Ray#29008 Self None Single Instant
2900616 Invokes Magitek Ray#29009 Self None Single Instant
2900717 Invokes Magitek Ray#29010 Self None Single Instant
2900818 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y Line 40x6y 2.2s
2900919 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y 45° rightward line 40x6y 2.2s
2901020 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 40y 45° leftward line 40x6y 2.2s
2918421 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 6y 3s
Agrippa the Mighty14, Iron Giant13, Magitek Colossus1/9/21, Magitek Colossus Rubricatus9, Mark II Magitek Colossus2, The Ultima Weapon3-8/10-12/15-20
2790 Inflicts draw-in Self 10y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/36s
Maim 371 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Heavy Swing#31 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293002 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297653 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires Berserk Berserk Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2s
Able-bodied Ambusher1, Aersthota Morningcalm1, Ala Mhigan Axeman1, Alimahus1, Alka Zolka the Doer1, Alka Zolka the Slayer1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baenryss of the Deep1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1, Broenbhar Rocksplitter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Gromet1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Seaman 1st Class1, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class1, Drowned Steersman Chief1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Marauder2/3, Elchi1, Ellice1, Familiar Marauder1, Fearless Fawn1, Garibald the Fargone1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Boldwing1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leviathan's Thrall1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nameless Attacker1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Ryssfloh1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Marauder1/2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn1, Storm Marauder1/2/3, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
3196 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and creates 15s Flesh Wound Flesh Wound* pool Area 30y Circle 8y+ 3s/15s
Karasu Redbeak
586 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 3s Silence Silence* Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Breath of Shadow, The Condemned, Deepvoid Soul, The Last of the Allagans, Loam Bogy, Poisoned Peasant, Revenant, Territorial Revenant, Void Echo, Wandering Soul, Wicked Soul
Mana Cannon
679 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s/6s
Imperial Assault Craft
Manaward 1571 Grants 20s Manaward Manaward Self None Single Instant/120s
252092 Grants 20s Manaward Manaward Self None Single Instant/120s
5th Cohort Signifer1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Seamster1, Broken Thaumaturge1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cocobani the Cold1, Cocobezi the Contemplative1, Cocoboha the Curt1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Thaumaturge2, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Morningstar Cosier1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Papalymo1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge2, Seserikku1, Short-tempered Thaumaturge1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Mandible Bite
1109 Inflicts Breath Breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/10s
Myrmidon Guard, Myrmidon Marshal, Myrmidon Princess
Mantra 65 Grants 15s Mantra Mantra Self Unavoidable 30y Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
March of the Moogles
16231 Creates Damage Up Damage Up pool Self None Single 5.5s
16242 Creates Damage Up Damage Up pool Self None Single 5.5s
16343 Grants 30s Damage Up Damage Up Self Circle 10y+ 5.5s
Good King Moggle Mog XII3, Puksi Piko the Shaggysong1/2
Mark of Pain
997 Marks target for Dark Dome#998 Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Massive Detonation
840 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self Circle 8y Instant
Bomb (爆弾)
Mean Thrash
12791 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 2s/10s
27812 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 6y Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 2.8s/18s
Hydra1, Lampalagua2
Medica 1241 Restores HP Self Circle 15y 2s*/2.5s
293202 Restores HP Self Circle 20y 2s*/2.5s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Conjurer2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Conjurer2, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Medica II
Medica II 1331 Restores HP and grants 15s Medica II Medica II Self Circle 20y 2s*/2.5s
293212 Restores HP and grants 15s Medica II Medica II Self Circle 20y 2s*/2.5s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
3551 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Cone 8y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
26862 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 3y Cone 8y+ 90° 2.5s/30s
Alpha Coeurl1, Great White Torama1, Maahes2, Ose1, Territorial Coeurl1
Megiddo Flame
1735 Animation for Megiddo Flame#1741/1742/1743/1744 Self 3y None Single 3s
1741 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 3y 3s
1742 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 4y 3s
1743 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 5y 3s
1744 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
Memento Moogle
1628 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 50y+ 4s
29217 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 50y 6s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Mercurial Strike
1686 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self Circle 6y+ 3s/40s
25528 Inflicts Limit Break Limit Break damage Area 25y Circle 15y 3s
Flame Thaumaturge
Miasma 168 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Miasma Miasma* Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Dark Summoner, Death's Embrace Master, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Foreseer K'lyhia, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, Inquisitor Guillaime, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous, Toragana, Totodi, Tristan Nightflicker, Urianger, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Miasma II
Miasma II 177 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Miasma II Miasma II* Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Miasma Breath
735 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
Bone Dragon
3501 Inflicts 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
26812 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 6y None Single Instant/30s
Coeurl Pup1, Jungle Coeurl Pup1, Maahes2, Papripatan1, Slasher1, Territorial Coeurl Pup1, Truffle Coeurl1
14619 Inflicts Magic Magic proximity damage Self 25y Unavoidable 25y 17.3s
14624 Inflicts 999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self 25y Unavoidable 25y 17.3s
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Mind Blast
9871 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Circle 8y+ 5s/60s
27462 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Paralysis Paralysis Self 3y Circle 6y+ 3s/36s
Galvanth the Dominator1, Mindflayer2
Mind Melt
10781 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 100y 3s*/30s
27472 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Paralysis Paralysis Self 3y Unavoidable 40y+ 3s*/36s
Mindflayer2, Psycheflayer1
Mini Detonation
862 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self Circle 3y Instant
Bomb (爆弾)
Mini Supercell
14612 Inflicts split Magic Magic damage and 25y knockback Self Line 45x6y 5s
Misery's End
Misery's End 103 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; can only be executed when target's HP is below 20% Hostile 25y None Single Instant/12s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Hunter, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drowned Outranger, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士), Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Bowman, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkyakya
Mistral Gaol
14621 Creates Turbulence trap, inflicting Blown Away Blown Away and Fetters Fetters in area of effect while active, and initiates Storm Cell Active Time Maneuver; invokes Microburst#14624 on failure Self 100y Circle 6y 5s
Mistral Shriek
6611 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Circle 23y+ 4s
13842 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Circle 23y+ 3s
146113 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Unavoidable 30y 7s
289974 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Circle 23y 5s
Chirada2, Garuda1/2/3, Suparna2, Ultima Garuda4
Mistral Song
6601 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Cone 30y+ 120° 4s
6672 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage if not behind cover Self Unavoidable 30y+ 4s
13903 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage if not behind cover Self Unavoidable 30y+ 3s
15174 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Cone 20y+ 120° 3s
17615 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Cone 30y+ 120° 1s
146166 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Cone 20y 150° 3.5s
Garuda1-3/5-6, Ultima Garuda4
Mog Comet
29198 Invokes Mog Comet#29199 Self None Single 3s
29199 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Area 100y Circle 6y+ 3s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Mog Creation
1627 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 20x5y+ 2.5s
29208 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Line 50x10y 3s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Mog Stone IV
29203 Invokes Mog Stone IV#29204 Self None Single 3s
29204 Inflicts split MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 6s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Moggleday Night Fever
29213 Inflicts 12s Rhythmetic Fever Rhythmetic Fever Self Cone 30y 120° 5s
Puksi Piko the Shaggysong
Mograin of Death
16221 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y Instant
16332 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y Instant
291913 Invokes Mograin of Death#29192 Self None Single 3s
291924 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 6s
Good King Moggle Mog XII2, Woolywart Kupqu Kogi1/3/4
Moldy Phlegm
9411 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Reduced Immunity Reduced Immunity* Area 50y Circle 6y 2.5s
28022 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Area 100y Circle 6y 3s/32s
59833 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Reduced Immunity Reduced Immunity* Area 50y Circle 6y+ 3s
Croque-mitaine2, Keeper of Halidom1, Tamed Goobbue3
Moldy Sneeze
5791 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
10902 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Reduced Immunity Reduced Immunity* Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/20s
28003 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/30s
59824 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Alpha Goobbue1, Croque-mitaine3, Elder Goobbue1, Goobbue1, Goobbue Farmer1, Hoary Goobbue1, Jolly Green1, Keeper of Halidom2, Insatiable Goobbue1, Longarm1, Meltwater Goobbue1, Mildewed Goobbue1, Shezmu1, Sweet Tooth Goobbue1, Tamed Goobbue4
Moogle Eye Shot
1621 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Woolywart Kupqu Kogi
Moogle Thrust
1625 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
29214 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 5y None Single 5s
Pukna Pako the Tailturner
16141 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 20y+ 5.5s
16292 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 20y+ 5.5s
291963 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Circle 20y 9s
291974 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Circle 20y 9s
Good King Moggle Mog XII2/3, Ruffletuft Kupta Kapa1/4, Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop4
Moonfall Slash
1780 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30y knockback Self 10y Cone 10y+ 120° 3s
Mortal Ray
9341 Inflicts 12s Doom Doom^ Self Unavoidable 50y+ 1.5s/30s
28322 Gaze inflicts 5s Doom Doom if facing user Self 40y Cone 40y+ 90° 3s/36s
Chernobog2, Teratotaur1
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Mountain Buster
6431 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage Self Cone 16y+ 90° Instant
Mountain Buster 7882 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 5y Instant
14643 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 35s Physical Vulnerability Up Physical Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Cone 16y+ 90° Instant
Emerald Carbuncle2, Ruby Carbuncle2, Titan1/3, Titan-Egi2, Topaz Carbuncle2
9311 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
14132 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/24s
28293 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 30s Poison Poison* Self 22y Cone 22y+ 120° Instant/36s
Alpha Taurus1, Chernobog3, Gorgotaur1, Shadowclaw1, Stegotaur1, Tarbotaur1, Taurus1, Teratotaur2
Mucous Discharge
383 Inflicts 5s Pacification Pacification* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
Sylph Pillow
3681 Inflicts 15s Blind Blind* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
7432 Gaze inflicts 15s Blind Blind* if facing user Hostile 3y None Single 1.5s
Coeurlclaw Trapper2, Spenser of the Bottomless Cup1
Murder Hole
1044 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 80y Circle 6y Instant/3s
Demon Wall
Mutilate 2244 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Mutilation Mutilation* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Captain Jacke


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Nascent End
1062 Inflicts 625 Fixed Fixed damage; KOs user Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Inner Rage
Nascent Flash
1061 Restores HP; KOs user Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Inner Fury
Neck Rip
975 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Flesh Wound Flesh Wound* Self Line 3x2y+ 2.5s/6s
4th Cohort War Hound, Alacran Bloodhound, Hungry Dreadwolf, Ixali Watchwolf, Natalan Watchwolf, Pack Wolf, Scout Wolf, Scurvy Dog, Territorial Hound, Territorial Wolf, Watchwolf, Wild Wolf
Needle Burst
29181 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self 6y Circle 6y 3s
Magitek Vanguard, Magitek Vanguard H-1
Needle Shot
14606 Inflicts split Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y Circle 5y 5s
Nerve Sever
9741 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Line 3x2y+ 6s
9992 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Line 3x2y+ 6s
Alpha Wolf2, Scarred Jackal2, Snow Wolf1, Snow Wolf Pup1, White Wolf1
Nether Burst
1699 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 50y+ Instant/15s
Manor Steward
1171 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and removes one enhancement Hostile 15y None Single Instant/60s
29340 Inflicts 35% current HP Fractional Fractional damage and 13s Devouring Dark Devouring Dark, or MagicFire Magic fire damage with no status if target is under Blessing of Light Blessing of Light; invokes Nightburn#29341 under Double Double or Triple Triple Hostile 100y None Single 4s
29341 Inflicts 57% current HP Fractional Fractional damage and 13s Devouring Dark Devouring Dark, or MagicFire Magic fire damage with no status if target is under Blessing of Light Blessing of Light; invokes Nightburn#29342 under Triple Triple; removes Double Double Hostile 100y None Single Instant
29342 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; removes Triple Triple Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Nightmarish Light
2729 Inflicts 60s Sleep Sleep*^ Self 3y Unavoidable 40y+ 3s*/40s
Node Retrieval
1228 Inflicts instant death and grants self varying effects[note 17] Ally 3y None Single Instant
Numbing Breath
5061 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/30s
24282 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/90s
26753 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/36s
Alectryon3, Giant Oxpecker1, Gold Back2, Great Yellow Pelican1, Territorial Pelican1, Ziz1, Ziz Gorlin1
Numbing Tendrils
588 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Line 3x2y+ 2.5s/6s
Aurelia, Bloodshore Eyesore, Cave Aurelia, Cepheus, Frenzied Aurelia, Saltwater Aurelia, Territorial Aurelia


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Object 130
2616 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 1.5s
3308 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 1.5s
Interceptor Node
Object 199
1229 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
6801 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y+ 2s/12s
10882 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 100y 3s/15s
14453 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 50y+ 2s/25s
Dark Matter Golem3, Marble Marionette2, Temple Guardian1
Oiled Arrow
1060 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and creates 5s Burns Burns* pool Area 25y Circle 5y 2.5s/6s
Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost
One Ilm Punch
One Ilm Punch 72 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 1s Stun Stun, and grants self 30s Coeurl Form Coeurl Form; requires Raptor Form Raptor Form Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Hamon Holyfist
Order to Attack
1151 Marks target for adds to fixate on Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Livia sas Junius
527 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Cone 8y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
1435 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Cone 8y+ 120° 2.5s/20s
29146 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Cone 11y+ 120° 3s
Magitek Vanguard F-12/3, Magitek Vanguard H-11/2, Vanguard Prototype1
1286 Grants 30s Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single 3s/30s
Magitek Reaper
5381 Grants 30s Boost Boost Self 3y None Single Instant/6s
13712 Grants 30s Boost Boost Self 3y None Single Instant
28433 Grants 20s Damage Up Damage Up Self 3y None Single 3s/60s
Agrippa the Mighty3, Magitek Colossus1, Mark II Magitek Colossus2
Overpower 411 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
7202 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
10053 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 4s/6s
21884 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/6s
57805 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 3s
291736 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y 90° 3s
