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Final Fantasy Wiki

Slow is a status in Final Fantasy X. A character afflicted with Slow will have their turns come up less often than normal. Slow and Haste cannot coexist on the same target, meaning Auto-Haste makes one immune to Slow. Slow status should not be confused with Delay. Both Haste and Slow spells are Wht Magic found on Tidus's path on the Sphere Grid.


Ability Chaos Grenade (Mix)
Item Gold Hourglass, Silver Hourglass
Spell Slow, Slowga (Wht Magic)
Support ability Slowstrike, Slowtouch

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Slow, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, and Berserk to the party. Can be learned as a Ronso Rage, but Kimahri's version does not inflict Slow. Great Malboro, Malboro
Contamination Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Zombie, Confusion, Full Break, and Slow to one target. Ultima Buster
Impulse Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Slow, Petrification, Full Break, and Delay (Strong) to the party. Dark Bahamut
Kozuka Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Full Break and Slow to one target. Dark Yojimbo
Mega-Graviton Reduces HP by 43.75% Max HP (or 75% when used by Left Arm) as well as Doom, Slow, Sleep, Darkness, and Silence to the party. Dark Anima, Dark Cindy, Dark Mindy, Dark Sandy, Left Arm
Obliteration Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Slow to the party. Penance
Ochu Dance Inflicts Darkness, Silence, Confusion, and Slow to the party. Mandragora, Ochu
Putrid Breath Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Confusion, Poison, Slow, Darkness, and Silence to the party. Malboro Menace
Shockwave Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Confusion, Slow, Sleep, Darkness, and Silence to the party. One-Eye
Slime Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Armor Break, Mental Break, Poison, Curse, Silence, Slow, and Delay (Strong) to the party. Neslug
Slow Inflicts Slow to one target. Varuna
Slowga Inflicts Slow to the party. Defender X, Left Arm, Mortiorchis, Right Arm
Stone Gaze Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Petrification and Slow to one target. Evrae
Ultra Spark Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Curse, Power Break, and Slow to the party. Nemesis
Venom Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Poison and Slow to one target. Sinspawn Gui


Support ability Ribbon, Slow Ward, Slowproof, Auto-Haste


Mixes Final Elixir, Panacea, Super Elixir, Ultra Cure, Hyper Mighty G, Mighty G, Super Mighty G
Support ability SOS Haste
Item Remedy, Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing
Spell Dispel, Haste, Hastega


Immune Achelous, Adamantoise, Anacondaur, Barbatos, Behemoth, Behemoth King, Defender, Defender Z, Fallen Monk, Fallen Monk (Flamethrower), Gemini (Both), Ghost, Grat, Great Malboro, Guado Guardian (Macalania), Land Worm, Larva, Maelspike, Magic Urn, Malboro, Mandragora, Master Tonberry, Mimic (All), Ogre, Sand Worm, Sandragora, Spirit, Tonberry, Valaha, Varuna, Wraith, All bosses except Espada, Jormungand, Stratoavis, Hornet, Jumbo Flat, Chocobo Eater, Crawler, Evrae, Evrae Altana, Extractor, Geneaux's Tentacle, Klikk, Lord Ochu, Negator, Oblitzerator, Sanctuary Keeper, Seymour, Sinscale (All), Sinspawn Ammes, Sinspawn Echuilles, Sinspawn Genais, Sinspawn Geneaux, Tros, Yu Pagoda, Yu Yevon
50% Espada, Evrae, Evrae Altana, Yu Pagoda
90% Stratoavis
95% Dark Flan