Final Fantasy Wiki
FFX-2 Slow Status
FFX-2 Slow Icon

Slow is a status in Final Fantasy X-2. Slow slows down actions and animations. It wears off by itself. The ATB bar is turned gold for the duration of the effect.


Abilities Attack Reels (Intimidate), Intimidate, Slow Dance, Slow Shell, Sticky Honey
Accessories Lag Shock
Items Silver Hourglass
Spells Bad Breath, Slow
Support abilities Slowtouch

In addition, in the International and HD versions, the Cat Nip and Shmooth Shailing puts the wearer under constant Slow.

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Curse, and Slow to the party. Malboro
El Nino Inflicts non-elemental damage and Slow to the party. Xiphactinus
Gold Hourglass Inflicts Slow to the party. Lucil
Lingering Gaze Inflicts non-elemental damage and Slow to one target. Fly Eye, Vertigo
Really Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Slow, and Curse to the party. Great Malboro
Slow Inflicts Slow to one target. Aka Manah, Daeva, Elma, Insect Matriarch, Left Redoubt, Precepts Guard, Vegnagun (leg), Watcher-S
Slow Attack Inflicts non-elemental damage and Slow to one target. Aquila (Fiend Arena)
Slowga Inflicts Slow to the party. Duo, Seymour (Fiend Arena)
Squirt Gun Inflicts Water-elemental damage and Slow to one target. Sahagin, Sahagin Prince


Accessories Kinesis Badge, Pretty Orb, Ribbon, Speed Bracer, Wring
Garment Grid Abominable, Highroad Winds, Mounted Assault
Support abilities Ribbon, Slowproof, Super Ribbon, Time Preserver


Abilities Clean Slate, Final Elixir, Moogle Cure, Moogle Cureja, Panacea, Remedy (Mix), Remedy (Stash), Twinkler, Ultra Cure
Items Remedy
Spells Esuna, Full Cure, White Wind