1st Cohort Laquearius2/6, 2nd Cohort Laquearius2, 3rd Cohort Decurion2, 3rd Cohort Laquearius2, 3rd Cohort Optio2, 4th Cohort Laquearius2, 5th Cohort Laquearius2, 5th Cohort Optio2, 7th Cohort Laquearius2, 8th Cohort Laquearius2/6, 13th Order Quarryman2, 13th Order Watchman2, 59th Order Pickman Be Ze2, 271st Order Watchman2, 382nd Order Pickman Ge Bu2, 426th Order Pickman Bu Ga2, 426th Order Pitman2, Able-bodied Ambusher2, Aermswys the Stained2, Aersthota Morningcalm1, Ahctstymm Shadowlurker2, Ahtzapfyn the Absorbed2, Aisibhir Badwind2, Ak-Mena Groundsman2, Ala Mhigan Axeman1, Alimahus1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, Axe-wielding Adventurer1, Axe-wielding Training Partner5, B'bhen Tia1, Baenryss of the Deep2, Baien1, Beggar Shramana2, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1/2, Bloody Executioner Lodesman2, Broenbhar Rocksplitter1, Broken Marauder2, Callous Steed1, Captain Petyr Pigeontoe2, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Gromet1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crier Briareos2, Crilde1, Curious Gorge1/2, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Disorderly Adventurer2, Doesmaga Poisonheart2, Dolfin1, Drowned Butcher2, Drowned Demolisher2, Drowned Seaman 1st Class1, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class1, Drowned Steersman Chief1, Dustyfoot Drysnagl2, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Elite Quarryman2, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Galeborn Buccaneer2, Garibald the Fargone1, Gegeruju Manor Guard2, Giant Captive2, Giant Logger2, Giant Ripper2, Gigas Bonze2, Gigas Shramana2, Glazrael Saltwind1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Gozol Itzcan the Hatchet2, Grinning Cur Cap'n1, Grinning Cur Swab1, Grounded Raider2, Hastaloeya1, Hecatoncheir Rockvaulter2, Hecatoncheir Skullcrusher2, Hecatoncheir Skullsplitter2, Hired Axe2, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Engineer2, Inghilswys1, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry2, Ixali Boldwing2, Ixali Bolecleaver2, Ixali Boundwing2, Ixali Frostwing2, Ixali Lightwing2, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサルリムカッター)2, Ixali Lostwing2/4, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Jolly Merchant Lodesman1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Klythios2, Kobold Doorman2, Kobold Dustman2, Kobold Outlaw2, Kobold Pickman2, Kobold Pitman2, Kobold Quarryman2, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leviathan's Thrall1, Liliba1, Lost Duchess Deckhand (海賊船の甲板員)2, Lunatic Follower2, Mad Sergeant2, Maelstrom Recruit2, Mamool Ja Executioner2, Meuliaire1, Moondrip Stonehauler2, Moonshade Deckhand2, Morel1, Morningstar Gromet2, Morningstar Navigator2, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Murderous Marauder2, Nameless Attacker2, Nanasomi1, Natalan Boldwing2, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Okeanos the Red2, Pagneul1, Patience of the Alacran1/2, Pfarmurl the Driven2, Rabid Ratata2, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Reaver Right Hand2, Rhotano Buccaneer2, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Ryssfloh1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scarface Bugaal Ja2, Seasoned Adventurer2, Second Eye2, Seserikku1, Shallowtail Reaver2/3, Shifty-eyed Sailor2, Shifty-eyed Vagrant2, Sofine1, Someone Familiar2, Sotoli Hueloc of the East Wind2, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn1, Storm Courier2, Storm Marauder1, Storm Private2, Storm Recruit2, Storm Sergeant2, Striped Lightning Thug2, Supply Troop2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Thuggish Sellsword2, Toragana1, Totodi1, Twin-tongued Addison2, U'Ghamaro Quarryman2, V'nbolo1, Windborn Buccaneer2, Yehn Amariyo1, Yellowjacket1/2, Yellowjacket Patrol2, Yellowjacket Recruit2, Yellowjacket Veteran2, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Overtone Shriek
602 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 300 MP damage Self Circle 3y+ 3s/6s
Downcast Hippocerf, Gigas Mastiff, Hippocerf, Hippogryph, Ragged Hippogryph, Void Hound


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
1295 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Painful Whip
913 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Ancient Uragnite, Aturia, Living Fossil, Moonshade Uragnite, Scaphite, Sirius Uragnite, Uragnite, Territorial Uragnite, Zoredonite
3081 Inflicts 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/30s
11182 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/12s
2nd Cohort Signifer1, 3rd Cohort Optio1, 3rd Cohort Signifer1, 4th Cohort Imaginifer1, 4th Cohort Signifer1, 5th Cohort Signifer1, Adjudicator1, Armantel Scaletalker1, Baert Trading Company Guard1, Bandit Mage1, Baron Von Quiveron III Esquire1, Briaxio of the Well1, Corpse Brigade Firedancer1, Crazed Sprite2, Daxio of the Dawn1, Diluxio's Lackey1, Eurytos1, Furious Snarl1, Giant Reader1, Giant Talker1, Gorn the Garrgh1, Hexing Harrier1, Hired Hand1, Hooded Assaulter1, Imperial Signifer1, Lefquene the Mystic1, Mamanzo the Charred1, Margry Flintheart1, Milburh1, Mimas1, Pannixia of the Woven Wing1, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost2, Redbelly Chanter1, Spriggan1, Sylpheed Chuckle1, Sylpheed Snarl1, Sylvan Groan1, Sylvan Snarl1, Tamed Spriggan1, Tempered Orator1, Tempered Slave1, Tempered Sylvan Sough1, Trachtoum Parter of Seas2, Turncloak Clairvisse1, Twin-tongued Mansel1, Violet Snarl1, Wind Sprite2, Witching Harrier1, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere2
Paralyze III
1662 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 30y Circle 6y 5s*/30s
1916 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 30y Circle 6y 5s*/30s
Bhoot1, Flame Sergeant Dalvag2
2179 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
Security Mammet
5701 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
9652 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Arbor Buzzard2, Bald Buzzard2, Bateleur2, Blood Bateleur2, Blood-eyed Buzzard2, Canyon Condor2, Cattle Tyrant2, Chasm Buzzard2, Circling Vulture2, Cliffdiver2, Condor2, Craven Condor2, Fat Dodo1, Feral Dodo1, Game Fowl1, Gluttonous Gertrude1, Highland Condor2, Hungry Buzzard2, Hunting Falcon2, Lammergeyer2, Midland Condor2, Nesting Buzzard2, Northern Buzzard2, Northern Vulture2, Pecking Condor2, Restless Harrier2, Roc2, Ruffled Dodo1, Screamer2, Stray Dodo1, Sylphlands Condor2, Territorial Cockatrice1, Territorial Condor2, Territorial Dodo1, Territorial Vulture2, Vuokho2, Wild Dodo2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Peculiar Light
9821 Inflicts 30s Magic Vulnerability Up Magic Vulnerability Up* Self Circle 8y 3.5s/23s
27302 Inflicts 60s Magic Vulnerability Up Magic Vulnerability Up* Self 3y Circle 8y Instant/18s
Hellbender1, Kurrea2, Lentic Mudpuppy1, Surf Eft1
1660 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ Instant
Corrupted Slime
Perfect Balance
Perfect Balance 69 Grants 20s Perfect Balance Perfect Balance (3 stacks) Self None Single Instant/40s
2 charges
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
5051 Inflicts 9s Petrification Petrification Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/30s
24272 Inflicts 20s Petrification Petrification Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/90s
26743 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 40s Petrification Petrification Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 4s/36s
Alectryon3, Blue Back1, Brood Ziz1, Clutch Pelican1, Dark Matter Pelican1, Giant Pelican1, Hyur-eating Pelican1, Molted Ziz1, Pack Ziz1, Territorial Ziz1, Woad Back2
2824 Gaze inflicts 30s Stone Curse Stone Curse if facing user Self 40y Cone 40y+ 90° 3s/36s
Petrifying Eye
26831 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 40s Petrification Petrification Self 3y Cone 20y+ 60° 2s/30s
286482 Gaze inflicts Magic Magic damage and 8s Petrification Petrification* if facing user Self Unavoidable 55y+ 5s
Maahes1, Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛)2
28484 Summons Phantom Gaius Self None Single 3s
Gaius van Baelsar
Phantom Orb
1262 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 8y 3s
Armored Beast
Phlebotomize 91 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 24s Phlebotomize Phlebotomize* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Eques, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Bloody Executioner Boatswain, Broken Lancer, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Charmed Boatswain, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Falconer, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Militia Spear, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Phoenix Down
18163 Revives Ally 25y None Single 5s/2.5s
Eager Lancer, Eager Marauder, Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Lancer, Scion Marauder, Scion Thaumaturge, Serpent Lancer, Storm Marauder
Phoenix Shift
35101 Repositions Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Photon Stream
11721 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 10y Line 10x2y+ Instant
14292 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 10y Line 10x3y+ Instant/3s
14313 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 10y Line 10x3y+ Instant/3
287764 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
291795 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 10y None Single Instant
The Black Eft3/4, Cid2, Livia sas Junius3, Magitek Reaper1/3/5, Proto Armor3, Wedge1
Physick 190 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 1.5*/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Captain Jacke, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Foreseer K'lyhia, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Perimu Haurimu Underfoot, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous, Toragana, Totodi, V'kebbe the Stray, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Piercing Laser
1227 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 30x6y+ 2.2s
1450 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 30x6y+ 2.2s
Piercing Talon
Piercing Talon 901 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 20y None Single Instant/2.5s
293042 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 20y None Single Instant/2s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Lancer2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Lancer2, Serpent Lancer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Piercing Thrust
1527 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/5s
Symond the Unsinkable
Plague Dance
1075 Summons Dark Nova Self None Single Instant
Plague Swipe
2764 Inflicts Magic Magic damage, 15s Poison Poison*, and 20y knockback Self 12y Rearward cone 12y+ 90° 3s/36s
Zona Seeker
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Plaincracker
4821 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y+ 3.5s/6s
10872 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 25y+ 7s
16823 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 6y+ 1s/15s
27864 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 30y Unavoidable 30y+ 3s
Alpha Spriggolem1, Basalt Golem1, Clay Golem1, Crater Golem1, Gogmagolem3, Megalith Marionette2, Moraine Golem1, Nunyunuwi4, Sandstone Golem1, Slate Golem1
14558 Animation for action #14567 or #14568 Self None Single 4s
Goblin Mercenary
Plasma Field
2845 Grants 20s Repelling Spray Repelling Spray Self 3y None Single Instant
2846 Grants 20s Repelling Spray Repelling Spray Self 3y None Single Instant
Agrippa the Mighty
1240 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° Instant/10s
Pod Burst
730 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage and 15s Poison Poison*; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ 3s
Fleshy Pod
Poison Breath
5071 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/30s
13932 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
24293 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/60s
26764 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Poison Poison* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/18s
27935 Inflicts BreathEarth Earth breath damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.8s
Alectryon4, Alpha Ziz1, Carrier Ziz1, Greataxe Beak1, Guillotine Beak1, Hammer Beak1, Minhocao5, Sledgehammer Beak1, Tomahawk Beak1, Violet Back1/2, Wine Back3
Poison Dust
2651 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s poison* Self Cone 10y+ 120° 2.5s*/12s
Alpha Wamoura
Poison Spore
1784 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 50y Circle 6y 3s/16s
Giant Banestool
Pom Bog
29207 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8), and creates 15s Toxicosis Toxicosis pool Self Circle 8y 5s
Pukna Pako the Tailturner
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Pom Cure
1619 Restores HP Ally 100y None Single 3s
29212 Restores HP Ally 100y None Single 3s
Furryfoot Kupli Kipp
Pom Flare
1617 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 21y+ 4.5s*
Pukna Pako the Tailturner
Pom Holy
16201 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Unavoidable 50y 3s
16322 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Unavoidable 50y 3s
292103 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 100y Unavoidable 50y 5s
292114 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 100y Unavoidable 50y 5s
Furryfoot Kupli Kipp1/4, Good King Moggle Mog XII2/3
Pom Meteor
16311 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
291932 Invokes Explosion#29194 Self None Single 3s
Good King Moggle Mog XII1, Pukla Puki the Pomburner2
Pom Stone III
29200 Invokes Pom Stone III#29202 → #29201/29619 Self None Single 3s
29201 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage, 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8), and launch Self Circle 10y 5s
29202 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage, 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8), and launch Self Donut 10-20y 5s
29619 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage, 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8), and launch Self Donut 20-30y 5s
Furryfoot Kupli Kipp
Potent Blinding Potion
1089 Inflicts 30s Blind Blind* Hostile 20y None Single Instant/4s
Foulques of the Mist
35106 Restores 45% max HP Self 100y None Single Instant/30s
Power Attack
1687 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Area 100y Circle 8y 2s/20s
1237 Inflicts 30s Pox Pox Hostile 25y None Single 3s
Precision Strike
35100 Repositions and inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 30y None Single Instant
Predatorial Instinct
2773 Inflicts draw-in Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/36s
Predatory Swoop
1547 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 9y+ Instant
Presence of Mind[note 10]
Presence of Mind 136 Grants 15s Presence of Mind Presence of Mind Self None Single Instant/120s
5th Cohort Medicus, 5th Cohort Optio, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za, Barber Hirskskrat, Bloody Executioner Leech, Coeurlclaw Healer, Gotwin Halehex, Hourlinet the Devout, House Durendaire Knight, Ixali Fogcaller, Kindness of the Alacran, Temple Chirurgeon, Wineport Militia Captain, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere
Prime Guillotine
1705 Invokes Dismember#1708 Self None Single 1s
390 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Bigger Chigoe, Buzzing Djigga, Carrion Chigoe, Carrion Djigga, Chigoe, Even Bigger Chigoe, Jumping Djigga, Parasitic Djigga, Swollen Djigga, Tainted Louse, Territorial Djigga
Protect 7572 Grants 30min Protect Protect Party 30y Circle 15y+ 3s*/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Prototype Laser Alpha
28468 Animation for Iron Kiss#28469/28470 Self None Single 5s
Mark II Magitek Colossus
Prototype Laser Beta
28471 Invokes Iron Kiss#28472 Self None Single 5s
Mark II Magitek Colossus
Provoke 181 Provokes Hostile 25y None Single Instant/15s
250832 Provokes Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Cocobygo the Craven1, Eager Marauder2, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller1, Leavold Sword of Thal1, Scion Marauder2, Storm Marauder2
Pulse Wave
1093 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
Spirit Pulse
Pulverizing Pound
5451 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
28162 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/32s
Alpha Buffalo1, Aurochs1, Bonnacon2, Butting Buffalo1, Kujata1, Large Buffalo1, Menuis1, Rabid Aurochs1, Rutting Buffalo1, Thunderhooves1, Unsightly Buffalo1, Wounded Aurochs1
Putrid Cloud
1659 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 2s*/6s
Zombie Barber
35053 Animation for Pyrosault#35054 and actions #35055/#35930, and repositions Area 100y None Single 4s
35054 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire proximity damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Area 100y Unavoidable 40y 5s
Infernal Shadow


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
1759 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
Quake III
1732 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ 1s
Queasy Cloud
397 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Self Circle 6y+ Instant
Alpha Fungus, Sylph Bonnet, Toadstool
Quick Nock
Quick Nock 106 1 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 12y Cone 12y+ 90° Instant/2.5s
291742 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Area 12y Cone 12y 90° 3s
1st Cohort Sagittarius2, 3rd Cohort Funditor1, 5th Cohort Sagittarius1, 8th Cohort Sagittarius2, Ala Mhigan Bowman1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Gunner1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Hunter1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Diligence of the Alacran1, Dolfin1, Drowned Gunner Chief1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Galfrid the Gallant1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grinning Cur Cannonier1, Hastaloeya1, House Durendaire Knight1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Funditor1, Inghilswys1, Ishgardian Archer1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leih Aliapoh1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Mindful Mercenary1, Morel1, Morningstar Topman1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nameless Attacker1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Archer1, Seserikku1, Silvairre the Virtuous1, Sofine1, Storm Archer1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Radiant Aegis
Radiant Aegis 25841 Grants 30s Radiant Aegis Radiant Aegis Party 30y None Single Instant
Carbuncle, Emerald Carbuncle, Garuda-Egi, Ifrit-Egi, Ruby Carbuncle, Titan-Egi, Topaz Carbuncle
Radiant Blaze
28990 Animation for Radiant Blaze#28991 Self None Single 32s
28991 Unknown[note 9] Self Circle 12y 32s
The Ultima Weapon
Radiant Breath
689 Inflicts Breath Breath damage; chance to inflict 30s Infirmity Infirmity Self Donut 4-20y 3s/10s
Radiant Plume
4561 Animation for Radiant Plume#734 Self 31y None Single 2.2s
7342 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
13563 Animation for Radiant Plume#1359 Self 31y None Single 2.2s
13594 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
14035 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
15216 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y 3s
289827 Animation for Radiant Plume#28983 Self None Single 2.2s
289838 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 8y 3s
Ifrit1/2/3/4, The Ultima Weapon5/6/7/8
Radiant Shield
Radiant Shield 7991 Grants 20s Radiant Shield Radiant Shield Self Circle 15y Instant/60s
13232 Grants 30s Radiant Shield Radiant Shield Self None Single Instant/6s
Emerald Carbuncle1, Ifrit-Egi1/2, Ruby Carbuncle1, Topaz Carbuncle1
Rage of Halone
Rage of Halone 21 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Riot Blade#15[note 18] Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Hoplomachus, Alderique the Unyielding, Aldis Sword of Nald, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Bloody Executioner Steersman, Broken Gladiator, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Executioner, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drillemont the Honest, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Flame Sergeant, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Handsome Stranger, Hastaloeya, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jenlyns Straightblade, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Leavold Sword of Thal, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Morningstar Falmadair, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Mylla Swordsong, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Papashan, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Sellsword Captain, Seserikku, Sofine, Solkzagyl the Loyal, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Thancred, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Veteran Gladiator, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Raging Strikes
Raging Strikes 101 Grants 20s Raging Strikes Raging Strikes Self None Single Instant/120s
3rd Cohort Funditor, 5th Cohort Sagittarius, Ala Mhigan Bowman, Alimahus, Arrow-nocking Adventurer, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Bandit Archer, Begter, Bloody Executioner Gunner, Boar Poacher, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Concubine, Coeurlclaw Hunter, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Diligence of the Alacran, Dolfin, Drowned Bowman, Drowned Gunner Chief, Drowned Outranger, Drowned Steersman, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Galfrid the Gallant, Gnawing Goat, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士), Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の精兵), Gota'a Panipahr, Grinning Cur Cannonier, Hastaloeya, Hired Bow, House Durendaire Knight, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Funditor, Inghilswys, Ishgardian Archer, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Bowman, Leih Aliapoh, Liliba, Local Hunter, Meuliaire, Mianne Thousandmalm, Mindful Mercenary, Morel, Morningstar Topman, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nameless Attacker, Nanasomi, Novice Gladiator, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost, Quiveron Attendant, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Redbelly Sharpeye, Redbelly Snatcher, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Serpent Archer, Seserikku, Shalloweye Reaver, Shelfeye Reaver, Shifty-eyed Poacher, Shifty-eyed Sailor, Shifty-eyed Vagrant, Silvairre the Virtuous, Sofine, Storm Archer, Stout Ambusher, Straightshot Assassin, Striped Lightning Hand, Sultansworn Elite, Tar-stained Buccaneer, Tempered Huntress, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Raise 1251 Revives Ally 30y None Single 8s*/2.5s
293262 Revives Ally 25y None Single 5s*/2.5s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Conjurer2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Conjurer2, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Raiton 22671 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage; requires and removes TenChi or JinChi Mudra Mudra Hostile 20y None Single Instant/1.5s
32032 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and invokes Raiton#3204; requires and removes TenChi or JinChi Mudra Mudra Area 25y Circle 8y+ 3s/15s
32043 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Area 80y Circle 8y+ 3s
Chi1, Gekkai the Blind1/2, Imperial Darkshadow1, Imperial Nightshadow1, Imperial Shadow1, Jin1, Karasu Redbeak1, Oboro Moonrise1, Ten3, Tsubame Sunrise1
9011 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27252 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/8s
34533 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Chudo-Yudo1, Horde Shield Dragon3, Marraco2, Territorial Dragon1
The Ram's Breath
11021 Inflicts BreathIce Ice breath damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Self 45° rightward cone 6y+ 120° 2s/6s
13362 Inflicts BreathIce Ice breath damage and 30s Heavy Heavy*; requires Ice Charge Ice Charge Self 45° rightward cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
Alpha Chimera1, Chimera1, Dhorme Chimera1/2, Gorgimera1
The Ram's Keeper
11061 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage, 15s Frostbite Frostbite*, and 15s Heavy Heavy*, and creates Frostbite Frostbite pool[note 19] Area 50y Circle 6y 3s/6s
13392 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage, 15s Frostbite Frostbite*, and 15s Heavy Heavy*, and creates Frostbite Frostbite pool; requires Ice Charge Ice Charge[note 19] Area 31y Circle 6y 2.5s/6
Chimera1, Dhorme Chimera1/2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. The Ram's Voice
11041 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 15s Frostbite Frostbite* Self Circle 6y+ 3s*/12s
12852 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage, 30s Frostbite Frostbite*; requires Ice Charge Ice Charge, and 30s Heavy Heavy*[note 20] Self Unavoidable 50y+ 2.5s*/12s
Chimera1, Dhorme Chimera1/2, Gorgimera1
Rampart 101 Grants 20s Rampart Rampart Self None Single Instant/90s
Rampart 102 Grants 20s Rampart Rampart Self None Single Instant/90s
250823 Grants 20s Rampart Rampart Self None Single Instant/90s
1st Cohort Hoplomachus1, 1st Cohort Primi Ordines1, 2nd Cohort Hoplomachus1, 3rd Cohort Decurion1, 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus1, 4th Cohort Hoplomachus1, 4th Cohort Triarius1, 5th Cohort Evocatus1, 5th Cohort Hoplomachus1, 7th Cohort Optio1, 8th Cohort Centurion1, 8th Cohort Hoplomachus1, Alimahus2, Auelin2, Aulus rem Vulso1, Awayuki2, B'bhen Tia2, Baert Trading Company Guard1, Baien2, Begter2, Bloody Executioner Steersman1, Boastful Bodyguard1, Brass Blade1, Broken Gladiator1, Bruce the Big1, Callous Steed2, Careless Whisper2, Ceaulie2, Cecily2, Charity of the Alacran1, Chrysabel2, Cilia2, Coeurlclaw Cutter1, Coffer & Coffin Heavy1, Crilde2, D'fhul Tia2, Daring Harrier1, Delboisse2, Disorderly Adventurer1, Dolfin2, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer1, Drowned Boatswain1, Drowned Crofter1, Drowned Raider1, Drowned Steersman1, E'ptolmi2, Eager Marauder3, Elchi2, Ellice2, Fearless Fawn2, Flame Gladiator1, Flame Private1, Flame Recruit1, Flame Sergeant1, Fufulupa the Unbending1, Gelmorran Cogfinder1, Gisfrid the Grinder1, Gnawing Goat2, Gota'a Panipahr2, Grishild the Ungood1, Grounded Pirate1, Hastaloeya2, Hired Hand1, Hooded Assaulter1, House Durendaire Guard1, House Fortemps Guard1, House Fortemps Knight1, House Haillenarte Guard1, Hroch2, Huebald2, Imperial Decurion1, Imperial Frumentarius1, Imperial Hoplomachus1, Imperial Tesserarius1, Inghilswys2, Injured Fortemps Sentry1, Ishgardian Sentry1, Ixali Dulltalon1, Ixali Sabreur1, Ixali Windtalon1, J'ludaba2, Jolaine2, Kehda'to Moui2, Kelmomo2, Khorchi2, Koenbryda2, Kumokiri2, Labonrit2, Liliba2, Menacing Mercenary1, Meuliaire2, Milleuda the Slitter1, Moonshade Steersman1, Morel2, Morningstar Falmadair1, Mujen Polajen2, Mumutano2, Nanasomi2, Novice Gladiator1, Nunulupa Tatalupa2, Oah Nelhah2, Owyne1, Pagneul2, Papashan1, Raelthota2, Raging Ox2, Raiden (ライデン)2, Ravaging Harrier1, Redbelly Chanter1, Redbelly Conspirator1, Redbelly Gutter1, Redbelly Lookout1, Redbelly Tomb Raider1, Rhotano Buccaneer1, Rhylharr2, Rivienne2, Rummaging Harrier1, Saiun2, Samga2, Sanguinary Buccaneer1, Sasashu2, Scion Marauder3, Seasoned Adventurer1, Sellsword Captain1, Serpent Gladiator1, Seserikku2, Shallowscale Reaver1, Shelfscale Reaver1, Shifty-eyed Merchant1, Shifty-eyed Vagrant1, Sofine2, Stalwart Swordsman1, Stone Torch1, Sultansworn Elite1, Suspicious Fellow1, Sword-brandishing Adventurer1, Sylpheed Screech1, Sylvan Budnapper1, Tempered Gladiator1, Teulzacq2, Tewawa2, Toragana2, Totodi2, V'nbolo2, Veteran Gladiator1, Windborn Buccaneer1, Wolf Poacher1, Yabi Two-tails1, Yehn Amariyo2, Ziuz'a Jakkya2
Rancid Belch
572 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
Fat Dodo, Feral Dodo, Territorial Cockatrice
Rancor Release
949 Grants Rancor Rancor Ally 50y None Single 1s
Tonberry (トンベリ・カッター), Tonberry Slasher
6344 Inflicts 170% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; KOs user Self 16y Circle 16y+ Instant
Palace Slime
1127 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP, and grants self 20s Regen Regen Ally 25y None Single 2.5s/3s
Realm Shaker
6971 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 6y+ Instant/20s
26702 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Circle 6y+ Instant/36s
Banemite1, Girtab2, Graffias1
1080 Revives Ally 80y None Single Instant
6360 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 4y Circle 4y+ 3s/20s
Palace Centaur
Reckless Charge
334 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
Angry Sow, Charging Hog, Greedy Hog, Greedly Hoglet, Hoglet, Kafre, Kamapuaa, Phaia, Rasher Hog, Territorial Boar, Truculent Boar, Tusked Hog, Wild Boar, Wild Hog, Wild Hoglet
Refresh 7556 Grants 30s Refresh Refresh and reduces enmity on self Self Circle 20y Instant/180s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Regen 137 Grants 18s Regen Regen Ally 30y None Single Instant/2.5s
A-Ruhn-Senna, A-Towa-Cant, Raya-O-Senna
12101 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and creates Pollen Pollen pool Area 127y Circle 4y Instant
27372 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Area 100y Circle 4y Instant/20s
Caduceus1, Laideronnette2
1047 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20y knockback Self Cone 40y+ 120° 3s
Demon Wall
Repelling Cannons
12171 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y+ 2.5s/40s
14482 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y+ 2.5s/40s
33123 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ 5s
ADS1/2, Assault System α3, Assault System β3, Assault System γ3, Attack Node1/2, Defense Node1/2, Disposal Node1, Monitoring Node (監視システム)1, Patrol Node2, Quarantine Node1, Sanitary Node1
Reprisal 75351 Inflicts 10s Reprisal Reprisal Self Circle 5y Instant/60s
251362 Inflicts 10s Reprisal Reprisal Hostile 3y Circle 5y Instant/15s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Request Assistance
28774 Summons 8th Cohort Laquearius, 8th Cohort Signifer, and Magitek Colossus Self None Single 4s
The Black Eft
Revelation 16518 Inflicts splashing MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 50y Circle 5y+ Instant
Rhino Attack
6339 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 25y None Single 3s/15s
Palace Dung Beetle
Rime Wreath
1025 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Self Unavoidable 100y 3s
Ring of Frost
1316 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and creates 10s Frostbite Frostbite* pool Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
Foulques of the Mist
Riot Blade
Riot Blade 15 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Fast Blade#9 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Charity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drowned Boatswain, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Flame Gladiator, Fufulupa the Unbending, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Decurion, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Menacing Mercenary, Meuliaire, Morel, Morningstar Falmadair, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Novice Gladiator, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Owyne, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Redbelly Gutter, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Serpent Gladiator, Seserikku, Sofine, Stalwart Swordsman, Sultansworn Elite, Sword-brandishing Adventurer, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Ripper Claw
3468 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 8s Infirmity Infirmity Self 3y Cone 5y+ 90° 2.2s/4s
Horde Transcendent
Rise and Fall
3468 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Cone 8y+ 270° 3.5s/24s
Rising Flames
35103 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/30s
11351 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Line 30x2y+ 2.5s
12992 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 10y knockback Self Line 30x2y+ 2.5s
57813 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Line 30x2y+ 2s
3rd Cohort Decurion1, 5th Cohort Laquearius1, 5th Cohort Optio1, Aisibhir Badwind1, Axe-wielding Training Partner3, Bloody Executioner Lodesman1, Broken Marauder1, Curious Gorge2, Doesmaga Poisonheart1, Grinning Cur Cap'n1, Ishgardian Heavy Infantry1, Trachtoum Parter of Seas2
Rock Buster
6411 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
Rock Buster 7872 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/3s
13603 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
14634 Inflicts BluntEarth Blunt earth damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
Summon Titan 258475 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Carbuncle5, Emerald Carbuncle2/5, Garuda-Egi5, Ifrit-Egi5, Ruby Carbuncle2/5, Titan1/3/4, Titan-Egi2/5
Rock Throw
645 Creates Granite Gaol trap, inflicting Fetters Fetters on target while active[note 21] Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Rockbreaker 70 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Opo-opo Form Opo-opo Form; requires Coeurl Form Coeurl Form Self Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
Animated Pugilist, Yda
4831 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 8x8y+ 2.5s/6s
10862 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 11x3y+ 2.5s/15s
14193 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 14x8y+ 2.5s/6s
16814 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 45y Line 45x8y+ Instant/6s
24255 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Line 8x8y+ 2.5s/14s
Alpha Spriggolem1, Gogmagolem4, Mythril Golem5, Stone Marionette2, Temple Guardian3
399 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Biggy, Crystal Bearer, Sil'dihn Spriggan, Spiteful, Spitfire, Spriggan, Spriggan Chumbler, Spriggan Copper Carrier, Spriggan Graverobber, Territorial Spriggan
1238 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 8y Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
Clockwork Dreadnaught
Rotten Breath
584 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 1s/25s
1790 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 1s/25s
Anantaboga1, Valefor2
Rotten Meat
1163 Summons adds[note 22] Self None Single 3s*
Inquisitor Guillaime, Tristan Nightflicker
Rotten Stench
6425 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 50y Line 45x12y+ 3s
1146 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 6y+ Instant
28786 Animation for Roundhouse#29163 and Discharge#28787 Self None Single 4.4s
29163 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 8y 5s
Livia sas Junius
1160 Grants 20s Rouse Rouse Ally 25y None Single Instant/30s
Dark Summoner, Inquisitor Guillaime, Tristan Nightflicker
Ruin[note 23]
Ruin 1631 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s*/2.5s
18742 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
310853 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s/2.5s
Coral Sahagin2, Dark Summoner1/3, Death's Embrace Master1/3, Foreseer K'lyhia1/3, Inquisitor Guillaime1/3, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous1/3, Tristan Nightflicker1/3


Ruin II[note 24]
Ruin II 1721 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s*/2.5s
310862 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Dark Summoner1/2, Death's Embrace Master1/2, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Foreseer K'lyhia1/2, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Inquisitor Guillaime1/2, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous1/2, Toragana1, Totodi1, Tristan Nightflicker1/2, Urianger1/2, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
1213 Inflicts 170% max HP Fractional Fractional damage; KOs user Self Circle 16y+ Instant
Dark Matter Slime


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Salivous Snap
5581 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 45s Poison +1 Poison +1* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/12s
28332 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 120s Poison Poison* (max 8 stacks) Hostile 6y None Single Instant/30s
34603 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 120s Poison Poison* (max 8 stacks) Hostile 3y None Single Instant/22s
286594 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single 5s
296175 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 15s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single 5s/20s
Aiatar1/4/5, Horde Dragon3, Safat2
Sand Breath
5281 Inflicts BreathEarth Earth breath damage and 15s Blind Blind* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 2.5s/6s
2791 Inflicts BreathEarth Earth breath damage and 30s Blind Blind* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.8s
Alpha Sandworm1, Giant Sandworm1, Minhocao2, Sandworm1, Territorial Sandworm1, Ulhuadshi1, Wellwick Worm1
Sand Cyclone
11111 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 30s Sludge Sludge* Hostile 50y None Single Instant/6s
27952 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 21s Sludge Sludge* Hostile 100y Circle 2y Instant/24s
Giant Tunnel Worm1, Minhocao2
Sand Pillar
9561 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 4y 1.5s/5s
9572 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 2y Instant
9593 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage; KOs user Self Circle 2y 2.5s
11134 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 4y+ Instant/2s
16895 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 4y Instant
27976 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 6y Instant/24s
Abyss Worm5, Giant Tunnel Worm4, Minhocao6, Tunnel Worm1/2/3
1000 Inflicts 15s Accuracy Down Accuracy Down* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/20s
Captain Madison
5291 Inflicts BreathEarth Earth breath damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
27922 Inflicts BreathEarth Earth breath damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 2.8s
Giant Tunnel Worm1, Minhocao2
Sanguine Bite
511 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Self Line 3x2y+ 2.5s/6s
Chupacabra, Dirty Mongrel, Dusty Mongrel, Imperial War Hound, Jackal Pup, Pack Jackal, Padfoot, Rabid Mongrel, Raggedy Jackal, Red Jackal, Serpent Reaver Deckhound, Territorial Jackal, Wild Jackal
Savage Blade
Savage Blade 111 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage with increased enmity; deals greater damage if comboed from Fast Blade#9 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
58222 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Fast Blade#9 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
288853 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
5th Cohort Hoplomachus1, Alderique the Unyielding1, Aldis Sword of Nald1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Steersman1, Boastful Bodyguard1, Broken Gladiator1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Death's Embrace Executioner1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer1, Drillemont the Honest1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Sergeant1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Guild Gladiator2, Handsome Stranger1, Hastaloeya1, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Centurion3, Imperial Pilus Prior3, Inghilswys1, Ixali Dulltalon1, Ixali Sabreur1, Ixali Windtalon1, J'ludaba1, Jenlyns Straightblade1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leavold Sword of Thal1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Morningstar Falmadair1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Mylla Swordsong1, Nanasomi1, Novice Gladiator1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Papashan1, Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Sellsword Captain1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Solkzagyl the Loyal1, Sultansworn Elite1, Sylpheed Screech1, Sylvan Budnapper1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Thancred1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Veteran Gladiator1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Savage Swipe
2183 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 120° 2.5s/12s
Scale Ripple
2701 Inflicts 4,000 Fixed Fixed damage Self 6y Circle 6y+ 3s/30s
2702 Inflicts 6,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Self 3y Circle 6y+ Instant/30s
6327 Grants 30s Haste Haste Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
Palace Deathmouse
Scarlet Cyclone
35104 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 3y Circle 6y Instant/30s
Scarlet Flame
Scarlet Flame 16519 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 50y None Single Instant
Scathe 1561 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
297632 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 30y None Single Instant/2s
3rd Cohort Imaginifer1, 5th Cohort Signifer1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Seamster1, Broken Thaumaturge1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cocobani the Cold1, Cocobezi the Contemplative1, Cocoboha the Curt1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Coeurlclaw Hag1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Saltmage1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Thaumaturge1/2, Gigirya the Guarded1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Highcant Hatsugg Chah1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Humility of the Alacran1, Imperial Imaginifer1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lavafang Hemozz Teh1, Lawless Cursedealer1, Liliba1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Masked Mage1, Melancholy Mercenary1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Morningstar Cosier1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Papalymo1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge2, Ser Baron Von Quiveron IV Esquire1, Seserikku1, Short-tempered Thaumaturge1, Sofine1, Spurned Soul1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Scission Thrust
2073 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 5y+ 2.5s/30s
Scorched Earth
993 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 6y+ Instant
Damantus, Noxius
The Scorpion's Sting
1282 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 30s Poison Poison* Self Rearward cone 6y+ 90° 2s/15s
Dhorme Chimera, Gorgimera
The Scourge of Nym
9461 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Area 50y Circle 5y 2.5s/20s
13922 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Heavy Heavy* Area 50y Circle 5y Instant/2s
27173 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Disease Disease* Area 100y Circle 5y 3s/36s
Marberry3, Tonberry (トンベリ・カッター)2, Tonberry King2, Tonberry Slasher2, Tonberry Wanderer1
9091 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
16672 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 90° Instant/6s
Dark Matter Pugil1, Lepidote1, Moonshade Pugil1, Mud Pugil1, Oannes1, Pug Pugil1, Pugil1, Sapsa Pugil1, Sirius Pugil2, Territorial Pugil1
1885 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Poison Poison* Hostile 6y Single Instant/5s
Sombre Mimic
Sea of Pitch
9621 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Area 100y Circle 4y Instant
13912 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 4y Instant
293303 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 4y Instant
Lahabrea2/3, Void Pitch1
452 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 8y Instant
Searing Stomp
35073 Invokes Searing Stomp#35075 Self None Single Instant
35075 Initiates Resist Active Time Maneuver; invokes Searing Stomp#35076 on failure Self None Single Instant
35076 Inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Infernal Shadow
Searing Wind
1530 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 10y knockback Area 100y Circle 14y+ Instant
542 Inflicts 15s Physical Vulnerability Up Physical Vulnerability Up* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alpgrot Orobon
Second Wind
Second Wind 571 Restores HP Self None Single Instant/120s
Second Wind 75412 Restores HP Self None Single Instant/120s
2nd Cohort Secutor1, 3rd Cohort Secutor1, 4th Cohort Secutor1, 5th Cohort Decurion1, 5th Cohort Secutor1, Ala Mhigan Conscript1, Alimahus2, Anselm Larkscall1, Auelin2, Awayuki2, B'bhen Tia2, Baert Trading Company Guard1, Baien2, Bandit Trapper1, Begter2, Bibireze Greysteel1, Callous Steed2, Careless Whisper2, Ceaulie2, Cecily2, Chastity of the Alacran1, Chrysabel2, Cilia2, Coeurlclaw Trapper1, Corpse Brigade Footsoldier1, Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer1, Crilde2, D'fhul Tia2, Death's Embrace Assassin1, Delboisse2, Disorderly Adventurer1, Dolfin2, Drowned Brawler1, Drowned Steersman1, E'ptolmi2, Elchi2, Ellice2, Fearless Fawn2, Fiebras the Dull1, Filthy Bodyguard1, Flame Private1, Flame Pugilist1, Flame Recruit1, Flame Scout1, Flame Sergeant1, Gnawing Goat2, Gota'a Panipahr2, Hamon Holyfist1, Hastaloeya2, Hired Fist1, Hired Hand1, Hired Muscle1, Hroch2, Huebald2, Hunberct Longhaft1, Imperial Secutor1, Inghilswys2, Ishgardian Light Infantry1, J'ludaba2, Jolaine2, Kehda'to Moui2, Kelmomo2, Khorchi2, Koenbryda2, Kumokiri2, Labonrit2, Lawless Fistfighter1, Liliba2, Meuliaire2, Morel2, Morningstar Gunner1, Mujen Polajen2, Mumutano2, Nanasomi2, Nunulupa Tatalupa2, Oah Nelhah2, Pagneul2, Quiveron Guard1, Raelthota2, Raging Ox2, Raiden (ライデン)2, Ranger of the Drake1, Redbelly Conspirator1, Redbelly Hivekeep1, Redbelly Larcener1, Redbelly Runner1, Redbelly Tomb Raider1, Rhylharr2, Rivienne2, Rope-burned Buccaneer1, Rurukuta Tornstar1, Saiun2, Samga2, Sasashu2, Seasoned Adventurer1, Sellsword1, Seserikku2, Shallowclaw Reaver1, Shelfclaw Reaver1, Sofine2, Suspicious Fellow1, Tempered Champion1, Teulzacq2, Tewawa2, Toragana2, Totodi2, U'kahmuli1, U'konelua1, U'lolamo1, U'ndomii1, U'ralka1, V'nbolo2, Widargelt the Watcher1, Yda1, Yehn Amariyo2, Zana Lyehga1, Ziuz'a Jakkya2
868 Inflicts draw-in Self Unavoidable 60y+ Instant
344 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/3s
Barometz, Kedtrap, Leafbleed Roseling, Lily of the Vale, Matagaigai, Milkroot Sapling, Mitetrap, Mun-Tuy Sapling, Ocean Roseling, Poisonous Flytrap, Roselet, Roseling, Sweet Trap, Territorial Flytrap, Territorial Roselet
Seismic Impact
3372 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 21y+ Instant
Seismic Rift
547 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
Alpha Buffalo, Aurochs, Butting Buffalo, Kujata, Large Buffalo, Menuis, Rutting Buffalo, Thunderhooves, Unsightly Buffalo
Seismic Scream
521 Grants 15s Physical Damage Up Physical Damage Up Self 3y None Single 2.5s/6s
Alpha Aldgoat, Elder Longhorn, Longhorn Billygoat, Lowland Billygoat, Mourning Billy, Myotragus Billy, Ravenous Billygoat, Territorial Billygoat
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Self-destruct
3371 Inflicts (50+X)%[note 25] max HP MagicFire Magic fire damage on self and enemies Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
6772 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15y knockback; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ 3s/6s
6783 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage, 10s Terror Terror, and 15y knockback Self Circle 20y 10s/6s
16804 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self Circle 20y 10s
16845 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self Circle 20y 4s
16936 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ 2s/6s
17897 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self 100y Circle 6y+ 3s
24268 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage; KOs user Self 3y Circle 6y+ Instant/1s
Blasting Cap (ブラスティング・グレネード)1, Blasting Cap (ブラスティング・ボム)1/2/6, Bomb Baronet1, Bomb Char1, Bomb Servitor1, Bombard2, Bombard King3, Flambeau1/4, Fox Fire8, Fulminator1, Gas Bomb1, Glide Bomb1, Lady's Candle1, Puroboros7, Shattering Cap5, Shrapnel (シュラップネル)1
26181 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ 2.5s
33102 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Self Circle 6y+ 2.5s
128103 Inflicts 400,000 Fixed Fixed damage; KOs user Hostile 15y None Single 5s
Falcon Magus3, Falcon Viking3, Interceptor Drone1/2, Raven Magus3, Raven Viking3
1199 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 20y knockback Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant
Gaius van Baelsar
Sentinel 17 Grants 15s Sentinel Sentinel Self None Single Instant/120s
5th Cohort Hoplomachus, 8th Cohort Centurion, Alderique the Unyielding, Aldis Sword of Nald, Alimahus, Auelin, Aulus rem Vulso, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Beggar Bhikkhu, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, Crius Longbeard, Cronos, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Executioner, Delboisse, Dolfin, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer, Drillemont the Honest, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gigas Bhikkhu, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Handsome Stranger, Hastaloeya, Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jenlyns Straightblade, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Leavold Sword of Thal, Liliba, Mamool Ja Breeder, Mamool Ja Menace, Mamool Ja Mercenary Head, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Mylla Swordsong, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Solkzagyl the Loyal, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Thancred, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Seraphic Illumination
Seraphic Illumination 16550 Grants 20s Seraphic Illumination Seraphic Illumination Self Unavoidable 30y+ Instant
Seraphic Veil
Seraphic Veil 16548 Restores HP and grants 30s Seraphic Veil Seraphic Veil Ally 40y None Single Instant/3s
Shade Shift
Shade Shift 2241 Grants 20s Shade Shift Shade Shift Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Shadow Fang
Shadow Fang 2257 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Shadow Fang Shadow Fang* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/70s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Shadow Flare
Shadow Flare 1791 Grants self 15s Shadow Flare Shadow Flare and creates damage over time and Slow Slow pool Area 25y Circle 5y Instant/60s
13772 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable + 5s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lahabrea2, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
3206 Summons Chi, Jin, and Ten Self None Single 10s/6s
Gekkai the Blind
Sharp Sting
918 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Flower Wespe, Giant Bee, Huge Hornet, Killer Wespe, King Wespe, Man-eating Hornet, Stinging Sophie, Wespe
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Sharpened Knife
9451 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires and removes Sharpened Knife Sharpened Knife from self Hostile 3y None Single Instant
27162 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires and removes Sharpened Knife Sharpened Knife from self Hostile 6y None Single Instant
Marberry2, Tonberry King1
5161 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
63312 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 3y Circle 3y+ 2.5s/20s
Asbestos Coblyn1, Ceruleum Coblyn1, Copper Coblyn1, Diaphanous Doblyn1, Greater Doblyn1, Lead Coblyn1, Palace Coblyn2, Prism Coblyn1, Pyrite Coblyn1, Quartz Doblyn1, Rusty Coblyn1, Schorl Doblyn1, Shard Doblyn1, Silver Coblyn1, Sphene Doblyn1, Synthetic Doblyn1, Territorial Coblyn1, Territorial Doblyn1
Sheet of Ice
1023 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Area 100y Circle 5y 2.5s
1024 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Area 100y Circle 5y 3s
Shield Bash
718 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 3s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
2nd Cohort Hoplomachus, 3rd Cohort Decurion, 3rd Cohort Hoplomachus, 4th Cohort Hoplomachus, 4th Cohort Triarius, 5th Cohort Evocatus, 5th Cohort Hoplomachus, 7th Cohort Optio, 8th Cohort Centurion, Aulus rem Vulso, Baert Trading Company Guard, Brass Blade, Charity of the Alacran, Coeurlclaw Cutter, Coeurlclaw King, Coffer & Coffin Heavy, Dapper Zombie, Daring Harrier, Disorderly Adventurer, Drowned Boatswain, Drowned Crofter, Drowned Raider, Drowned Steersman, Flame Private, Flame Recruit, Flame Sergeant, Gelmorran Cogfinder, Gisfrid the Grinder, Grishild the Ungood, Grounded Pirate, Hired Hand, Hooded Assaulter, House Durendaire Guard, House Fortemps Guard, House Fortemps Knight, House Haillenarte Guard, Imperial Frumentarius, Imperial Hoplomachus, Imperial Tesserarius, Injured Fortemps Sentry, Ishgardian Sentry, Ixali Deftalon, Ixali Dulltalon, Ixali Fencer, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサル・リムカッター), Ixali Scout, Ixali Skytalon, Ixali Swordfighter, Ixali Wildtalon, Ixali Windtalon, Mamool Ja Breeder, Mamool Ja Menace, Menacing Mercenary, Milleuda the Slitter, Moonshade Steersman, Natalan Windtalon, Owyne, Papashan, Ravaging Harrier, Redbelly Chanter, Redbelly Conspirator, Redbelly Gutter, Redbelly Lookout, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rhotano Buccaneer, Rummaging Harrier, Sanguinary Buccaneer, Seasoned Adventurer, Shallowscale Reaver, Shelfscale Reaver, Shifty-eyed Merchant, Shifty-eyed Vagrant, Stone Torch, Sultansworn Elite, Suspicious Fellow, Sutali Hueloc of the North Wind, Tempered Gladiator, Windborn Buccaneer, Wolf Poacher, Yabi Two-tails
Shield Lob
Shield Lob 24 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage with increased enmity Hostile 20y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Shield Skewer
1137 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Shining Emerald
Shining Emerald 640 Inflicts 15s Magic Vulnerability Up Magic Vulnerability Up* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/60s
Emerald Carbuncle
Shining Topaz[note 26]
Shining Topaz 634 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 5y Instant
18202 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage with increased enmity Self Circle 5y+ Instant/15s
Amber Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle
7661 Inflicts 300 Fixed Fixed damage per bar on tower Self 100y Circle 6y Instant
7662 Inflicts 1,500 Fixed Fixed damage Self 100y Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
146003 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic Lightning damage Self Circle 10y 3s
Allagan Energy Tower1/2, MA-X3
Shock Spikes
313 Grants 20s Shock Spikes Shock Spikes Self 3y None Single 1.5s*/30s
Daxio of the Dawn, Diluxio's Lackey, Diluxio's Toady, Furious Sigh, Furious Snarl, Ked, Greatwing Ked, Lightning Sprite, Little Solace Sylph, Malevolent Ked, Pannixia of the Woven Wing, Pulxio of the Short Gale, Sypheed Chuckle, Sylpheed Sigh, Sylpheed Snarl, Sylpheed Wail, Sylvan Groan, Sylvan Sigh, Sylvan Snarl, Sylvan Sough, Tempered Sylvan Sough, Territorial Ked, Tipsy Sylph, Violet Sigh, Violet Snarl
Shockwave 7931 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 15y knockback Hostile 5y None Single Instant/90s
13342 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Line 3x3y+ 2s/10s
Chirada-Egi2, Emerald Carbuncle1, Garuda-Egi1/2, Ruby Carbuncle1, Suparna-Egi2, Topaz Carbuncle1
Shrapnel Shell
1140 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
28883 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 10y 120° 5s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
6081 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 3s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27052 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 6s Stun Stun Self 3y Line 4x4y+ 2.5s/12s
27073 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 6s Stun Stun; requires Stoneskin (Magical) Stoneskin (Magical) or Stoneskin (Physical) Stoneskin (Physical) Self 3y Line 4x4y+ Instant/6s
Hellsclaw2/3, Magitek Death Claw1, Magitek Packer1
6031 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Circle 3y+ 3s/6s
63322 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 6s Stun Stun* Self 3y Circle 3y+ 3s/20s
Alpine Hippocerf1, Gwyllgi1, Hippogryph1, Hippogryph Pup1, Palace Hippocerf2, Ragged Hippogryph1, Territorial Hippogryph1, Winged Scavenger1
Shukuchi 2262 Repositions Area 20y Circle 1y+ Instant/60s
Gekkai the Blind, Karasu Redbeak
Sickly Sneeze
580 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Alpha Goobbue, Frostbitten Goobbue, Highland Goobbue, Snowblown Goobbue, Snowstorm Goobbue
1152 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
Nero tol Scaeva
Sidewise Slice
3371 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 28y+ 120° 10s
307 Inflicts 5s Silence Silence* Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/30s
Myrmidon Princess, Sylvan Sough
Silent Dusk
807 Inflicts 1s Silence Silence* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/40s
Silken Fingers
732 Inflicts draw-in and summons Sticky Web Self Cone 20y+ 60° Instant
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak[note 27]
7011 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10y knockback Self Line 15x4y+ 2.5s/30s
26712 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 10y knockback Self 3y Line 15x4y+ 2.5s/36s
Banemite1, Girtab2, Graffias1, Vale Banemite1
Siren Song
1329 Area 50y Circle 6y Instant
Skull Sunder
Skull Sunder 351 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage with increased enmity; deals greater damage if comboed from Heavy Swing#31 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
58182 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from Heavy Swing#31 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Able-bodied Ambusher1, Aersthota Morningcalm1, Ala Mhigan Axeman1, Alimahus1, Alka Zolka the Doer1, Alka Zolka the Slayer1, Alka Zolka the Thinker1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, Axe-wielding Adventurer1, Axe-wielding Training Partner2, B'bhen Tia1, Baenryss of the Deep1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Deckhand1, Broenbhar Rocksplitter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Gromet1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, Curious Gorge1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, Drowned Seaman 1st Class1, Drowned Seaman 3rd Class1, Drowned Steersman Chief1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Garibald the Fargone1, Glazrael Saltwind1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grinning Cur Cap'n1, Grinning Cur Swab1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Jolly Merchant Lodesman1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Leviathan's Thrall1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nameless Attacker1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Patience of the Alacran1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Ryssfloh1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Captain Ghimthota Sthalmoenwynn1, Storm Marauder1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, Trachtoum Parter of Seas1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Yellowjacket1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Skydragon Dive
1064 Repositions and inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage, and creates 5s Burns Burns pool Area 50y Circle 5y 2.5s/12s
Estinien Wyrmblood
17995 Inflicts Limit Break Limit Break damage Area 25y Circle 8y 2s
Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Thaumaturge
Skyward Swing
1269 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 4y Circle 4y+ Instant
Sleep 145 Inflicts 30s Sleep Sleep*^ Hostile 30y Circle 5y 2.5s*/2.5s
Red Marshmallow
6591 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Cone 10y+ 120° 2.5s*
13822 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Cone 10y+ 120° 2.5s*
Slipstream 165233 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage, grants self 15s Gale Enforcer Gale Enforcer, and creates damage over time pool Hostile 25y Circle 5y+ Instant
Chirada2, Emerald Carbuncle3, Garuda1/2, Garuda-Egi3, Ruby Carbuncle3, Suparna2, Topaz Carbuncle3
1119 Inflicts 30s Slow Slow* Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/12s
Earth Sprite, Stone Shiver, Tonberry Hexer
924 Inflicts 12s Slow Slow* Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/6s
Colibri, Myradrosh, Talking Colibri, Territorial Colibri
Slumber Breath
5081 Inflicts 9s Sleep Sleep*^ Self Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/30s
26772 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20s Sleep Sleep*^ Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/18s
63363 Inflicts 20s Sleep Sleep*^ Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 3s/30s
Alectryon2, Axe Beak1, Gaunt Beak1, Palace Ziz3, Rothlyt Pelican1, Sable Back1
Small Claw
907 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Bubbly Bernie, Flintshell, Fossilshell, Karkinos, Loamshell, Moraby Stoneshell, Robber Crab, Sandshell, Stoneshell, Territorial Stoneshell, Thickshell
Smite of Rage
421 Grants 30s Boost Boost Self 3y None Single Instant/20s
Gyges the Great, Hecatoncheir Mastermind, Hecatoncheir Quakequeller, Hecatoncheir Rocksplitter, Hecatoncheir Shieldrummer, Hecatoncheir Skullcrusher, Hecatoncheir Stonebreaker, Hecatoncheir Stonehoarder, Hecatoncheir Tremorward
Smoldering Claw
34791 Animation for Smoldering Claw#34792 and actions #34793/#35925 Self None Single 2.3s
34792 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Cone 40y 150° 4.5s
Infernal Shadow
Smoldering Scales
6321 Grants 20s Blaze Spikes Blaze Spikes Self 3y None Single 1.5s/30s
63542 Grants 5s Blaze Spikes Blaze Spikes Self 3y None Single 1.5s/30s
Augmented Battle Drake1, Battle Drake1, Firedrake1, Flamedrake1, Palace Drake2, Sundrake1, Territorial Drake1, Zahar'ak Battle Drake1, Zanr'ak Battle Drake1
Snap Jaw
387 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Bog Yarzon, Daddy Longlegs, Forest Yarzon, Pinktoe, River Yarzon, Riverbank Yarzon, Russet Yarzon, Territorial Yarzon, Wall Crawler, Waterskipper, Yarzon Biter, Yarzon Feeder, Yarzon Invader, Yarzon Lurker, Yarzon Scavenger
Snap Punch
Snap Punch 56 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Opo-opo Form Opo-opo Form; deals greater damage if executed from target's flank; requires Coeurl Form Coeurl Form Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chastity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drowned Brawler, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Filthy Bodyguard, Flame Pugilist, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hired Muscle, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Fistfighter, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Zana Lyehga, Ziuz'a Jakkya
1028 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Area 100y Unavoidable 100y 3s
Solidifying Secretion
2806 Grants 60s Stoneskin Stoneskin Self 3y None Single Instant/30s
Someone's Grudge
1328 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage; KOs user Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Rancor Flame
Somersault Slash
373 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Chinchilla, Deepvoid Deathmouse, Dirty Rat, Ground Squirrel, Malevolent Squirrel, Nutbreaker Squirrel, Nutmuncher Marmot, Pack Rat, Rat King, Sewer Rat, Snowshoe Mouse, Star Marmot, Territorial Marmot, Wet Rat, Wharf Rat, White Death, White Joker
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Sonic Boom
14971 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 20s Windburn Windburn Hostile 100y None Single Instant/25s
27242 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Windburn Windburn Hostile 100y None Single Instant/36s
Cornu2, Zu1
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Song of Torment
1486 Inflicts Magic Magic damage amd 15s Bleeding Bleeding* Hostile 50y None Single 1.5s*/15s
Sonic Storm
14941 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Area 30y Circle 6y 1.2s
27232 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Area 100y Circle 6y+ 3s/36s
290533 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Area 100y Circle 6y+ 3s
Cornu2, Koshchei3, Zu1
Sonorous Blast
2820 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Hysteria Hysteria Self 6y Cone 6y+ 90° Instant
Soothing Song
1070 Restores HP and grants 20s Regen Regen Area 50y Circle 6y 6s*/12s
Soul Douse
1070 Inflicts 1,000 Fixed Fixed damage Self 3y Unavoidable 100y+ Instant/20s
Soul Drain
3421 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
8602 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP Self Circle 8y+ 4s/25s
Hellsbound Warrior1, Manor Steward2, Soldier of Nym1
Sour Sough
345 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* and 10y knockback Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
Barometz, Kedtrap, Milkroot Sapling, Mitetrap, Ocean Roseling, Poisonous Flytrap, Territorial Flytrap
1081 Summons Morbol Fruit Hostile 100y None Single 3s
Miser's Mistress
1259 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° 3s
Spiked Tail
10181 Inflicts 25s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single 1s/25s
13092 Inflicts 30s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/25s
34523 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 25s Poison Poison* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/14s
287324 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single 5s
Horde Wyvern3, Koshchei1/4, Wyvern2
Spine Shatter
1153 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant
28483 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single 5s
Nero tol Scaeva
Spine Stream
552 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 6x2y+ 2.5s/6s
Diamond-tooth Hedgemole, Drybone Tuco-tuco, Gatling, Hedgemole, Ironquill Tuco-tuco, Moraby Hedgemole, Steelquill Tuco-tuco, Territorial Hedgemole, Tuco-tuco, Tumbling Tuco-tuco
Spinning Edge
Spinning Edge 2240 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Captain Jacke, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chi, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gekkai the Blind, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Darkshadow, Imperial Nightshadow, Imperial Shadow, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jin, Jolaine, Karasu Redbeak, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Oboro Moonrise, Pagneul, Perimu Haurimu Underfoot, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Ten, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, Tsubame Sunrise, V'kebbe the Stray, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Spinning Kick
5611 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 3s/30s
26952 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 3y Circle 3y+ Instant/18s
Mamool Ja Mercenary1, Mamool Ja Sophist1, Vogaal Ja2
Spinning Mogshield
1615 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 5s Stun Stun Self Circle 6y+ 2.5s
29216 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 60s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up (max 8) Self Circle 6y 3s
Whiskerwall Kupdi Koop
Spirit Dart
1164 Inflicts 15s Vulnerability Up Vulnerability Up* Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/15s
Guillaime, Tonberry Wanderer
Spirit Pulse
1094 Summons Spirit Pulse Self None Single 3s
Widargelt the Watcher
Spirits Within
Spirits Within 29 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and restores MP to self Hostile 3y None Single Instant/30s
Handsome Stranger, Thancred
Spirits Without
1098 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 20s Regen Regen Self Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/8s
5th Cohort Hoplomachus, Death's Embrace Executioner, Jenlyns Straightblade
6333 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Self 6y Circle 6y+ Instant/15s
Palace Beetle
Spreading Fire
36246 Animation for Spreading Fire#36247/36248/36249/36250 and actions #36251/#36252/#36253/#36254 Self None Single 3.5s
36247 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Circle 10y* 4s
36248 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Donut 10-20y* 6.1s
36249 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Donut 20-30y* 8.2s
36250 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Donut 30-40y* 10.3s
Infernal Shadow
Sprout Spin
905 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Cork Bulb, Metshaldjas, Territorial Lily Bulb
Stagnant Spray
4481 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self Cone 8y 120° 2.5s/6s
9812 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self Cone 8y 120° Instant/6s
27283 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Self 6y Cone 8y 120° 2.5s/18s
Bark Eft1, Black Eft1, Eft1, Gurangatch1, Hellbender1, Kurrea3, Mottled Eft1, Snowpuppy1, Surf Eft2, Territorial Eft1
320 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Antelope Doe, Foraging Doe, Scarred Antelope, Sirocco
Standing Chine
939 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Alpha Mantis, Cluster Mantis, Dark Matter Mantis, Death Claw, Killer Mantis, Mantis King, Murderous Mantis, Preying Mantis, Rageclaw, Red Mantis, Scythe Mantis
Star Map
1116 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 5y knockback Area 30y Circle 8y 3.5s
Death's Embrace Master
17996 Inflicts Limit Break Limit Break damage Area 25y Circle 10y 3s
Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Thaumaturge
5388 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Static Charge
1283 Grants Lightning Charge Lightning Charge Self None Single Instant/6s
Dhorme Chimera
13200 Inflicts 15y knockback Self Line 18x6y+ Instant
Ceruleum Engine
Steam Clean
1264 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Self None Single 3s
Clockwork Dreadnaught
Steel Peak
Steel Peak 64 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/40s
5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Steel Scales
12111 Grants Steel Scales Steel Scales Self 3y None Single Instant
27382 Grants 60s Damage Up Damage Up (max 16 stacks) Self 3y None Single Instant/30s
Caduceus1, Laideronnette2
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Sticky Tongue
3471 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and draw-in Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
28052 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, draw-in, and 15s Bind Bind* Hostile 100y None Single Instant/1s
63413 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and draw-in Hostile 25y None Single Instant/30s
Alpha Nix1, Bone Nix1, Cane Toad1, Copperbell Nix1, Croakadile2, Doomed Gigantoad1, Dreamtoad1, Gigantoad1, Giggling Gigantoad1, Heket1, Horny Toad1, Inflated Nix1, Lake Nix1, Laughing Toad1, Ledgeleaper1, Lumber Toad1, Nether Nix1, Nix1, Ogama1, Palace Toad3, Territorial Gigantoad1, Toxic Toad1, Trancetoad1, Vodyanoi1, Winter Nix1
Sticky Web
3271 Inflicts 12s Slow Slow* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
6982 Summons Fleshy Pod Hostile 30y None Single 1.5s
26663 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 12s Slow Slow* Hostile 100y None Single 1s
Dschubba1, Girtab3, Graffias2
906 Inflicts 15s Sludge Sludge* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
Cork Bulb, Metshaldjas, Territorial Lily Bulb
14605 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Area 100y Unavoidable 80y 3s
Stone 1191 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s*/2.5s
9702 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
13983 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 60s Sludge Sludge* Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
24114 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/5s
293225 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/2s
5th Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Optio1, 13th Order Alchemist2, 13th Order Priest2, 13th Order Scholar2, 13th Order Watchman2, 59th Order Bedesman Bi Go2, 59th Order Matriarch Go Zu2, 59th Order Patriarch Ze Bu2, 88th Order Furnaceman2, 129th Order Priest2, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, 411th Order Priest2, 426th Order Bedesman2, 426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu2, 426th Order Missionary2, 596th Order Priest2, 639th Order Priest2, A-Ruhn-Senna1, A-Towa-Cant1, Aeetes2, Ahriman2, Akoman1, Ala Mhigan Shaman1, Alpha Ahriman2, Alpha Snurble2, Arimaspi2, Ascian Conjurer1, Balor2, Balor's Bell2, Barber Hirskskrat1, Beggar Sozu2, Betrayed Soul2, Bloodshot Eye2, Bloody Executioner Leech1, Brother Joacin1, Brother Nolanel1, Coeurlclaw Healer1, Corrupted Nymian2, Corrupted Nymian Curate2, Cultured Conjurer1, Cursed Eye2, Drifting Soul2, Drowned Diviner1, Eager Conjurer5, Earth Homunculus2, Earth Sprite1/2, Elite Bedesman2, Elite Priest2, Errant Revenant2, Fachan2, Fernehawles2, Figgy Pudding2, Flame Conjurer1, Floating Eye2, Forsaken Soul2, Geissfryn Eveningcalm1, Gelid Eye4, Gigas Sozu2, Golden Fleece2, Gotwin Halehex1, Grinning Cur Cutter1, Hedge Knight1, Hourlinet the Devout1, House Durendaire Knight1, Ixali Fogcaller1, Ixali Sincaller1, Jolly Merchant Barber1, Kindness of the Alacran1, Kobold Bedesman2, Kobold Deacon2, Kobold Doorman2, Kobold Gurneyman2, Kobold Missionary2, Kobold Outlaw2, Kobold Priest2, Kobold Rocksplitter2, Kobold Sidesman2, Kobold Supplicant2, Kuplu Kopo1, Lawless Spellweaver1, Mamool Ja Mercenary1, Manipulated Eye2, Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛)2, Milky Eye2, Mud Pie2, Mud Pie Princess2, Nezul Cattlan the Violator1, Prison Pudding2, Raya-O-Senna1, Rotting Eye2, Serpent Conjurer1, Silent Lackey1, Sister Wulfiue1, Smolenkos2, Solkwyb the Enlightened1, Spotter2, Spriggan2, Stone Shiver1, Storm Conjurer1, Storm Private C'nangho Enah1, Sylpheed Sigh1, Sylphie Sweetwind1, Tainted Earth Sprite2, Temple Chirurgeon1, Territorial Ahriman2, Territorial Floating Eye2, U'Ghamaro Bedesman2, U'Ghamaro Priest2, Wineport Militia Captain1, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yellow Bavarois3, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere1
Stone II
Stone II 1271 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Hostile 25y None Single 1.5s*/2.5s
293232 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 30y None Single 1s*/2s
5th Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Optio1, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, A-Ruhn-Senna1, A-Towa-Cant1, Akoman1, Ala Mhigan Shaman1, Alimahus1, Ascian Conjurer1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Barber Hirskskrat1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Leech1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Healer1, Crilde1, Cultured Conjurer1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Earth Sprite1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Gotwin Halehex1, Hastaloeya1, Hourlinet the Devout1, House Durendaire Knight1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Fogcaller1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Kindness of the Alacran1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raya-O-Senna1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Conjurer2, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Solkwyb the Enlightened1, Stone Shiver1, Temple Chirurgeon1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Wineport Militia Captain1, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yehn Amariyo1, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Stone Cold
2685 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 40s Petrification Petrification Self 3y Circle 20y+ 4s*/30s
Stone Gaze
4101 Gaze inflicts 9s Petrification Petrification if facing user Hostile 25y None Single 3.5s/30s
27342 Gaze inflicts 30s Stone Curse Stone Curse if facing user Self 3y Cone 40y+ 90° 2.5s/40s
63513 Gaze inflicts 15s Petrification Petrification if facing user Hostile 25y None Single 3.5s/30s
Alpha Cobra1, Laideronnette2, Lake Cobra1, Palace Cobra3, Silvertear Cobra1, Territorial Cobra1
Stone Gaze
4991 Gaze inflicts 9s Petrification Petrification if facing user Self Cone 6y+ 90° 4s/30s
63562 Gaze inflicts 15s Petrification Petrification if facing user Self Cone 6y+ 90° 2.5s/30s
Alpha Basilisk1, Basilisk1, Butcher Basilisk1, Palace Peiste2, Scale Eater1, Wyrmhound1
Stone Skull
4431 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
14162 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 3s Stun Stun*, and 20y knockback Hostile 3y None Single Instant/12s
27833 Hostile 6y None Single Instant/36s
Gogmagolem1, Nunyunuwi3, Temple Guardian2
Stone Throw
322 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/3s
Galago, Gully Galago, Jackanapes, Jackanapes' Bean-bearer, Leaping Ringtail, Lemur, Long-winded Lemur, Malevolent Galago, North Shroud Lemur, Opo-opo, Ringtail, Salivating Simian, South Shroud Opo-opo, Territorial Lemur
Stoneskin 1291 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Ally 30y None Single 3s*/2.5s
3162 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Ally 25y None Single 2.5s*/30s
10083 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Ally 25y None Single 2.5s*/30s
13124 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Party 3y None Single 2.5s*/30s
286415 Grants 30m Stoneskin Stoneskin Party 100y None Single 5s
5th Cohort Medicus1, 5th Cohort Optio1, 13th Order Scholar2, 269th Order Mendicant Da Za1, 426th Order Bedesman2, A-Ruhn-Senna1, A-Towa-Cant1, Aeetes2, Alpha Snurble2, Beggar Sozu2, Bezul Huizan the Screamer2, Bloody Executioner Leech2, Cultured Conjurer1, Elite Bedesman2, Gigas Sozu2, Golden Fleece2, Healer of the Drake2, Hecatoncheir Hellhowler2, Hourlinet the Devout1, House Durendaire Knight1, Ixali Fearcaller2, Ixali Fogcaller1, Ixali Frostcaller2, Ixali Soilseer2, Kobold Bedesman2, Kobold Gurneyman2, Kobold Sidesman2, Lady's Handmaiden5, Lotoli Ahuatan the Glider2, Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛)2/3, Masterless Thrall2, Moondrip Blastmaster2, Natalan Fogcaller2, Raya-O-Senna1, Sahagin Skirmisher2, Sapsa Shelftooth2, Sethuli Hueloc of the West Wind2, Shoaltooth Sahagin2, Solkwyb the Enlightened1, Spriggan2, Sultansworn Squire1, Surftooth Sahagin2, Temple Chirurgeon2, Trenchtooth Sahagin2, U'Ghamaro Bedesman2, Wineport Militia Captain1, Y'mhitra the Learned1, Y'shtola1, Yellow Bavarois4, Yotoli Hueloc the Austere1
1290 Inflicts 8s Stun Stun* Self Cone 20y+ 90° 3s*
Dark Summoner
Storm 636 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 2s Stun Stun* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/40s
Amber Carbuncle, Topaz Carbuncle
Storm's Eye
Storm's Eye 451 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage and grants self 30s Surging Tempest Surging Tempest if comboed from Maim#37 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293022 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires Berserk Berserk Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Storm's Path
Storm's Path 421 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage and restores HP to self if comboed from Maim#37 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293012 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage on target and restores HP to self Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297683 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage on target and restores HP to self; requires Berserk Berserk Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2s
Broenbhar Rocksplitter1, Curious Gorge1, Familiar Marauder1, Ixali Boldwing1, Scion Marauder2/3, Storm Marauder2/3
2762 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 90° 3s/36s
6417 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self 12y Cone 12y+ 90° 3s
Palace Deathgaze2, Zona Seeker1
Straight Punch
6121 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
11222 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/3s
11233 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Manipulated Ogre1, Tangata1, Taulurd2/3
Straight Shot[note 28]
Straight Shot 981 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; requires and removes Straight Shot Ready Straight Shot Ready from self Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
181902 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Straight Shot Straight Shot Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
3rd Cohort Funditor1/2, 5th Cohort Sagittarius1/2, Ala Mhigan Bowman1/2, Alimahus1, Arrow-nocking Adventurer1/2, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Bloody Executioner Gunner1/2, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Hunter1/2, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Diligence of the Alacran1/2, Dolfin1, Drowned Gunner Chief1/2, Drowned Outranger1/2, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士)1/2, Gota'a Panipahr1, Grinning Cur Cannonier1/2, Hastaloeya1, Hired Bow1/2, House Durendaire Knight1/2, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Funditor1/2, Inghilswys1, Ishgardian Archer1/2, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lawless Bowman1/2, Leih Aliapoh1/2, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Mindful Mercenary1/2, Morel1, Morningstar Topman1/2, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nameless Attacker1/2, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost1/2, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Archer1/2, Seserikku1, Silvairre the Virtuous1/2, Sofine1, Storm Archer1/2, Stout Ambusher1/2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Strident Scream
3465 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 30y+ 4s/6s
Horde Aevis
Stunning Sweep
1147 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Circle 6y+ 2.5s
28789 Animation for Stunning Sweep#29164 and Discharge#28790 Self None Single 3.3s
29164 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 15s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Circle 8y 4s
Livia sas Junius
16531 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
64062 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Leech King1, Living Whelk2, Sirius Leech1
3202 Restores HP Ally 30y None Single 2s/2.5s
Oboro Moonrise, Tsubame Sunrise
Summon 165 Summons Emerald Carbuncle Self None Single Instant/3s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Summon II
1307 Summons adds[note 29] Self None Single 6s*/2.5s
Foreseer K'lyhia, Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous, Urianger
Super Cyclone
1557 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and removes Thermal Low Thermal Low Area 50y Unavoidable 50y Instant
Spiny Plume
Surecast 7559 Grants 6s Surecast Surecast Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Sweet Steel
4891 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/6s
24332 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 3y Cone 6y+ 120° 3.5s/6s
Dira1, Manor Claviger (夫人付きクラヴィジャー)1, Manor Claviger (御用邸のクラヴィジャー)1, Nemesis1, Virago2
Swift Gust
424 Grants 15s Evasion Up Evasion Up Self 3y None Single Instant/6s
Bezul Huizan the Screamer, Dozol Meloc the Yea-sayer, Ixali Deftalon, Ixali Fearcaller, Ixali Dulltalon, Ixali Fencer, Ixali Frostcaller, Ixali Limbcutter (イクサル・リムカッター), Ixali Sabreur, Ixali Scout, Ixali Skycaller, Ixali Skytalon, Ixali Soilseer, Ixali Swordfighter, Ixali Wildtalon, Ixali Windtalon, Kozol Nomotl the Turbulent, Lotoli Ahuatan the Glider, Natalan Fogcaller, Natalan Windtalon, Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker, Sethuli Hueloc of the West Wind, Sutali Hueloc of the North Wind
Swift Shadow
1294 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 30s Disease Disease*
Self Line 3x3y+ 2s/6s
Swift Sough
346 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 10y knockback Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
Leafbleed Roseling, Matagaigai, Mun-Tuy Sapling, Ocean Roseling, Roselet, Roseling, Sweet Trap, Territorial Roselet
Swiftcast 75611 Grants 10s Swiftcast Swiftcast Self None Single Instant/60s
250452 Grants 10s Swiftcast Swiftcast Self None Single Instant/3s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Serpent Conjurer2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
9031 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 40y+ 60° 4s
27272 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 30s Pacification Pacification*, and 30s Silence Silence* Self 40y Cone 40y+ 60° 2.5s
34553 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage, 5s Pacification Pacification*, and 5s Silence Silence* Self Cone 40y+ 60° 2.5s
Chudo-Yudo1, Horde Shield Dragon3, Marraco2
Sword Oath
Sword Oath 26 Grants Sword Oath Sword Oath Self None Single Instant/2.5s
Handsome Stranger, Jenlyns Straightblade, Mylla Swordsong, Papashan, Solkzagyl the Loyal, Thancred
12141 Creates Heavy Heavy pool Area 25y Circle 4y 0.5s
284622 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 100y Circle 4y 4s
Dark Matter Slime1, Ichorous Ire2
System Evaluation
2841 Grants 15s Recuperation Recuperation Self 3y None Single 3s*
Agrippa the Mighty


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Tail Chase
412 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
Dark Matter Pteroc, Peryton, Pteroc, Pteroc Matron, Territorial Puk
Tail Drive
10731 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 15s Concussion Concussion* Self Rearward cone 30y+ 90° 2.5s/20s
17922 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 15s Concussion Concussion* Self Rearward cone 30y+ 90° 2.5s/20s
18443 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 15s Concussion Concussion* Self Rearward cone 8y+ 90° 2.5s/20s
Anantaboga1, Dread Dragon3, Valefor2
Tail Molt
704 Summons Graffias's Tail Self None Single Instant
Tail Smash
28131 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 12y Rearward cone 12y+ 90° 2.8s/24s
34712 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 8s Infirmity Infirmity Self Rearward cone 12y+ 90° 3s/4s
The Garlok1, Horde Transcendent2
Tail Strike
35047 Animation for Tail Strike#35048 and action #35049 Self None Single 3.5s
35048 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Rearward cone 40y 150° 4.5s
Infernal Shadow
Tail Whip
14607 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Rightward cone 12y 270° 3s
Tank Purge
1190 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ 5s
1514 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ 3.5s
29022 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y 5s
The Ultima Weapon
Targeted Support
28783 Invokes Targeted Support#28784 Self None Single 4s
28784 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 5y 3s
Magitek Vanguard F-1
Tartarean Fore
28866 Grants 7s Directional Parry Directional Parry Self None Single 5s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Tartarean Impact
28873 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y 3s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Tartarean Shockwave
28871 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 7y 3s
28877 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 14y 6s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Tartarean Tomb
28868 Invokes Tartarean Tomb#28869 Self None Single 3s
28869 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 11y* 8s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
1001 Removes from battle Hostile 31y None Single 10s
Qiqirn Beachcomber, Qiqirn Beater, Qiqirn Coddler, Qiqirn Eggdropper, Qiqirn Egglifter, Qiqirn Gullroaster, Qiqirn Roerunner, Qiqirn Trafficker, Qiqirn Truffler, Qiqirn Yolkdrainer[note 30]
Tempered Will
Tempered Will 19 Removes Bind Bind and Heavy Heavy and grants 10s Tempered Will Tempered Will Self None Single Instant/180s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Ten 2261 Grants 6s Ten Mudra Mudra Self None Single Instant/20s
2 charges
Gekkai the Blind, Imperial Darkshadow, Imperial Nightshadow, Imperial Shadow, Karasu Redbeak, Oboro Moonrise, Tsubame Sunrise
Tenebrous Missile
1704 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and summons Abyssal Scythe Area 25y Circle 4y 1s
Terminus Est
11981 Invokes Terminus Est#1202 Self 40y None Single Instant
12022 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 40x4y+ Instant
284863 Summons Terminus Est Self None Single Instant
284874 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 40x4y* 3s
284885 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 40x4y* 3s
Gaius van Baelsar1/2/3, Phantom Gaius3, Terminus Est4/5
Terror Eye
7401 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 6y 2.5s/6s
10772 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 6y 3.5s/12s
24303 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Area 25y Circle 6y 3.5s/6s
Alpha Vodoriga1, Blanga1, Cameo1, Concubinus3, Dark Helot2, Lesser Vodoriga1, Territorial Vodoriga1, Vodoriga1, Vodoriga Cur1, Vodoriga Shade1, Vodoriga Snatcher1, Writhing Statue1
Terror Touch
1661 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
2692 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant/36s
Bhoot1, Dalvag's Final Flame2, Sandman1
Thermal Tumult
1389 Inflicts 9s Sleep Sleep*^; KOs user Self Circle 6y Instant
1551 Inflicts 9s Sleep Sleep*^ Self Circle 20y+ Instant
Satin Plume
Thermobaric Charge
287791 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire proximity damage Self Unavoidable 60y 7s
293562 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire proximity damage Self Unavoidable 40y 7s
Livia sas Junius2, Magitek Vanguard F-11
Thermobaric Strike
287781 Invokes Thermobaric Charge#28779 Self None Single 4s
293572 Invokes Thermobaric Charge#29356 Self None Single 4s
Livia sas Junius2, Magitek Vanguard F-11
Thrill of Battle
Thrill of Battle 401 Grants 10s Thrill of Battle Thrill of Battle and restores 20% max HP Self None Single Instant/90s
292972 Grants 10s Thrill of Battle Thrill of Battle and restores 20% max HP Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Boldwing1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Marauder2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Throat Stab
9481 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
11652 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/4s
27183 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/36s
Marberry3, Tonberry (トンベリ・カッター)1, Tonberry Slasher1, Tonberry Stalker2
Throwing Dagger
Throwing Dagger 2247 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 20y None Single Instant/2.5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Throwing Dagger
3158 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 15y Line 15x3y+ 2.5s/15s
Imperial Shadow, Karasu Redbeak
Thunder 1441 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 21s Thunder Thunder*; chance to grant self 40s Thundercloud Thundercloud depending on level; no MP cost or cast time, and increased potency under Thundercloud Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/2.5s
9682 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
13963 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
63504 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
293125 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single 2s*/2s
1st Cohort Signifer2, 2nd Cohort Signifer2, 3rd Cohort Optio2, 3rd Cohort Signifer2, 4th Cohort Imaginifer2, 4th Cohort Signifer2, 5th Cohort Signifer1/2, 8th Cohort Signifer2, Ak-Mena Varlet2, Alimahus1, Armantel Scaletalker2, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baert Trading Company Guard2, Baien1, Bandit Mage2, Baron Von Quiveron III Esquire2, Begter1, Briaxio of the Well1, Brounger2, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Corpse Brigade Firedancer2, Corrupted Aether2, Crilde1, Croftlight2, D'fhul Tia1, Dark Plasma1, Daxio of the Dawn2, Deep-stained Sprite2, Deepvoid Wizard2, Delboisse1, Diluxio2, Diluxio's Lackey2, Diluxio's Toady2, Dolfin1, Drowned Saltmage1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Thaumaturge5, Ectoplasm2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fallen Mage2, Fallen Wizard2, Fearless Fawn1, Furious Sigh2, Furious Snarl2, Gigirya the Guarded1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hexing Harrier2, Hired Hand2, Hooded Assaulter2, Hound Light2, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Signifer2, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lawless Cursedealer1, Lefquene the Mystic2, Lightning Homunculus2, Lightning Sprite1/2, Liliba1, Little Solace Sylph2, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Lunatic Follower2, Lunatic Priest2, Mamanzo the Charred2, Margry Flintheart2, Masked Mage1, Meuliaire1, Milburh2, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Palace Pudding4, Pannixia of the Woven Wing2, Papalymo1, Plasmoid2, Pulxio of the Short Gale2, Pure Energy2, Purple Bavarois3, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Raucous Bodyguard1, Redbelly Chanter2, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Rotting Mage2, Rotting Noble2, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge5, Ser Baron Von Quiveron IV Esquire1, Seserikku1, Short-tempered Thaumaturge1, Sofine1, Spriggan2, Sylpheed Cackle2, Sylpheed Chuckle2, Sylpheed Screech2, Sylpheed Sigh2, Sylpheed Snarl2, Sylpheed Wail2, Sylvan Groan2, Sylvan Scream2, Sylvan Screech2, Sylvan Sigh2, Sylvan Snarl2, Sylvan Sough2, Tamed Spriggan2, Tempered Brand2, Tempered Orator2, Tempered Slave2, Tempered Sylph2, Tempered Sylvan Scream2, Tempered Sylvan Sough2, Territorial Plasmoid2, Territorial Pudding2, Territorial Sprite 2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Tipsy Sylph2, Toragana1, Totodi1, Turncloak Clairvisse2, Twin-tongued Mansel2, V'nbolo1, Violet Screech2, Violet Sigh2, Violet Snarl2, Volxia of the Blade2, Wandering Mage2, Witching Harrier2, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1, Zombie Mage2, Zombie Wizard2
Thunder II
Thunder II 1481 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 18s Thunder II Thunder II*; chance to grant self 40s Thundercloud Thundercloud depending on level; no MP cost or cast time, and increased potency under Thundercloud Hostile 25y None Single 3s*/2.5s
12702 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y Circle 4y Instant
293133 Inflicts split MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 2s*/2s
5th Cohort Signifer1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Broken Thaumaturge1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Lodesman1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Cocobani the Cold1, Cocobezi the Contemplative1, Cocoboha the Curt1, Cocobygo the Craven1, Coeurlclaw Hag1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Dark Plasma1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Flame Thaumaturge1/3, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Highcant Hatsugg Chah1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Humility of the Alacran1, Imperial Imaginifer1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Lavafang Hemozz Teh1, Lightning Sprite1, Liliba1, Lostkin Kazagg Chah1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Morningstar Cosier1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Odin2, Pagneul1, Papalymo1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Thaumaturge3, Seserikku1, Short-tempered Thaumaturge1, Sofine1, Spurned Soul1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Thunder III
Thunder III 153 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 30s Thunder III Thunder III*; chance to grant self 40s Thundercloud Thundercloud depending on level; no MP cost or cast time, and increased potency under Thundercloud Hostile 25y None Single 2.5*/2.5s
5th Cohort Signifer, Dark Plasma, Lostkin Kazagg Chah
7701 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 3s Stun Stun* Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
17502 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self 10y Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
150823 Animation for Thunder#15083 Self None Single 5s
150834 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y Circle 5y 5s
Behemoth1, Iseultalon3/4[note 7], King Behemoth2
3261 Inflicts 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Circle 3y+ 2.5s/6s
10502 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Self Circle 6y+ 3.5s*/15s
Bloodlapper2, Fetid Faerie1, Void Jumper1
3251 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Line 10x3y+ 2.5s/6s
10492 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Line 10x3y+ Instant/8s
10973 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Self Line 10x3y+ 2s/6s
Aetherbound Gnat1, Bloodlapper2, Fetid Faerie1, Gall Gnat1, Giant Gnat1, Greatwing Ked1, Ked1, Malevolent Ked2, Mouche Volante3, Prince of Pestilence1, Pus Gnat1, Seven-year Gnat1, Territorial Ked1, Void Jumper1
Titan's Anger
554 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 3y 2.5s/6s
13th Order Alchemist, 13th Order Priest, 13th Order Watchman, 59th Order Matriarch Go Zu, 59th Order Patriarch Ze Bu, 88th Order Furnaceman, 129th Order Priest, 411th Order Priest, 426th Order Mendicant Zi Gu, 426th Order Missionary, 596th Order Priest, 639th Order Priest, Elite Priest, Kobold Doorman, Kobold Missionary, Kobold Outlaw, Kobold Priest, Kobold Rocksplitter, Kobold Supplicant, U'Ghamaro Priest
Titan's Boon
553 Grants 15s Vulnerability Down Vulnerability Down Self None Single 2.5s/6s
13th Order Roundsman, 13th Order Roundsman, 59th Order Roundsman Ge Ga, 426th Order Patrolman, 596th Order Scout, Elite Roundsman, Kobold Doorman, Kobold Footman, Kobold Outlaw, Kobold Overseer, Kobold Patrolman, Kobold Potman, Kobold Roundsman, U'Ghamaro Patrolman, U'Ghamaro Roundsman, The Unbreakable
This action can be learned by Blue Mages. Toad Oil
348 Grants 15s Evasion Up Evasion Up Self None Single Instant/6s
Copperbell Nix, Giggling Gigantoad
Toading Trap
6279 Inflicts 20s Toad Toad Hostile 30y None Single Instant
Tomahawk 461 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage with increased enmity Hostile 20y None Single Instant/2.5s
292952 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 20y None Single Instant/2s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Marauder2, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Glazrael Saltwind1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Ryssfloh1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Marauder2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
26941 Inflicts 12,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 4s/36s
27482 Inflicts 15,000 split Fixed Fixed damage Hostile 100y Circle 6y 5s
Dalvag's Final Flame1, Mindflayer2
Tortoise Stomp
4171 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 6y+ 4s/6s
63552 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 6y Circle 6y+ 4s/20s
Adamantoise1, Alpha Adamantoise1, Alpha Tortoise1, Aspidochelone1, Bronze Tortoise1, Crazed Archelon1, Crazed Notochelone1, Gil Turtle1, Horde Armored Dragon1, Iron Tortoise1, Lacovie1, Palace Adamantoise2, Shredder1, Spawning Adamantoise1
Touch of Death
Touch of Death 68 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 30s Touch of Death Touch of Death* Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Animated Pugilist, Chastity of the Alacran, Chuchuto Brightstar, Death's Embrace Assassin, Drowned Brawler, Flame Pugilist, Hamon Holyfist, Hired Muscle, Lawless Fistfighter, Yda, Zana Lyehga
5641 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 10y Instant
10272 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 5y Instant
Aiatar1, Isgebind2, Svara1
Toxic Vomit
5631 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 45s Poison +1 Poison +1*, and creates Pollen Pollen and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation pool Hostile 25y Circle 6y 1s/15s
28362 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 120s Poison Poison* (max 8 stacks) Hostile 100y Circle 6y Instant/30s
34623 Inflicts Breath Breath damage Hostile 40y Circle 6y Instant/22s
286564 Animation for Toxic Vomit#28657 Self None Single 3s
286575 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison*, and invokes Burst#28658 Self Circle 2y 5s
Aiatar1/4/5, Horde Dragon3, Safat2
The Traders' Spurn
1317 Summons Spurned Soul Self None Single Instant
Foulques of the Mist
3113 Inflicts Magic Magic damage; KOs user Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Transonic Blast
2720 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 9y Cone 9y+ 90° 1s/36s
149 Replaces all levels of Umbral Ice with one level Astral Fire, or vice versa[note 2] Self None Single Instant/5s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Papalymo, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Short-tempered Thaumaturge, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Trap Jaws
523 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
Antling Gamergate, Antling Sentry, Antling Soldier, Antling Worker, Myrmidon Guard, Myrmidon Marshal, Myrmidon Princess, Myrmidon Sentry, Myrmidon Soldier, Nest Commander, Territorial Antling Princess, Territorial Antling Sentry
9321 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 15s Blind Blind* Self Line 3x4y+ 2.5s/6s
14142 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Line 3x4y+ Instant/12s
28303 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 6y Line 6x12y+ Instant/36s
Chernobog3, Shadowclaw1, Teratotaur2
29339 Grants Triple Triple Self None Single 4s
Triple Threat
4751 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
58202 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
1st Cohort Secutor1, 2nd Cohort Secutor1, 3rd Cohort Secutor1, 4th Cohort Secutor1, 5th Cohort Secutor1, 7th Cohort Secutor1, 8th Cohort Secutor1, Aetherbound Kern1, Anselm Larkscall1, Baert Trading Company Guard1, Bandit Trapper1, Bibireze Greysteel1, Chastity of the Alacran1, Corpse Brigade Footsoldier1, Corpse Brigade Knuckledancer1, Disorderly Adventurer1, Drowned Steersman1, Fiebras the Dull1, Flame Private1, Flame Recruit1, Flame Scout1, Flame Sergeant1, Hired Fist1, Hired Hand1, Hunberct Longhaft1, Imperial Secutor1, Ishgardian Light Infantry1, Lunatic Follower1, Lunatic Lamb1, Quick-fisted Training Partner2, Quiveron Guard1, Ranger of the Drake1, Redbelly Conspirator1, Redbelly Hivekeep1, Redbelly Larcener1, Redbelly Runner1, Redbelly Tomb Raider1, Rope-burned Buccaneer1, Seasoned Adventurer1, Shallowclaw Reaver1, Shelfclaw Reaver1, Suspicious Fellow1, Tempered Champion1, U'kahmuli1, U'konelua1, U'lolamo1, U'ndomii1, U'ralka1
Triumphant Roar
741 Grants 60s Damage Up Damage Up Self None Single Instant/6s
Dark Helot
12781 Inflicts split Slashing Slashing damage Self Cone 9y+ 120° 0.5s/4s
27802 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 9y Cone 9y+ 120° 0.5s/42s
Hydra1, Lampalagua2
7751 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Cone 40y+ 60° 3s
17552 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 100y Cone 100y+ 60° 3s
Behemoth1, King Behemoth2
True Grit
4451 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 15s Blind Blind* Self Cone 6y+ 120° 4s/6s
14182 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 15s Blind Blind* Self Cone 12y+ 120° 3s/6s
27853 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 30s Blind Blind* Self 6y Cone 30y+ 120° 3s/36s
Arkose Golem1, Clay Golem1, Nunyunuwi3, Temple Guardian2
True Strike
True Strike 54 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and grants self 30s Coeurl Form Coeurl Form; requires Raptor Form Raptor Form Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Animated Pugilist, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chastity of the Alacran, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, Drowned Brawler, Drowned Seaman 2nd Class, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Filthy Bodyguard, Flame Pugilist, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hired Muscle, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Fistfighter, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yda, Yehn Amariyo, Zana Lyehga, Ziuz'a Jakkya
True Thrust
True Thrust 751 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
7222 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
293053 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
297694 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; requires Lance Charge Lance Charge Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
1st Cohort Eques2, 2nd Cohort Eques2, 3rd Cohort Eques2, 3rd Cohort Optio2, 4th Cohort Eques2, 5th Cohort Eques1/2, 7th Cohort Eques2, 8th Cohort Eques2, Ailbert the Lost2, Ak-Inik Varlet2, Ala Mhigan Pikeman1, Albin the Ashen2, Alimahus1, Amalj'aa Drakelasher2, Amalj'aa Halberdier (アマルジャ・ハープナー)2, Amalj'aa Halberdier (アマルジャ・ハルバルディア)2, Amalj'aa Impaler2, Amalj'aa Javelinier2, Amalj'aa Lancer2, Amalj'aa Ravager2, Amalj'aa Seer2, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Baldewyn Four Yalms1, Begter1, Burchard Swiftspear2, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Coeurlclaw Poacher2, Corpse Brigade Pikedancer2, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Dapper Zombie2, Deepvoid Pikeman2, Delboisse1, Denn the Orcatoothed2, Dolfin1, Duskwight Freelancer1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Lancer3, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fallen Pikeman2, Fallen Soldier2, Fearless Fawn1, Flamefang Lancer2, Flamefang Ravager2, Foulques of the Mist1, Glassjaw Nazagg Gah2, Gnawing Goat1, Gore Horde Lancer2, Gota'a Panipahr1, Gundobald the Resolute1, Halfstone Shoalclaw2, Hastaloeya1, Hecatoncheir Rocksplitter2, Hecatoncheir Spineslicer2, Heretical Harrier2, Hooded Assaulter2, Hroch1, Huebald1, Imperial Bestiarius1, Imperial Eques2, Inghilswys1, Ixali Fleetbeak2, Ixali Frostbeak2, Ixali Slowbeak1/2, Ixali Stillbeak2, Ixali Straightbeak2, Ixali Swiftbeak1/2, J'ludaba1, Janremi Blackheart1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Lost Duchess Deckhand (海賊船の海魔兵)2, Lunatic Follower1, Lunatic Lamb1, Mamool Ja Infiltrator2, Mamool Ja Mercenary2, Meuliaire1, Militia Spear1, Miraudont the Madder1, Moondrip Piledriver2, Morel1, Morningstar Boatswain1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Natalan Swiftbeak2, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Harrier2, Raptor Poacher2, Redbelly Stinger2, Redbelly Swarmpoint1, Rotting Corpse2, Rotting Pikeman2, Rummaging Harrier2, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サパー)2, Saiun1, Samga1, Sapsa Shelfscale2, Sasashu1, Sateli Hueloc of the South Wind2, Scion Lancer3/4, Seasoned Adventurer2, Serpent Lancer3/4, Serpent Recruit1, Seserikku1, Severaint Seven Splinter2, Shelfscale Chief2, Shelfscale Guard2, Shelfscale Sahagin2, Shelfspine Guard2, Shifty-eyed Poacher2, Shoalscale Sahagin2, Sofine1, Surfscale Sahagin2, Temperance of the Alacran1, Tempered Spearwife2, Tempered Sword2, Temple Banneret1/2, Territorial Zombie2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, U'lamana2, Undertaker2, V'nbolo1, Voll's Fang2, Wandering Soldier2, Wood Wailer Lance2, Wood Wailer Sentry2, Worr the Whalefin2, Yehn Amariyo1, Zahar'ak Guard2, Zahar'ak Lancer2, Zanr'ak Gaolkeeper2, Zanr'ak Lancer2, Ziuz'a Jakkya1, Zombie Pikeman2, Zombie Soldier2, Zombie Wailer2
6421 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
13612 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
14653 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable 100y Instant
14764 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Unavoidable 100y Instant/30s
Granite Gaoler4, Titan1/2/3
Twin Pom Meteor
29205 Animation for Twin Pom Meteor#29206 Self None Single 5s
29206 Inflicts split BluntFire Blunt fire damage (2 targets max) Hostile 100y Circle 6y 5s
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Twin Snakes
Twin Snakes 61 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage, and grants self 15s Disciplined Fist Disciplined Fist and 30s Coeurl Form Coeurl Form; requires Raptor Form Raptor Form Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
5th Cohort Decurion, 5th Cohort Secutor, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Chuchuto Brightstar, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Death's Embrace Assassin, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hamon Holyfist, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Rurukuta Tornstar, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
671 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 30y knockback Self 100y Circle 8y+ Instant
1249 Creates mine, triggers Twister#671 and #1250 on contact Self None Single 2s
1250 Inflicts instant death Self 100y Circle 1y+ Instant
10191 Summons Typhoon Self None Single 1.5s
10202 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 30s Windburn Windburn* Self Circle 4y+ Instant
287303 Summons Maelstrom Self None Single 3s
287314 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage, 4s Stun Stun, and launch Self Circle 3y+ Instant
Koshchei1/2/3, Maelstrom4


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
1193 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ 30s
1516 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y+ 11s
29024 Inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self Circle 20y 71s
The Ultima Weapon
Ultimate Focus
1095 Animation for Pulse Wave#1093 Self None Single 5s
Widargelt the Watcher
Ultimatum 7539 Provokes Self Circle 5y Instant/90s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
6330 Inflicts 12s Accuracy Down Accuracy Down* Self 6y Cone 6y+ 60° 3s/15s
Palace Bat
Umbral Vise
1268 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self 16y Cone 6y+ 120° 3s
Aspect of Chaos
3374 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 4y+ Instant
10002 Animation for Ungarmax#10001 Hostile 100y None Single 3s
Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Unwoven Will
1251 Inflicts Stun Stun^; removed by defeating Dreadknight Hostile 100y None Single Instant
1466 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 15y knockback Self Unavoidable 100y 5s
1474 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage and 30y knockback Self Unavoidable 100y 10s


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Vacuum Slash
1733 Animation for Vacuum Slash#1736 Self 3y None Single 3s
1736 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 100y Cone 80y+ 45° 3s
Vacuum Wave
1224 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
ADS, Monitoring Node (監視システム)
783 Inflicts 25% max HP Fractional Fractional damage Self Circle 10y+ 3s
10571 Inflicts 15s Poison Poison* Area 25y Circle 6y 3s/6s
28102 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 30s Poison Poison* Area 100y Circle 6y 3s/30s
Croakadile2, Nether Nix1
Vengeance 441 Grants 15s Vengeance Vengeance Self None Single Instant/120s
292962 Grants 15s Vengeance Vengeance and Vulnerability Down Vulnerability Down Self None Single Instant/120s
Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, Curious Gorge1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, Ixali Boldwing1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Morel1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Marauder2, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Storm Marauder2, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
Veni Vidi Vici
28499 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
28500 Inflicts 9,999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self Unavoidable 40y Instant
Gaius van Baelsar
1911 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Poison Poison* Self 10y Cone 10y+ 120° Instant/30s
Monarch Ogrefly
Venom Storm
5387 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 15s Dropsy Dropsy* Area 25y Circle 4y 3s/6s
Venomous Bite
Venomous Bite 100 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage and 45s Venomous Bite Venomous Bite* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
1st Cohort Sagittarius, 3rd Cohort Funditor, 5th Cohort Sagittarius, 8th Cohort Sagittarius, Ala Mhigan Bowman, Alimahus, Arrow-nocking Adventurer, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Bandit Archer, Begter, Bloody Executioner Gunner, Boar Poacher, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Coeurlclaw Concubine, Coeurlclaw Hunter, Coeurlclaw Trapper, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Diligence of the Alacran, Dolfin, Drowned Bowman, Drowned Gunner Chief, Drowned Outranger, Drowned Steersman, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Galfrid the Gallant, Gnawing Goat, Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の隊士), Gods' Quiver Bow (神勇隊の精兵), Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, Hired Bow, House Durendaire Knight, Hroch, Huebald, Imperial Funditor, Inghilswys, Ishgardian Archer, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Lawless Bowman, Leih Aliapoh, Liliba, Local Hunter, Meuliaire, Mianne Thousandmalm, Morel, Mindful Mercenary, Morningstar Topman, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nameless Attacker, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost, Quiveron Attendant, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Redbelly Sharpeye, Redbelly Snatcher, Redbelly Tomb Raider, Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Serpent Archer, Seserikku, Shelfeye Reaver, Shifty-eyed Poacher, Shifty-eyed Sailor, Shifty-eyed Vagrant, Silvairre the Virtuous, Sofine, Storm Archer, Stout Ambusher, Straightshot Assassin, Striped Lightning Hand, Tar-stained Buccaneer, Tempered Huntress, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Verge Line
929 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 60x4y+ 4s
Mythril Verge
Verge Pulse
929 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Unavoidable 60y+ 10s
Mythril Verge
Vicious Charge
28875 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 3s Stun Stun Hostile 100y None Single 3s
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Vine Probe
6061 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 6x8y+ 2.5s/6s
10372 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Self Line 6x8y+ 1s/20s
24233 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 30s Bind Bind* Self 4y Line 6x8y+ Instant
Goldvine1, Malevolent Stroper1, Milkroot Morbol1, Miser's Mistress2, Morbol Menace3
Virus 169 Inflicts 10s Virus Virus* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/90s
Dark Summoner, Death's Embrace Master, Inquisitor Guillaime, Tristan Nightflicker
Viscid Emission
2758 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 20s Prey Prey Hostile 100y None Single Instant/20s
Thousand-cast Theda
Viscous Aetheroplasm
1503 Inflicts Magic Magic damage and 50s Viscous Aetheroplasm Viscous Aetheroplasm (max 5) Hostile 5y Circle 2y Instant
The Ultima Weapon
Viscous Aetheroplasm
1546 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 40y None Single Instant
The Ultima Weapon
Viscous Discharge
3821 Inflicts 2s Silence Silence* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
11662 Inflicts 10s Silence Silence* Self Circle 6y+ Instant/6s
Shroud Hare2, Void Dross1
Voice of Valor
1065 Grants Voice of Valor Voice of Valor Self Circle 20y+ 3s*/2.5s
Jehantel the Godsbow
Void Blizzard
16971 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 12s Slow Slow* Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s*/15s
18302 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 30s Slow Slow* Hostile 25y None Single 2.5s/14s
28533 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 20s Slow Slow* Hostile 100y None Single 1.5s/36s
Dalvag's Final Flame3, Manor Jester1, Valar2
Void Blizzard II
2854 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 20s Bind Bind* Self 100y Circle 5y+ 2.8s/36s
Dalvag's Final Flame, Marberry, Mindflayer
Void Blizzard III
16961 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Hostile 25y None Single 3s*/30s
28552 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage and 20s Bind Bind* Area 100y Circle 5y 3s/36s
28623 Inflicts MagicIce Magic ice damage Area 100y Circle 5y Instant/1s
Chernobog2, Dalvag's Final Flame2, Manor Jester1, Melt3
Void Call
8671 Summons adds[note 31] Self None Single 3s*/6s
10822 Summons Soul Collector Self None Single 7s
286403 Summons Lady's Handmaiden or Manor Sentry (御用邸の守衛) Self None Single 4s
Baenryss of the Deep1, Garibald the Fargone1, Gigirya the Guarded1, Lady Amandine3, Lunatic Follower2, Mormo1, Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker1, Tonberry Wanderer1
Void Fire
707 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Self Circle 6y+ Instant
1749 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Line 20x15y+ Instant
Void Lamp
Void Fire II
8551 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 5y 3s*/15s
10482 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 5y 3s*
10843 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 5y 3s*/15s
17144 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 5y 2.5s*/15s
18295 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 5y 3s*/14s
24446 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 5y 3.5s*/6s
28487 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 100y Circle 5y 2.8s/36s
Chernobog7, Dira5, Gelid Eye6, Halicarnassus4, Lunatic Priest3, Manor Claviger (夫人付きクラヴィジャー)1, Marberry6, Melt7, Milburh the Malicious1, Nemesis5, Succubus2, Virago6
Void Fire III
8541 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 3s*/30s
10832 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 2s*/25s
28493 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 5y 3s/36s
Ascian Thaumaturge1, Lady Amandine1, Lady's Handmaiden1, Lunatic Priest2, Manor Maidservant1, Melt3, Milburh the Malicious1
Void Fire IV
1717 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 100y Circle 10y 3.5s*/15s
Void Miasma
1709 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 50y Circle 3y Instant/3s
Planar Fissure
Void Thunder II
2851 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y None Single 4s/36s
Void Thunder III
8561 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/20s
10852 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/20s
17153 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y None Single 2.5s*/18s
18424 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 25y None Single 4s*/20s
28525 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage and 20y knockback Area 100y Circle 5y 3s/36s
286456 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y None Single 5s*
Halicarnassus3, Lady Amandine1/4/6, Lunatic Follower2, Mindflayer5, Psycheflayer2, Succubus2
Void Thunder IV
1718 Inflicts MagicLightning Magic lightning damage Hostile 100y None Single 3.5s*/18s
Vorpal Thrust
Vorpal Thrust 781 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage; deals greater damage if comboed from True Thrust#75 Hostile 3y None Single Instant/2.5s
293062 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
297723 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage; requires Lance Charge Lance Charge or Life Surge Life Surge Hostile 3y None Single Instant
5th Cohort Eques1, Alimahus1, Auelin1, Awayuki1, B'bhen Tia1, Baien1, Begter1, Callous Steed1, Careless Whisper1, Ceaulie1, Cecily1, Charmed Boatswain1, Chrysabel1, Cilia1, Crilde1, D'fhul Tia1, Delboisse1, Dolfin1, E'ptolmi1, Eager Lancer2/3, Elchi1, Ellice1, Fearless Fawn1, Foulques of the Mist1, Gnawing Goat1, Gota'a Panipahr1, Gundobald the Resolute1, Hastaloeya1, Hroch1, Huebald1, Inghilswys1, J'ludaba1, Jolaine1, Kehda'to Moui1, Kelmomo1, Khorchi1, Koenbryda1, Kumokiri1, Labonrit1, Liliba1, Meuliaire1, Militia Spear1, Miraudont the Madder1, Morel1, Morningstar Boatswain1, Mujen Polajen1, Mumutano1, Nanasomi1, Nunulupa Tatalupa1, Oah Nelhah1, Pagneul1, Raelthota1, Raging Ox1, Raiden (ライデン)1, Rhylharr1, Rivienne1, Saiun1, Samga1, Sasashu1, Scion Lancer2/3, Serpent Lancer2/3, Seserikku1, Sofine1, Temperance of the Alacran1, Temple Banneret1, Teulzacq1, Tewawa1, Toragana1, Totodi1, V'nbolo1, Yehn Amariyo1, Ziuz'a Jakkya1
14620 Inflicts 12y draw-in Self Unavoidable 50y Instant
14622 Inflicts 20y draw-in and Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Unavoidable 50y Instant
14623 Inflicts 40y draw-in Self Unavoidable 50y Instant
14677 Inflicts 40y draw-in Self Unavoidable 50y Instant
Vortex Barrier
28984 Grants Vortex Barrier Vortex Barrier Self None Single 4s
The Ultima Weapon
Vulcan Burst
4541 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 16y+ Instant
11822 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 30y knockback Self Circle 16y+ Instant
13543 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 16y+ Instant
15184 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 30y knockback Self Circle 16y+ Instant
15315 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 10y knockback Self Circle 16y+ Instant
290036 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 15y knockback Self Circle 20y 4s
350437 Animation for Vulcan Burst#35044 and actions #35045/#35928 Self None Single 5.2s
350448 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage and 1s Down for the Count Down for the Count Self Unavoidable 30y 6s
Ifrit1/3/5, Infernal Shadow7/8, Ultima Ifrit6, The Ultima Weapon2/4


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
16581 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Line 3x3y+ 2.5s/6s
16702 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Line 3x3y+ Instant/6s
Zombie Sailor1/2, Zombie Storm Private1
14595 Repostions and inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
9711 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*/3s
11202 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Hostile 25y None Single 1s*
Blue Bavarois1, Deep-stained Sprite1, Galvanth the Dominator1, Mindflayer1, Psycheflayer1, Sahagin Sentry1, Sahagin Skirmisher1, Sahagin Waverider1, Sapsa Shelftooth1, Shelftooth Chief1, Shelftooth Guard1, Shoaltooth Sahagin1, Stagnant Water Sprite1, Surftooth Sahagin1, Surftooth Sentry1, Tainted Water Sprite1, Territorial Sprite1, Trenchtooth Sahagin1, Voll the Sharkskinned1, Yarr the Wavefiend1, Water Homunculus1, Water Sprite1/2
Water II
1016 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage and 15s Evasion Down Evasion Down* Self 5y Circle 5y 2.5s*
Nezul Cattlan the Violator, Water Sprite
This action is learned by default by Blue Mages. Water Cannon
555 Inflicts MagicWater Magic water damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant/6s
Baleen Guard, Halfstone Shoalspine, Meww the Pusher, Mouu the Puller, Sahagin Sapper (サハギン・サッパー), Sahagin Sentry, Sahagin Skirmisher, Sapsa Shelfspine, Shelfspine Guard, Shelfspine Sahagin, Shoalspine Sahagin, Surfspine Sahagin
Weapon Enhancement
6291 Enhances Aetherpool Arm Self Unavoidable 100y+ Instant
Web of Lightning
1311 Inflicts Typeless Typeless damage and 30s Paralysis Paralysis* Area 25y Circle 5y 2.5s/12s
Weight of the Land
6441 Animation for Weight of the Land#973 Self 100y None Single 3s
9732 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3.5s
13623 Animation for Weight of the Land#1363 Self 100y None Single 2s
13634 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 6y 2.5s
14245 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
14696 Animation for Weight of the Land#1470 Self 100y None Single 2s
14707 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 6y 2.5s
15228 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Area 100y Circle 6y 3s
290019 Inflicts MagicEarth Magic earth damage Self Circle 6y 3s
Titan1/2/3/4/6/7, The Ultima Weapon5/8/9
Wheel of Suffering
1154 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 4y knockback Self Circle 8y+ Instant
28481 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 12y knockback Self Circle 7y 3.5s
Nero tol Scaeva
4201 Grants Sharpened Knife Sharpened Knife Self 3y None Single Instant/6s
27192 Grants Sharpened Knife Sharpened Knife Self 3y None Single Instant
Marberry2, Tonberry King1
Whip Back
1209 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 2s
2736 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 20y knockback Self 6y Rearward cone 6y+ 120° 2.8s/20s
Caduceus1, Laideronnette2
4151 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 300 MP damage Self Line 4x3y+ 2.5s/6s
16732 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Line 4x3y+ Instant/5s
27603 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 4y Line 4x3y+ Instant/36s
64164 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Alpha Deathgaze1, Asipatra1, Deathgaze1, Palace Deathgaze4, Simurgh1, Territorial Deathgaze1, Trained Deathgaze1, Tyrant2, Void Tyrant1, Vyraal1, Zona Seeker3
1267 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self 8y Circle 8y+ 3s
Aspect of Chaos
Whispering Dawn
Whispering Dawn 803 Grants 21s Whispering Dawn Whispering Dawn Self Circle 15y Instant
Carbuncle, Emerald Carbuncle, Eos, Ruby Carbuncle, Selene, Topaz Carbuncle
White Breath
6831 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 30s Infirmity Infirmity Self Cone 10y+ 120° 2.5s/12s
27772 Inflicts Breath Breath damage and 40s Infirmity Infirmity Self 10y Cone 10y+ 120° 3s/42s
Hydra1, Lampalagua2
Wicked Tornado
14613 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Self Donut 8-20y 3.5s
Wicked Wheel
6581 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 7y+ Instant
13812 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 7y+ Instant
15523 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self Circle 7y+ Instant
Chirada2, Garuda1/2/3, Suparna2/3
Wide Volley
Wide Volley 111 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y Instant/2.5s
Galfrid the Gallant
Wild Charge
26491 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt and 2s Stun Stun* Hostile 50y None Single Instant/25s
28152 Repositions and inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 10y knockback Hostile 100y Line Up to 100x8y+ Instant
Alpha Manticore1, The Garlok2
Wild Horn
7731 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 20y knockback Self Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
17532 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 5y knockback Self 10y Cone 10y+ 120° Instant
63613 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage and 10y knockback Self 6y Cone 8y+ 120° 4s/15s
Behemoth1, King Behemoth2, Palace Effigy3
Wild Rattle
4081 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
6692 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant/6s
27323 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 6y None Single Instant/20s
Alpha Cobra1, Asclepius2, Coliseum Python1, Hygieia2, Laideronnette3, Lake Cobra1, Silvertear Cobra1, Territorial Cobra1
Will of Darkness
1782 Grants Damage Up Damage Up Self 3y None Single Instant
Wind Blade
Wind Blade 792 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Hostile 25y Circle 5y 1s/3s
Chirada-Egi, Emerald Carbuncle, Garuda-Egi, Ruby Carbuncle, Suparna-Egi, Topaz Carbuncle
Windbite 113 Inflicts slashing wind damage and 45s Windbite Windbite* Hostile 25y None Single Instant/2.5s
1st Cohort Sagittarius, 5th Cohort Sagittarius, 8th Cohort Sagittarius, Alimahus, Auelin, Awayuki, B'bhen Tia, Baien, Begter, Bloody Executioner Gunner, Callous Steed, Careless Whisper, Ceaulie, Cecily, Chrysabel, Cilia, Crilde, D'fhul Tia, Delboisse, Dolfin, E'ptolmi, Elchi, Ellice, Fearless Fawn, Galfrid the Gallant, Gnawing Goat, Gota'a Panipahr, Hastaloeya, House Durendaire Knight, Hroch, Huebald, Inghilswys, Ishgardian Archer, J'ludaba, Jolaine, Kehda'to Moui, Kelmomo, Khorchi, Koenbryda, Kumokiri, Labonrit, Leih Aliapoh, Liliba, Meuliaire, Morel, Mujen Polajen, Mumutano, Nanasomi, Nunulupa Tatalupa, Oah Nelhah, Pagneul, Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost, Raelthota, Raging Ox, Raiden (ライデン), Rhylharr, Rivienne, Saiun, Samga, Sasashu, Seserikku, Silvairre the Virtuous, Sofine, Teulzacq, Tewawa, Toragana, Totodi, V'nbolo, Yehn Amariyo, Ziuz'a Jakkya
Winds of Tartarus
1138 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Self Circle 8y+ Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Wing Cutter
3311 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
10152 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self Cone 6y+ 60° 2.5s/6s
Arbor Buzzard1, Bald Buzzard1, Bateleur1, Blood Bateleur1, Blood-eyed Buzzard1, Canyon Condor1, Cattle Tyrant1, Chasm Buzzard1, Circling Vulture1, Cliffdiver1, Condor1, Craven Condor1, Highland Condor1, Hungry Buzzard1, Hunting Falcon1, Lammergeyer1, Midland Condor1, Nesting Buzzard1, Northern Buzzard1, Northern Vulture1, Pecking Condor2, Restless Harrier1, Roc1, Sylphlands Condor1, Territorial Condor1, Territorial Vulture1, Vuokho1
The Wood Remembers
6352 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Self 5y Cone 5y+ 120° 3s/12s
Palace Biloko
Wrecking Ball
1265 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Area 25y Circle 8y 3s
Clockwork Dreadnaught
Wyrmwave 7428 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 50y None Single Instant


Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
780 Inflicts 999,999 Fixed Fixed damage Self Unavoidable 35y+ 30s
1675 Inflicts 8s Confused Confused Hostile 50y None Single Instant

Unnamed/unlocalized actions[]

Action ID# Effects Target/Range AoE Cast/Recast
Inflicts SlashingFire Slashing fire damage Hostile 8y Cone 8y+ 120° Instant
Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage and 60s Burrs Burrs^ Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Morbol Seedling
1351 Inflicts Gungnir Gungnir on self and creates and Spjot Spjot pool Area 100y Circle 5y+ Instant
1478 Inflicts blunt damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/4s
Clockwork Dreadnaught
1479 Inflicts slashing damage Self 6y Cone 6y+ 120° Instant/3.5s
Aspect of Chaos
1480 Inflicts slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
1481 Inflicts slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Armored Beast
Merges 4 fallen Manor Butlers into a Manor Steward Self Circle 8y+ Instant/3s
Manor Jester[note 32]
Marks target of Aetheroplasm#1510 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
The Ultima Weapon[note 33]
Inflicts blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Granite Gaoler
Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
2714 Grants 60s Damage Up Damage Up (max 16 stacks) Self None Single Instant/20s
2691 Grants 20s Shock Spikes Shock Spikes Self 3y None Single Instant
2709 Removes Repelling Spray Repelling Spray and Repelling Spray Repelling Spray Self 3y None Single Instant
2745 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/12s
2749 Inflicts 20s Prey Prey Hostile 100y None Single Instant/36s
2774 Inflicts 20s Prey Prey Hostile 100y None Single Instant/42s
2775 Inflicts 20s Prey Prey Hostile 100y None Single Instant/42s
2821 Inflicts 20s Prey Prey Hostile 100y None Single Instant/32s
2838 Inflicts MagicWind Magic wind damage and 120s Poison Poison* (max 8 stacks) Self 40y Unavoidable 40y+ Instant/30s
2857 Inflicts 20s Prey Prey and 8s Stun Stun Hostile 100y None Single Instant/6s
Dalvag's Final Flame, Forneus, The Garlok
2861 Removes Stoneskin (Physical) Stoneskin (Physical) and Stoneskin (Magical) Stoneskin (Magical) when out of combat Self 3y None Single Instant
3269 Invokes Burst#3201, or actions #27839, #27840, or #27841 Self None Single Instant
Black Sarcophagus, Eager Lancer, Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Lancer, Scion Thaumaturge, Serpent Lancer
Removes from duty Self Circle 3y+ 3s
Removes from duty Self Donut 9-11y+ 3s
Removes from duty Self Cone 11y+ 120° 3s
Removes from duty Self Line 26x9y+ 3s
Invokes action #3368 Self None Single 3s
Removes from duty Self Circle 4y+ 3.5s
Typhon[note 34]
13198 Invokes Crash#13201 → Steam#13200 Self None Single Instant
Ceruleum Engine
13199 Invokes Crash#13201 Self None Single Instant
Ceruleum Engine
14533 Self None Single Instant
14567 Invokes Gobspin Whooshdrops#14559 Self None Single 1s
Goblin Mercenary
14568 Invokes Gobswipe Conklops#14560 Self None Single 1s
Goblin Mercenary
14588 Animation for Mini Supercell#14612 Hostile 100y None Single Instant
14608 Invokes Electrocution#14609 Self None Single Instant
17058 Inflicts Slashing Slashing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Eager Marauder, Scion Marauder, Storm Marauder
17059 Inflicts Piercing Piercing damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Eager Lancer, Scion Lancer, Serpent Lancer
17235 Inflicts Blunt Blunt damage Hostile 3y None Single Instant
Eager Conjurer, Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Conjurer, Scion Thaumaturge, Serpent Thaumaturge
26230 Invokes Berserk#29303, Lance Charge#29310, or Life Surge#29311 Hostile 40y None Single Instant
Eager Lancer, Eager Marauder, Scion Lancer, Scion Marauder, Serpent Lancer, Storm Marauder
27839 Grants 5s Limit Breaker Limit Breaker and invokes Braver#17997 or Skyshard#17995 Self None Single Instant
Eager Lancer, Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Lancer, Scion Thaumaturge, Serpent Lancer
27840 Grants 8s Limit Breaker Limit Breaker and invokes Bladedance#17998 or Starstorm#17996 Self None Single Instant
Eager Lancer, Eager Thaumaturge, Flame Thaumaturge, Scion Lancer, Scion Thaumaturge, Serpent Lancer
27841 Grants 12s Limit Breaker Limit Breaker and invokes Final Heaven#29775 or Meteor#25528 Self None Single Instant
Flame Thaumaturge, Serpent Lancer
28467 Repositions and invokes Prototype Laser Alpha#28468 or Prototype Laser Beta#28471 Area 100y None Single Instant
Mark II Magitek Colossus
28475 Repositions and invokes Augmented Suffering#28476 or Augmented Uprising#28478 Area 100y None Single Instant
Nero tol Scaeva
28485 Repositions and invokes Terminus Est#28486, or becomes targetable Area 100y None Single Instant
Phantom Gaius
28496 Repositions and invokes Ductus#29051, Terminus Est#28486, or action #28497 Area 100y None Single Instant
Gaius van Baelsar
28497 Summons Phantom Gaius and begins charging Blade Energy; invokes Veni Vidi Vici#28499 if all Phantom Gaius are destroyed, or #28500 if Blade Energy = 100 Self None Single Instant
Gaius van Baelsar
28628 Repositions and invokes Aerial Blast#28976, Aetheric Boom#29015, Earthen Fury#28977, Granite Interment#28987, Hellfire#28978, Radiant Blaze#28990, Tank Purge#29022, Ultima#29024, or Vortex Barrier#28984 Area 100y None Single Instant
The Ultima Weapon
28644 Repositions and invokes Beguiling Mist#28643 or Void Call#28640 Area 100y None Single Instant
Lady Amandine
28647 Inflicts MagicFire Magic fire damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
Lady Amandine
28788 Repositions and invokes Artificial Boost#29354, Infinite Reach#28792, Roundhouse#28786, or Thermobaric Strike#29357 Area 100y None Single Instant
Livia sas Junius
28872 Repositions and invokes Tartarean Impact#28873, Tartarean Shockwave#28871, or Tartarean Tomb#28868 Area 100y None Single Instant
Rhitahtyn sas Arvina
Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 100y None Single Instant
28988 Creates Granite Gaol trap, inflicting Fetters Fetters on target while active Hostile 100y None Single Instant
The Ultima Weapon
29004 Inflicts Magic Magic damage Hostile 5y None Single Instant
The Ultima Weapon
29018 Repositions and invokes Assault Cannon#29019 Area 100y None Single Instant
Magitek Bit
29159 Hostile 20y None Single Instant
29160 Hostile 20y None Single Instant
29336 Repositions and invokes Ancient Eruption#29334, Arcane Revelation#29753, Burst Flare#29757, End of Days#29331, or Grip of Night#29337 Area 100y None Single Instant
28497 Begins charging Lahabrea's Power; invokes action #29788 when Lahabrea's Power = 100 Self None Single Instant
28511 Grants 5s Blessing of Light Blessing of Light Self Unavoidable + Instant
The Ultima Weapon[note 35]
28542 Grants 50s Blessing of Light Blessing of Light, increases Limit Break gauge to 3 bars, and fills Limit Break gauge Self Unavoidable 40y+ Instant
The Ultima Weapon[note 35]
29187 Inflicts Projectile Projectile damage Hostile 25y None Single Instant
Woolywart Kuqku Kogi
29766 Removes Berserk Berserk Self None Single Instant
Eager Marauder, Scion Marauder, Storm Marauder
29767 Removes Life Surge Life Surge and Lance Charge Lance Charge Self None Single Instant
Eager Lancer, Scion Lancer, Serpent Lancer
29779 Animation for Terminus Est#28487 Self Line 40x12y+ 6s
Gaius van Baelsar
29780 Cinematic; invokes Dark Meltdown#29565 Area 100y None Single Instant
Gaius van Baelsar
29788 Inflicts Fetters Fetters Hostile 100y None Single Instant
34793 Mo discernible effect Self Cone 40y 150° 0.6s
Infernal Shadow
35039 Area 100y Line 100x20y+ 0.6s
Infernal Shadow
35042 Area 100y Circle 6y 0.3s
Infernal Shadow
35045 Grants status #3787 Self Unavoidable 30y 2.8s
Infernal Shadow
35049 Self Rearward cone 40y 150° 0.6s
Infernal Shadow
35052 Grants status #3787 Hostile 100y Circle 5y 2.7s
Infernal Shadow
35055 Grants status #3787 ARea 100y Unavoidable 40y 1.8s
Infernal Shadow
35061 Area 100y Line Up to 100x20y+ 5.8s
Infernal Shadow
35068 Repositions and removes infernal shroud Area 100y None Single Instant
Infernal Shadow
35069 Inflicts 4y knockback Hostile 100y None Single Instant
Infernal Shadow
35077 Summons Infernal Swords and begins charging Infernal Aether; invokes Hellfire#35080 if all Infernal Swords are destroyed or Infernal Aether = 100 Self None Single Instant
Infernal Shadow
35079 Area 100y Circle 8y 0.3s
Infernal Shadow
35085 Self Rightward cone 40y 180° 2.8s
Infernal Shadow
35087 Self Leftward cone 40y 180° 7s
Infernal Shadow
35089 Self Circle 16y 11.2s
Infernal Shadow
35091 Grants status #3787 Self Unavoidable 40y 16.1s
Infernal Shadow
35097 Removes Fetters Fetters Self None Single Instant
35925 Self Cone 40y 150° 4.1s
Infernal Shadow
35926 Area 100y Line Up to 100x20y+ 3.9s
Infernal Shadow
35927 Area 100y Circle 6y 3.9s
Infernal Shadow
35928 Self Unavoidable 30y 5.6s
Infernal Shadow
35929 Self Rearward cone 40y 150° 4.1s
Infernal Shadow
35930 Area 100y Unavoidable 40y 4.8s
Infernal Shadow
35931 Area 100y Circle 8y 3.6s
Infernal Shadow
35932 Self Rightward cone 40y 189° 6.7s
Infernal Shadow
35933 Self Leftward cone 40y 189° 10.8s
Infernal Shadow
35934 Self Circle 16y 15s
Infernal Shadow
35935 Self Unavoidable 40y 19.2s
Infernal Shadow
35936 Hostile 100y Circle 5y 5.7s
Infernal Shadow
36118 Inflicts 12y draw-in Hostile 100y None Single 1.4s
Infernal Shadow
36149 Displays Precision Dodge graphic Hostile 100y None Single Single
Infernal Shadow
36251 Self Circle 10y 3.8s
Infernal Shadow
36252 Self Donut 10-20y 5.9s
Infernal Shadow
36253 Self Circle 20-30y 8s
Infernal Shadow
36254 Self Donut 30-40y 10.1s
Infernal Shadow


  1. Some NPCs that once used Awareness#13 or #7534 now respectively use Awareness#29167 or #29276 as of patch 6.28.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Astral Fire and Umbral Ice were formerly represented by the Astral Fire Astral Fire and Umbral Ice Umbral Ice status icons. As of patch 4.0, the status icons have been replaced by the Elemental Gauge for player chracters, but actions that grant their effects are also used by NPCs. While the removed status icons still do not appear on NPCs, NPCs using these actions still benefit from their effects.
  3. Bombardment#29154 is not used by any named entity, but can be attributed to the Imperial Assault Craft as it appears in Castrum Meridianum Castrum Meridianum.
  4. Instead inflicts 30,000 Fixed Fixed damage to Gogmagolem.
  5. Disembowel#87 comboed from Impulse Drive#81 prior to patch 5.0, but now combos from True Thrust#75. As a result, certain NPCs still attempt to combo Disembowel from Impulse Drive instead of True Thrust, causing Disembowel and in turn Chaos Thrust to no longer receive combo bonuses.
  6. Danse Macabre#1612 is not used by any named entity, but can be attributed to the Manor Jester as it appears during its encounter in Haukke Manor (Hard) Haukke Manor (Hard).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Death Ray#14603, Electrocution#14609, and Thunderbolt#15083 are executed by unnamed entities, but occur as part of the Iseultalon encounter in In the Dark of Night In the Dark of Night.
  8. Disembowel#87 comboed from Impulse Drive#81 prior to patch 5.0. As a result, certain NPCs still attempt to combo Disembowel from Impulse Drive instead of True Thrust, despite no longer receiving the combo bonus.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 The Porta Decumana The Porta Decumana encounter is scripted to always interrupt this before it can finish casting, thus its effect is unknowable.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Some NPCs that once used Presence of Mind#136 now instead use Fastcast#3669 as of patch 3.0.
  11. Some NPCs that once used Flash#14 now instead use Flash#28332 as of patch 6.0.
  12. Gold Bile Plume is not used by any named entity, and is instead an environmental effect that appears in The Aurum Vale The Aurum Vale.
  13. Summons Magitek Vanguard and Imperial Funditor when used by Imperial Decurion; Coeurlclaw Hag, Coeurlclaw Healer, Coeurlclaw Hunter, and Coeurlclaw Poacher when used by Pawah Mujuuk the Ghost; and Alacran Bloodhound and Alacran War Hound when used by Rurukuta Tornstar.
  14. Some NPCs that once used Huton#2269 now instead use Huton#9445 as of patch 4.0.
  15. Huton was formerly represented by the Huton Huton status icon. As of patch 4.0, the status icon has been replaced by the Huton Gauge for player chracters, but actions that grant its effect are also used by NPCs. While the removed status icon still does not appear on NPCs, NPCs using this actions still benefit from its effects.
  16. Adds summoned depend on which floor the Trap was triggered.
  17. In The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1 The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 1, Node Retrieval grants Damage Up Damage Up and restores 16.7% max HP; in The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2 The Binding Coil of Bahamut - Turn 2, it instead grants access to new actions depending on target. (max 8 stacks)
  18. Rage of Halone#21 comboed from Savage Blade#11 prior to patch 5.0. As a result, certain NPCs still attempt to combo Rage of Halone from Savage Blade instead of Riot Blade, despite no longer receiving the combo bonus.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Pool created by the Chimera inflicts Frostbite Frostbite while standing in it; pool created by Dhorme Chimera inflicts a cleansable 10s Frostbite Frostbite on contact.
  20. During the Dhorme Chimera encounter, the 30s Frostbite inflicted by The Ram's Voice#1285 is always immediately overwritten by a 10s Frostbite that is applied by a separate effect.
  21. Also inflicts 60s Damage Down Damage Down* in The Navel (Hard) The Navel (Hard)
  22. Summons Wyrmhound when used by Inquisitor Guillaime, or Onyx Claw when used by Tristan Nightflicker
  23. Some NPCs that once used Ruin#163 now instead use Ruin#31085 as of patch 6.15.
  24. Some NPCs that once used Ruin II#172 now instead use Ruin II#31086 as of patch 6.15.
  25. Some NPCs that once used Shining Topaz#634 now instead use Shining Topaz#18202as of patch 5.0.
  26. Silken Fingers#732 is not used by any named entity, and is instead an environmental effect that appeared in The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak prior to patch 6.1.
  27. Some NPCs that once used Straight Shot#98 now instead use Straight Shot#18190as of patch 5.0.
  28. Summons Topaz Carbuncle when used by Foreseer K'lyhia and Thubyrgeim the Transpicuous, or Amber Carbuncle when used by Urianger.
  29. While in theory any enemy with BNpcBase#170 or #1310 has access to Telega, in practice it is only used by Qiqirn Roerunners and Traffickers during Attack on Highbridge: Act I Attack on Highbridge: Act I and Attack on Highbridge: Act II Attack on Highbridge: Act II.
  30. Summons Blanga when used by Baenryss of the Deep, Garibald the Fargone, and Quzal Huatotl the Shrieker; Void Slave when used by Gigirya the Guarded; Void Warrior when used by Mormo; and Fetid Faerie when used by Tonberry Wanderer.
  31. Action#1611 is not used by any named entity, but can be attributed to the Manor Jester as it appears during its encounter in Haukke Manor (Hard) Haukke Manor (Hard).
  32. Action#1650 is not used by any named entity, but can be attributed to the Ultima Weapon as it appears during its encounter in The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane.
  33. Action#3368 is not used by any named entity, but can be attributed to Typhon as it appears during its encounter in Any Way the Wind Blows.
  34. 35.0 35.1 While mechanically executed by the Ultima Weapon, this unlogged action is likely intended to have been performed by Hydaelyn for plot purposes, as other Blessing of Light actions are.